magic ball
"natsu did you find a job yet"i said
"well we found this one"he said holding up a job paper for catching a bandit at a ball
"why don't we do it lets go"i said
"we haven't decided we are going to take it yet"natsu said
"you know its paying us for going to a ball right"i said
"yeah lets do it"natsu said
*time skip*
"natsu im so happy you found this job" i said
"really (y/n) i didn't think you were the person that would want to go to a ball"natsu said
i couldn't wait for the ball natsu found a job that would make us go to a ball
"nope i love how they dace wait i just remembered you can't dance"i said
"want me to teach you"i said
"uh sure" he said
"okay natsu lets do this OW dont step on my feet!"i said
"sorry about that "he said
"okay lets do this"i said
"hey what are you guys doing playing a game"gray said
"no not acualy "i said
"let me play around with you"he said grabbing my wrists
"hey this is our job go some where else stripper"natsu said kicking him away
"well you may not know this but i was called the dancing demon sometimes"erza said spinning natsu
"i can teach natsu he will be dancing like a pro in no time"lissana said spinning natsu more
soon erza took elfman to dance
"poor guys that must be torcher"i said
"ball room danceing looks amaizing i wanna try it to"wendy said
"may i have this dance"someone said
"that sounds delightful"wendy said
"looks like wendy got danceing fom you (y/n)"carla said
"yeah"i said
"may i have this dance carla"happy said
"ugh fine for once"carla said
then i relized i was alone again even lucy had a partner i was kinda upset but i got over it
*time skip*
we were at the person who requested the jobs house
i knocked on the door and it was opened by a beutiful girl
"um your a little early"she said
"hi we are the people from the job request"i said
"yes im acheto and my father is count bomsonico"she said"come in please"
"welcome and thankyou for taking my request i am in fact count bomsonico"he said
"this guy i hillarious he has a sour name and a sour face to match"natsu said
"don't be rude"i said
he explained the ball to us and what was going on
"we see sir we will make sure every thing goes to your plan"erza said
"wouldn't sneeking in be tougth"i said
"he is very skilled in magical transfoation and magical drain"the count said
"whats magical drain"elfman asked
"it lets him take the magic of anyone he comes in contact with for a short amount of time"he said
"man i wanna use magic like that maybe it will let me beat (y/n)"natsu said
"dont worry well catch this clown"natsu said
"lets go "lucy said
the girls got dressed i wore a dress the count's daugther asked me too saying it would look great on me or something i learned never to not do what the person requesting the job didn't want so i did it was a beutiful (f/c) dress that was like a ball dress well it was it had a sweat heart top and flower desings
i did my hair in a messy bun(if you have short hair just ignore this)
"you look great (y/n)"lucy said
"thanks"i said
"ready to get to work girls"erza said
"yup you look amaizing erza"i said
"not as amaizing as you your beutiful"erza told me
"thanks"i blushed
"so do i look okay"wendy asked
"your beutiful wendy"i said
"now the curtain is rissing on the magical ball lets take our places on the dance floor"erza said
"yeah!"i said
"any sign of them"i said
"no not at all"someone said
"hey (y/n)"natsu said"i never got to dance with you at the guild so maybe we could now"natsu said making lucy and wendy scream like fangirls
"sure but were here for work"i said but was inturupted by him pulling me to the dance floor
he danced with me while i tried to see if anyone was suspistions when someone touched my shoulder i could feel magical power
"may i dance with you"he said
natsu growled a little
"um no thanks im dancing with someone and i think if i stop he is going to throw a fit"i said
"oh okay"he said
i saw a boy dancing with with wendy
"what are you looking at (y/n)"natsu said
"oh its just that boy dancing with wendy he looks suspicious" i said
"just have fun (y/n)"natsu said spinning me around
"now who ever gets the ring will be able to marry my daugther"Count Balsamico said
*time skip*
the criminal got the ring and we didn't get payed we went home broke
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