Earning A Place
Bolormaa and Xiao Mian set out as dawn broke, heading for a spot the older woman had scouted several days before. It was a quiet patch of ground, and they had three young sheep in tow. Newly weaned, and their inner lips freshly tattooed, they were being stubborn about leaving their mother's teats and the women decided to bring them along and tempt them with the tender grasses further away from the bullying of older lambs and adults. A large herding dog kept the youngsters under control, and the pace was slow since Bolormaa was heavy with child. Xiao Mian insisted on carrying both packs. Younger and not burdened as Bolormaa was, she could take the extra weight. It caused the stripes on her bagk to ache, but after a mile or so, she found herself able to settle into. Besides, she was Lan and nobody would ever be able to say she was less than that and bring some on the caravan. Her fathers had gone through hell at her age, she would prove herself worthy to follow them.
Xian Mian was also excited. The switch to Nar Arslan's household was a challenge. She had never had to shoulder the responsibility of organizing a family's needs, and herding a two-year-old boy was infinitely more complicated than the lambs running ahead of her today. Bolormaa, impressed by her new helper, was grateful that she did not have to tackle this project alone. Gleaning was difficult; spotting the supplies to gather and getting to them over rocks and hidden hazards was not something a woman in her condition could do easily.
The spot was steeper than the camp, and the terrain nestled in between higher foothills and a stream below. There was shade where herbs flourished and patches of bright sunlight that encouraged the sudden eruption of a wide variety of mushrooms on days that proved to be bright and hot after a mild rainfall. The lambs scampered freely but were contained to a certain range by Bolormaa's large dog, whom she controlled by whistles and hand signals.
Bolormaa did not have to do much to guide Xiao Mian. Her herb gathering, under the watchful eyes of her aunt, Dr. Yue Wen Qing back at Yunmeng, had been extensive. and she was in her element, as she sought them out. Bolormaa was very impressed by the girl's knowledge. If she did well during the period under her tutelage, she would be speaking to Chief Anshi regarding a change in the girl's status. She would make an excellent apprentice to Dr. Lan ZheJin. (His hands were full, with over 60 potential patients in the caravan.) One sack of edible mushrooms, another of wild scallions, six bunches of violets, and another six of calendula later and Bolormaa suggested a break. Her back was in pain, and she groaned as she sat down
"How bad is it?" Asked Xiao Mian.
"It comes and goes. I think I overdid it."
"Why don't you lay down and rest a while? Let the dog worry about the sheep. I'll watch him."
"What about your back?"
"It is fine. Not bad, really?"
"You are tougher than you look, Girl!" The younger woman glowed at the [raise.
Bolormaa took another cautious look around. "I think I will, Xiao Mian. Thank you." She stretched out on her side under a low-hanging willow and closed her eyes. Although she fell asleep immediately, it was fitful and she kept turning over, seeking a comfortable spot.
Xiao Mian was not used to idle moments anymore. Keeping her hands and mind busy had also kept her from brooding and wasting time in fanciful daydreaming. She had not turned her mind to Anshi for several days. She was very surprised when she gave him some thought this morning. Not only that, but she did not experience the usual lurch in her heart. For so long, that hard jolt of love and longing had accompanied the sight, even just the thought of him. She had given it full reign over decorum, empathy, and reason. It was calmer now. It was lacking the heat and passion that she was so used to feeling for him. She felt it, but it was a change that had been so quiet in coming that she had not even noticed it. She thought in the past, with girlish fervor, that if she ever lost him, she would die from sorrow. Now, she wondered how she had ever been that reckless and unthinking. To have put all around her so far in the background, that an unreturned love took precedence over everyone, Anshi included. She was deeply ashamed.
She was determined to seek an audience with him when she returned. There was much to be said and much to make amends for.
Bolormaa slept for several hours until the agonized yelp of the herding dog roused her. A firm hand covered her mouth and she heard the hushed tone of Xiao Mian in her ear.
"Shhhh! Stay still. Two men. The dog is dead They have 2 of the lambs. They are ready to leave. We have not been spotted yet."
"Describe them.
"Tribal clothing Two swords each. Young, around my age. "
"Not sure. Could be another tribe."
"The other lamb?"
"Ran off.
"They will return after they catch him. Will want to search for us. The dog and lambs would not have been here alone."
Xiao Mian stood and helped Bolormaa to her feet.
"We need shelter quickly. Not by the water. Upward, where there are overhangs and caves. Rock crevasses. Anything." They began climbing and only made half a Li before Bolormaa grabbed her back again. Xiao Mian was worried and took her arm. "Are you hurt?"
"No. But we have a problem. I have been counting between pains. They are rhythmic. I believe I am in labor." The woman's face was drawn and anxious. "We need cover before they come back. No time to rest. Another Li and they made it into a line of scrub pine.
Xiao Mian knelt next to Bolormaa and spoke. "Stay here. I will scout ahead and will return shortly." Bolormaa was too racked with pain to argue. It was taking all her strength to suppress the moans and cries that wanted to rip through her throat.
Xiao Mian forged ahead as quickly as she could but could only find low-hanging bushes and some shallow outcroppings. As she was about the give up, a dark shadow behind one of the bushes caught her attention. When she rushed to check it out, she found a small cave, barely tall enough for two women to stand but deep enough for them to be out of sight from prying eyes for a while.
She ran as fast as she could to Bolormaa and helped her to her feet. "A cave. deep enough for you to lie down. If the baby comes, I have room to help."
"Have you ever brought a child into the world?"
"I assisted once, and I have an excellent memory. Let's go. We have no choice in this matter. Your child has made hers."
The walk was torturous, and Xiao Mian had no idea of how Bolormaa made it, step by agonizing step, without uttering a sound. The courage she was witnessing was humbling.
When they arrived, the mother-to-be crawled in, her reserves depleted, and her strong face covered in silent tears.
"How early is the baby?"
"Four to six weeks. Survivable under good circumstances."
"She is in good circumstances. She has a strong mother who will make sure she survives."
"And a clever Doctor in the making, who will help us along. I have all faith in you, my girl. Your brother told me of your training before I accepted you into our home. He is proud of how accomplished you are."
"All brothers think their sisters are accomplished, even if we are not."
" You have just called him your brother. That is a huge step."
Xiao Mian spoke quietly. " My feelings have gotten...confused lately. But I do not have time to speak about him at the moment. You and the baby are what count."
"We have several hours at least." Her face paled as another contraction hit." Step outside and bring me a strong stick to bite down on. I do not need to puncture my lip." Beads of cold sweat formed on the woman's face and a deep groan escaped. She began to breathe in at the start, exhaling through the pain. Xiao Mian returned in time to see her sag back as the pain receded and she began to peel the bark off, so the surface was smooth for Bolormaa's mouth. The girl began to feel the large stomach. "You are right. She has moved down, and the head is seated correctly."
She reached for one of the water bags and had Bolormaa pour water over her hands. She washed them as best she could. "Now lie back. I have to try and feel if you are dilated."
"You know how to do that?"
"I watched. I know that it hurts, but if she is beginning to move down, you should be widening to accompany her pressure. Can you bear it?"
"Yes. I remember what it felt like when my son was born. "
They both endured it. Bolormaa was white with pain and Xiao Mian looked a little green. She had never done this before and knew she had caused pain despite her efforts to be as gentle as possible.
"I could feel a small opening there. Aunty Qing told me just the barest tip of a finger's width at this point. So, I think it is coming along fine. But it will be a long while yet." She washed her hands again. Aunty had insisted on a clean treatment room and that meant clean hands at all times. Then they began to wait for the pains to encroach once more.
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