I dare everyone to go the Dragon Ball universe.
Scarlet: I've never actually watched dragon ball. So I assume all they do is yell, fight, charge up and yell even more.
DB fans: *nods in agreement*
Scarlet: Oh, then I guess I'm not missing anything. *teleports everyone to DB world*
GOKU: INTRUDERS *begins yelling and charging up*
Everyone: *sweatdrops*
Krillin: *smile* Oh calm down, Goku, that's no way to greet our guests, especially this pretty one *kisses Tohka's hand*
Tohka: I might go boy-crazy.
Crystal, Fuyuka and Scarlet: NUUUU! EREKA/TOREN FOR LIFE!
Tohka: I question you guys' sanity.
Akane: *folds arm* I question your's
Tohka: *about to cry*
Krillin: That's not very nice!
Akane: Shut up, whoever the hell you are, I wasn't trying to be nice to that crybaby!
Phoenix: *whacks him on the head with her shoe* I will personally tear you to pieces.
Akane: You are my mother!
Phoenix: You are not staying true to your personality!
Akane: I'm not three anymore, I'm thirteen!
Phoenix: That gives you no right to be mean and rude!
Akane: Basically, I can't be you?
All: 0_0 He got her good.
Akane: It is SO obvious Tohka is the favorite! Why can't you guys live us both equally! Or at least notice me, for Titan's sake I'm stronger and fiercer than she is! I'm much more of a Yukimaru/Hoover than she will ever be. Tohka is all mushy and shy and pacifistic and s****!
Phoenix: .......
Akane: *runs off*
Tohka: ........
Scarlet: Uh, okay? Anywho, let's tour the place! Goku, please do the honors!
Goku: *suddenly stops yelling and charging up* Of course!
*Time skip brought to you by EREKA/TOREN*
Krillin: And that's all!
Scarlet: Wow, this was boring.
Fuyuka: Really, I mean there were just smashed buildings and blood and people fighting and stuff.
Eren: Our world is much more interesting.
Tohka: I don't know about that *pinches the place where Krillin's nose is supposed to be* Got your nose!
Krillin: Don't have one *pinches Tohka's nose* Got your nose!
Tohka: *giggle*
Scarlet: Tohka, he's like, wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of your league in the age department.
Tohka: It doesn't matter, it's true love!
Anna: She stole my line!
All: o_o
Anna: *disappears*
Krillin: *burst out laughing* TRUE LOVE?! THAT'S RICH!
Tohka: W-What?
Krillin: I'm sorry but *laugh* I don't love you, I don't even like you like that! I just though you were cute, that's all.
Tohka: *that classic horrified gasp and look in anime* *eyes begin to water*
All: *steps back*
Phoenix: HOW DARE YOU?! *punches him through every anime universe in existence*
Goku: .......
Bertholdt: S***'s about to hit the fan
And that signals the end of this book! Before you guys start asking why and begging me not to end it, hear me out first. I posted this same message on my profile but I'm putting it here too.
Hey everyone, Scarlet here! It's been like 5ever since I've been on, I know. I've just been so busy with stuff, it's unbelievable! Anywho, I'm only back here to tell you guys that I have a new account and it's called @-_Nashi_K_- so I want you all to go follow it, please! I'll be rewriting my Truth or Dare book there (it was way too cringe-y) as well as Phoenix Reacts To Ships (also cringe-y) and Promise Me. I've spend the past ten to eleven months improving my writing so my stories will be a whole lot better! I hope most of you (if not all) guys will read this. I have like a week's worth of holiday left before school starts so I hope to get a few chapters of books out by then.So, this is me, Scarlet, signing off for the last time. You guys know where to find the new me.
Ja, my fantabulous mini warriors~
But, hold up, look at this
How is this cringe-fest so popular?! Like, my mouth fell open at the sight of this, I just don't understand! Anyway, thanks so much for supporting me throughout the entire year that I wrote this crap! So, I'll be rewriting this (as mentioned before) on my new account as well as two others, so you all go follow -_Nashi_K_- alright? I just can't give up on this book, I love it too much!
Anyway, I will be seeing you all, so for the last time
Ja, my fantabulous mini warriors!
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