Chapter 4: A Surprise
A few weeks later, Encre's POV
I smile, following Jasper as he shows me around one of the villages in the kingdom. It's nice to be out again and he is a really good kid. He has even studied French to understand what I am saying, practicing his speech with me with a clear determination to get it right. Their kingdom looks lovely and we've taken frequent stops to make paintings of some scenery it has.
"Let's stop here! This spot gives a good view!"He says
I nod, sitting beside him to sketch and paint the view. He keeps talking away and I smile, listening. I have caught on by now that I cannot stay distanced from him or his family. They won't allow it. So I enjoy my time with them, hoping for the best.
"Wait a damn minute! Is that who I think it is?"A familiar voice asks
I hear footsteps coming closer and glance over, seeing a familiar face.
"It is! Hello Encre! It is so good to find you safe! Wait....How are you here?"He asks
"Bonjour, Poussiere. C'est une longue histoire... Je ne suis plus coincé avec des connards..."I say
(Hello Dust. That's a long story. I'm not stuck with jerks anymore.)
He pulls me into a hug.
"Thank goodness! That village was a wasteland after the fire so I didn't know where to start!"He says
"You know Encre?"Jasper asks
"Yep! I used to visit his village before Asgore ruined things! Encre, I am so sorry! I would've been there to help if his father hadn't trapped me in meetings with the exits locked! I had no way out and he wasn't taking any excuses! Uuugghh..."He says
"Oh, well King Asgore sent him to my dad and he is stuck with us now."Jasper says
"I'm sorry for however he tormented you, Encre."He tells me
"Hey! My father isn't that bad! We're working on his habits!"Jasper says
"Right...My point still stands as we both know how annoying he could be with his little tricks. And he doesn't always pick up on things or change on his own willingly. And then there's the fact that he plays with fire which is the worst thing for Encre to be around."He says
"True..."Jasper says
"Could I borrow Encre for a moment?"He asks
"Sure! Oh, I hear Father calling! I'll be right back!"Jasper says, turning into a bat and soaring away.
He waits a few moments before grabbing my hand and leading me away.
"Let's go quickly before he snitches on me to his father."He says
I glance up at him, then nod.
"I haven't exactly spoken to him since your town got burnt down. But I have a surprise for you."He says
He leads me to a house and takes out a set of keys, bringing me inside. He locks the door behind me with a big smile.
"Oh sapphire!~ Are you home?"He calls
"Mhm!"A familiar voice responds
"Well, you won't believe who I found outside! We have a guest!"He says
"I'm coming!"
I see a familiar face and freeze up, shocked.
"Azure!"I exclaim, smiling.
He runs over, hugging me tightly as he starts to cry with a smile.
"I'm so glad that you're okay! Where have you been?"He asks
"Umm..."I say, unsure where to start.
"Apparently, he was given to Lord Fallacy. I found him in town with Jasper. And to explain things for you, Encre, I found Azure after two or three years and got him away from the people who captured him."Poussiere says
"Oui, après une longue chaîne d'échanges."I say
(Yep, after a long chain of being traded around.)
"Your eyes are so colorless..."He says
I nod.
"What was done to you?"He asks
"And who gave Jasper the idea to give you paint?"Poussiere asks
"What's wrong with him having paint?"He asks
"Oh come on, you know what he is capable of. I'm sure others didn't dare give him it before he was brought here out of fear of what he could do."Poussiere says
"Encre wouldn't use it to hurt anyone!"He says
"Riiight. He wouldn't hurt the ones hurting him?"Poussiere asks
"Il a un point. J'ai été envoyé ici parce que j'ai utilisé l'art pour nuire au dernier à qui j'ai été échangé."I say
(He has a point. I got sent here because I used art to harm the last one that I was traded to.)
"What?"He asks
"Ils ont essayé de me forcer à faire des choses et essayaient de me faire du mal pour avoir refusé. J'ai attrapé un pot de peinture à proximité et c'était fini."I say
(They tried to force me into things and was trying to hurt me for refusing. I grabbed a nearby can of paint and it was over.)
"I'm giving you a check-up given what you just said."He says
Then there's a banging sound at the door.
