2 07: Restraint (pt.2)
the screen resumes, Violet is seen walking into the boys locker room "Jackson?" she questions, as the sound of a shower running is caught in the background.
"In here." his voice replies, as the camera follows Violet's line of sight revealing Jackson, in the shower, naked.
'Ewww' many grimace, as the parents cover their younger ones eyes.
Violet jumps back in surprise and turns around the corner with her eyes closed. Jackson is seen smirking slightly "Is something wrong?"the screen shows Violet looking disgusted
"Y-you could've warned me..." she stammers awkwardly.
"You're the one that walked into the boys' locker room." the boy answers, switching off the shower and walking closer towards her.
Violet shakes her head "I thought I heard you-- I th--" she hesitates as she feels him rounding the corner. "Forget it."
"Did you wanna talk about something?" he creeps up behind her.
"We can talk later."
Jacksons hand suddenly shoots out Infront of her, blocking her way as she tries to leave "No, let's talk now." he demands with raised eyebrows.
"What I'm Merlin's name is wrong with him" James questions, worried for her
Even with Violet's known abilities, she seems scared "I-I have to get to cl--" she says as she tries to once move out of the way, but gets interrupted again.
"Oh, no, no, you don't. No, you have more than perfect grades. You can skip one class." as Violets breathing picks up, he looks at her in mock concerns while chucking "Are you okay? Your heart's beating like crazy."
the scene changes to the classroom where Scott is taking his test. the clock is ticking as he marks in one of his answers when his pencil snaps. this directs his concentration to the sound of a heartbeat, not just any heartbeat.
Many sigh in relief, knowing Scott was going to keep Violet safe
back in the locker room Violet is seen slowly moving out of the way as Jackson continues to follow her "thought you wanted to talk.""I-I-I changed my mind." she stammers, tripping over one of the benches.
"You sure? Because you look a little stressed." he says, maintaining eye contact "Is it Allison? Is it that whole thing? I still can't believe you actually think your little Romeo and Juliet story is gonna last." Violet shakes her head in denial, tears coming to her eyes. "You know she's eventually just gonna run to her family and join up with their little hunting pack. If you don't realize that, then you gotta be the stupidest bitch in this town." a tear falls down her cheek as she continues to back up. "Well, other than Allison, since she's a pretty stupid bitch herself"
Many as seen staring at the screen in fury
"Stop. Just stop!" Violet shouts in anger, finally having enough of his manipulative behaviour.
"What are you gonna do, Violet? Hmm? When your stupid bitch of a girlfriend turns on you?" he traps her against the wall with his hands on either side of her head. They nearly kill Scott. They almost kill Derek. Who do you really think's gonna be next, hmm? Not you?"
"No, no, it can't be you, because you're in love. Is that what you tell yourself? Hmm?" he starts to mock her "Allisson's different, and everything's gonna work out because we're in love." his anger returns "Well, if that's what you believe, then you're already dead." he suddenly takes his claws out and strokes them down her face "I just-I just hope Derek has been teaching you moves to protect yourself" he aims them at her throat.
"Actually, he has." she mummers angrily. her eyes flash purple as she grabs a hold of his throat pushing him away, but he knocks his foot out just in time foe her to trip and land on her back, him landing on top of her.
"GO VIOLET" many shout, proud of her for standing up for herself
as she intakes sharply his eyes flash with recognition "V" he pushes himself of her, scrambling around "what are you doing here?"she backs herself into a wall as the door opens to reveal Scott.
"He's about to get his but kicked" Marlene claps her hands excitedly
"I-I'm fine. I'm fine." what doesn't help her situation is that Scott sees Jackson puling up his short. Scott runs at him as Violet shouts "Scott, I'm fine! Scott!" he pushes him into the lockers, knocking down a few in the process
"I HAVE A RESTRAINING ORDER!" Jackson shouts furiously.
"Trust me, I restrained myself." Scott replies. Jackson suddenly lunges at him, tackling him into a supply fence and throwing him onto the floor. Scott stands up but doesn't get time to fight back as Jackson is throwing him against the wall.
finally finding some strength, Scott headbutts him and slams his head into the opposite wall, knocking him to the ground. as Scott is about to lunge at him again, Jackson lifts his foot up, pushing Scott away with enough strength to make him fly into the shower tiles, smashing them.
"That was hot"
Jackson pushes himself up, walking away. when Scott suddenly jumps over the wall, knocking both of them to the ground. Jackson picks up a weight and throws it at Scott when it stops.
they both look behind Jacksons to see Violet there, looking angrier than they have ever seen her, with her hand stretched out, the weight covered in purple flames. she throws the weight to the side, smashing on of the sinks as water sprays everywhere. Jackson's face turns sour as he lunges at Violet, knocking her out the door as Scott runs to follow.
Many are amazed at how good Violet is getting at controlling her abilities.
Some more than others....
