First chapter
I dedicate this to @lucinda2016, she has amazing drawings and is a huge undertale fan, and @TheLostEcho, an aspiring authoress who has a brilliant way of words and is a great person. Check these two out sometime. Also, Carolyn, Luna, and Midnight do not work for the police or any federal business. They kind of vigilantes, since they are not from Earth. Just wanted to clear that up. Also, all kidnapping mentions are purely fictional, and have no relation towards actual cases. And I am not entirely sure any cities mentioned are real or not, and if so, there is no relation to that either.
A dark, wooden oak door slammed forcefully against a wall as it was thrown open by a white haired girl with white cat ears and fluffy tail. The door's last hinge fell apart as it fell to the ground.
"Oopsie. Someone broke your door, Carolyn!" The white haired girl said motioning towards the brown haired girl at a small desk with a laptop on. Said girl rolled her rose pink eyes in exasperation.
"Really? I wonder who it could be, Luna?" Carolyn smirked, amused by her guardians antics.
"Probably Middy. Anyway, I'm hungry. Make me eggs!" Luna demanded childishly with a determined gleam in her eye.
"EH!? Why not?! You're so mean. I'm gonna starve to death!" Luna rolled on the floor, moaning in 'agony'. Her white ears flattened against her fluffy, white hair as she clutched her stomach.
"You just ate Luna. You have mustard sauce on your cheek." Carolyn turned back around to her computer as Luna pouted in dismay.
"Dang it. I really thought I got you there." Suddenly, footsteps could be heard in the hallway. A girl with waist length black hair, black cat ears, light blue eyes, and a smooth black cat tail appeared in the doorway.
"Oi, breakfast is ready, Carolyn. You already ate Luna, no soup for you." The girl snickered at her own joke.
"Thank you, Midnight. Do you think you could maybe put it in a bag? I have to go research some stuff at the library." Carolyn grabbed her laptop bag and jacket as she headed out of the room. Luna and Midnight followed her.
"Sure, no problem. What are you looking up? Do you have another hunch?" Midnight grabbed a turkey sandwich with lettuce and mayo and put it in a Ziplock bag, as Luna hopped the bar.
"Yes. There have been a series of kidnappings and I believe some children are being sold as slaves. I'm not sure though, but I intend to find out. Why don't you guys go out busking while I'm at the library? Thank you." Carolyn grabbed the sandwich bag Midnight offered and put it in her bag.
"I think we will. We are getting low on food." Midnight cleaned up the counter where she made the sandwich as she spoke.
"Ah!" Luna cried out in dismay as she looked in the fridge. In there was a rotten tomato, half eaten burrito, empty water bottle, and stale bread. "Who puts an empty bottle in a fridge? And there is no food! Why, cruel world, why!!??" Luna sunk to her knees and raised her hands to the sky, dramatically as Carolyn and Midnight rolled their eyes at her antics.
"You put it there, remember. Now I got to go, bye girls. And please, no more hot dog stand ups. Poor Gary, will never look at a cat the same way." Carolyn grabbed the bottle and threw it away on her way out.
"You and your stupid photographic memory." Luna pouted. She and Midnight got ready to go busking.
~Time skip brought to you by Gary, the traumatized hot dog stand owner that was threatened by two talking cats~ (Carolyn POV)
I sat down at a table and opened my laptop to research a couple of cases. I opened a 'Midnight Black tab'. Midnight made it.It's supposed to be basically untraceable so I can go anywhere with out alerting authorities. After a while, I got all my information that I needed and decided to go find Luna and Midnight. I texted them to meet me at the lake.
Luna's Pov
"Aw, Middy!! Nothing's happening!" I whined in my sisters ear, extremely bored.
"Oi! Luna, get off me. What am I supposed to do? That stupid dude with the monkey is hogging up all the money and people." We both glared at a man with a monkey in a tiny tuxedo. Stupid monkey. I stuck my tongue at it and humphed. I adjusted my hat, since it was about to fall off. Can't have people seeing my ears, now can we? "Besides, how many times have I said not to call me Middy?"
