the dragons are back? ha ha no its a scam
your pov
we got to the guild i got my mark on my (b/p) in (f/c) then i heard wendy talking about going somewhere with natsu
"hi sis were are you guys going"i asked.
"oh there is a rumor that there are dragons wanna come with us"natsu said.
"defiantly i'm not letting this guy take my younger sister somewhere that turns out to be a trap"i said.
"aww come on (y/n) we all know you like me and your just trying to act cool"natsu said grabbing me from behind and whispered in my ear as i blushed.
"sure lets GO!" natsu said throwing me over his shoulder as i screamed alittle.
{time skip}
we made it to a hotel in the middle of the desert
"kinda looks out of palce huh"wendy said.
"yeah and run down"natsu said.
"there is no one here"wendy said.
"i think its by design there is a lacrama for checking in and checking out people without employs"carla said.
"wow brains and beauty i think i'm in love"happy said.
"natsu can you please put me down"i yelled but he didn't listen to me.
"The next time i see gray im going to punch him in the face"
"if you dont mind me saying so i think were jumping the gun there are plenty of rooms to check if the thing is logic daphne may be staying in one"i said.
"alright lets split up and start knocking on all the doors"natsu said going one way.
"natsu please put me down i swear you dont listen." i yelled and he didn't listen again.
once i was able to get him to let me go we started knocking on the doors.
"there are no more rooms this is the last one"carla said looking at a giant cat like door.
"hello is daphne in there" i asked nicely.
"yes yes" a voice said.
"open up we need to talk to her" natsu said
the doors opened to reveal a country girl.
she said something i couldn't understands because she was eating but apparently natsu understood her.
"we heard that you could help us" he said.
"oh yes yes help is what i do come inside and ill help you" she said as magic pulled us in natsu thru me over his shoulder.
"NOT AGAIN"i yelled as we went into the darkness.
"your in for a treat yes yes im a amaizing beautiful aiding trailers like you im the exelant daphne and i'm not talking about the run down the mill beauty friends im the really beauty the geuan beauty only nature for gods yes yes yes! and this product will help you achive the naturalest of the red rose matamo chan"she said.
"multipul chins?"happy said
"beauty huh"natsu said with me still over his shoulder.
"yes yes hey please don't miss pronounce the name of my money maker they give you energy and fights obisidy with ease let the nutreance melt your pounds away"she said
"excuse me?"natsu said trying to speak.
"creation is a delicate procces for three whole days we soak it in a secret herbal sauce then sun dry it for a weak so its full of flavor so the result it say it right"she said
"the miraculous miricale of maron chan!"happy said
"good kitty good job my blue kitty friend and you did such a good job that im going to give you one sample free"she said.
"but im not obbess and i only eat fish"happy said.
then she started talking again she gave one to all of us."dont think its true see the results"she said as fat cat dolls became slim.
"wow its amaizing"happy said"i wanna try some"wendy said
"wait what your buying those"natsu said
"its a scam those are dolls"i said"now can you please put me down natsu!"i yelled
"fine"he said putting me down
"if your still not sure ask custumors"she said as she started reading as natsu told her to stop talking.
"natsu thats rude" i said and elbowed him.
"argh stop saying yes yes!!"natsu screamed at her.
"NATSU!!"i said.
"yes yes sir are you and your wife and child wanting to subscride"she said.
"no no i am not intrested in your news letters or your obbesidy or your fishy cobabs and (y/n) is not my wife"he said.
"yet"happy mumbled with one of them in his mouth.
"oh yes that sounds like a great idea want to become bussness partners"she said
"im only instrestent in dragons"he said"and (y/n)" he muttered under his breath.
"yes yes how many pounds does your dragon friends want to shed i got a diet plan"she said.
"will you shut your mouth for five seconds im a dragon slayer from fairytail"he yelled at her"i have been searching for a dragon named igneel my whole life so have my friends her the sky dragon grandenney we heard a rumor that you recently met one thats the only reason were here alright so if you know anything please tell us now we need your help"natsu said.
"yes yes i did say i met with a dragon but that was just a fib for marketing sorry"she said.
"you lied!"natsu said.
"i knew it was a scam" i said
"and the winner is gajeel!"happy said
"i had a feeling this would be a waste of time"carla said.
"yes yes metaba works with a main ingrediant powdered dragon scales without it it would be a tottaly flop"she said.
"dragon scales"natsu said.
'yes yes thats a lie too of course there isnt there impossible to ubtain"she said this chick is getting on my nerves.
"wait so you mean metabo chan doesn't work"wendy said.
"bingo ma'am its a pure scam say so myself"she said.
