Road races and using dragon slayer magic to make coffee
I was ready for the 24 hour road race
"hi everyone im sorccor weakly jason here to bring you all the COOL news about the race"
"there he is folks lighting fast jet !"
"looks like jets still a fan favorite everyone is betting on him"gray said.
"well i hope they lose it because the next champion will be salamander"natsu said
" yeah right thats not going to happen because im going to beat you" i said.
"oh yeah ill make sure to watch you fail
"oh yeah i forgot natsu can you boil this water"i asked him.
"sure what for "he said.
"for this nature dragon slayer coffee beans" i said
"what your going to drink coffee like thats going to help you"he said
"yeah this is is special all i needed was water boiled by a fire dragon slayer and coffee beans from a nature dragon slayer it makes people faster and makes them not able to get tired" i said.
"like ill belive that"he said.
"everyone queit down fairytail wizards know the without the proper balance of intelligence and physical endurance them are doomed to failure but over the next 24 hours you will use those abuts against each other"master said
"yeah physical strength is all that matters in a race like this"gray said as i face palmed
"the rules are simple at the starting line each of you will make your way down a predetermined course ending at mount. ivor the summit has been packed with heavy wryvren scales once it is across the finish line you have proven yourself a worthy member of fairytail and remember forfeiting is not a option for any of you fairy tail wizards pride our self's in going that extra mile ive desided to place a new restriction for this years event after numerous complaints the use of flying magic is now forbidden all other forms of magic are still permited"master said.
"well there goes plan b" i said.
"wait you were planning on flying"natsu asked.
"no i was planning on grabbing some random exceeds legs what to you thing i was plannning" i said.
"and whoever is so unfortunate to get in last will face the most horrific punishment game yet"master said.
"hey (y/n) lets make a bet if i come in before you you have to do the punishment game"natsu said.
"sure and if i come in before you you have to do it "i said
"deal" he said
"its on im not holding back this time today you and i are rivals happy"natsu said
"i wont hold back ether okay but this new no flying rule sucks"happy said
"I dont want to face punishment" wendy said scared
"dont worry wendy i can carry you you are my sister and happy i can carry you too i want to see the look on natsus face when i beat him and i dont see a problem letting you guys come in first"i said.
"yeah well see about it"jet said
"ready bang" master said
"hold on wendy speed dragons soncic blast!" i said as ran past jet with wendy holding on to me along with happy
"wow your fast" wendy said"but don you get tired"
"not at all i tricked natsu into helping me fix something to make it so i don't get tired" i said picking up some speed
" we will all have to grab a scale so remember that wendy" i said
"looks like someone has pasted jet for the first time in forever COOL"jason said
"This is going to be so cool but didn't natsu say something about him useing somthing to get past jet"wendy asked.
"yeah but i tied his leg to a tree so it will slow him down a little but not alot he will probaly just burn thru it but since he barely uses his brain he probaly wont get thru" i said.
"why are you so determend to beat natsu" wendy asked me" because we had a deal whoever comes after the other one will have to do the punishment game with the other person "i said
"thats risky" wendy said.
"yeah but with this i wont lose i mean im already 35 miles away" i said"and counting"
"your really fast" happy said.
"you haven't seen anything yet" i said picking up more speed.
"i wonder who will play this years punishment game i can hardly contain myself"the master said
gray made the whole ground ice
"THANKS GRAY!!!"i yelled as i went faster
a enchantment apeared around us
"if you awnser all the workbooks infront of you then you will be free"he said
"DONE!" i said closeing the last workbook.
i ran faster past him like the wind
i got to the summit before anyone
"okay take scales"i said as we took three scales
"hold on if you want to make it"i said as i felt wendys hold tigether
"speed dragons sonic speed blast" i said as i passed everyone going to the summit
"the first wryvren scale has been retreved and now she is making it to the finish line everyone should start placeing there money on (y/n)"jason said
"come on guys go infront of me" i said pushing wendy past the line along with happy.
then i pasted myself.
"look at that guys (y/n) let her sister come in first and took third!! looks like we should have put our money on wendy"jason said
i came in third and the rest have come after
"thanks (y/n) i don't have to do the punishment game now" she said.
"no problem now i get to watch natsu play the punishment game" i said
soon jet erza natsu and gray came
"this years titel is going to be mine"they yelled
"oh hey guys whats up" i said and they all pasted out except erza.
"good job (y/n) im guessing you got first" erza said.
"actually no i carried happy and wendy with me they got first" i said
*time skip*
everyone has past leaving natsu gajeel jet and gray stuck with punishment
"fine bring it on i'm not afraid of your punishment game bring it on" natsu said
"the models for glamour shots in sorcerer weakly will be you!"master said.
i laugthed so hard"thank you so much!!!" i said.
they ran so fast away from the reported as i laughed on the ground
before i could natsu could get away i grabbed him
"natsu remember are deal and since this isn't as much pain as i wanted you to feel i think ill come up with a punishment" i said sending shivers down his back.
"you have to do everything happy says for a day no mater what it is" i said
"yes happy is my friends so he wont do anything bad"natsu said
"but natsu you didn't help me with the race so this is going to be fun"happy said
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