Sleepy Bois Inc (S)
We're All Hybrids
Author: Im_Basically_Shakespeare (let's take a minute to appreciate the un)
Fandom: MCYT
Words: 15,445
Tags: #Hybrids, #Wilbur/TechnobladeAndTommyInnitAreSiblings, #PigHybridTechnoblade, #PiglinHybridWilbur, #ProtectiveWilbur,#BirdHybridTommyInnit, #AdoptiveParentPhil, #Fluff, #PlatonicCuddling, #AlternateUniverse, #HighSchool, #Touchy-Feely, #GoatHybridJschlatt, #DuckHybridAlexis, #CatHybridAntfrost, #FoxHybridFundy, #HybridSapnap, #Cuddling&Snuggling, #BirdHybridPhil, #WilburAndTechnobladeAreSiblings, #RamHybridTubbo, #SheepHybridCaptainPuffy, #LightAngst, #Exile, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #Hurt/Comfort, #WilburAndTechnobladeAreTwins, #AdoptedChildren, #AntarticEmpire, #Nesting, #ProtectivePhil, #He'sAGoodDadInThisBecauseScrewCanon, #EarthSMP, #PhilCentric, #AvianPhil, #AvianTommyinnit, #CameoCharacters, #Imprinting, #NerdTechnoblade, #HappyEnding, #PlatonicRelationships, #PoliticalAlliances, #CanonRelationships, #Sleep, #Humor, #FluffAndHumor, #NoAngst, #AuthorIsSleepDeprived, #PreeningWings, #WingGrooming, #WingCare, #TechnobladeTeasesQuackity, #Sickfic, #SickCharacter, #Medicine, #FoundFamily, #AdoptedSiblingRelationship, #AdoptedTommyInnit, #Angst, #Comfort, #PastAbuse, #PastTorture, #ManipulativeDream, #ExiledTommyInnit, #TommyInnitNeedsABreak, #AngstAndHurt/Comfort
This is a series where all of Dream SMP is canon but in the future. There's small differences though, such as a few more people are hybrids (such as Tommy, Wilbur, Quackity, etc, etc) and the SBI family is canon, Fundy is also adopted later on instead for sole purpose of certain plot, not birthed by Wilbur.
Series does not have to be read in order as the story doesn't go in chronological order anyway and each fic can be read as a standalone.
It is mostly SBI centric, however there are stories that will occasionally focus on Quackity or Ranboo.
This was mostly just a fun thing I wanted to do as a comfort read i could reread or come up with new ideas but others really liked it so I kept going.
Status: Incomplete (Non-Parallel)
External link's gonna be in the comments.
AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.
Great hybrid fanfictions. Brotherly fluff is so fun to read. This entire series was so sweet.
It's currently exam month so I might not be able to update requests for a little while. I'll just rec the ones I had already saved in my drafts.
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