Fourth match thoughts
Aoki was happy they won against Teikoku Gakuen as she go sees Haizaki again and hugs him since she made Miyano some clothing out of yarn since she might enjoy them really making Haizaki to be surprised as it's good, but might look better on Aoki more really.
Aoki blushes as she has a copy and she made sure it's appropriate for Miyano and the hospital making them to go and see her as Aoki hands the gift over and Miyano saw her hands as Aoki chuckles really since Haizaki didn't even noticed it.
"Blisters. Nothing to worry about really, Miyano-san. I hope you enjoy it." Aoki said to her before the nurse pulls her out of the room to tend to her hands making Haizaki to laugh at the look on her face really making Miyano to look to him confused.
"Aoki made that for you with a copy for herself. The nurse saw her hands and pulled her out of the room to tend to her hands." Miyano tilts her head confused as saying Aoki's name snaps her out of it for a bit really making her parents to be shocked once they mentioned her and Haizaki are dating.
Haizaki laughs again as Aoki just came back pouting as she fully complains how the nurses are all meanies and she fixed her hands just fine making Haizaki to lose it as he fall out of his chair making Aoki to pout even more at him as Miyano stares.
"Meanie!" Aoki said as Miyano just looks between them both as this is the most she had even ever heard her friend laugh like this before. Aoki turns away with her eyes closed as Haizaki managed to calm down and apologized to Aoki since it was too funny really.
"Meanie!" Aoki said again making Haizaki to have her sitting on his lap once he was back in his chair making her to blush, but still pouting really making Miyano to wonder if this isn't going to work really. After the visiting hours was over, Aoki was being carried fully outside by Haizaki.
"I can walk."
"I know. Just this once."
"Hmph, fine. But only for today!" Aoki said as she fully hides her face in his neck making him to chuckle.
"Fine by me." Haizaki said and Aoki was too embarrassed to face her teammates as they all looked at her in his arms when they entered the building. Norika chuckles as Aoki looks very adorable in his arms making her to turn to her sister and she sticks her tongue out at her before hiding her face again.
"That's the most I have ever seen her act so childish really." Norika said as Haizaki sits Aoki down near her captain who nods to him. Haizaki nods back and left after stealing a kiss on her lips making Aoki to shout at his retreating form to not do that in front of her teammates again.
"Do we even want to know?" Her captain asked in a gentle teasing tone making her to blush again as she shakes her head 'no'. Norika smiles as Aoki is feeling much better as she needs her soulmates more than ever before even if she has one soulmate right now.
Kidou smirks as Haizaki was now smiting as Haizaki looks happy and cheerful really as even his captain has noticed Haizaki's good mood making Haizaki to glare and pout at the same time making it to be a new one really as Kidou is expecting him to change, just not this fast really.
"Soooo..." Haizaki glares, but it wasn't one of his normal ones really making them to know he's not really angry at them all really.
"I thought guys don't kiss and tell? Guess I was wrong."
"You stole a kiss from your girl?! Our little baby's all grown-up!" Haizaki's captain cries as he hugs Haizaki making him to try and get his captain off of him as Kidou just chuckles at the scene in front of him as Haruna joins him making the whole team to either chuckle, laugh or just smile at the scene.
'I should never ever have said that to my stupid captain really.'
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