King Ape
The antivillians made it to Transylvania in Romania. The same old legendary myth of vampire stories everyone knows but they all think it's just a myth.
"We're finally here, Princess" Adrien said once they arrived.
"The old Transylvania with vampire myth stories," Marinette said.
"Yup. I speak Romanian. Not to worry" Adrien said.
"Linguistic?" Marinette raised a brow.
"Something like that," Adrien said.
"No wonder the Supreme chose and forced you to learn all languages, even dead ones that no longer exist," Marinette said, moving away from the sheep moving in packs.
"Yeah, I know" Adrien replied.
"You have been here before. You said it yourself you love monster stories like werewolves and vampires" Marinette shooing the donkey to move.
"Yeah, the stories of Dracula are my favorite," Adrien said, holding her hand.
"The prince or the book version?" Marinette guessed.
"Both. I don't fear death, princess" Adrien said as they came to a hotel.
"One room for two please" Adrien booked their room.
"Ah, a honeymoon suite?" The receptionist asked.
"Uh, yes" Marinette half lied.
"Here's your room card" The receptionist hands them the key card.
"Thanks," Adrien said before heading upstairs.
"Well, it's better than nothing" Marinette followed him.
"Heh, they got a lot of Dracula styles. Halloween is my favorite holiday to scare" Adrien chuckled.
"That's when you really are one prince of darkness as well," Marinette said once they were in the room.
"As the cat, they all think I'm psycho or creepy like a Cheshire Cat" Adrien puts his backpack down.
"Well, you always do that ridiculous grin like that," Marinette said.
"If only I had fangs to look scarier," Adrien said.
"Claws are scary," Marinette said.
"But paws are soft" Adrien caressed her cheek.
"Your enemies always called you soft paws and you hated that," Marinette said.
"I'm soft paws with you right now" Adrien replied.
"Not when we were Supreme's pawns," Marinette said.
"My claws will have his neck for it," Adrien said.
"It's only a matter of time, Kitty" Marinette laid on the bed.
"Heh, you're a mystery, cockroach. You barely become a poisonous bug as I used to remember" Adrien laid down next to her.
"Because ladybugs bring good luck," Marinette said.
"Meow, everyone loves kittens better," Adrien said.
"Mmhmm?" Marinette scratched behind his ears.
"Puuuuurrrrrrr" Adrien purred out loud and nuzzled her.
"So adorable" Marinette pets him more to hear his purrs.
"Puuuurrrrrr.......stop......puuurrrr" Adrien blushed.
"It's so cute" Marinette chuckled.
"Oh man!" Adrien's face was almost red.
"You always say wild cats don't like to be petted and whenever they try to pet you, you hiss savagely" Marinette remembers that.
"I know" Adrien closed his eyes.
"You were still savage" Marinette reminded him.
"Because I hate when criminals think my paws are too soft when they should fear my claws" Adrien nuzzled her more.
"Haaaaah..... and your teeth" Marinette nuzzled back.
"I got no fangs, cockroach," Adrien said.
"Bugaboo to you" Marinette rejects the nickname.
"Old habit of mine" Adrien sits up.
"Oh yes," Marinette goes to the window.
"I know that gesture. You're worried about what Supreme will do to the holders. They are forced to obey orders" Adrien said.
"Yes, Lie-la seems to be the only loyal one. But I know she has other wild cards up her sleeve" Marinette said.
"And Chloe. She's a bigger dumbass as I remember. She has no knowledge in learning everything because she skipped homework" Adrien said.
"Yep," Marinette nodded and looked up into the sky through the window.
"I know we used to hate each other a lot back then but I don't hate the girl I love" Adrien held her waist from behind.
"You opened my heart at this age" Marinette replied.
"Or was it your maturity that did that?" Adrien flirted.
"Yeah, I never felt so alone," Marinette said.
Later that night, they came to a nightclub filled with people in Halloween costumes. Claw Noir loves this, especially he himself as the badass black cat is much scarier.
"Make way, legendary monsters. This black cat is a legend" Claw Noir said in Romanian.
"And for his Bug Princess," Shadybug said.
"Meow, and don't pet me" Claw Noir warned.
"You got it" Shadybug replied.
"Nightclubs are a wild cat's favorite hideout" Claw Noir goes to the bar and clicks his claws on the glass table to get the bartender's attention, "One White Russian please" He asked the bartender.
