02: (Not Requested) Donuts
Imagine being at a random store buying donuts for a youth group party that you were invited to, then you bump into Spencer Kane.
You were walking through the aisles alone around nine o'clock because you had forgotten to get something for a youth group party thing. You would be spending the night at your friend's church doing different things including:
Watching a movie
Playing games in the dead of night
Eating snacks and talking about random things
And much more. But the thing is you forgot your snack so you were at the nearest Walmart buying some donuts cause you had a strange obsession with them. They are just so good and delicious. You had finally stopped at the aisle where you knew the donuts were and slowly strolled down the aisle as if you were a lioness sneaking up on a gazelle cause, if you didn't know, only the female lions hunt for food for the whole pack. Which is awesome cause if there is ever a guy who says girls can't do anything then you could just say that female lions hunt food for their entire pack and then snap your fingers and walk away like nothing happened. You were looking through all the different brands of donuts until you came to your favorite chocolate covered donuts. You grabbed about four packs cause the boys will probably eat like two packs alone. You turned to leave, but you didn't realize that there was someone behind you and you accidentally bumped into them making you drop your donuts. You frowned and bent down to the boxes you had dropped. You picked up one of them and hugged it against your face.
"My poor precious donuts I'm sorry you had to go through that. I will cry for the death you did not deserve" you said and someone laughed. You looked up to see a guy around the age of 20. He had brown hair and bluish eyes. You picked up the rest of the boxes and held them in one hand then stood up. He was really tall to you since you were like 5'4. He looked like a giant. He was smiling so he didn't look as intimidating. You kept looking at him until you had a hand in your face.
"Hello is anyone in there" he asked while laughing slightly. You shook your thoughts out of your head and looked at him again.
"Yeah I'm here, I was just thinking" he smiled.
"About what" he asked. You laughed at his curiosity.
"About how less intimidating you look when you're smiling" you answered and he laughed which caused you to laugh with him.
"I'm (Y/N)" you said and held your free hand out towards him to shake it. He smiled and grabbed your hand.
"Spencer" you smiled and pulled your hand back. It was tingling as you held the four boxes. He looked off to the donut side of the aisle.
"So which donuts are the best. I kinda have an obsession with them" your mouth opened wide.
"Me too" you said. He laughed.
"Yeah I can see that" he said gesturing to four boxes in your hands. You immediately looked back at him.
"No no no this is actually for a party that I'm going to and well the boys eat a lot so yeah" you said and he finally understood.
"Ok so back to my question" he changed the subject. You looked at the shelves of many donuts and decided on the best.
"You know I'd actually go with the chocolate filled donuts. Those are the best. At least I think so" you replied.
"Ok chocolate filled donuts it is" he said and grabbed the box dramatically. You laughed. 'He's nice' you thought. You had both gotten your donuts and started walking towards the cashier. You paid for your donuts, as did he, and started walking out the door. You headed to your car when someone stopped you.
"Hey (Y/N)! Wait up!" You turned and saw Spencer running towards you. You set down your donuts upon the hood of your car and faced him. He paused to catch his breath then, when he did, he asked you a question.
"Can we exchange numbers so we can talk some more?" he asked while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. You smiled and nodded.
"Yeah sure" you said, then handed your phone to him. While he was putting his number in you put the donuts in the passenger side of your red Mustang GT. You turned back around and a phone was in your face. You took your phone back with a slight smirk on your face. He gave you his phone and you put your number in quickly. You gave it back to him while smiling, then he turned away.
"It was nice meeting you (Y/N)" he shouted at you from halfway across the empty parking lot.
"You too" you shouted back and smiled. You got in the driver side of your car and before you started driving away you got a text.
Donutboy🍩: Hey it's Spencer
You smiled at his name on your phone and replied.
You: Hey Donutboy
Donutboy🍩: What's up
You: Nothing much, you
Donutboy🍩: Nah not really. Just talking to my new friend
You: Aww I thought I was your only friend
Donutboy🍩: Don't worry I won't replace you;)
You: Gee thanks, well I have to get going or I'm going to be late. Goodnight Spencer. Don't text and drive. Be safe
Donutboy🍩: Who do you think you're talking to? I am the definition of safe. Goodnight (Y/N)
You: Yeah sure
You smiled as you ended the conversation and drove to your friends church with a great story to tell.
Hey guys, ninja_of_steel here and I hope you liked this cause I sure did. I did this for Spencer's birthday and I'm also going to do one on Monday for Halloween so be on the lookout. So if you want a one shot then just go to the page that says If You Want A One Shot and the info will be on there. Well I'm gonna go so I'll see all of you spencetastic, beautiful ninja in the next chapter. 🍩
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