In the dark of the night, I toss and turn. I haven't had a wink of sleep tonight. It's Friday, meaning no school tomorrow. I slip out from under the covers and go to the closet. I change into sleek leggings that are as black as the night and a mostly black T-shirt. I tie my hair up into a ponytail. I slip on some black shoes and my black hoodie. Surveying my appearance, I look strangely ninja-like. I pull the hood up over my hair and put my pocket knife and cellphone in the pockets. I then open my window and climb out and onto the rose trellis adjourning it.
Needless to say, I've snuck out before. I think my mom pretty much understands why I do it. She knows that sometimes I just need some way, any way, to clear my head, and if that's wandering the streets at night, then so be it. She might object rather vehemently now, but I need this. I silently drop to the ground outside of my window and take to the streets.
I wander for a little while, encountering a few homeless persons and druggies. The people of the streets know me as Aubrey. It's always better to not give your real name. "Hey, Aubrey!" I turn my head to see Joe, a homeless man I've talked to before. "Yeah?" I ask, turning to face him. He gestures to a gym around the corner. "You seem stressed. If you wanna burn off a lil' steam, head down there." I mutter a thank you and walk towards the building. When I get there, I'm extremely satisfied with what I see.
Crowds of people surround a small, makeshift ring where two people are fighting, using boxing gloves. As one person wins the fight, I see him collect a handful of money from a guy who's holding a megaphone and shouting into it. "And the winner is Derrick!" he booms. Everyone cheers, and I smile in satisfaction. Joe must've known exactly what I need, because he's led me to an underground street fight.
"Any challengers?" the announcer dude asks. I wonder if I can do it. I'm worried about the baby. I know I can take on just about anyone, but I don't want to endanger it. I quickly walk up to the guy and explain my situation. He says, "Oh, that's fine!" He beckons me to follow him, and I do. He leads me into a room full of fighting equipment. I find a pad for my stomach and he helps me strap it on. Once I'm ready, we go back to the main room. "You wanna go with Derrick's challenger?" he asks. I shake my head. "I'd like to go with him as his challenger." He looks at me dubiously. "You do know what you're getting into, right girlie? Derrick is the champ, undefeated. Besides that, you're a girl and pregnant. That doesn't give you any advantages." My look conforms into one of steely determination. "Put me against him." Announcer dude raises his hands in surrender. "All right, but remember, we don't take people to the hospital." I nod and go to get my gloves.
When I return, I see that Derrick is waiting. He makes a show of cracking his knuckles, then says, "You ready to get your ass kicked, girlie?" I raise an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be asking yourself that?" I shoot back. His eyes harden and his hands ball into fists. As soon as the announcer gives the signal, Derrick's on top of me.
I twist and squirm, trying to get out of his iron grasp. The announcer purposely mentioned to avoid stomach shots, so he's punching at my face. Blindly, I raise my fist and slam it into something soft and blubbery. "Ugh!" Derrick gasps. He stops punching for a moment. This gives me just the opportunity I need. I push him so that he flips and we reverse positions. I send a tremendous punch to his face, and I hear a sickening crack as his nose starts to gush blood. He kicks at my legs and I fall. He lands on top of me and stays there, punching, until the end of the round. At the signal, he gets off of me and I stand up, readjusting the pad and getting into my fighting stance.
When it's time for the next round, I don't give Derrick a chance to make a move. I nail him broadside with a flying tackle that sends him to the ground. I knee him in the crotch and he groans in pain. Using all of my strength to pin him to the ground, I toss a punch at his face, another at his stomach. The announcer gives the hand signal, so I release Derrick. I won the round!
It's time for the final round. If I can win this, I'll beat Derrick, the champ! As soon as announcer dude gives it, neither of us waste any time whatsoever. He throws a punch at my face, which I block. As his leg aims for my crotch, I try to punch his face. Neither move makes it. So I try punching again, and this time it connects. A black eye begins to form on his face. Angered, he hits me in the face, busting my lip. This enrages me. I can tell that there's only a few seconds until the end of the round. So, quickly, I tackle him to the ground, accidentally slamming his face. I pin him down with my arms, just as the announcer makes the motion with his hands.
I walk out of the ring, feeling the sting of my scars. They've opened up and are bleeding again because of the fight. My hoodie sleeves are damp from blood. I've got a black eye, a busted lip, a bloody nose, and bruises up and down my body, but I'm okay. He never touched my stomach, so the baby is safe. I collect my money, which is over $100, and go home.
Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment.
All my love,
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