Kitten me
Marinette's pov :
Okay, make sure that I understood......
So here I am, in my apartment, with a vampire who could easily kill me if he wanted to, wearing a cat-like costume, refuse to drink my or any blood, he is charming, kind and he knows how to tell jokes.......
Is this even reality?? Because it seems soooo absurd that I started laughing. Luckily, he laughed with with me! I didn't know if he is laughing because he made a joke or because of the situation we're was actually nice.
Sadly, soon both of us stopped laughing. It took me minutes and deep breaths to found my voice.
- I didn't know you liked jokes.
- I didn't know your laughing is this a-door-able.- That was the moment when I didn't know that I should laugh or blush.....So I did both.
-Oh, is my purrincess blushing?
-Hahaha, stop, hahaha......
-Why is it make you uncom-fork-table?- I thought that I'm going to fall. I didn't had much more breath left so I tried to stop him.
-Hahahahahahahah, STOP....
-Oh, come on blushinette bee a bit pawsitive.
- Pleahahahahhase, stop hahah.
-Or what purrrin....- Finally I stopped him with a kiss.
Happy Easter everyone!!
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