"OPEN THIS DOOR!"Fallacy shouts
"Told you that he'd snitch."Poussiere says, rolling his eyes.
"NOW!"Fallacy shouts
"Oh cool yourself off, Fallacy! I'm coming and I better not need a water bucket when I do!"Poussiere snaps, opening the door.
Azure rolls up my sleeves, curiously checking for wounds. I see Fallacy invite himself inside, pushing Poussiere aside and I force my sleeves back down.
"You're back in town?"He asks Poussiere says
"Yep."Poussiere says, stepping between him and us.
"And you didn't write to inform me? Skipping meetings?"Fallacy asks
"The last time I went to one of your meetings, I lost my boyfriend for three years. And you weren't exactly the most understanding so yeah, I'd pass on having your company."Poussiere growls
"Boyfriend? You never told me that you had a boyfriend."Fallacy says
"You never cared to notice. I wanted to tell you, my friend, the news but you went all I'm the King on me and said you didn't care if it wasn't related to state affairs. Ya know you only stay on that throne because you have others helping you, not just your powers. And I may be one of your advisors in the council, but that doesn't mean you can disrespect me as if my life is not as important as yours. Remember that meeting that you locked me in and said I couldn't leave or else I go to the dungeon? Yeah, that was when I could hear Asgore attacking a village of those I love, including my boyfriend. I could hear their screams while your main concern was paperwork. I spent three years hunting him down and getting him back safely, fearing for his life. No thanks to you and your help of course. So why don't you back off?"Poussiere snaps
Fallacy stares at him in shock, seeing how hurt he is beneath all that anger.
"Poussiere, I-"He begins
"Shut it."Poussiere snaps
"How can I make it up to you?"Fallacy asks
"Hmm, let me into the archives where you keep all the records and news reports or other intel. I have some people to find."He says
"Done."Fallacy says
Then he glances over to me.
"And swear that you won't harm Encre here. Treat him with respect."Poussiere says, raising his arm to block me.
"How do you know him?"Fallacy asks
"I'm surprised that you weren't familiar with him. His paintings of landscapes cover the halls of the castle. He's also my boyfriend's best friend so we get along quite well. Thanks for calling that truce or else we might have never found him to reunite."He says
"I would like to hear that he is going to be treated well."Azure says, stepping forward.
"And who are you?"Fallacy asks
"Azure. Encre's best friend. I have heard a lot about you from Poussiere."He says
"Meet my boyfriend, Fallacy."Poussiere says, kissing Azure on the head.
Fallacy looks shocked, then glances at me.
"Then again, you don't exactly have to swear to treat him right. But it would be in your best interest to do so unless you want to learn what happens when someone harms him."Poussiere says
"Poussiere!"Azure snaps
"What? It's true! He is not to be underestimated! And unless he wants to meet the same fate as the last one who was in charge of him, he will agree! It's a fair warning!"Poussiere says
"True, and our friends wouldn't be that nice about it either."Azure says, then takes me upstairs.
He shuts the door and has me take off my shirt, gasping at what he sees. I smile at him, used to the scars littering my body by now.
"That's....from Asgore's friends?"He asks
I nod.
"Are there more?"He asks
I nod, pointing down at my legs. He frowns for a moment.
"At least you're here...Safe..."He says as I put my shirt back on.
I nod.
" is it being stuck with him?"He asks
I shrug.
"Suave et Jasper sont sympas."I say
(Suave and Jasper are nice.)
"Yeah, Poussiere told me about them. Glad you have some good people there with you....Not sure about Fallacy though. Seems complicated."He says
"Encre! I'm taking you back now!"Fallacy shouts
Azure shakes his head.
"All these kings seem so demanding."He says, walking downstairs with me.
I pause on the steps, taking the chance to hug him. He smiles, hugging me and we go over to Poussiere.
"Next time don't invite yourself inside my home."Poussiere says
"Right..."Fallacy says, nodding apologetically.
He grabs my hand, pulling me out of the house and quickly unfolds his wings. He takes off into the sky while I dangle from his hand.
"I see that, Fallacy! You better not drop him!"Poussiere snaps
I spent the rest of the flight to the castle in his arms after he was called out. He didn't look happy...
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