Chapter 21: Marking?
Encre's POV
"Umm, Bonjour....?"I ask
"Oh! You speak French? I was sure that you were speaking remarkable English just seconds ago."He says, walking closer.
"Qui es-tu?"I ask, backing up.
(Who are you?)
"Alright, I'll speak your language. Je suis Lord Charmeur et je sais que vous êtes la précieuse Encre dont j'ai entendu parler."He says, stepping forward.
(I am Lord Charmer and you must be the precious Encre I have heard about.)
I frown, shaking my head. Why is he coming from that crowd of gossipers to compliment me now? What does he seek to achieve? Fallacy always made most of his intentions obvious. This one not so much.
"Je comprends très bien l'anglais."I say
(I understand English just fine.)
"I see...Now why is the collar of your clothes so high? Surely if Lord Fallacy marked you, he'd seek to show you off. Unless...You didn't consent to it and don't seek an arrangement with him here?"He says
"M-Marked?"I say in confusion.
"Yes, marked. Did he mark you? Are you trapped here?"He asks
I shake my head.
"Hmmm...."He hums, scanning me from head to toe.
I back away, stepping down another aisle of bushes in an attempt to get away. Unlike my friends, his gaze creeps me out. I may not always understand Fallacy or Felicia's gazes, but something in them comfort me in a way that his doesn't. I frown, going through the aisles. Then I see a twig snap. I turn around, seeing him behind me as he plucks a rose from a bush and offers it to me.
He is definitely seeking to take advantage of me in some shape or form...
Hesitantly, I take the rose from him.
"It's quite amusing how he has a matching outfit with you. Never thought he'd wear something so brightly colored when he dresses in black so often. Oh and his temper! With a temper like his, I'd never think that he'd ever be close enough for anyone to have such a paired outfit! He looked miserable in there wearing it, always so snippy in any conversation! I'm sorry you have to be around such a grouchy dragon ready to spit fire at any moment! But you! You look dashing and adorable in such style! Where did you get such fashion?"He asks
Aaah, flattery. One of the oldest tricks in the book to get something he wants. He wants to inflate my ego by putting Fallacy down or perhaps coming as a savior by painting him as a villain or monster to protect me from...such nonsense. Either way, he is seeking to benefit somehow from this. I've seen both used too many times. Given his name, these must be his favorites. Trying to charm others to get what he wants as "Lord Charmer" but it won't work with me.
"Lady Felicia..."I say
"Hmmm, then perhaps she could make a pair for us. Yours could say MARKED and mine could say MARKER. Or yours could say I AM HIS and mine will say HE IS MINE. Ooh the possibilities..."He says
I back up away, frowning. I don't like the sound of that. The possessiveness dripping from it. I drop the rose behind a bush. Then he grabs my wrists.
"I could free you from all this! Come with me, Encre! Please! Come back to my kingdom and stay with me instead!"He says
I shake my head, backing away.
"No no no! Don't reject me! Please please please agree! You will be very happy in my kingdom! You'll be happy with me! You'll have everything! You'll have me!"He pleas, pulling my wrists to him
I'm not interested! I don't know two things about him and I'm not dropping my life to go to a land where I'll be a possession! A hated outsider by its residents! I'll just get mistreated! I'm happy here, why would I leave to be treated like that?
"No."I say firmly
"You won't be alone or unhappy! I swear that to you! You'll have me so you can be happy and loved! You'll be happy because you'll be mine! I love you, Encre! I'll mark you, Encre!"He tells me
Lies...Lies and insanity...
I don't want anything to do with him. I want to get away from him. He probably just loved the power that I was using. Or he is living a fantasy? I'm not going to play into his fantasy.
I rip my hands away from him and quickly collect some paint, making a portal under me. I slip through and drop out in the hallway, shutting it quickly and feeling my body tremble. What the hell was he talking about?
"Oh, hey Encre! I was just going to find you! Are...Are you okay?"
