Sleepy Bois Inc
A Cup of Sugar (What Neighbors Are For)
Author: odymcbea
Fandom: MCYT
Words: 25426
Tags: #AlternateUniverse, #ModernSetting, #Neighbours, #Wilbur/TommyAreSiblings, #Wilbur/TechnoAreNotSiblings, #Techno/PhilAreNotRelated, #GoodSiblingWilbur, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #EmtionalHurt/Comfort, #Hurt/Comfort, #TraumatizedTommyInnit, #WilburIsTommy'sGuardian, #Implied/ReferencedChildAbuse, #ProtectivePhilza, #ProtectiveTechnoblade, #TechnobladeIsBadAtFeelings, #VeteranPhilza, #MedicTechnoblade, #Nightmares, #PanicAttacks, #Illnesses, #FoundFamily, #TommyNeedsAHug, #WilburNeedsAHug, #ProtectiveWilbur, #ParentalWilbur, #Implied/ReferencedChildAbuse, #MinorCharacterDeath, #TouchStarvedWilburSoot, #Blood/Injury, #HurtTommyInnit, #ChildAbuse, #Violence, #ParentalTechnoblade, #Adoption
"Look, Wilbur," Technoblade started. "I don't know what kind of situation you pulled Tommy out of and, frankly, it's none of my business. But Tommy seems happy here. Don't do yourself the disservice of thinking that has nothing to do with you."
Wilbur didn't say anything. He and Tommy were alike in that way: Doubt was built into their bones.
"I couldn't do what you're doing, Wilbur. Most people probably couldn't."
"They could." Wilbur sounded so certain. "For Tommy, they could."
"But have they?"
That question seemed to take Wilbur out at the knees. "They should have," he said fiercely.
"They should have," Technoblade agreed. "But a lot of people have let Tommy down." He squeezed the nape of Wilbur's neck and the kid leaned into it, his head falling towards Technoblade's shoulder. "They've let you down too."
Wilbur was quiet.
"Tommy didn't deserve it. I think we can both agree on that." Technoblade's voice was soft above Wilbur's head. "Can we agree on something else too?"
Wilbur hummed unsteadily.
"You didn't deserve it either."
Or, Phil and Technoblade get new neighbors. No one's all right, but they're getting there.
Status: Complete
External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.
AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.
I read SO many sbi fics. But this one just touched my or heart and I knew I had to rec. ORRRRR, I started crying midway but either way you should definitely read it.
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