Chapter 10: In the Papers
Encre's POV
"Umm... Lord Fallacy?" I say after taking a quick glance around
Everyone is watching...Their king just made a huge scene...Against Classique of all people!
I glance up at him as he glares at the mound of snow, holding me tighter.
He glances at me and smiles for a moment, his eyes softening from the harsh glare.
"Yes, Encre?"He says
"What are you doing?"I ask
"Keeping him from following you! Obviously! Are you alright?"He asks
"Yes.....Is this because he jumped Cipher?"I reply
"He what?"He asks, his eyes shrinking.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that...
"Yeaaah....Cipher was following me and talking nonsense and then fled when he came. And he is my friend, he wasn't going to hurt me."I say
"But he was following you!"He says
"I was leading him to my house to meet my father."I say
"Why?"He asks, tensing up.
"Because my father loves him and hasn't seen him in years. I'm sure he'd be happy to know that another friend is safe. Now can I go dig him out?"I ask
He releases me reluctantly and I smile, going over to dig Classique out. He takes my hand to pull himself up. He grips my hand tighter, growling at Fallacy.
"Sorry about that, Classique. "I say
"You're not the one that should apologize."He says
We glance over to Fallacy walking closer.
"So, you're going to see Mr. Aster?"He asks, crossing his arms.
"Do I need your permission, Your Majesty?"Classique asks sarcastically.
"Oookaaay! Classique, let's just go! You still have to explain things to me! See you later, Lord Fallacy!"I say, pulling him away before the tension breaks into something worse.
I reach home, taking him inside. Dad was very happy to see Classique again. Then we got to hear about all his travels and experiences before we filled him in on ours.
Soon afterward, he left to go see Azure and see how he has been. Perhaps he will make a home for himself. But I had no idea what the incident would turn into....
Fallacy's POV a few days later
I sit in my room, working on some paperwork from council meetings when I hear the door open. I see Suave walking over to me with a rolled up pack of papers.
"Stop. Bothering. Encre!"He orders, smacking me with the roll with each word.
"Hey!"I snap, swiping my hand to keep him from continuing.
"You can't keep sneaking out to randomly appear at his home! It's very weird, M'Lord! It might even appear creepy to him! You have duties to fulfill and work to do that you can't abandon just to run off to him! And you certainly can't cause the scenes that you have! You're a king meant to lead by example, not act like a kid in a snowball fight by hurling a pile of snow at the company with him!"He tells me
"I didn't know it was his friend! I just knew that he was being followed! I didn't know if one of the other kingdoms sent a hunter or something to get him and if he was that hired force! I was trying to protect him!"I say
"Well clearly you didn't read them correctly and shouldn't act on so little information. Not the best impression to bury his friend in snow without apologizing and not the best example to show your people. Plus now they're running all this gossip about it."He says, unrolling the papers
The front page shows a sketch of Classique and I glaring at each other with Encre between us. The headline reads: Lord Fallacy Attacks Werewolf! Possible Lover of Encre in Snow? Possible Vamp-Wolf Tensions? What Caused this Scene on page 6.
"Rumors and gossip are running wild in the papers, something none of you need. And that's regardless on what kind of company Classique is to him. What has gotten into you, M'Lord? Why do you act like this with him?"He asks
Why do I act like this? Try to protect Encre? I care about him..He has been through enough, right? And Encre is so...interesting. Is that the right word to use? He is so accepting even after what was done to him...So creative...His eyes are dazzling to gaze into and his voice sounds like a beautiful melody...I really want to know more about him, see more of him...
He seems to notice with my silence as I sank into my thoughts.
"Oh...I think I see..."He says
"I just want to keep him safe..."I say
"Surprised you don't upgrade his house then. You're leaving him unprotected to an extent."A voice says
We glance over, seeing Poussière leaning on the doorframe.
"What do you mean?"Suave asks
"It's only built with wooden doors and thin glass. It leaves him exposed to us at our worst. Along with his father might I add."He says
It quickly clicks in my head.
The Blood Moon is coming up...And his home isn't reinforced to protect him from it....
I push aside my paperwork and get out some papers, making a plan to fix that.
"Thank you, Poussière. You just gave him to avoid his duties more."Suave says
"On the contrary, Suave. He is actually managing one of his duties. Doesn't he have a duty to protect those that he cares about?"Poussiere says
"Yes but-"
"Then he's doing just fine. Now if you excuse me, I have to replace Azure's bedroom door and make plans with him."He says, exiting with a grin.
At least I have his support...
Suave sighs, shaking his head.
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