2 04: Abomination
The next morning Violet is seen waking into Lydia's room.
VIOLET: Time to get up.
LYDIA: [mumbling] Go away...
VIOLET: You're going to be late for your appointment with the school counselor. Remember? You and mom have a deal?
LYDIA: Remember, I told you I was fine...
VIOLET: Lydia, please.
She walks towards her and pulls back her covers only to see the inside covered in blood. Violet gasps as Lydia sits up.
"Holy mother of god" James shouts putting a hand to his heart as many others gasp.
VIOLET: What did you do?
She sits next to Lydia and checks her hands to see her knuckles covered in blood.
VIOLET: Oh, my God! What did you do to yourself?
Violet notices Lydia looking at something in the distance she follows her gaze to see a smashed mirror with blood on it. She turns back to her sister concern written across her face.
VIOLET: Lydia, why did you do that? Lydia!
Lydia only shakes her head with tears streaming down her face as Violet comforts her.
"She's a good sister though" Ginny mutters
Back at the school Violet and Lydia are seen sitting outside the counsellors office with a boy next to them, Lydia in the middle.
LYDIA: Thank you.
Violet looks at him suspiciously.
HALLUCINATION PETER: So, what's your brand of psychosis?
LYDIA: [scoffing] Really?
HALLUCINATION PETER: We're both here for something. We don't have to be ashamed of it.
LYDIA: [sarcastically] I have an acute phobia of people prying into my personal life. You?
HALLUCINATION PETER: [sarcastically] Compulsively drawn to cute but narcissistic girls.
The door opens to reveal the counsellor as she turns towards Lydia.
MARIN: Are you ready, Lydia?
Lydia scoffs and grabs her bag, gives Violets hand a small squeeze and leaves. Violet turns back and opens her mouth ready to talk only to see the boy boy there anymore. She looks around confused before shaking her head and sinking further down into her seat, hand on her head form exhaustion.
"Weird" Hermione and Lily mutter to theirselves
A little while later Stiles walks up to Violet at her looker.
STILES: Scott and his boss thinks that Allison's family keeps a Bestiary.
VIOLET: A what?
STILES: A Bestiary.
VIOLET: [giggling] I think you mean bestiality.
STILES: [not amused] That't exactly what Scott said.
VIOLET: [sighing] Okay. If we can find it, and it can tell us what this thing is--
STILES: And who.
VIOLET & STILES: [simultaneously] ...We need that book!
STILES: Are you gonna ask Allison for it or?
Violet signs with a frown on her face.
VIOLET: I can't
Many frown concerned on what happens between the two.
STILES: w-what do you mean you can't?
VIOLET: we're trying to keep our distance for a bit. Look Mr.Argent is ok with me and Allison but that doesn't mean the rest of her family is. He just told me to try and keep clear because he doesn't want me to get killed. Can you go please?
Stiles seeing the hopeful look on her face signs and nods. Violet grins and thanks him while the boy runs off.
"Thank god they didn't break up" Marlene says dramatically
Allison is seen sitting on a bench outside looking at Stiles who is standing above her.
ALLISON: [giggling] I think you mean--
STILES: [exasperatedly] No, I mean Bestiary. And the two of you? I don't want to know what's going on in your heads.
ALLISON: Okay, um... can you describe this thing?
STILES: Uh, it's probably like a book-- old, worn.
ALLISON: ...Like, bound in leather?
The screen shows Stiles now running up to Violet who is walking down the hall with Scott and puts his hand on her shoulder.
STILES: [breathlessly] Seen her grandfather... with a book like that...
Stiles runs back outside to Allison.
STILES: [wheezing] Where... does... he... keep it...?
Stiles starts coughing as Violet and Scott look at him in concern.
"Poor stiles" Dorcas says half concerned half amused as others share similar glances
Stiles collapsed against the lookers Violet and Scott are talking at.
STILES: [wheezing] She says... has to be... office...
Stiles starts coughing as Violet and Scott look at him in concern.
Stiles is now back outside using an inhaler.
STILES: [inhaling] You know, drug dealers have been using disposable cell phones pretty successfully for years...
ALLISON: My parents check every call, email, and text message I get. Trust me-- they'd find it.
STILES: All right, can you get the book?
ALLISON: Not without his keys.