Jackson is suddenly pulled off of her by no one other than Erica. as Scott tries to go for him he too is pulled back by Stiles while Allison goes to help Violet off of the floor. "omg, are you ok? what happened?" she questions her girlfriend.
Violet rubs her her and sighs "I'm fine"
"What the hell's going on?" Harris's voice is heard down the hall. he looks between Violet, Scott and Jackson. "What do you idiots think you're doing, Jackson! Calm down!"he looks at Violet "Miss Martin you wanna explain yourself?" he receives no answer. "McCall?" he's interrupted by Matt, who is gesturing the tablet in his hand towards a panting Violet.
"You dropped this." but it is snatched by Harris.
"You, you, and you--" he gestures to the 3 who where in the locker room, but quickly seems to change his mind "actually, all of you-- detention. Three o'clock." as they all look at each other disappointingly.
"I hate him so much"
"He reminds me of professor Snape"
later that day all of the teens are seen walking into the library, where Harris is waiting for them. as Allison, Matt and Jackson occupy one table, Violet, Stiles, Scott and Erica sit on the one next to them when Jackson speaks up"Oh, uh, we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools." he points to the two boys behind him.
"All of these tools?" Harris questions.
"No, just us tools..." Stiles answers tiredly as he points to himself and Scott. "Fine. You two, over there." he points to another table, further away from Jackson, leaving Violet and Erica alone.
Erica smirks, and turns towards Violet "so, looks like I finally have some space to have our chat"
"great" Violet rolls her eyes and learns against her hand.
"She's so fed up with her" Mary laughs
"Why was Stiles asking Lydia about Jackson's real parents?" Erica questions
"Why where you bringing out the claws on camera?" Violet fired back
"feisty today? I like it" the blonde smirks, Violet sighs, annoyed.
"listen, you wanna play Catwoman? I'll be your Batman."
Many of the pure bloods look confused, people who know what they mean roll their eyes.
"If you're wondering about Jackson's real parents, they're about a half a mile from here... In Beacon Hills Cemetery."
Violet looks at her questioningly "Do you know how they died?"
Erica shrugs "Maybe" she turns herself to look at Violet dead in the eye "If you tell me why you're so interested." Violet only tilts her head, knowing that she already knew.
"cut the bullshit you know it's him" it was now Erica's turn to roll her eyes.
"you're no fun"
Violet scoffs "You can't tell Derek, okay? There's a lot more that you don't know about... And just because you got the Alpha-Bite-Makeover doesn't give you a license to go around destroying people."
"Why not? That's all anybody ever used to do to me." Erica can see Violet eyes turn to fury.
"I didn't" Violet replies to her softly "I saw you"
Many people awwwwed
Erica smiled gently "I used to have the worst crush in the world on you." seeing Violet's shocked face, she shook her head "don't act like you didn't know, I wasn't very good at hiding it. I guess I was just too early"
"That's actually so sad" Ginny wipes a tear
before Violet could open her mouth to reply, her attention was caught when Jackson suddenly stood up with his bag.
"I have to go to the bathroom." Harris turned to him concerned.
"Are you all right? Hey, you don't look so good..." but Jackson dismissed him
"I just need to get some water."
As he left Harris turned back and pointed to the 6 left "No one leaves their seats."
in obvious Scott and Stiles fashion the minute Harris was out the door they occupied themselves back in their own seats. both of their eyes peered at Erica who was not 'taking notes'
"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died." Scott didn't waste any time in questioning her.
"Maybe." she replied, uninterested.
"Talk." Scott said sternly and Violet looked like she was holding in a laugh.
Many laugh along with her, only seeing Scott as a puppy
Erica set her notebook and pen down, giving all of hr attention to both boys "It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's eighteen."
Stiles shared a look of disbelief "So, not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at eighteen?"
"There's something so deeply wrong with that." Violet scoffed, as the others nodded in agreement.
Many nods of agreement go around the hall
Erica opened up her laptop "You know what? I could try to find the insurance report on my dad's inbox. He keeps everything." as she started to type away, they where interrupted by the PA speaker.
"Violet Martin, please report to the principal's office." the girl in question made eye contact with her girlfriend, both sharing a worried look.
"Ugh not this bitch again"
cutting to Violet entering the office, she questions Victoria politely "The principal wanted to see me?"
"No-- I did." she answers, Violet gives a hesitant nod under her stern stare "I'm concerned about the detention today, how Allison ended up in there with you and Mr. McCall." she enters the pencil she was holding into the sharpener "A sink was ripped off the wall. You're lucky I'm here to explain that to people somehow, you realize that?"
"Yeah... I do now..." she answers, shifting obviously uncomfortable
"Good. Are you having sex with my daughter?"
"That's so inappropriate" Lily shakes her head disapprovingly
Violet stares at her, mouth agape as she re-enters the pencil into the sharper, staring her down. she glances back to her hand to notice that the pencil had nearly reached it's end, seeming like a threat.
