Chapter 32: Lady Peggy
I approach the lady waiting outside my house, putting on a smile.
"Bonjour...Can I help you? What brings you to my house?"I ask
"Are you the painter that I've heard about? Encre?"She asks, closing her fan.
"Oui, how can I help you?"I reply
"I am here to help you instead. It seems that you are stuck with a royal family that's obsessed with you. Jasper wouldn't stop talking about you and only wanted to do what you taught him. I go to Felicia and she wouldn't stop talking about her design ideas for you! The only fashion topic was what she could make for you! Or working on those outfits! And just the mention of your name has Fallacy spacing out and ignoring anything else! It is quite concerning and I think you should honestly run before it escalates! I came here to get close to them yet I spent a week hearing about you!"She tells me
"O-Oh...I am sorry if it bothered you so much. I'm sure that they meant no harm or annoyance...They truly are nice and not as bad as you make them sound. I've seen worse or been around worse than this."I say
She leans closer with a grin and cold glare.
"And I'm sorry that they are treating you like that. They may seem loving or close to you now, but you're just a temporary phase of focus. You're just the mentor, NOTHING more. We've had an arranged future so I'd appreciate it if you're not around distracting Fallacy. You're going nowhere and I'm going places."She tells me
Ahh, the true intentions...That's the real problem. It isn't out of concern for me but she wants me gone or to "know my place."
"Miss, I apologize that it's caused this level of concern for you to tell me this. I know that I'm an art mentor. I don't seek much else and don't seek to get in your way. And I'm not in control of this since THEY gave me the job and Fallacy is the one getting distracted. I have no control over what they do or focus on so maybe if it's such a concern for you, perhaps it would be better to tell them your concerns instead of me? But I will not be leaving my job or home here simply due to your insecurities. Now if you don't mind, I have to go unpack."I tell her
She stares at me in shock.
"You're not trying to steal Fallacy?"She asks
"Why would I? He is a good ruler and his people deserve him looking after them. I wouldn't ruin that. And how would I even be capable of that? Surely you can see that he is more powerful than me. You have nothing to worry about. Fallacy is a good friend, father, and king. Nothing more. Felicia is sweet and Jasper is a good student."I say
"But aren't you after their riches? Their status?"She asks
"Status attracts attention and attention is the last thing I want. I just want to be free to paint and be around loved ones. Riches doesn't buy that. They're good company to have. And if that weren't true I'd already be back home with my friends. Are you reading the gossip articles? They exaggerate everything. I assure you that nothing is happening that could cause your concern. Now, may I go inside?"I ask
"Oh right. Of course. Doesn't your kind sleep at this time?"She asks
"Mostly but I've adjusted to this routine to teach Jasper and help around. I wouldn't be a good teacher if I sleep when he is awake and vice versa now would I?"I reply, sort of annoyed by the your kind statement
Of all ways to put it, couldn't it have been said differently? Perhaps more polite?
"So when are you going to sleep?"She asks
"After dinner and unpacking my things."I reply
"Wait...You're coming to dinner?"She asks
"Lord Fallacy frequently invites me or Jasper does and wouldn't it be rude to deny their requests or invitations? So yes, I do."I say
She huffs, stomping away. I take my bags from the horses and wagon, going to unpack. After a few minutes I finish and Jasper is at my door.
"Our first dinner together again!"He cheers, hopping eagerly
"I hear that you've missed me a lot, Jasper."I say
"Really? Who told you?"He asks
"A lady came to warn me about an obsession that she claims to notice."I say
"Ooh! That's Peggy! Don't mind her! She's delusional! Grandpa promised her in childhood Dad'd hand and she's just annoyed that it hasn't happened! And refuses to accept that the deal has gone void. Especially without a replacement partner to explain why she can't have him."He says, leading me to the castle.
"Encre! So good to see you again!"Lady Athena says
"Hello..."I say
"Oh thank goodness you're back. I can't take the bickering anymore!"Suave says, walking over and hugging me
"Good to see you again, Suave."I say
"Some common sense may return to the castle now. Or at least some peace."He says, sighing with relief and hugging me closer.
Then he clears his throat, separating from me. We enter the dining room and I see Lady Peggy sitting beside Fallacy, across from Felicia. Felicia waves at me, patting the chair beside her eagerly. I sit beside her and Lady Athena sits beside me. Jasper wedges himself between Fallacy and Peggy. Suave makes sure the food comes out before taking his seat. We all quietly eat for the most part as Jasper noticeably blocks any attemps that Peggy makes to get near his father. Lady Athena curiously discusses with me my latest artworks while Felicia asks me about family and things back home. I notice Fallacy watching me throughout the meal, though he keeps quiet.
"So....Why is he here?"Peggy asks, glancing at me.
"Why are you here?"Jasper responds sharply
"Because the arrangement is still in place as far as I can see. Nobody has taken my place for me to take so I'm free to keep pushing."Peggy says
"Well then let me help you with that. I hereby nullify the arrangement between you and my son Fallacy that you were given at AGE FIVE. A true lady realizes when to move on and face the facts with grace dear. Perhaps being told the FIFTH TIME will help with that."Lady Athena says, glaring at Peggy.
"So what? Nothing's stopping me."Peggy says
"That stinks. You're is not very nice when Dad's not around. I'd hate to have you as a stepmom. I don't even want a stepmom. I think the family would do better with a stepdad."Jasper says, smiling at me.
My face burns up at the implications as Peggy gives me a death glare.
Jasper could you PLEASE not give the crazy lady more reasons in her head to want me dead?
Felicia and Fallacy both spit out their drinks in shock.
"JASPER!"They snap
"What's wrong with a stepdad?"He asks innocently.
I see Fallacy glance at me and his face gets engulfed in his flames.
"Well I wouldn't say that anything is wrong...*AHEM*Felicia I blame you."He says
"WHAT DID I DO?"She snaps
Soon the table burst into wild discussion and arguing. Suave groans, smacking his headagainst the table while Jasper smiles at me. Then Lady Athena leans in close to me.
"Soo, what are your tastes since they're on the topic? What's your type?"She asks
"Umm...I don't exactly have one...I've never been in a relationship. Good person that isn't abusive and makes me happy I guess are my tastes? The basics?"I whisper quietly
"I see...."She says, rejoining the argument.
"Darling? Are you okay?"Felicia asks
"I think it would be best for me to go...I have to rest..."I say
"Let me walk you home!"She says, taking my hand
She leads me out of the room and the noises fade away. I shudder, still feeling familiar with Peggy glaring at me as if she was glaring daggers through the walls.
"So umm, how long is she going to be here?"I ask
"She says for another two weeks."She replies
"Oh...Then I'll have Jasper meet me at my house for his lessons until she leaves."I say
"How come?"She asks
"Well, she found me earlier to complain about how you all spoke about me, calling it an obsession, and essentially told me to stay away or get out. I reassured her that nothing was going on to bother her, that I was not a problem for her, and that dinner conversation unfolded. She is going to kill me if we cross paths again or something close to it! I'm not dealing with a crazy pissed lady that thinks I'm stealing from her!"I explain to her
"Ah...I see. Those arrangements will be made and she will be kept away from you. Don't worry."She says
I smile, feeling some relief. I thank her, then go to my house to finally get some sleep.
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