"Finally" Sirius says
Allison and her grandfather are now outside his office as he looks his office doors and puts them in his coat pocket.
GERARD: I need to warn you, by the way-- you might need to be a little patient with me.
ALLISON: How come?
GERARD: I'll probably have a lot of questions, seeing as I've never actually seen a lacrosse game before...
Allison laughs falsely as they walk towards the field, where Violet is currently sitting a row above Stiles.
Back to where Allison and Gerard are sitting Allison fake shivers.
ALLISON: I knew I should have brought a warmer jacket...
GERARD: You're cold. Here, take my coat.
ALLISON: Are you sure?
GERARD: Oh, yeah.
Gerard passes Allison his coat.
ALLISON: Thanks.
A rough tackle lands on the field and Violet looks back at Allison to see her giving the signal. She discretely taps Stiles on the shoulder as they both get off the bench
GERARD: Good God! Is it always this violent?
While her grandfather is distracted Allison slips the keys out of the pocket and passes them into Violets hand who is walking by. Violet smiles at her as she and Stiles walk towards the school.
"Smarty pants"
A player is seen in a stretcher passing by.
PLAYER: I can't feel my legs! Ahhhh!
Many parents, mostly mothers look fearful for the boy. James and Lily being glad that Violet doesn't play.
Matt, the boy from Kates funeral walks over and stands by Mellisa.
MATT: He belong to you?
MELISSA: No, mine is still on the field... while I'm here, wishing that he would've stuck with tennis. You the yearbook photographer?
MATT: No. I, uh, I just take pictures.
MELISSA: Just lacrosse, or other things?
MATT: Anything that catches my eye...
The camera zooms into Matts camera to show a picture of Violet sitting on the bleachers. Matt zooms into her face and walks away as Melissa eyes him strangely.
People who are close to Violet glare daggers into the screen as James mutters.
"He better stay away from my daughter"
As Violet and Stiles are walking back into the school, Violet sees her sisters car and turns to Stiles
VIOLET: give me just a second.
As she walks towards her car she notices Lydia crying.
VIOLET: Hey, Lydia, what's wrong?
Lydia closes the window in her face.
VIOLET: Lydia, come on...
LYDIA: [tearfully] Just go away.
VIOLEY: What's wrong?
LYDIA: Look, I don't need anyone seeing me cry.
VIOLET: Ah, come on, Lydia! Look, you shouldn't care if people see you cry, all right? Especially you.
VIOLET: Because you are one of the strongest people I have ever met.
Lydia hesitantly rolls down her window.
LYDIA: You're gonna think I'm crazy...
VIOLET: Lydia, if you can trust me on anything, you can trust me on this-- there's nothing that you can say to me that'll make you sound crazy. Literally nothing!
Violet hears cheers coming from the lacrosse field and turns to see Stiles making crazy gestures with his hands. Violet signs and turns back to Lydia.
VIOLET: ...Can you just give me five minutes?
Lydia sends her a look
VIOLEY: I know, I'm sorry... Just, but, just stay here. Or go home it's up to you but I promise whatever it is we'll talk when I'm done or when we're home ok?
Violet doesn't give her a chance to answer as she runs away.
"I feel bad for her but Violets only trying to keep her out of danger" Alice says softly
The 2 teens are now in Gerald's office. Searching through drawers.
STILES: [muttering] Book... book... book...
Violet suddenly tenses as her eyes turn purple.
STILES: Nothing. Here.
He sends a text to Allison when he hears a crash. Erica is standing over an unconsciousViolet with a piece of wood in her hand
STILES: Oh, my--
ERICA: [smirking] Hello, Stiles.
Many gasp again seeing Violet on the floor.
What it seems like a little time skip, the camera shows Violet groaning and waking up. Luckily because of the bite she has no gash on her head.
VIOLET: dammit Erica
She suddenly hears a faint call of her name and runs towards it ending up at the school pool.
She stops in her tracks as she sees Stiles holding up Derek in the pool with some sort of lizard hovering above them.
VIOLET: holy shit
Stiles whirls his head towards her and his eyes widen.
STILES: Violet! Stop him but don't let it's tail touch you!
Violet nods panicked.
