Tommy Centric/SBI (S)
I'm leaving tomorrow morning
Author: Jura_lyn
Fandom: SBI
Words: 65,825
Tags: #Airports, #Planes, #Vlogs, #SuicideAttempt, #Triggers, #TommyInnitAngst, #SadWilbur, #Angst, #HeavyAngst, #Drowning, #Drunkenness, #Alcohol, #Blood/Injury, #Hospitals, #WaitingRooms, #Crying, #Hurt/Comfort, #SwordFight, #Training, #Sparring, #Fluff/Angst, #HurtTommyInnit, #Tommy/WilburAndTechnoAreSiblings, #ParentPhil, #BrotherlyBonding, #PanickAttacks, #BeingLost, #MovieNights, #SleepyCuddles, #Arguing, #SBIAngst, #SuicidalThoughts, #SelfHarm, #Blood, #ReferencesToDepression, #Suicide, #FreezingToDeath, #Hypothermia, #PassingOut, #ScaredTommy, #AbusiveParents, #MissingPersons, #Snow, #Coffee, #SBIAsFamily, #Comfort, #Fluff, #PlatonicCuddling, #Cuddling/Snuggling, #WilburSingsToTommy, #OlderSiblingWilbur, #YoungerSiblingTommy, #Dark, #Implied/ReferencedSelfHarm, #PowerOutage, #StarGazing, #Stars, #tommyInnitNeedsAHug, #StreamerTommyInnit, #BrokenBones, #IRLFic, #ProctectiveWilbur, #ChildNeglect, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #Valnetine'sDay, #SuicideNotes, #DiscordMessages, #HappyTommyInnit, #ConcernedWilbur, #Miscommunication, #IceSkating, #NearDeathExperieneces, #HurtWilbur, #WilburCentric, #TommyCentric, #Adoption, #FosterCare, #ThrowingUp, #SickFic, #FoodPoisoning, #SickTommy, #AngryWilbur, #Implied/ReferencedChildAbuse, #ProtectivePhil, #TommyInnitIsNotOk, #RunningAway, #SoftWilbur, #WilburIsNotOk, #Appendicitis, #Nausea, #Hurt, #Sickness, #StomachAche, #Vomiting, #PhilCentric, #Grief/Mourning, #SchoolShootings, #EmotionalHurt/Comfort, #TommyNearlyDies, #TechnoCentric, #ParentKristin, #AdoptiveParentPhil, #ProtectiveSBI, #Fire, #BurntBuildings, #StreamerAu, #PhilNeedsAHug
Tommy always gets hurt, no matter in what universe.
Maybe sometimes he deserves a little bit comfort
Non-connected stories
Status: Incomplete (One-shots)
External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.
AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.
I just love series like this. They aren't connected and each one-shot is epic as hell. Some of these will break your heart into pieces. You're warned but I still advise you to read these.
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