*1 Month Later*
"Last time, baby...push!" Groaning, I heave myself forward, and my new baby slides into the world. Or should I say, babies.
Tristan stares in amazement at the newborn twins. "Did you know you were going to have twins?" he demands. "No," I answer honestly. "I had no idea." I pick up the two little girls and wrap them in soft pink blankets. Cuddling them to my chest, I whisper their story into their tiny, brand-new ears.
When I'm ready, Tristan takes them from me and whispers sweet nothings to them. I look closely at his face, seeing the mark of a father's love. Even if he wasn't the real father, the love is still the same.
"They're perfect," he says to me, and his squeal sounds like an overexcited teenage girl's. I smile at him, then pat the bed beside me, inviting him to sit. He does, holding the twins close. Despite the fact that my insides feel like complete and utter shit, I reach up to kiss him.
He accepts it, laying each little girl down in a crib. Tristan winds his arms around the small of my back, gently drawing me closer. My hands reach to tangle in his messy hair. Inhaling the scent of new, I press closer, wanting to connect with him.
My heart monitor's beeping scares us both, and we jerk away from each other. I laugh at the rising peaks. Even in the hospital, Tristan makes my heart race!
I lean over to grab the closest twin from her crib. Cradling her tiny body, I stare into her pale, blue eyes. Her hair is baby-chick blonde, and looks like it'll be sun-bleached white-blonde when she's older. Surprisingly, she looks nothing like me. The hair color is different and so is her eye color. There's a slight resemblance in her facial muscles, but that's about it.
Setting her down, I reach for the other one. Tristan hands her to me, and I rub the downy-soft fuzz on the top of her head against my cheek. This twin is sporting liquid brown eyes much like my own, and a deep, soft brown colored hair that resembles mine. The color of her hair and eyes reminds me, in a way, of Reese.
Just thinking about her makes my heart fill with gratitude. If it wasn't for her, my heart might never have found peace. If it weren't for Tristan, I might never have found joy. They both helped me a great deal, and I'll forever be grateful.
"What are you going to name them?" Tristan asks, interrupting my thoughts. A smile stretches across my face as an idea begins to form in my brain. Looking up at him, I say, "I think I'm going to name them after your sisters."
Tristan smiles and takes my hand. "I'll name the blonde one Carrie, and the brunette Reese," I say. Tristan leans forward, kisses my forehead and the tops of my twins' foreheads, and whispers, "Thank you."
*2 Weeks Later*
"Are we there yet?" I ask impatiently. "No. Jesus, calm yourself." I huff out a sigh, turning to face the window. I watch as the scenery flashes by me. Rolling grass fields, high-rise hotels, hills, and cars on the interstate.
Jiggling the older of the two twins, (Carrie) I stare straight ahead, mentally preparing myself for my next task.
Tristan pulls the car to a stop along the side of the road. I put Carrie and Reese in their stroller, then follow Tristan down the weather-beaten path towards the cemetery.
Tristan easily picks out the graves of his two sisters. I take the flowers I brought from the back of their stroller. Gently, I kneel by the first grave, Carrie's. Gently lifting my Carrie from her stroller, I settle her in my lap. Tristan takes Reese.
"This is your aunt," I tell Carrie. "The one you were named after." "She died too young," Tristan puts in quietly. "They both did." I nod. After a few minutes of respectful silence, I put the flowers along the top of his sister's grave, and we move on to Reese's grave.
"And this is also your aunt," I tell Carrie. "Your sister was named after her." Then, I switch twins with Tristan, and take Reese onto my lap. I whisper the story of her aunt's premonition, spirit helper, trance, mission, death, and angelic rebirth.
Long before Carrie and Reese were born, I told Tristan about how his sister came to me as a spirit, and how she had the power to connect with the spirits. He believed me, and it's helped us both to know that she's at peace with herself.
I rise, dropping the rest of my flowers onto Reese's grave as I do so. Tristan follows suit and we say a small prayer before walking back towards the car.
He shifts Carrie to his hip and offers me his hand, which I accept gratefully.