"umbilivible you should be a shame of yourself"carla said
"yes yes a girls gotta make a living some how you understand dragon boy"she said touching his nose
this pissed me off more
i grabbed her hand"so your telling me you made us go thru all this sh#t for a scam you dirty little liar lets go"i said pulling the out
before i stepped out i realized there was no ground.
"theres no ground"wendy said
"or hallway"i said.
"your all mine know birds in a cage"she said
"well see about that!"natsu said
he used fire dragon iron fist on it.
"its a magic wall you are really a wizard aren't you"carla said.
"yes yes its quite a dissplay salamander you live up to your reputaion"she said
"she scares me"happy said.
"im so happy you all came i guess good things do come to thoes who wait"she said
"so this was a set up" natsu said.
"yes yes yes and you fell right in perhaps you would like some meato chan"she said.
"why would i want any off that"natsu said.
"but there is also strawberry chocolate"she said
"no!"natsu said.
wendy ran to the window"we cant get out here too"she said.
"i told you it was a scam
"yes yes yes my magic is quite splended
"ive never saw a wall i cant bring down by force"natsu said hitting it and he went backwards
"hows the floor feel natsu"he said.
"oh hi gray"i said
"wait how were you able to get past that magic wall" happy asked
"good question ive got a bone to pick with you next time make sure your information isn't pure garbage"natsu said
"it wasn't garbage you did just what we wanted"he said
"yes yes yes im so glad you could make it my beloved gray"she said.
"you better shut up before juvia hears you and kills us all" i said
"your really slumming it if your with this girl"natsu said
"your the stupid one if you think this wasn't going to happen its time to settle this rivalry once and for all"he said
"what are you talking about"natsu said
"god your sloww from now im following my own path as of this moment im thru with fairytail and im thru with all of you"he said
"you little bastard!"i said punching him in the face
he grabbed me by my neck and gave me too her
"you wont hurt her"natsu said and gray dropped me and i went to wendy.
"ERZA LUCY"i heard wendy scream from the window
"so are thoes lizard idiots working for you"i asked.
"yes i have a full arsonal of artifical play things"she said
"so there golems"wendy said.
"BINGO aand those golems will tag team a golem with the powers of the person there fighting"she said"magnolia has the best wizards so i took time to find information while gray deals with natsu"
"what do you mean deal with him what are you planing to do with the data"i asked
"thats the big question why reavel it when i could just show it "she said.
"you disgust me" i said
"my my those boys like to play ruff dont they"she said
"ill right gray fulbuster time to finish this game"she said
"it would be my pleaser" he said
I had to watch natsu run gray into a wall i mean yeah he betrayed us but he was still a member of the guild.
"impressive dragon boy"she said
"hold up are you trying to flirt with him because if you do i will amek sure you have a slow painfull death"i said scaring her.
"n n no no ma'am"she said
"(y/n)'s in love with natsu"happy said earning a kick
"no im not!"i yelled and wendy laughed a little and i blushed
"wait gray isn't moving"i said then his toes froze.
"hidden darkness"she said
"yes yes seems you proformed well looks like your worthy of being my partner"she said
"it took alot more work than i expected"he said.
"NATSU"wendy yelled
"you cheated"happy said
"you can join him if you want furball"gray said.
"gray dont do this" i said with tears coming from my lifless looking eyes as i stood behind him.
i heard screams from him
soon a giant dragon happy and carla flew wendy out and and (e/n) appeared right in time and flew me.
"yes yes lets go with the salamanders heart"she said
"salamander heart i think that red thing is natsu"i said
"now my dragonnoid activate"she said
"yes the first man made dragon the first dragonnoid and now salamanders magic is its life blood"she said.
"wedy erza we need to get natsu out of there"i said.
"(y/n)! wendy your okay"lucy said
"he is in the red thing lets go"happy said
"gray betrayed us he lured us into a trap"i said
"whats worse is he is not being manipulated"she said
"up there!"lucy said pointing at gray
"if you betrayed fairytail you better have a good reason"erza said
"im going to rip that cold hearted baster apart for this he could have hurt my sister" i said as something happened.
my eyes went into a lifeless state looking like you could die in them my hair turned(f/c) and in my hands two swords appeared my clothes turned into a tank top and a black skirt with leggings under it and of course my shoes dissapeared and wear replaced by darkness going up my legs and the swords cause darkness to go up my arms and blood like tears ran from my eyes.
"whats happening to (y/n)"erza said.
"its the lost magic grandeneey was talking about thats chained to her soul"wendy said
"yes yes yes if you didn't know the dragonnoid is scientific and if you had any manners you would congratulate me on a job well done"the freak show said.
