2 06: Frenemy
The scene shows Allison and Violet talking away from everyone else, they face each other holding hands.
"Be safe ok?" Allison speaks up she picks her head up only to find Violet looking at her with soft eyes. "I can't have you end up in the hospital" she chuckles sadly.
"I'll be careful I promise, and please make sure Lydia gets home safe, she's probably freaking out right now. And it's my fault if I just told her what was going on in the first place then maybe all of this could have been avoided, I just wanted to protect her" we see tears gather in Violets eyes as she turns her head away.
"We need to see more of Violet and Lydia" Marlene says gaining many nods in agreement.
Allison softly grabs her face with her hands to turn to face her. "Hey you did the right thing ok? Lydia's safe, and she'll be fine I promise I'll get her home"
Violet nods and giver her a smile as they pull each other into a hug before separating. Allison walks towards Lydia and gets in her car while Violet walks towards Stiles and Scott. She stops in front of them and puts her hands on her hips.
"The mum stance" Mary chuckles
"So what's the plan?"
"Their plans never end well" Sirius shakes his head.
Stiles and Violet catch up with Scott who was peaking around the corner of a nightclub. "You see where he went?" Stiles asks.
Scott signed and shakes his head "I lost him" he said disappointed.
"You couldn't catch his sent?" Asked his best friend.
"Eww" Violet scrunches her nose up in disgust, both boys turn to look at her, confused. "What? I mean I wouldn't wanna be smelling Jackson so I really don't blame Scott for not catching his scent" she says the last part mocking Stiles's voice, casing him to give her a slight glare.
"She has a point" James points out, agreeing with his daughter.
"Ok guys focus, I don't think he has a scent" Scott says tiredly.
"All right any clue where he's going?" Stiles asks.
"Probably to kill someone" Scott says as Violet nods in agreement.
"Wouldn't be surprised if I'm honest"
"Ah that explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Good. Makes perfect sense." Stiles says sarcastically making the other two raise their eyebrows. "What? Guys come on. I'm one hundred and forty-seven pound of pale skin and fragile bone- sarcasm is my only defence!" He explains.
"Don't forget those abs" Violet says, giving his stomach a pat as his face turns scarlet. Scott fed up with their banter signs loudly.
Many laugh at the interaction.
"Just help me find it"
"Not "it"- Jackson" Stiles points out.
"Yeah, I know. I-I know"
"Oh it doesn't matter, it, who, what, when, where, we just need to find the stupid lizard" Violet throws her hands up, frustrated.
"James's humour is finally showing" Remus says sarcastically.
"What? Ok look just ignore her" Stiles says waving a hand in Violets face, blocking her out. "Does he know that? Did anybody else see him back at your house?" He asks.
Scott signs and shakes his head "I don't think so. And he already passes Derek's test anyway" he said.
"Yeah, but that's the thing- how did he pass the test?" Stiles asks as Scott, once again shakes his head.
"I don't know."
"That's sneaky little snake" Violet says under her breath. Suddenly Stiles snaps his finger in her face and smiles widely.
"That's it! What if it's like and either- or thing? Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom. So when is the Kanima not the Kanima? God Violet you are a genius." He finished.
"Thank you" the girl grinned. Realisation crossed over Scott's face as he looks up.
Many laugh at her action.
"When it's Jackson" he says. Violets face morphs into confusion.
"No shit" she stated but stiles putting a hand up to silence her as he looks at something in the distance.
"Uh guys, see that?" He points towards a window as Scott and Violet both back up to his side to see what he's looking at. The camera shows the Kanima's tail gliding out of view through the air conditioning vent.
"He's inside" Scott says.
"What's he gonna do in there?" Stiles asks. Both of them hear Scott's quick intake of breath as he snaps his head to the side.
"I know who he's after" he says making the other two look at him.
"What? How? Did you smell something?" Stiles asks as Scott nods.
"Armani." He said as they look over to see Danny at the front of the line.
Slipping around to the back alley behind the club. The three teens locate the door. Stiles goes to try the handle but it's looked. "Maybe there's a window we could climb though-"
A metallic crunch interrupts his sentence as Scott hands him the handle of the door. "Or a handle we could rip off with super human strength. How did I not think of that?" He asks.