I glance up, seeing Reaper approaching. I quickly get closer to him, shaking my head. He wraps his wing around me, leading me away.
"I was...approached by Lord Charmeur....He creeped me out and spoke of marking...."I tell him
"Ugh, Felicia really did put a target on you with that outfit. You see, Charmeur is extremely greedy and has some sort of obsession with Fallacy. Whatever Fallacy has, he must also have or take for himself. And given the matching outfits indicating a clear connection, it was only a matter of time before he came for you."He says
"What's marking?"I ask
"The meaning of a mark varies depending on the vampire. Reasonable, healthy views of it are that it is a sign of love to give to someone special. For example, Poussiere would give it to Azure with consent if he ever wished to do so. It is also a sign of protection since most vampires won't bother someone that is marked. It's usually just a fang mark to the neck that signals to other vampires to back off. A toxic idea is that it is a sign of possession where a vampire OWNS the marked person forever and is theirs to control. We even have an occasion that encourages it called the Pink Moon. The Pink Moon is like the Blood Moon in some form where vampires lose control to some extent. Except with the Pink Moon, their desires and emotions take control, not their aggression or hunger like the Blood Moon."He explains
"I see...He mentioned marking me and it leans more on the toxic mentality..."I say
He quickly pulls me away with a frown. In front of everyone, he drags me right over to Fallacy who is surrounded by other guests, knocking them away and shoving me into him.
"Don't let him out of your sight, you hear me? Don't leave him until this event ends, got it? I'll know if you don't listen."He growls
I feel Fallacy wrap his arms around me as I look up at him. He glances at me, seeming concerned. Then he nods, hugging me close to him. Reaper leaves and Fallacy shields me from sight with his wing as I hear gasps erupt in the room as if he did something scandalous.
"Did something happen?"He asks
I nod, holding his arm gently. I see him smile for a moment, a warmth present in it and his eyes that Charmeur doesn't have.
"I'll keep you safe. It will be over soon."He tells me
I smile up at him, grateful.
Soon enough the guests start to file out, taking turns to say their goodbyes to their hosts. By now said hosts are sitting on their thrones. Jasper smiles at me from his and Felicia giggles on hers, seeing that Fallacy obeyed Reaper's order to the extreme. He didn't let me go in the slightest, holding me in his lap with only his wings to hide me from the guests' shocked looks and whispers. But I can still see pieces of what's happening. Then Lord Charmeur takes his turn, bowing to Fallacy and Felicia.
"This was a lovely party to attend, Lord Fallacy and Lady Felicia. You never seem to disappoint. I will say goodnight but not goodbye to you as I am sure that we'll see each other again soon. After all, I plan to stay for a week or two to explore and do sightseeing. You have such a wonderful kingdom after all. It would be a shame if I missed a chance to take in all the wonderful sights...."He says, his gaze focusing on me with a grin.
He winks at me and I feel my body tense. He reminds me too much of.... A gentle hand brushing my cheek takes me from my thoughts, calming me. Fallacy's wings fold closer around me as the hand on my cheek slips down to hold my hand. I squeeze it firmly, finding this comforting. He won't let his kind near me. I'm safe with Fallacy....
I see Charmeur frown for a short moment.
"...And all the lovely experiences. Lady Felicia, I may inquire for tips with your fashion knowledge but for now, I bid you goodnight."
As he was exiting past Suave he mutters something that caused Suave to spray him with some water and force him to leave.
"What was that about?"Fallacy asks
"He cursed you both in French, M'Lords! After acting so nice to your face!"Suave snaps
Luckily he was the last guest and Suave sighs.
"After your little protective display and current position, M'Lord, I have no doubt that you'll be in the papers again. And not in the best ways..."He says
His reputation is getting hurt again...It's going to worsen...
Fallacy glances at me and lifts me in his arms. He swiftly exits the room, carrying me upstairs.
"I don't doubt that he is out there waiting to catch you. So you can stay here until day when I know you'll be safe from him."He says
"Thank you..."I say, smiling at him.
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