"YOU ARE PREGNANT!!?"asked Mrs Jeager making all the girls scream with excitement as they hugged Mikasa.
"Whose baby is?!"asked Harley in excitement as Mikasa was sad.
"I-I-I-IT IS ERENS!"Mikasa screamed in pain as she started crying hugging her knees berying her face between them.The girls were surprised and sad as they hugged Mikasa tightly.
"Shhhh everything is going to be okay ."said Mrs Jeager in a soothing way as she started rubbing mikasas back as Mikasa calmed down a little.But then she heard gunshots as she run to the window as she saw Eren and one other guy entering the building fast.
"Okay Harley,Revy and Giraline go and get him and bring him here!"said Mrs Jeager.
"Yes madam!"said the three females as they went to Eren and Mrs Jeager went to Mikasa.
"Mikasa I need you to go with the others so that we can treat him."said Mrs Jeager.
"Is he going to be okay?"asked Mikasa in a childish way as Mrs Jeager hesitated.
"I don't know but there is little chance he might survive."revealed Mrs Jeager as Mikasa heart sunk beyond recognition as she nodded and run to her room.She then lied on the bed and cried.In the meanwhile the girls were trying to do whatever they could with Eren and they succeed in preventing him from dying as the only thing he has to do now is to recover.
As Mikasa was sleeping ,she had a bad dream about Eren that made her to wake up and went to Eren.As she saw Eren with all these bandages that she felt guilty for making him pass all the things that made him hurt physically and mentally.She then went to Erens' bed where she hugged him and cried as she said:
"Please don't die Eren you are the only thing that makes me happy!"said Mikasa between her cries as she slept hugging him in a protective way like she was protecting him from people who are going to kill him in his sleep.
While Mikasa said these word Mrs Jeager heard her.
"Don't worry honey they are going to be okay."assured AJ(instead of writing Ackerman Jeager I will write AJ okay!?).
"But there is little chance that Eren is going to survive."said Mrs Jeager worried.
"But Eren is not like other humans with only his Initiative he can win anything that tries to get in his way."said AJ as he kissed her on the lips.
"Now come on we need to get some sleep I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day."said AJ as her wife sighed and they went into their to get some rest.
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