"Because you're stupid" Violet says as she pushes past both boys and heads inside. Leaving Scott slightly laughing and a dumbfounded expression on Stiles's face.
"Please why is she so funny this episode" Ginny laughs
"Because she's my daughter of course" James says proudly. Lily only scoffs.
As both boys walk in trying to find Violet it seems like Scott comes to some kind of realisation " Dude, everyone in here is a dude. I think this is a gay club" he turns around to see both Violet and Stiles surrounded by drag queens, the former seeming to enjoy it a lot more than the later.
"Nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, does it?" Stiles expresses sarcastically.
Many are dying laughing on the expression on Stiles's face.
"Omg I love your hair, can I braid it?" One of the drag queens asks Violet, which causes her smile to widen.
"Omg of course" a clearing of a throat makes her turn her attention towards Stiles who has a bored expression.
"We need to go." He says making Violet frown.
"Do we have to?" Stiles only gives her a look, making her sigh and turn back to the drag queens.
"I will be back in 5 minutes ladies, we are on a mission to get these dudes." She points both her thumbs to both boys " a dude each"
"I'll take the one with the short hair." One of them pipes up with a smirk.
"You can have as much as you want of him when we get back, I promise" she turns around and puts a hand each on both boys shoulders and pushes them forward. "Let's go!"
They take a seat at the bar as Stiles looks at the bartender "three beers" this causes both his friends and the bartender to look at him with raised eyebrows.
"ID's?" He asks as both boys pull out their drivers license making Violet sigh and cover her face with her hands. "How about cokes?"
"Rum and coke? Sure!" Stiles says making Violet interrupt.
"Cokes fine, he's driving anyway" she smiles as the bartender nods and fetches someone else to bring their drink.
As they get set down the bartender points at Scott's drink "that one's paid for" he point to the end of the table and gestures towards a guy at the other end.
Scott turns to his friends smiling with pride, Violet laughs as Stiles grumbles "shut up" he says.
"He's adorable" Alice says.
"I didn't say anything" Scott defends through a laugh.
"But your face did" Stiles says as Violet searches the crowd. She spots Danny and hits both boys on the arm.
"I found him" she nods over to where he is.
"I found Jackson" Scott says as the other two follow his line of sight. Perched among the light fixtures above, the camera shows the Kanima moving like a spider across the ceiling, stealthily making its way towards the dance floor and Danny.
Stiles shakily sets his drink down, now looking fearful, Scott keeps his eyes on the Kanima while Violet keeps her eyes on Danny. "Get Danny" Scott says making them both look at him.
"What are you going to do?" Violet asks making Scott flick his wrist revealing his claws.
"Good enough for me" Stiles says, softly guiding Violet towards Danny.
While Violet and Stiles try and push through the crowd to get to Danny, fog machines in the roof go off, by the time they reach him, he and many others are already paralysed.
"Come on we need to find Scott." Stiles says making Violet nod as they look around. "There" Stiles points to see Scott running out the back door.
They both run after him, as they get outside they see Scott knelt down next to a shivering and naked Jackson. Violet suddenly gags and look away. "Nope. I am not doing this" she turns and walks towards the car. Before she can open the passenger seat she hears Scott shout.
"Hey that's my seat!"
"Not today!" she shouts back and gets in.
"I don't blame her, honestly" Dorcas says.
The boys outside hear sirens in the distance as Scott turns to Stiles. "What do we do with him now?"
Scott slid in the backseat next to a naked Jackson, now having a blanket covering him, he grimaced at the sight of him before focusing on his friends. "Couldn't get anything out of Danny." He said.
"Ok can we just get the hell out of here right now, before Makena or one of my dads other deputies sees us?" Stiles asks anxiously and both Violet and Scott nodded.
Stiles hits the gas and heads for the exit. But a sherifs car swerves in to block them. As the three stare in horror, the door clicks open as Sherif Stilinski gets out. "Could this get any worse?" Stiles asked rhetorically but gets a groan out of Jackson. "That was rhetorical!" He says glancing at the back seat.
"Get rid of him" Violet tells Stiles, hitting his arm in panic after every word. Stiles turns to look at her as if she's crazy.
"Get rid of him? We're at a crime scene and he's the Sheriff" he elaborates.
