Fingon found Turgon and Elenwe making sure everything was being distributed. Galdor of course was helping the two as well as the other closest friends of Turgon.
"How are things going?" Fingon asked.
"Better than we expected," Turgon replied to him as he put down a box he had. "Our people have clothes, food, and medicine. Most people are resting now but there are still some who need some help but we are getting to all of them a bit slowly."
"That's good. Where is Argon?" He asked, speaking of their youngest brother.
"Resting," Turgon said, gesturing towards the tent that was nearby. Fingon nods and sits down rubbing his face. He didn't realize how tired he was by now.
"You should rest, you look so tired," Elenwe said.
"Alright," Fingon yawned and stretched some.
"Before you go. I do have a question," Turgon said as he brought his brother to a spot where he can rest. "What is going to happen next?"
"I think they are going to help us more but other than that we do not know," Fingon told him.
"Well I guess we will have to wait and see then," Turgon said.
"Guess so," Said Fingon as he sat down as he stretched some. He laid down and fell into a light sleep while his brother went back to help their people.
Elsewhere Kolvar walked over to his king who was sitting with his wife. "Thank you for coming, Kolvar," the king, Horith, said.
"Of course." He said with a bow of his head as he sat down. He looked up at them and asked, "What are we going to do?"
"It may be best to help them," Horith said as he leaned back in his chair. "You heard their story...all I can see is suffering in the future."
"Many will disagree with this," Kolvar said.
"Yes. Yet, I will handle that." The queen said. "We can not let others suffer...especially knowing the fate that awaited us once."
"Besides. We are part of this world too. That darkness that lies in their land can come to our home." Horith said.
"What are your orders then?" asked Kolvar.
"Get warriors together and have someone get word to Fingolfin telling him to come and speak to me. I want to tell him about this as well as discuss what to do next." He told him.
"As you command sire," Kolvar said as he stood up. He bowed his head and left to go deliver this message and go about this order.
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