surrender to your peace
Author: 9ofcups
Fandom: TXT
Top: N/A
Words: 21663
Tags: #AlternateUniverse, #College/University, #UrbanFantasy, #VampireBeomgyu, #EstablishedRelationship, #ConsentualBloodDrinking, #EventualPolyamory, #ImpliedSexualContent, #SexualTension, #PolyamoryNegotiations, #GettingTogether
There's something to be said about having to tell your boyfriend that he's simply too fucking nice for taking in a cute but mildly terrifying fledgling vampire. (Or, Soobin decides to nurse a questionable vampire back to health. Beomgyu—unfortunately—is also hot as hell, and Yeonjun's getting tired.)
Status: Complete
External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.
AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.
I am in love with this fic. It's just a really good idea that somebody decided to write this masterpiece. Did not know I needed this in my life.
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