"We'll do something" Scott adds in, making Stiles grumble under his breath and jump out of they keep to face his father as Scott and Violet look at each other and then at a waking Jackson. Scott quickly shoved him behind the seats.
"What... what's going on?" He says as Scott signs frustrated.
"I'm sorry but..." Scott punches Jackson in the face as he and Violet quickly wave and smile innocently at the Sheriff who looked their way.
"Good quick thinking"
A minute later Stiles gets back into the jeep and drives out of the clubs parking lot. Stiles pushes the pedal to the floor as Scott keeps an eye on the unconscious Jackson. "What about your house?" Stiles asks Scott.
"Not with my mom there. We need somewhere we can hold him long enough to figure out what to do with him. Or long enough to convince him he's dangerous" Scott said.
Violet frowns slightly "I don't know if he's gonna believe us, I mean. He believes what he wants to believe" as both boys nod in agreement.
"I say we just kill him" Stiles said, Violet had a thoughtful look on her face while Scott only shakes his head.
"Me too" James says
"Me three" Sirius adds
"We can't just kill him" he says sternly. Stiles sigh's and purses his lips in though for a moment before nodding.
"I think I got something" he says making both Violet and Scott to look at him.
"Does it involve breaking the law?" Violet asks.
"By now, don't you think that's a given?"
"She was trying to be optimistic."
"Yeah Stiles I was trying to be optimistic"
"Don't bother."
"I love Scott and Violet"
Violet joined Stiles in the passenger seat of the van after a while, on her phone while outside the van Stiles shoots Jackson's parents another message "Going to be home late. Don't wait up."
Lowering the phone, he pauses, listening to the quote of the woods. Then the sound of leaves being crushed underfoot. Someone running right towards him. Backing away, Stiles whirls around and breaths in relief when he sees Allison coming towards him but slowly notices the panic on her face.
"They know" she says as Violet gets out of the van.
"They what?!" She says as Allison nods.
"They know Jackson's missing" she said as Violet and Stiles look at each other with wide eyes.
"No, they can't. I've been texting his parents since last night. They have no clue." Stiles said but Allison only shakes her head.
"My grandfather told me his parents went to the police- they know" Allison said as Stiles instantly turned around to reach over the two girls pressing the button on the police scanner.
"All available units, proceed to Beacon Hills Preserve as instructed. Proceed with caution until Sheriff Stilinski's arrival. Proceed with caution"
"Let me see the phone" Violet says as Stiles handed her Jackson's phone willing her to read over the texts. Her eyes widen as she looks at Stiles in disbelief "You said 'I love you' ?"
"STILES!" Many groan out.
Stiles looks at her with confusion "of course I did. Everyone tells their parents they love them. What kind of person doesn't tell their parents they love them?!" He says defensively as he took the phone back.
"Stiles! Jackson is adopted. You really think Jackson Whittemore is going to love his adopted parents?!" She says as realisation comes across his face as he holds the phone up with 2 fingers, as if it's about to explode.
A couple of seconds go by before Stiles scrambles over to the drivers seat while Violet hops in next to him and Allison gets in next to her. "Where are we going?" The later asks.
Stiles dials something into Jackson's phone "somewhere far away from this." He says before tossing the phone out the window and driving off.
"Good idea"
The prison transport van now dusts at lookout point. Gathered just a few yards from the van Violet, Stiles and Allison are now joined by Scott discussing their latest discoveries. "If Jackson doesn't remember being the Kanima, he's definitely not gonna remember stealing Danny's tablet." Scott says.
"Why would he steal the thing if he doesn't even know what's on it?" Stiles asks
"What if someone else took it?" Allison wonders curiously. Making everyone look at her.
"Then somebody else knows what he is." Violet says as Scott's eyes widen.
"Uh, which could mean someone's protecting him." Scott says which causes everyone to nod.
"Like the Bestiary says" Allison says.
"The Kanima seeks a friend," right?" Violet asks as they all nodded.
"Okay, hold on-- so, somebody watches Jackson make a video of himself turning into the Kanima, and then just erases part of it so he wouldn't know? I mean, who would do that?" Stiles asks, curiously.
