1286m, 133mm
Author: TheHalesNyx
Fandom: BTS
Top: Yoongi
Words: 24717
Tags: #TumblrPrompt, #TaegiFreeform, #SideJihope, #SideNamjin, #Dating, #SlowBurn, #SlowBuild, #Fluff, #EventualSmut, #EventualRelationship, #ExplicitSexualContent, #AlternateUniverse, #CoffeeShops/Cafes, #College/University, #MarineBiologyMajorTaehyung, #PhotographyMajorYoongi, #BaristaYoongi, #TopYoongi, #BottomTae, #PastYoonseok, #PlatonicYoonmin
tumblr prompt from monstaxxild: "So like, I've somehow become heavy Taegi trash?? If you're up for it, would you be into taking a Taegi fluffy smut request?? I'm also an AU whore, so maybe like college AU with Barista!Yoongi?"
Yoongi is a prickly-pink marshmallow, Taehyung is totally intrigued. Taehyung is a Marine Biology major who only does casual sex and one-night stands, but Yoongi doesn't kiss before the third date. They manage to meet in the middle and kind of fall in love.
Status: Complete
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7458853?view_adult=true#main
External link's gonna be in the comments.
AN: Can you guys comment on what kind of ships you want. Give me requests.🥺🥺
The whole dynamic between Tae and Yoongi here was so cute and realistic for that matter. I feel this is probs how they act IRL as well.
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