As all the soldiers woke up they went to a room where food was on the table.Every Survey Corp soldier was surprised as they went around the room wondering who made this food.As Jean was going to eat a piece.
"Don't you dare touch the food you fucking pests or else I will slice your hands!!!"said Mrs Jeager as Jean retracted his hands.
"Where did you find food?"asked Sasha.
"We always bring food with us."said Maelstroem.
"And WAIT FOR ALWAYS OF US TO GATHER RATHER THAN EAT ALONE!!"shouted Giraline while she was cooking spaghetti.
"UHHHH!!!"complained the soldiers as they sat down waiting all of them to gather up.As everyone gathered up they started eating .But as they ate their first piece they said:
"DELICIOUS!!!"as they started eating slowly to make their food last.
As they started eating Jean noticed Mikasa missing.
"Wait a minute where is Mikasa?"asked Jean.
"Sleeping."said Mrs Jeager as she gave a look that she was the devil as Jean sat down and continued.
After hours of sleeping she woke up still hugging Eren.As she turned her head she saw food on a table that was close to the bed and on her knees was a note as she picked the note read it:
Dear Mikasa,
I know that you are extremely sad about Eren but beliee me when I say this Eren will survive just have faith in him.With that said I have made you breakfest and left on the table near the bed.You don't need to come and with us just sleep with Eren as long as you want we got you covered okay?
Mr. and Mrs Jeager.
'Thanks'said Mikasa as she laid down on the bed again sleeping.Bad as she was tyring to sleep bad cried.
"Please just don't go I don't want to lose please."said Mikasa as she cried harder and pleaded non-stop hugging him harder.
"please mikasa I can't breath.."said a voice as Mikasas' eyes widen as she looked up as saw Eren awake.
"Eren is that you!?Are you truly awake?"asked Mikasa thinking that she was hallucinating.
"Yes I am alive."said Eren as Mikasa lunged at him hugging him as she cried.
"DON'T.YOU.EVER.SCARE.ME.AGAIN!"said Mikasa as Eren lifted her chin.
"I will never live my girlfriend alone ever."said Eren.
"Actaully you won't alone."said Mikasa blushing.
"Us?"questioned Eren as she looked at her hand pointing her belly as he smiled.
"Yes we finallly going to have a family!!!!!!!!!!!!"said Eren as he hugged her.
"Yea we gonna have a family and a happy one."said Mikasa as she looked at him in eyes.
Eren wasted no time as he kissed her on the lips.Then he started making out with her as he put his tongue on her lower lip asking for entry as she let him roam with his tongue into her mouth leaving nothing in her mouth unexplored as she cum again and with every trace of her hand to hi body she was growing all the more wet.
He then detached himself from her lips and let their passion take over them as they didn't care about anyone only themselves as they sexually broke each other.
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