2 03: Ice Pick
Allison and Violet were seen talking to each other quietly in gym class.
VIOLET: It had a tail. I don't have a tail.
ALLISON: [smirking] Maybe you just haven't grown it yet.
VIOLET: I'm not growing a tail-- ever.
COACH: next up McCall, Argent, go.
"Ugh I hope she doesn't get a tail" James shudders while Lily smacks him
Allison smiled at Violet before walking over to the wall. Stiles walks up to the red head and smiles.
STILES: 10 bucks he falls?
Violet smirks as she catches eye contact with Allison and gestures to Scott's foot. Allison nods her head discreetly as Violet turns back to the boy.
VIOLET: 15 Allison pushes him.
STILES: your on
"Telepathy" Sirius nods
Not even 5 minutes go by as the 2 watch Allison trip Scott's foot as he falls. Violet smiles smugly and turns to stiles who gapes at her, admiration in his eyes.
STILE:how did yo- great now I owe you 15 bucks!!
He throws his hands up frustrated as Violet laughs.
"I don't get how girl can communicate through their eyes" Ron grumbles
Coach sits next to Scott on the mat as the whole class laughs at him.
COACH: [laughing] McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy... Right? All right, next two! Martin number 2, Erica, let's go! The wall.
Violet smiles at stiles before walking up to the front to see Erica looking up at the wall nervously. Knowing her fear of heights she turns to the blonde.
VIOLET: you don't have to do this you know, everyone's scared of something.
Erica smiles thankfully at her but nods.
ERICA: I got this
"Lily's genes right there" Marlene smiles knowing her friend would act the same.
Violet easily climbs the wall but making sure not to go too far ahead so she can keep an eye on her friend. Ones she sees Erica staring to hyperventilate she slows down.
ERICA: [panicking] Oh, please--
Sensing her panic the rest of the class come forward.
COACH: Erica? Dizzy? Is it vertigo?
LYDIA: [snidely] Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out.
COACH: Erica...
ERICA: [shakily] I'm fine.
ALLISON: [anxiously] Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know, she's epileptic.
COACH: [exasperatedly] Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff???
COACH: Erica, y-you're fine. Just-just kick off from the wall. Th-there's a mat to catch you. Come on.
Noticing Erica's hesitation Violet backs down the wall and grabs her hand softly.
VIOLET: hey how about we go down together alright? Her just grab onto me.
Erica nods and shakily puts her arms around Violet's neck as Violet grabs her waist and slowly pushes of the wall until they're both safe on the ground.
"She's so nice" Alice says while Lily smiles at her daughter, proud of her.
COACH: See? You're fine. You're on the ground. You're all right. Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine.
The class laughs as Violet frowns. Allison grabs ahold of her hand discreetly.
ALLISON: she'll be fine
Violet smiles at her and nods.
VIOLET: I know
Violet walks through the looker room looking for Erica only to not find her there. She turns back around only to see Erica about to fall off the wall. Out of nowhere Scott comes and catches the girl in his arms while Violet and a few others rush over.
ALLISON: Put her on her side! Put her on her side!
Violet looks at Scott curiously
VIOLET: How'd you know?
SCOTT: I just felt it.
"Holy shit" Mary runs a hand through her hair, stressed.
Skip to lunch time where Allison and Violet are sitting next to Scott waiting for Stiles to come back with the keys to the ice ring from Boyd.
STILES: STILES: Got 'em. Pick up up right after work tonight, and we'll all meet at the rink, cool?
He drifts off to see Scott and Violet looking at something. Both him and Allison turn around and follow their line of sight to see Erica completely transformed wearing a leather jacket with a leather skirt and hells. She walks up to one of the boys and takes a bite out of his apple. Lydia's hands slam down on their table, as she is too gawking at Erica.
"Bloody hell" Ron says dreamily as many boys and some girl stare. Ginny whistles
LYDIA: ...What... the holy hell... is that?
VIOLET: [awestruck] It's Erica.
Allison looks at her slightly baffled and slaps her arm lightly causing Violet to look at her with a sheepish smile.
