Dark was simply reading when, he heard a knock at the door. It was a simple knock, but it had that Irish ring to it. Dark sighed, he knew who it was. Of course, it had to be Anti. " He's probably complaining about that shock collar I put on him yesterday. " Dark huffed.
Anti resumed knocking, as he needed to be shocked. He loved it surprisingly. It was fun to Dark as well.
Dark opened the door "H-hello?" . Anti stood there, looking up at him with those eyes. Dark put up one finger and turned around 'I guess I'll shock him' . He found the button and presses it, to hear moaning outside. Chuckling, he made his way back to the door.
Anti smiles and askes "Are we more than friends?" . That's only when the trouble happened. A dark figure appeared behind Anti with a flash.
Darks eyes looked at the creature " Anti-". Then he was gone. Just gone. No trace of where he went.
Anti turned back into Jack, and struggled. "DARK-" a gag was placed around his mouth and he mumbled. The strange figure was shorter than him and looked up at him " My name is Ally. You're in danger. I'm here to help" Jack looked at "Ally" and tries to speak, but all came out was mumbles.
Dark sighed. "I wanted to play hide and seek..." Leaning down, he started after the trail of foot prints.
Jack was thrown into the back of a truck, with Ally jumping in as the truck sped off. "Dark was going to kill you" Ally said as she undid the gag. A tornado of words spilled out.
(So I Know I Didnt Write Much, But My Keyboard is Being Stuuuupid)
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