A (Not So) Horrible Blind Date
Author: a_lonely_whale666666
Fandom: BTS
Top: N/A
Words: 3117
Tags: #Fluff, #Humor, #Crack, #DancerJimin, #DanceInstructorJimin, #WaiterJimin, #BlindDate, #FirstMeetings, #SliceOfLife
When Jimin had agreed to letting his friends set him up for a blind date, he hadn't expected the guy to be a complete and utter dick to their waiter, Yoongi.
Aka Jimin is on a horrible date but Yoongi the waiter saves the day.
Status: Complete
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12233238
External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.
AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.
Dedicated to: ft4444. This was the cutest thing Jesus I think my heart exploded from all the feels.
If you want another rec, considering this was very short, please let me know.
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