Figuring Things Out
Once Draco got to the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey looked over at him with an exasperated look.
"You couldn't have waited more than a week into school before you got into another fight?" She asked as she ushered him to one of the beds.
Draco's face flushed in embarrassment. "I didn't do this to him on purpose, it was a potion accident. He had an anti-aging potion spilled on him so make sure it doesn't get onto you too," he said as he laid Harry down on the bed.
"Maybe I should let some of it get onto me with how old I'm getting now." She joked with a small smile as she waved her wand over Harry's body to see if he had any injuries or if it was just the potion that made him pass out.
"You're not old, you're wise," Draco said, hoping to comfort her in a way even though she was just trying to make a somewhat lighthearted joke.
"That's very kind of you but tell that to my body." She said with a smile. "Anyways, he will be fine. He will begin to become younger as he sleeps and when he wakes up he will stop aging backwards and will instead begin aging forwards again till he is his current age. He should be back to normal in about a month or two if I had to guess." She said, drawing Draco's attention back to Harry.
"You can go back to class now, I'll take care of him now, he's in good hands." She said with a kind smile at Draco's worried face.
"Thank you, I know he is, you're the best after all." He said with a small smile of his own. He took one last look at Harry's sleeping form before turning around and going back to class.
Once he left, Madam Pomfrey changed Harry into clean robes with a wave of her wand and then went to tend to other students.
When Draco returned to class, it was almost over.
"How is he?" Hermione asked at the same time as Ron asked "Is he okay?"
"He will be fine, Madam Pomfrey said that he will become younger as he sleeps and when he wakes up he will be that age for a bit but as he sleeps more and more he will grow up till he's the age he would be normally. She said there's nothing to worry about." He states in a knowing, confident tone, wanting to sound like he knows exactly what he's talking about but also wanting to comfort them without making it obvious.
The two let out a collective sigh of relief at his words. "Thank Merlin," Ron muttered under his breath as he put his hand over his chest.
Soon class ended and they were dismissed. Ron and Hermione rushed to the hospital wing to check up on Harry.
"Good afternoon you two." Madam Pomfrey said to them with a soft smile when she saw them enter.
"Good afternoon." They said at the same time. "Where is Harry? Is he okay? Who will take care of him while he's young?" Hermione asked her in a rush, wanting to know all the answers to all of her questions as soon as possible.
"He is perfectly fine, he is over in the bed over there asleep for now but I assume he will wake up soon. I'm sure if you asked Headmistress McGonagall, she would allow you two to take care of him if that is what you wish." She said with a knowing look as she pointed to the bed Harry was resting in with all the curtains closed around him.
She had to close the curtains because of his popularity, he is the Boy Who Lived Twice now and she wanted him to have proper privacy while in such a venerable state.
"Thank you, we will do that soon," Hermione said as Ron already began walking over to Harry's bed.
"How young do you think he will get?" Hermione asked as she and Madam Pomfrey joined Ron on the short walk over to the bed.
"I assume early childhood so probably around four or five, maybe six years old." She answered as she and Hermione moved to be behind the curtains with Ron and Harry.
They all looked down at him and could already tell how much younger he looked.
As of right now, he looks to be the way he did in his third year. "He looks like a baby," Ron said with a small, slightly freaked-out smile.
"He will look even closer to a baby soon, trust me on that. While he rests and I watch after him for the time being, why don't you two go talk with McGonagall and see if she will allow you two to take care of him till he's back to normal? Well, as normal as he can get." She said with a cheeky smile.
"That's a good idea, we will, come on Ron, let's go," Hermione said before gently grabbing Ron's hand and pulling him with her to McGonagall's office.
Madam Pomfrey smiled after them. "Young love, so cute." She said softly to herself as she watched them leave.
Ron and Hermione entered McGonagall's office easily, having already known the password and being allowed inside by her voice before they could even knock on the door.
"What happened now?" She asked with a small sigh but the small glint in her eyes showed her true fondness for the couple in front of her.
"Harry had an anti-aging potion spilled on him and we were wondering if you would allow us to take care of him until he was back to normal," Hermione stated with almost pleading eyes.
McGonagall didn't answer instantly, prompting Ron to speak up as well. "As practice in a way, you know, for our own kids in the future." He said before blushing as red as his hair when he realized what he had said.
Hermione blushed as well, not having expected him to say something like that but she went with it anyway "Yes, as practice. It will be good for us, almost like a trial run before the real deal and we know that we will take amazing care of him because he's our best mate and we wouldn't ever do anything to upset him or hurt him ever." She said as McGonagall watched with hidden amusement.
"You may watch after him until he is back to his normal age. While you do so you may stay in a shared area in the Room Of Requirments, that way you will be able to think of anything you might need for him and have it instantly. However." She paused to look them both in the eyes to make sure they knew she was serious. "I will be having surprise check-ins with you all to check in on Mr.Potter but to also make sure you two are properly taking care of him and not spending your time with each other in your new shared space. Understood?" She asked as she looked between them again.
"Of course Headmistress, we would never take advantage of the situation. Thank you for trusting us with him." Hermione said with a smile, slightly appalled that she would think that she and Ron would ever act like how she suggested but she did her best not to express that.
"Yes, thank you Headmistress," Ron said with a smile of his own as he and Hermione stood up.
"You're welcome, take care of yourselves, each other, and Harry." She said before dismissing them from her office.
They both agreed to do as she asked before leaving back for the hospital wing.
1,256 Words! Each chapter should be around 1k words so long as everything goes correctly!
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