within this pitch-black darkness, you are shining so brightly
Author: Miralana
Fandom: BTS
Top: Complicated
Words: 89243
Tag: #SocialMedia, #AlternateUniverse, #Texting, #College/University, #Bullying, #SlutShaming, #Insecurity, #DanceMajorJimin, #MusicMajorYoongi, #Homophobia, #SlowBurn, #Angst, #GetsWorseBeforeItGetsBetter, #FakeRelationship, #Enemies/Lovers, #Teacher/StudentRelationship, #Polyamory, #Depression, #PastCheating, #PastAbuse, #Sexting, #TalkingAboutDicks, #FriendsWithBenefits, #EveryoneHasIssues, #EveryoneMessesUp, #PoorLifeChoices
While sleeping with his professor for a better grade, Jimin doesn't realise they are being filmed. When the video gets shared across campus and results in his professor getting fired, Jimin finds himself the target of a hate campaign aimed at ruining his life and academic career. Six months later, he retakes the course under a new professor who is aware of his history and adamant to not give him extra credit. Jimin knows that there is only one way to fix this.
Status: Complete
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13421490?view_full_work=true
External link's gonna be in the comments.
AN: Can you guys comment on what kind of ships you want.
This was intense AF but, you can't stop laughing. More comedy than you can think of. One of the scenes literally had me in tears cause I was laughing so hard. You'll know (pogo stick) which one I'm talking bout. The ending was so fulfilling. :>
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