"Somebody who wanted to protect him?" Allison turns to Violet as she shrugs but slowly nods.
"Or someone who go has a sick motive and is using him for something like idk, revenge?" She asks.
"There's something else. You said the only thing you found online about the Kanima is that it goes after murderers. What if that's actually true?" Scott says as Stiles looks at him.
"No, it can't be. It tried to kill all of us, remember? I don't know about you two, but I haven't murdered anybody lately." He says.
"But, I... I don't think that it was actually trying to kill us. Remember when we were at Isaac's the first time, it just went right by us, didn't it?" Scott asks Allison as she nods.
"You're right-- it just ran off." She agrees.
"And it didn't kill you in the mechanic's garage." Scott said looking at Stiles.
"Well, yeah, but it tried to kill us and Derek in the pool." He gestures to himself and Violet.
"Did it...?" Scott asks him curiously.
"It would've. It was was waiting for us to come out." Stiles replies defensively.
"What if it was trying to keep us in?" Violet asks, coming to some sort of realisation.
"Not you too. Why do I feel so violated all of a sudden?" Stiles says, groaning.
"Because there's something else going on on. We don't know what it is. We don't know anything about what's going on with Jackson, or why someone's protecting him..." Scott trails off.
"Know thy enemy." Allison mutters under her breath. As they turn to look at her, confused. "Just something my grandfather said..." she shakes her head.
"All right, I got it-- kill Jackson! Problem solved." Stiles said. Violet shakes her head.
"As much as I like that idea. He risked his life for us, against Peter. You remember that?" She states.
"Yes, but what did we just find out? He got the bite from Derek. It's funny how he just got exactly what he wanted by supposedly risking his life for us. It's funny." He nodded.
"Yeah. It doesn't mean he's not still worth saving." Scott said making Stiles look at him.
"It's always something with him, though." He said, Scott only shakes his head.
"He doesn't know what he's doing." He defends.
This makes Stiles scoff "So what?" He asks.
"So, I didn't either. You remember when I almost killed you and Jackson? I had someone to stop me. He has nobody." Scott says.
"That's kinda sad" Hermione says.
"That's his own fault." Stiles only shrugs.
"Doesn't matter. If we can save him, we should try."
"Scott is my favourite"
Allison and Violet head into her car as they both sit down.
"I really need to talk to Lydia, but I just don't know how." Violet sighs as Allison grabs her hand.
"She'll understand when the time is right to tell her." Allison reassures her.
"I just feel terrible about leaving her when I said I would talk to her. I mean- she was crying!" Violet throws her head back in frustration.
"Hey, I promise you, she'll understand. She's your sister she'll forgive you" Allison smiles gently at her as she lays her head on Violet chest.
"You promise" Violet sticks her pinky out.
Allison chuckles slightly and loops her pinky with hers "I promise" as they stay pinkies intertwined.
"THEY'RE SO ADORABLE" Marlene squeals.
They hear a sudden noise as Allison asks "can you turn the radio on?"
"You want music?" Violet asks but gets interrupted by a knocking at the window. They turn to see Stiles and Scott.
Violet leans over and rolls down the window. "You guys might wanna take a look at this"
The four teenagers peer though the open doors of the prison transport van. The chains lie twisted and broken on the floor amid Jackson's torn clothes.
"NO!" Many complain
"I have to tell my father. He's going to kill someone" Allison says anxiously as Scott nods.
"Ok, tell him. Tell him everything." He says.
"Scott I gotta tell mine, too." Stiles says as Scott sighs in defeat.
"This is all my fault" he says as Violet shakes her head.
"It's not. But, we have to tell them. We've only known about the supernatural for not even a couple of months, we need help" she says as Scott nods in agreement.
"You're right."
"How are you gonna make your dad believe all this?" Allison asks Stiles who shrugs.
"I don't know" He says as Scott and Violet look at each other.
"He'll believe us"
"Ok that was a.... Calm..... episode" Lily says.
"Don't jinx it" James adds
I had the biggest writers block ever. This episode was just so long and I couldn't bring myself to write it but it's finally here.
I also kinda realised that my writing format changed this chapter but I kinda like it more like this.
I can't wait for the next ep... drama!! So that will be up soon. Thank you all for being patient I love you all!! <33
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