"Aw, is Middy Widdy upsetty wetty? Hehe." I giggled as I poked her hair, messing it up. She hates when I baby talk her, but I love to do it. It's so funny to rile her. Her hands flew to her hair as she stepped away from and started 'preening' it.
"Damn it, Luna! Stop messing with my hair. There, all perfect. And stop talking like that. You make no sense." She ran her fingers one last time through a fluffy chunk of hair that framed the right side of her face. Suddenly, her phone played her ring tone for Carolyn. It was basically saying 'rosen thorns' over and over. It was boring. She opened it up and started talking. "Ohiyo. Hmm. Okay, yeah sure. No problem. We will meet you there. Okay bye."
"What, what? Whats happening?" I jumped all over her, demanding my answers. I will have them, even if it is the last thing to do.
"Nothing, really. We are just gonna meet Carolyn at that lake in the park, while she packs up our belongings in the house. We got another mission." Oh. That makes sense, much more then my idea that alien turtle robots came to Earth to enslave all of the unicorns. Really thought I had that one right. "Anyway, lets continue busking." And that's what we did.
~Time skip brought to you by alien turtle robots that are eventually going to enslave the entire race of unicorns.~ Carolyn pov.
I just got done setting all of our bags down, which was like three, when I heard arguing from the path.
"It's fifteen, Middy. We got fifteen dollars, not six!"
"Luna, do not call me Middy. And for the last time, its six. One plus five equals six, not fifteen."
"Nuh uh, Carolyn, tell Middy I am right." I sighed as the girls came into the clearing, and bringing me into their argument. They can be so exhausting sometimes, but I wouldn't trade them for the world.
"Luna, ten plus five is fifteen. One plus five is six. Remember how to count to six? You go one, two, three, four, five, then the next number is six. You add one to five to get six, and ten to five to get fifteen." I explained as I handed them their bags. Sometimes, Luna needs a lesson to be repeated, multiple times. "Anyway, come on. We got a train to catch. We are heading to Nerviah, Tennessee. I will explain to you guys your parts on the way, so pay attention, Luna, tuck your tail back in your pants. First, Luna you will transform into your cat form and investigate these coordinates. Then, Midnight, you will follow in her also in cat form while hidden in the shadows, just in case Luna gets in any trouble. I don't think she will but just to be on the safe side. I will follow shortly after, though you will not see me. I have reason to believe you will find a large house there, and most likely be taken in. Luna, I'm sure you will be checked for any tracking chips, so try to act a little feral, but not too much. You will need to get your white fur a little dirty, and act scared, not too much though for we need them to want to keep you inside. You will need to fight a little, though not so much that they get mad and throw you out. Try to act vulnerable and scared, in an endearing way. Midnight, your job is to watch for any security measures, report to me if there are, and above all, watch out for Luna. There is always a chance that they might try to hurt her, and no matter what we must protect each other. Midnight, you will have to stay hidden because A) one cat is not as suspicious as two, B) you hate being petted, C) you can disappear in the shadows, D) you have a larger attention span then Luna. So it is your duty-"
"Hehe. She said doodie." Luna snickered childishly. Midnight and I looked at each other and shrugged.
"Anyway, Midnight, it is your job to be on look out. If everything goes according to plan, we only have to do this tomorrow and Wednesday. Any questions? No? Okay, good. Now lets go." We arrived at the train station and boarded the train. I settled down for a long, much needed nap.
(AN) Okay, so how did you like it? Just to clear some stuff up again, soul guardians are beings that are born from a child's single most important goal, dream, belief, or wish in life. Soul guardians take on animalistic characteristics of their soul holders -the child whose dream, wish, goal, belief they were born from- animal soul, or their favorite animal. Such as, Luna and Midnight were born from Carolyn's belief that their is always light in the dark. Luna represents the moon and Midnight represents, well the night. Soul guardians are born to protect their soul holders from danger and also guard their dreams. Usually, there is only one soul guardian, but if a child's soul has a big dream, or belief, or is just very strong, two guardians are required. Now, that that is cleared up, thank you for reading. and please vote or comment. they make my day.
'Be true to yourself, and hold on to your dreams, may the moon guide you through darkness, may the night shield you from your enemies, and the thorns or roses, prick not you, but your foes.'
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