She shuts her eyes and concentrates as Stiles and Derek look at her amazed as wings grow out of her back. Violet seems to be getting stronger as she leaps up from the ground just as Scott comes running through the doors and drags Derek and Stiles out of the water.
Many cheer her on her relatives holding proud looks.
"You go girl!" Ginny shouts
Violet lands in front of the lizard, the energy wave from her wings causes the creature to fly into the glass mirror. Scott runs up to help and picks a broken piece of glass up from the floor. The lizard started hard at it only to screech seconds later and run away.
STILES: that was so badass
VIOLET: (out of breath) thank you
Many chuckle despite the tension.
Outside the building Scott, Stiles and Violet are in front of a laptop trying to research what the lizard was.
STILES: Is that even a language?
SCOTT: How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?
DEREK: It's called a Kanima.
Be and Erica appear behind them.
STILES: [incredulously] You knew the whole time?
DEREK: No. Only when it was confused by its own reflection.
SCOTT: It doesn't know what it is.
DEREK: Or who.
STILES: What else do you know?
DEREK: [shrugging] Just stories. Rumors.
VIOLET: But it's like us?
DEREK: A shapeshifter? Yes. But it's-it's not right. It's like a...
STILES: [grimly] An abomination.
Derek looks at Stiles and nods his head. Just when he and Erica are about to walk away Scott calls for them.
SCOTT: Derek?
They turn back around
SCOTT: We need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents.
DEREK: [appalled] You trust them?
VIOLET: [exasperatedly] Nobody trusts anyone! That's the problem! While we're here, arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster than any of us, and it's killing people, and we still don't even know anything about it!
"You tell him" Sirius shout like a proud uncle
The others look schooled of her outburst.
DEREK: I know one thing-- when I find it?
He turns to walk away.
DEREK: ...I'm gonna kill it.
The 3 remaining teenagers look at each other, hopeless.
VIOLET: hey Scott? Can you give me a ride home?
SCOTT: yeah sure
As Violet and Scott get out of the car only for Violet to be turned around and have Gerard stab her in the stomach. Violet and Scott's eyes widen as Gerard points to Scott to stay still.
"She can't catch a break this episode" Remus mutters as Lily looks fearfully at the screen.
GERARD: [murmuring] Don't move. Even though I can practically feel the tissue around the blade already trying to heal, you never know with a Beta. Besides, we'd lose this perfect picture-- the kind old grandfather embracing his favorite granddaughter after hearing good news from the doctor.
He says the last but while pretending to hug her close.
"He's so evil"
GERARD: [murmuring] That's right-- I can play the nice, doddering grandpa who likes to cook, and tell stories, and be sweet and charming. And trust me, I can do it far better than you playing "average, broken-hearted teenage boy." Are you listening?
VIOLET: [weakly] Yes.
Gerard nods and turns towards Scott.
GERARD: Perfect. Now, you're gonna do me a favor one of these days... and, you're gonna do it, because if you don't, this knife goes in her.
Both Violet and Scott turn around to follow his line in sight only to see Melissa inside the hospital.
GERARD: Scott?
GERARD: I truly believe that it's so much easier when bad things don't have to happen to good people. Don't you agree?
Gerard digs the knife up further into Violet causing her to grunt and cough.
SCOTT: [nervously] Yes.
Gerard walks away leaving Scott to go to Violets side. Violet looks down to see the wound healing and signs in relief when Melissa walks out of the hospital.
MELISSA: Hey, there. You okay?
SCOTT: [lying] Yeah, she's fine fine.
Melissa sends them a smile and gets in the car.
VIOLET: Everything's fine.
Many sign in relief that she's safe but still on edge after Gerard's threat.
"I love her and Scott's friendship"
Violet gets home and signs making her way upstairs into Lydia's room. She knocks but gets no reply and frowns.
VIOLET: Lydia?
She slowly opens to door too see her sister "asleep" Violet has a guilty look on her face as she slowly closes the door and goes to her own room. The camera cuts back to Lydia lying so her back is facing the door wide awake. A tear slowly runs down her cheek as she tries to go to sleep.
Many look sadly at the screen knowing that Lydia must feel betrayed but understand where what Violet has to do.
Another chapter because I felt like writing one. No Vallison this chapter but more jealous Allison next chapter...
Scott and Violet though >>>
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