"Coming up," The bartender said and prepared the drink.
"Still the same annoying kitten" Shadybug rolled her eyes.
"A grown kitten, bug. Cats love cream milk" Claw Noir chuckled.
"I know. Better not get too drunk. Last time you were drunk like you had catnip" Shadybug said.
"I was?" Claw Noir raised a brow.
"Yep, so drunk you smashed things," Shadybug said.
The bartender gave him his drink, "Super strong indeed. I'm destruction you know. Black cats bring bad luck" Claw Noir took a sip.
"Oh yes," Shadybug said.
He finished his drink and belched.
Shadybug cringed at that, "And yet you're a disgusting pig again"
"Yep," Claw Noir chuckled and walked towards the dance floor and took out his staff to become a whip.
"Now we're talking" Shadybug joins him.
Claw Noir bent back and then got up waving his claws, swinging his hips, and hit the whip to the floor. He moved his shoulders slowly as he danced. He strikes the whip again without hurting anyone.
"Meow, this bad kitty likes to be wild" Claw Noir chuckled and smacked his whip again to spook the dancers.
He saw his girlfriend dance nearby, moving her shoulders and gyrating her hips.
"Meow, come to daddy" He grabbed her waist with his whip and pulled her close, "You know you're gonna attract bad boys"
"You're my bad boy" Shadybug teased him.
"Bad girl, you do know I hate other bad boy cats claiming my mate" Claw Noir stroked her waist to her butt.
"They can forget claiming me" Shadybug had her arms around his neck.
"Puuuuuurrrrrrr" He purred but growled lowly that his feline instincts made him become very protective of her.
"There, there, Fleabag. Relax" Shadybug pets his green hair.
"It's not that" Claw Noir couldn't help but feel like something or someone was watching them. He could smell bananas from someone and he was right, the dancers looked disrupted with dark humor.
"I smell monkey here" He whispered to her.
"King Ape" Shadybug knows that dark humor from someone with the power of the monkey miraculous.
"Let's take him together" Claw Noir saw King Ape approach them.
"Well, well, well. The betrayers of the Supreme. Try anything and this plushie will disrupt your powers" King Ape warned.
"I hardly doubt it, Monkey!" Claw Noir prepares himself.
"Easy, kitty. I already disrupted everyone's humor and mentality. Monkey see, monkey do" King Ape cackled.
"No monkey business, Kim!" Shadybug spins her yoyo.
"I'm full of monkey business, bug. Monkeys eat bugs you know" King Ape got the plushie a little closer.
But Shadybug threw her yoyo at him to wrap him up.
"Cataclysm!" The feline punched the floor to destroy it.
The floor crumbled underneath them and King Ape fell into the basement. Everyone else who is disrupted tries to attack the former villains.
"Leave before things get ugly!" Shadybug told them to leave to let them deal with King Ape.
"Ha! How about I squish you like a bug" One of them corrupted with dark humor.
"Claw Noir! Get the ape!" Shadybug fends them off.
"Your monkey ass is mine!" Claw Noir smacks his whip.
"Prepare to perish!" King Ape pulls his own staff out.
"I still remember how you treated the baker girl with your dark prank!" Claw Noir smacks his whip at him.
"And now it's your turn, you filthy cat!" King Ape spins his staff.
"I don't want to hurt you, Kim! You know the Supreme took you away from ever becoming a swimmer!" Claw Noir does a donkey kick at him.
King Ape crashed at the wall, "Says the one who lost his daddy!" King Ape got back up.
That was a wrong move from the monkey that it only made the feline more pissed at the mention of his late father, "SHUT UP!!!" Claw Noir yelled and slashed at him with his claws, "This is no game! This is not one of those stupid pranks! THIS IS YOUR END!" He grabs King Ape by his fake tail and swings him around.
The feline roared angrily at how much grief he held for years. He punched him bloody in the face.
"RAAAARGH!!!" He threw one more punch at him.
"Claw! Stop! Enough!" Shadybug stopped from almost killing him.
Claw Noir stops and looks at his hands covered in blood. He pulls off the headband from King Ape's head, turning him back to Kim.
"He's not dead, he's unconscious. Let's get the hell out of here!" Shadybug said.
"May the lord forgive your sins" Claw Noir said, leaving Kim there.
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