"Uh, no. I'm not having sex with your daughter." she answers alarmed with wide eyes.
"I certainly hope not." Victoria answers with one final glare, as Violet gulps.
"She gives me the hebbie jebbies" Fred shivers
Violet has now joined the others back in the library, now standing between shelves with Scott, Stiles and Allison.
"It means he was born after his mom died by c-section. They had to pull him out of her dead body." Stiles explains
"So, was it an accident, or not?" Allison questions as Stiles shrugs.
"The word all over the report is inconclusive."
"Then his parents could have been murdered?" Scott leans in
"If they were, then it falls in line with the Kanima myth, you know? It seeks out and kills murderers."
"For Jackson?" asks Allison
"or the person controlling him?" Violet realises
"We have to talk to him. We have to tell him." Scott decides, as the others nod hesitantly
"He's not gonna li-" Allison is cut off by Scott running out of the shelves. spotting a book on the floor he cautiously makes his way towards it, only to turn and see Matt on the floor with a claw mark on the back of his neck.
'Oh no' many think, as these kids can't even catch a break in detention
alarmed, he quickly makes his way to inspect it only for the kanima to jump out, hitting the celling in the process. Scott looks up with his now yellow eyes and calls out "Erica!"
the kanima jumps again as Stiles rushes to cover both Allison and Violet from the chipped celling when they hear Erica grunt.
"UNGH!" she screams as she falls to the ground. Scott is pushed back into a trolley of books by no other than Jackson, only with half of his face covered in scales, and yellow eyes.
Many gasp at the sight, some even look interested
he walks away as he joins his friends as they all peek out from behind the shelf. Jackson's form walks it's way towards the chalkboard and begins to spell our a sentence.
'stay out of my way. or I'll kill all of you'
All of Violets family look worried, not doubting the kanima'a words
and with that he jumps through the window.
as they all get up slowly to inspect it Violet notices Erica shaking on the ground and rushes to her side."Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey! I think she's having a seizure." she exclaims panicked, taking the girl into her arms.
"I thought her turning into a werewolf stopped them" Regulus questions
"I guess only some perks come true" Remus mumbles
Allison quickly goes to check on Matt as the 2 boys run to Violet's side."He's alive." she confirms
"we need to get her to a hospital." Violet says, growing more concerned by the second.
"Derek... only to Derek..." Erica mutters weakly, they all share a confused glance. Scott turns to gaze Allison on the other side of the shelf.
"When we get her to the hospital--"
"To Derek... To Derek..." Erica says once more
"Go." Allison reassures. Violet carefully puts Eruca into Stiles' arms and runs to Allison's side.
"Hey, Violet!" Stiles calls after her
"I'm staying here with you." Violet says to her girlfriend, determined to stay with her.
"They can't take her alone, not like this. And Matt-- I've got to call an ambulance for him." when Violet looks at her unsure, she nods "Just go."
"okey" she says hesitantly, she turns to leave but goes back, kissing her lightly on the cheek and rushes back.
"They're so cute"
as Scott stands up ready to leave Violet quickly takes the girl form his arms "I got her" and gives them no chance to complain as she rushes through the door.
as the trio plus Erica reach Derek's place, he wastes no time to take the shaking girl out of Violets hands, placing her on the floor he quickly looks back up at the girl "Hold her up."
Violet wastes no time kneeling to the ground, letting the blonde lean against her.
"Is she dying?" Stiles questions anxiously form above them.
"She might. I-- Which is why this is gonna hurt." in a blink of an eye he grabs her arm and snaps. Erics screams out in pain as Violet's eyes widen.
Many widen their eyes and look away from the screen
"MERLINS BEARD" Sirius clutches his chest, covering his eyes with his hands
"You broke her arm!"
"It'll trigger the healing process. I still gotta get the venom out-- this is where it's really gonna hurt." he gives no explanation as he squeezes her arm, black liquid falling out over a piece of newspaper as she screams even louder.
Many grimace at the sight, some even gag
suddenly the screaming stops as she slumps against the red head. looking up at her weakly, she blinks "Violet... you make a good Batman..." Violets face relaxes as Erica passes out from exhaustion. Scott puts his head in his hands, relieved.
"She really likes her doesn't she?" Lily questions
"oh my god"
Violet gently passes the blonde into Stiles' awaiting arms as she, Scott and Derek walk out of the trailer. "You know who it is." Scott accuses as the three of them come to a stop.
"Jackson." he nods, sitting down
"You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?" Violet questions, he nods in response.
Scott sighs "We're gonna help you stop him... as part of your pack. If you want us in, fine. But, we'll do it on one condition-- we're gonna catch him, not kill him.
"And?" Derek raises his eyebrows awaiting an answer, and Violet gives him one.
"And we do it our way."
"I jinxed it" Lily sighed
"Yep" James nodded
stay tuned for more.....
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