"ill contratulate you by sending you to hell! if you want to leave this place with your life you will release him and i will consider letting you survive"i yelled
"sorry the dragonoid is using him as a batterie right now so i have no intention of letting him go right now"she said"natsu dragneel wont be around much longer"
"wendy cover your eyes"i said
"why"she asked.
"you know why"i said and she was in shock
"okay"she said
"things are going exactly to plan soon it will be chardged"the freak show said.
"you could fight but knowing how incredibly weak you are you might not make it to see the dragonnoids full power"gray said.
"ill show you power bastard" i said stabbing him straight thru the gut the sword im using doesn't affect the body well ill i stab him in the heart he would have the scar and die but it attacks the soul so once i did it he had a horrible wound because i basically took his life force and stabbed it and it took away almost all his magic power so he couldn't stand.
"its been a hard journey but it was worth it first i planted eggs then i needed test subjects my home town was full of them but they all escaped before my dragons could get to them since i had no test subjects the experiment was ruined so i trapped everyone in the town and deposed of the defective dragonnoids i realized i needed dragon slayer magic now that i have salamander it brings it to life now BURN BABY BURN"she said as i heard natsu's screams
"whats going to happen to natsu if we attack that thing"wendy asked.
"sometimes we need sacrafise"carla said.
"dont say that"wendy said.
"yeah carla dont fill her mind with nightmares because soon she will be like me"i said with in insane tone.
"i need you all to return to the guild we need to protect magnolia"erza said.
"yes ma'am" i said gaining some control"are you sure you don't need help because i am ready to destroy that freak for what she did to trick wendy"
"yes im sure now quit wasteing time and go"she said.
"yes erza" i said.
come on wendy lets go back
the guild members took gray alive sadly they didn't give me a chance to destroy him
i got ready to fight too i don't know why i was so sad i missed natsu i don't know why but i felt like that around him i guess since i never really loved anyone like that it makes me feel wierd.
we started warning people.
"everyone get out off here"lucy said.
"there is shelter at the guild hall this way"wendy said.
"watch out fake dragon over head man its hudge"cana said.
"lucy tell me the truth do you think natsu is going to be okay"i asked.
"of course (y/n) why do you like him"she said bugging me
i heard something from the distance
"yes yes yes magnolia is quite beautiful and destroying it brings shivers down my spine and if your lucky you will get view of the fireworks but i don't expect you to live to the finally"
i ignored it and looked with the others elfman was hurt and wendy was healing him lucy said a insprarational speach.
"not so fast"master said and everyone looked at him" the well being of the fairytail guild and the town of magnolia are tied together preventing magnolia's destruction takes priority before anything else" he said
"b b but if we destroy the dragon wont natsu die" i said
"yeah there has to be another way"lucy said
"as fairytail's master i order you to destroy the dragon before it destroys the town if anyone can survive this its natsu he is a tough as they come"master said
"prepare to be crushed erza scarlet" the freak said
while eveyrone was fighting the dragon i sneaked up behind with levy and wendy we were trying to destroy her
"why did you come with us wendy its to dangerous" i said
"listen up because im only going to say this once destroy this thing do what ever it takes" i heard natsu say so did everyone else.
"h he wants us to destroy him"wendy said tearing up.
"NO NATSU I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU THINK IM GOING TO LET YOU DIE YOUR WRONG !"i yelled" i swear im going to destroy everyone that trys to hurt anyone i care about" i said holding back tears.
my sister hugged me from behind.
"wendy lets go save his ass"i said.
we snuck up behind her as quiet as possible we got attacked by some lizard things but were undetected.
I broke in the area she was
"Oh hi b#tch whats up"i said my sword on her neck as i pulled her out of the cock pit
"how did you get up here! what about the lizard men they should have killed you"daphne said
"you disgust me you take other peoples lives just so you can see something again" i said
"please dont kill me"she said
"why shouldn't you dont care about the lives of people around you so why should i care about yours"
natsu talked to himself.
"natsu you need to overload the system i got daphne out of the controls so she can't make it so she can't overload the system so just f#cken do it and stop being such a baby about it your dragon must be embarresed" i said to him
then gajeel came and used dragon slayers secret art everyone started to send fire at him the eat it all
"wendy get out of here were not fire proof"i said dropping daphne i cute her a lot but hay we ran and watched
"you said you wanted to see a dragon huh let me show you what a angry dragon looks like you own igneel a big apologie you stupid dragon wannabe" he said
"hey why did you put me thru that gray" natsu said.
"hey its your fault for breaking promises"gray said.
i looked at them fight with my sister holding my hand smilling that he was okay the darkness left me and i stumbled a little.
"(y/n) are you okay" my sister asked.
"yeah" i said and natsu walked up to me
"hey wanna be part of our team guys"he asked
"sure"wendy said then he looked at me.
"i would like that"i said
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