*2 Years Later*
"Tristan, where are we going?" I whine. I can't actually see him roll his eyes, because there's a cloth tied to my face, but I can feel it. "How many times do I have to tell you it's a surprise? We're almost there, anyway."
I lean back into my seat, thinking about the events of these past two years. A lot has changed since Carrie and Reese were born.
After I gave birth to Reese and Carrie, Tristan added a "granny unit" to my mother's house, and moved in with us to help care for the twins. Mom was a big help, since Tristan and I both had to finish up our senior year at school.
After we graduated, I took the twins and moved to Mobile, Alabama to be with Hannah and Lisa. My friend Sarah and I parted ways then. She married a kind rodeo rider from Texas and they moved to Wisconsin. Therefore, I don't see Sarah very often, but we still write each other.
When I moved to Alabama, Tristan stayed behind and learned law for a year. Now he's an accomplished criminal defense lawyer and I'm a counselor for depressed teens. In a way, I think that's what Reese was trying to tell me when she said for me to, "Use your strength to help others like you." In any case, I'm very happy with myself.
After his year of school, Tristan moved to Alabama to be with me and the twins. Lisa became a very famous lesbian romance author, and Hannah started a help website for questioning teenagers who need help figuring out their sexuality. They were married last spring and are looking to adopt sometime soon.
Tonight, Lisa and Hannah are watching Carrie and Reese while Tristan and I go on a date.
"We're here!" Tristan announces, and rips the blindfold from my eyes. I open the door, letting my eyes adjust to the brightness. When my eyes are clear, I realize that someone has installed bright lights at the edges of an abandoned field: The same field Tristan asked me to be his girlfriend in!
Tears gather behind my lashes, and I turn to give him a thank-you kiss. "We're having a picnic," he says, slipping his arm around me and guiding me to where he's set out a checkered blanket and an appetizing array of food.
We dig in to the delicious food.
About halfway through the meal, Tristan stands and says, nervously, "I have something to ask you." "Okay," I say, smiling. He gets down on one knee and flips open a jewelry box with a diamond ring inside.
"Alex, I love you more than you'll ever know. I love every single piece of you and I'm insanely proud of you for beating depression and a self harm addiction. You're the world to me, and I don't know who I'd be without you. You're the light that gives me joy, you're the only person I want to wake up next to in the morning. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Alex Marie Foster, will you marry me?"
I sit, stunned into silence. His voice plays over and over in my mind, like a broken record.
"Yes!" I shout, flinging myself into his arms. "Yes, yes, yes!" He picks me up and swings me around, stopping at center to give my mouth some sugar.
Then Tristan sets me down and slips the ring onto my finger. I stare in awe at the perfect little diamonds all crusted together in the center. It sparkles and shimmers in the fading light.
A grin stretches across my face. I'm engaged. I give Tristan another kiss before hurriedly packing everything away so I can rush home to tell Lisa, Hannah, Sarah, and our little girls.
*Wedding Day*
"Hold still!" Lisa cries in exasperation as she tugs my wedding dress over my head. "I'm trying to pin you up." I sigh as I look down at my dress. It's truly gorgeous. It's an off-white color, strapless, and covered in lace. The upper part hugs my body, but the lower part flows out around my ankles.
When Lisa's finished, I slip into my silver high heels, tottering a bit on my unsteady feet. Hannah comes forward now and begins to brush my thick, dark brown hair. Then she uses a curling iron to make it wavy. When it's styled like this, Tristan always calls my hair "luscious".
Next, Sarah expertly applies a thin sheen of makeup, keeping it mostly natural so as not to ruin the effect.
After I'm all ready, I help Lisa into her dress. She's the maid of honor, and has a royal blue gown that compliments her eyes greatly. It hugs her curves and spills out in the back. I notice Hannah looking at her, and laugh. Hannah and Sarah do Lisa's hair and makeup, then they don their own dresses.
Hannah and Sarah are both bridesmaids, and they picked out ruby red dresses for themselves. After hair and makeup, we're all ready.
