Scarlet: AND WE BACK!
Phoenix: Yay. *sarcasm and rolls eyes*
Scarlet: Is that the kind of attitude you're going to teach you're children?
Phoenix: Yes.
Gia: I hope that was a joke, because if it was, it wasn't funny.
Phoenix: You're the shortest person here, how's that for funny?
Scarlet: *licks hand and pretends to be putting out a flame*
Sasha: Ba dum cshhhhhhhhh.
Bertholdt: I didn't know you were the roaster here, Phoenix.
Gia: You half-a** prick.
Phoenix: Girl, quit talking to a mirror.
Scarlet and Sasha and Fuyuka: YA NEED SOME ICE FOR DAT BURN??!!
Gia: I hate you all.
Scarlet: We love you too!
I dare Eren and Mikasa to make out for ten minutes- Neilxzcs
Mikasa: But I love Annie now.
Eren: And I love Tiamat.
Tiamat: *nosebleed* *dies*
Gia: *shoves Eren and Mikasa's heads together* NOW KISS!
~ Ten Minute Time Skip Brought To You By Auto-Carrot's Annoyingness (Omg, Annoyingness is a word) ~
Eren and Mikasa: *licking the floor*
Phoenix: It couldn't have been that bad.
Eren and Mikasa: IT WAS! *continues to lick the grounds*
Isabel: That is incredibly. . . .
Farlan: Immature behavior.
Levi: Since when were you two matu-
Isabel and Farlan: LET'S JOIN THEM! *joins Eren and Mikasa in licking the ground*
Levi: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forget what I was about to say, these two will never be mature.
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