FFI Prelims Third Match Thoughts
Aoki was happy they have won against the Eternal Dancers making her to be happy as she hugs Nosaka cause he's back now making many to have rumors they're dating or that she's three timing him, but they ignored it all really.
Haizaki waits until they were back at camp before letchering Nosaka about the dress making Hiroto to keep her behind him as Kidou plays peace keeper between the two as Haruna 'steals' Aoki and they both did a girl's day with Nishikage telling Hiroto about it really.
Nosaka was named the second captain of Inazuma Japan making Endou to be happy to have him aboard the team as Hikaru feels just fully threatened with him around really as Aoki looks very happy near him like she is near Haizaki and Hiroto as well, too really.
Aoki spends time with them, but when the three spend guy time together, she hangs out with Hikaru making him to like this though wishing she didn't bring school work in. Endou noticed once and Hikaru playfully moans about his 'onee-sama' and school work.
"Great idea!" Hikaru moans as he didn't expect him to join in as he hugs Haizaki and complains about it making him to sort of agree with it if they don't want to fail school, but they're in a soccer tournament where they won't have time for it really.
Hikaru smirks mentally as this just might be the way out of it as he can't believe Aoki would bring it up like she's teasing him really. Norika sighs as Aoki finishes her school work before practices even starts making many to be shocked.
Kidou wonders if that's how Aoki has high test marks making only those who knew what both Aoki and Norika went through knew it's from the experiments actually making this to be critical as the guys could come back really and Haizaki will kill them if they do that really.
Aoki saw how Requiem Dust was used and figures a recreation of it is in order. She saw how he does it and she was thinking opera for some reason making her to look some up and two hit her. The songs of Saya and Diva from Blood+, a anime show.
She watch and listen, but for some reason only the ending of Diva's song got to her really making her to practice underwater for that part only in the 'Gamer World' solely as she doesn't know if it'll work really and lots of fishes just arrived.
The sea folks are happy as they collected a lot and sent some to the huge fish market in town. Aoki has gotten the hand of it and when she tried it with soccer ball really, nothing. She was confused to what she is doing wrong. She even fully copied him, but nothing.
Then when testing it out in a practice match, she did the part differently. She sings it as she looks up and did what Diva did as the soccer ball floats above her. Haizaki shoot the soccer ball at the opposite goal net and succeeded with the shoot.
"Aoki..." Aoki coughs as she rubs her throat to smooth it before blood came out freaking Hikaru as he shouts "Onee-sama!" and bolts towards her with a panicky look that Haizaki, Hiroto and Kidou knew was real as Nosaka got to her as well, too really.
"She's never done opera before I bet. Best to get her to the hospital for a quick check-up." Nosaka said as he picks her up not focusing on the blood on his soccer uniform as Hikaru runs to get the driver for the bus with Nosaka behind him.
After a quick check-up, Aoki is going to be fine as her voice box was put under stress and the blood came from a blocked blood vessel really making him to place her on blood thinners really after checking to see any wounds inside her body really.
None found making her soulmates to be sighing of relief cause those experiments could have damage her muscles or else. The move was dubbed 'Opera Shoot' making it to be only Aoki and her three boys, but Hikaru somehow managed to join in really.
"He's her godbrother and they treat each other like siblings really those two. Doesn't hurt that Aoki is fully six months older than him and he does the little sibling better really. Figures his brother he lose was his nii-san. He mumbles that word in his sleep." Hiroto fully explains.
"Couldn't of been accidentally really and if it was a purpose to get rid them, why keep Hikaru alive really? Why didn't they kill him when he was in the hospital?" Nosaka was very concerned now and had Tatsuya look him up for him.
Hikaru was having another nasty nightmare and Aoki let's Hikaru sleep in her bed until the nasty nightmares go away as she can't leave him like this really as that would mean she's a bad sister to him really and she doesn't want that actually.
Hikaru accepts and went to sleep fast with his teddy bear in his arms really as Aoki holds him close not feeling the pain and the heaviness on her back really as a bird watches from the chair in the room as her sister's son will be protected really.
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