Tristan and I decided to break tradition and have our wedding in the old field where he asked me to marry him. We also decided not to have one flower girl, but four!
They all rush into our room when we call them, and we go about getting them ready. The first flower girl is Hannah's sister, who's ten. She chose an extravagant yellow gown to wear. It's one of those fancy ballroom-type ones you always see in old movies. Her name is Nikala, and her hair is a honeyed brown, which makes the dress look good on her.
The second flower girl is Lisa's half cousin, Maurice, who's only five years old. She chose a red dress, much like something you would expect to see at a Christmas concert. It's sparkly and poofs out over her knees. A faux flower at the nape of the neck tells you how gaudy it truly is.
And, of course, the last two flower girls are Carrie and Reese, who are only two and just able to walk. Nikala offered to help both of them walk down the aisle, though.
Reese's dress is a very, very bright neon pink. It's sparkly and silky and suits her body perfectly. However, it's so long that I'm afraid she'll trip.
Carrie's dress is a pretty sky blue that compliments both her hair and her eyes. It puffs out around her knees, and looks really, really cute on her. It's sparkly and puffy and gaudy, but it still suits her very well.
Finally, all of the flower girls are ready, and we pile into Lisa's car to drive to the field.
When we get there, Tristan is waiting for us, looking very handsome in his tuxedo. There's a small crowd of guests on either side of the makeshift aisle.
We've put a huge mat for our aisle, and Ty constructed a small "altar" out of wood and lined it with faux flowers. The priest is waiting by the altar. Ty is Tristan's best man, and Max is going to give me away since I have no father to do it.
The day is perfect for our wedding; Clear, blue skies, puffy white clouds that float by, and not a hint of grayness. The sun shines bright on my dress, making it sparkle. The grass smells fresh and wonderful.
Someone begins to play an organ, and the four flower girls walk down the aisle, scattering yellow rose petals here and there. I watch with pride as Nikala helps Carrie and Reese to toss their petals, and Maurice as she helps Reese not to trip over her ridiculously bright dress.
When the flower girls reach the end of the aisle, Lisa begins to walk down it, looking a vision in her royal blue maid of honor dress. Hannah and Sarah follow close behind in their ruby red bridesmaids' dresses.
Finally, it's time for Max and I to walk. He links arms with me, looking very sophisticated in his tuxedo suit. I carefully put one foot in front of the other, taking care not to trip. I focus my gaze on Tristan, right until Max delivers me to the altar.
Tristan and I stand facing each other, as the priest reads off vows and responsibilities.
I find my heart filling with joy and love for the man standing across from me. I never thought I'd be the one to be standing on this platform, listening to a preacher talk about marriage. And I certainly never thought I'd be marrying Tristan Daniels. Falling for him was truly the best thing that ever happened to me, and loving him is like having a lot of happiness scooped into your soul at the beginning of every new day.
I underestimated myself and Tristan's love for me, and I won't ever again.
The priest says, "Do you, Tristan Richard Daniels, take this woman, Alex Marie Foster, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do," Tristan answers, looking at me with love shining in his eyes. "Do you, Alex Marie Foster, take this man, Tristan Richard Daniels, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do," I say. "I now pronounce you husband and wife!"
I jump into Tristan's arms. I smile joyfully as I kiss the love of my life, Tristan Richard Daniels, also known as my one and only antidote.
Okay, I'm calm now. I just can't believe a little idea for a high school romance turned into this. How did it happen? How? I can't believe it. I also can't believe that this book is fifty chapters long. It's my longest book yet! I also can't believe how many reads Antidote has. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR SO MANY READS AND VOTES AND COMMENTS AND SUPPORT!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, yeah, Antidote is officially finished. Thank you all so much for supporting me through writer's block and helping me with ideas and for voting, commenting, reading, and sharing. Seriously, I love you guys so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!!
So, vote, share, and comment below how you liked this epilogue!!! Btw I know its kinda unrealistic but just go with it.
I love you all so so much. Seriously. THANK YOU.
All my love,
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