Aoki's eyes and hair changes
Aoki woke up before she saw that her eyes and hair has changed colors really making her to scream as her party members ran in and she turns to them as they saw the changes fast. Aoki's eyes still has dark green in them, but now they have gained swirls of purple and crimson really.
"Aoki..." Tears were going down her face as she doesn't know what is going on as her hair has the same colors with emerald green tips as the purple and crimson is in swirls in her hair as Haizaki hugs her as this is not a good thing.
"Kidou, start explaining. There has to be something you can do to stop this." Kidou thinks until Fudou walks over and snaps his fingers. Aoki was back to normal again.
"It's going to be temporary until we know what's going on here with her. Haruna, contact the 'Creator' and explain the situation fast. Kidou, I need you to look up inheritance from both sides of her tree. Both her soulmates and little brother will look after her.
I'll make a necklace to make this illusion to last as long as I can. It'll last for until the next match really. That'll give us a bit of time to fully figure this out." Fudou said as Norika nods to it as she looks for a way to reverse it with Saginuma and Nishikage's help.
Aoki was scared as she clams onto Hiroto's arm making Hikaru to look to Nosaka worried for his sister as Nosaka thinks. Kidou was having a hard time as both sides were human really until he had just reached the Edo period and saw something really.
"Oh fuckily fuck fuck fuck." Fudou heard that after he gave the finish necklace to Haizaki to give to Aoki and he went over to Kidou where he also saw it as well, too.
"You have every right to say that, Kidou. We need to tell her really." Kidou nod as she'll going to freak really. Nosaka got the news first and frowns making Aoki to hold Naoki in her arms as Hiroto needs a break from her squeezing his arm.
"What is it, Nosaka?" He looks towards Aoki and sighs.
"Kidou found something from both sides of her family tree and checks went as far as he can until he can't find the very paperwork anymore. There's something on both sides that got him very much worried really and is not sure how to explain it to you.
So... He'll be trying to really try to make fully sense of it all really." Aoki nods as this is going to be a problem for her if there really is something that is wrong with her family really as she doesn't know what to think anymore as she is scared and wants answers now.
It took a week for him to fix it up with Haruna and Fudou helping him really as it's done and Haruna gave Hiroto what the 'Creator' had told her really. Kidou showed up and had Fudou help him out as this is not going to be a normal thing really.
"Here's what I found out really. I'll start with her mother's side. Miss. Yuriko Inamori is the sole child and daughter of Minato Inamori and his wife, Yukari Inamori nee Kennedy. Now this is the female line we're going to be following.
Yukari is the daughter of Shinji Kennedy and his wife, Fuuka Kennedy nee Grang. Fuuka has some creature blood inside of her from her mother, Jenkins Grang who has some siren blood inside of her. Her mother has harpy blood as well from her mother, Madoka.
No maiden last name it seems. Madoka's mother, Minako has what seems to be an unknown creature. It seems to be hard to tell, but the 'Creator' said it's Raiju blood cause her sixth times great grandfather was a purebreed Raiju really.
Four times Raijis showed up before Minako's husband shows up and he was a Harpy. That's all I can tell really on your mother's line. Your grandfather on your mother's side and his line is pure humans only which is weird really.
Her father's side, Takuma Shinjou is the sole son of Souma Shinjou and his wife, Selina Shinjou nee Kirijo. Souma's father, Kenjio Shinjou is only one hundredth angel cause his one hundredth great grandfather had married a Angel with seven wings.
A angel with seven wings is a Arch Angel and very powerful. The man's name is Michael Shinjou. The angel's name was Gabriel and yes, the angel is male. Gabriel can make his own host and changes between male and female really.
Female to have a family and male to protect his family. No clue where he is right now as Angels can't be killed really. Kenjio's fiftieth great-grandfather was a demon named Crowley. He married Kenjio's fiftieth great grandmother, Malina who was one fiftieth angel.
This marriage made a angel, a human and a demon child to be born, but a fourth children was conceived and was a Demonic Angel. The first and ever Demonic King's wife. Both didn't have any children, but she did do a ritual to pass her powers down.
It's to go to whoever is worthy to gain it really. Aoki has it, but thanks to Catherine, the powers have changed somehow and now Phoenix blood been added making them to be Demonic Phoenix Angel wings. Crowley was notified about this and he sent stuff."
"Over there." Fudou points and there was a lot of stuff to help keep it at bay just until she has mastered it to the point she fully doesn't need them anymore really. Haizkai was amazed by them and they could use it for their own child when the time comes really.
"So... That's it?"
"No, Aoki. Your sixth times great-grandmother was Lucifer's daughter. He's a falling Arch Angel really." Hiroto asked.
"Then Demonic Falling Arch Phoenix Angel wings?" Kidou nods as Aoki faints as this was too much for her to take.
"I expected that really. Just let her rest." Hikaru stayed by her side as his onee-sama needs family as he's not leaving her. He won't. Never ever really. Nosaka smiles as he tucks the two in making them to sleep like two little innocent children really.
'Don't worry. Nothing is going to hurt you really. I promise.'
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