Going back
"I can't wait to go back to magnolia"Wendy said in the carriage
"Me too"I said
Soon we arrived
"Fairytail is coming home"people said
"Alright then people of magnolia let's give a round of applause to fairytail winning guild in the grand magic games you left you sorred and you concerned "twilight ogers master said
"Alright this is a party"natsu said
"Aye sir"happy said
"It's so amazing here"I said
"Yeah everyone is always happy"Wendy said
"We kicked every magic butt we saw"natsu said
"Woo hoo fairytail is the greatest"Master said carrying adult on him back
"I would like to thank each and everyone of you for cheering us on at the games "Wendy said
"Wow what aa homecoming "panther Lilly said
"Yeah because we put fairytail back on top"gajeel said
"Check our this little sovaner I brought back"natsu said"Tada"he said
"Natsu you idiot"I said
"Whoops you weren't supposed to see that"he said
"Tada the symbol of are victory"he said holding a trophy
"We would like to give fairytail this new guild hall for there victory"the mayor said
"Thank you so much"the master said crying looking at are new guild hall
*time skip*
Lucy and I were talking
"It's been so long why don't we go get a job"I said
"Yeah why not"lucy said
"This one looks good"I said pulling of a job for monster hunting
"Hi Mira can we take this job"lucy said
"Yeah sure but you will have to go to dormers village"she said
"Check the libray down stairs for maps"she said
*time skip*
"Well now we have a map let's go"I said
"Yeah wanna ask natsu if he want to come"lucy asked
"Sure lulu"I said
*time skip*
Natsu Actually agreed to come we were on are way there
"This is torture"he said
"Oh yeah I forgot to cast the spell on you my bad"I said actually I ment to not cast it
I casters the spell on him
"There that will make the next five minutes better"I said
I looked out the door to see Mavis crossing the road
"That's weird I could have sworn I saw Mavis cross the road"I said
"'Maybe you were just seeing things (y/n) she said
"Yeah your right"I said
I felt her essence this I could have sworn it was her
"Well this is as far as I can get you"the man said
"Wow Okay let's go"I said getting out
"Hello There you youngling must be the wizards from fairy tail I'm the village elder nice to meet you"a old man said taking us across
"One mole did all this damage"lucy said
"Yes that one beast has been tearing up are land please we don't care how just get that mile out of are lives"he said
"Don't worry we will stop this"Lucy said
Soon a giant creature came out of the water and they are boat to the side
"I'm coming guys"he said
He hoped up on the boat and got motion sickness
Soon the mole was chasing us
"Crap I'm low on magic power since the games "I said"Can you guys try to stop it until I get enough "I said
"Let's split up"natsu said
"Yeah come on lucy let's go"I said swimming one way with her and the mole followed
"I'm sorry mister mole you can stay if you want to"she said
"I got you guys"happy said picking us up
"Are you three causing trouble"erza said she was with Wendy and gray
"No ma'am"I said
We explained it to them
"If I get my fair share I'm in"he said
"Hey Gray you can't just come in and take the reward"natsu said
"Yeah we don't want to bother you guys"I said
"But sis we wanna help"Wendy said
"No it's cool Wendy we got this"I said"we just need a strategy now that we know how big it is"
"I have a idea now that (y/n) has her magic power back she can use that dragon slayer secret art on it with Wendy's power booster thing spell"natsu said
"Sorry I can't it only works when I know where the target is and if it dodges I could destroy have the village we are trying to save so until we have it in one place I can't do it and also if Wendy's spell is in affect it could cause a lot of damage"I said
"Well let's lure it out it seemed to really like lucy why don't we throw her in a wedding dress and send her off"happy said
"No way!"Lucy said
"Don't worry lucy you will be fine"I said
*time skip*
We got Lucy on a boat she had a wedding dress on
The mole appeared
"That's it"gray said shocked
"Yeah gray hold it down"I said
He used his ice make magic to hold it down
Me and natsu jumped in the air are plan was to mix my dragon slayer sercret art eclipse blast with his brilliant flame(that's what it's called right)
"Sun and moon/Fire dragon slayer secret art eclipse blast!/brilliant flame!"me and natsu said as he shot fire and I shot my eclipse blast
Sadly it dodged and went underground and that magic we shot magic a judge whole in the ground and more mud came basically meaning it hit more water
It destroyed one eight of the village
"Oh no "I said
"Let's do that again!"natsu said
"Wait the mole is still out there"Wendy
said as it jumped behind her
"Death dragon roar!"I yelled hitting it before it probably ate her
"Well it's gone now"natsu said
"I have a idea open gate of the clock horilogiam "lucy said as her sassy clock came up
"Hi sassy clock"I said
"I wanna go in it"natsu said as we lowered him
Soon the mole came back up
"Hit it with everything you got"erza said
"Sky dragon roar!!!"Wendy said as wind came out of her mouth
"Ice make lance!!!"gray said as ice came from his hands
"Fire dragon roar!!!"natsu said as fire poured Fromm his mouth
"Death dragon roar!!!"I said as pure black stuff came out of my mouth
It went under water and we missed
It shot are boat up then natsu tried to grab it but it went back under and he hus head on gray
"Watch where your going"gray yelled
"You too ice princess"gray said
"Guys stop fighting please!"I said
"Fine only because your cute"they said
Turns out the mole was behind us
"Everyone climb to the top "gray said
"I don't think I can It's to slippery"Wendy said
"Here"I said boosting my sister up
The mole was right over me and I kicked his head and used it to get me up
"Where is it now"Wendy asked
"Right there"I said pointing under us
*time skip*
The villagers told us how the mole might be looking for a Mate
"No please not me"I said"lucy is a girl"
"Sorry I already done my time"lucy said
They dressed me up
"This is humiliating"I said
"And I wanted to be the one your wearing the dress for"natsu said smirking
I blushed
They thru me on the boat and the mole appeared
"Ugh"I said
"Open gate of the madden Virgo "lucy said
"Throw that mole into the air pretend your digging make sure (y/n) is safe"lucy said
"Understood princess"Virgo said throwing him in the air
"Fire dragon roar"natsu said
"Sky dragon roar"Wendy said
"Celestial dragon roar"I said
"Ice make lance"gray said
Are magic shot him at sending it at erza then she knocked it onto land
"Princess I found a Mate for the mole"Virgo said as the mole appeared then they walked
"Hey guys I'm going to go check on what I saw"I said
*time skip*
I followed a little thing and saw zeref
"Zen kun?"I said
"I thought I felt your presence at the grand magic games zeref did you watch"she said
"I Can nether hear you speak me or see your face my dear Mavis but I know your hear I also sense (y/n) "he said
"Mavis what's wrong "I asked
"It's been seven years since the two of us have been this close to each other"she said
"It's been seven years since the two of us have been this close to each other
"Why do you persist here searching for a place to die"she said
"I've been around for many years Mavis I realized no matter what changes man will always be Constance"he said
"There are good people"Mavis said
"There the worst luring to themselves like that"Zeref said
"So you won't wait any longer"Mavis said
"Yes for seven years I have been making up my mind and since the world rejects me I will reject the world"he said
"Fairytail expects this world with all of its flaws we will defeat you"as saus
I stood in shock
"Zeref you want to destroy us"I said tears running down my face a little
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