Sleepy Bois Inc
Every Flight (Begins With A Fall)
Author: SilentTeyz
Fandom: MCYT
Words: 57460
Tags: #Birds, #AvianPhil, #WingedPhil, #Hurt/Comfort, #Angst, #FoundFamily, #WingFic, #WingedTommyInnit, #AvianTommyInnit, #AnimalTransformation, #Blood/Injury, #MemoryLoss, #AngstWithAHappyEnding, #SickFic, #BrokenBones, #CrackTreatedSeriously, #Claustrophobia, #PostTraumaticStressDisorder/PTSD, #TraumatisedTommyInnit, #BedrockBrothers, #HappyEnding, #Whump, #Dreams/Nightmares, #Crows, #FamilyBonding, #Forgiveness, #AnimalInstincts, #SoftTechnoblade, #ParentalPhil, #FamiliesOfChoice, #Fluff, #Crack, #TommyInnitNeedsAHug, #AlternateUniverse, #CanonDivergence, #Reconciliation, #POVTommyInnit, #Family, #Adoption
The crows continue to surround him. Maybe they know he isn't a real crow, sense the impostor. Tommy would have laughed if it wasn't for the hundred fucking crows watching him like a walking bag of food.
He is about to get ejected. He is about to fucking die.
Tommy dies in the prison and respawns in the body of a crow.
Phil and Techno are clueless that this angry injured fledgling is actually Tommy.
Status: Complete
External Link can be found at the bottom of the page.
AN: Feel free to request any kind of story you want. 😄😄Either in the comments or in private.
How is everything calm one second and chaos the next? The speed of this fic is so good, cause you literally won't be able to tell what's coming next.
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