Pretty in Pink
Author: Profound_Felicity
Fandom: BTS
Top: Namjoon
Words: 67018
Tag: #AlternateUniverse, #Collge/University, #Blogging, #PastelJin, #UndergroundRapperNamjoon, #PansexualTaehyung, #BisexualYoongi, #OneSidedSope, #Namjin;Freeform, #ReferencedTaekook, #Angst, #Humor, #Fluff, #Romance, #Homophobia, #EventualSmut, #ExplicitSexualContent, #ExplicitLanguage, #HomophobiaLanguage, #SlowBurn, #ComingOut, #SelfAcceptance, #EmotionalHurt/Comfort, #SexualityCrisis, #AngstWithAHappyEnding
On the Internet, college senior Kim Seokjin is known as the Pink Princess: a blogger that inspires his thousands of followers by not being afraid to accept and be himself. In real life, he is known as "that weirdo wearing girly clothes."
Seokjin is aware that he is not the type of person you'd expect to wear pastel fashion. He's not short. He doesn't have a feminine face. He's not tiny and frail, his broad shoulders attesting to that. People look at him strangely, some going as far as to call him names. Despite this, Seokjin doesn't allow the judgment from others to stop him from liking what he likes (including people of the same sex).
However, Seokjin's confidence and acceptance of who he is will be tested when he falls for an underground rapper who is more troubled than he lets on.
College AU. Pastel!Jin and Underground!Namjoon
Status: Complete
External link's gonna be in the comments.
AN: Can you guys comment on what kind of ships you want.
I'm kinda sad it's finished but the fact that there's a second book def cheered me up. This is a great story.
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