Author: ryerim (orphan_account)
Fandom: Seventeen
Top: N/A (Implied Mingyu)
Words: 193,627
Tags: #Romance, #Fluff, #EmotionalHurt/Comfort, #Angst, #AlcoholConsumption, #WonwooIsScaredOfRelationships, #Implied/ReferencedDepression, #MentionsOfOtherMentalHealthIssues, #WonwooCentric, #Demisexuality, #Implied/ReferencedEmotionalChildAbuse/Neglect, #ImpliedSmut
Wonwoo is pretty sure his entire family hates him and his commitment issues are starting to make his life (as well as Mingyu's) miserable.
Status: Complete
External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.
Feel free to request any kind of story you want. You can do it either in the comments or in private.
For my first Seventeen fic, I have picked an absolute piece of gold. I feel so fulfilled right now. Here's me ranting about the story.
My mid-reading notes that are too long, feel free to ignore.
Funny story, I misread the word count and thought it was 19K words, not 119K lol. and I also only noticed this after reading the first chapter and it was already too late for me to stop cause wow, amazing first chapter.
Another thing that I really like about this fic is that the story actually has a more realistic vibe than a fanfic vibe. I don't wanna spoil anything but it actually focuses on things (serious/deep topics) that most fanfics wouldn't and I really like that and overall just the way that it is portrayed.
There is such a big difference between stopping because you can't read the cringe anymore and stopping cause the scene is so good and you can't stop screaming like crazy. One is 1/10 and the other is 11/10
The way the author decided to casually rip my heart out and stomp on it. It's not even sudden. The build-up to the pain is so good.
I'm nearing the end and wow it's so calm I feel great. It's peaceful and I love it.
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