VIOLET: sorry
"And those are the James genes" Marlene signs
As Erica goes to walk out she smirks at the group catching eye contact with a flustered Violet and smirks before walking out. The 4, Lydia staying behind running after her.
As they get to the school forts they see the blonde entering a familiar black Camaro. She flashes her teeth in a smile before entering. Leaning towards the driver seats window as Derek turns his head revealing his sunglasses as he also smiles before driving off.
Violets eyes flash purple as she comes to a realisation, grabbing Allison's hand suddenly.
VIOLET: he bit her.
The 3 girls are in Allison's room getting ready to go to the ice ring when a knock at her door catches their attention.
ARGENT: Headed out?
Allison walks towards him as Lydia grabs her sisters hand and drags her on the bean bag to take selfies.
ALLISON: Studying. Just studying, Dad.
ARGENT: I get it. But, we need you to remember what happened.
ALLISON: [incredulously] You want me to stop being friends with them?
ARGENT: Actually, we want the opposite. I know how this might sound, but we need you to keep an eye on them.
ALLISON: You want me to spy on them?
ARGENT: We want you to look out for your friend and girlfriend?
Allison blushes and nods. Argent smiles slightly.
ARGENT:to make sure everything's okay with them.
The 2 turn around to see Lydia holding Violets checks together with one hand and taking a picture with the other. Lydia smiles and kisses her phone.
ALLISON: ...Seem okay to me.
Argent only raises a brow, looking concerned.
Many laugh at his expression
The for enter the ice ring as Allison and Violet turn to each other excitedly. Scott, Stiles and Lydia sit on a bench.
LYDIA: Could it be any colder in here?
Stiles digs through his bag to find a orange hoodie.
LYDIA: ...I'm wearing blue. Orange and blue? Not a good combination.
STILES: [offended] But it's the colors of the Mets...
Scott looks between the 2 amused before going back and tying his laces. Stiles then finds a recess in his bag and holds it out for Lydia to take. Lydia eyes him before shrugging and taking it.
STILES: Okay, um, maybe orange and blue is not the best, right, you know... Um, sometimes, there's other things you wouldn't think would be a good combination, end up turning out to be, like, a perfect combination. You know? Like, two people together... who nobody ever thought would be together ever...
LYDIA: [thoughtfully] No, I can see that.
STILES: [shocked] You can?
LYDIA: [nodding] Yeah.
She gestures towards Allison and Violet helping each other up off the bench.
LYDIA: [obliviously] They're cute together.
STILES: [glumly] Oh, yeah... them...
LYDIA: [nodding] Cute.
STILES: [glumly] Cute. Adorable.
He signs sadly.
"I feel bad for him but Vallison is adorable" Ginny says as Harry turns to her confused.
"Vallison?" He asks
"Yeah their ship name, Violet and Allison together is Vallison" Ginny explains while many nod in understanding.
ALLISON: Since you've never skated before, maybe I should give you a few pointers?
VIOLET: [smugly] Allison... not that this is news to you or anything... but, you remember the whatever I am thing? Super speed, strength, and reflexes...?
ALLISON: [amused] So, a little ice skating should be no problem?
As she starts skating she looks back at Allison happily keeping her hands out for balance.
VIOLET: See? It's no problem--
Before she can finish her sentence she slips and falls on her bottom
Sirius let's out a loud laugh as James tries to conceal his as many also have the same reaction.
A noise catches their attention to see Scott face planting straight into a wall. Both girls laugh as Stiles helps his friend up, not noticing Lydia knelling down further down on the ice.
Both girls are now in the photo booth taking photos. One of them both smiling. Another of them Allison mimicking wings in Violets back, the third where Allison pulls Violet into a kiss and finally Allison kissing Violets check while the red head closes her eyes.
As the photo prints Violet notices her eyes bright with a slight purple flash showing.
VIOLET: Oh, my eyes! The-the flash triggers them.
Allison points to the last one with has Violets eyes closed.
ALLISON: This one's normal.
Realising what she said she frowns.
ALLISON: [awkwardly] Oh, that's not what I meant--
Violet cuts her off by holding her hand and kissing her knuckles.
VIOLET: It's okay. Look pass it here.
She grabs the photos off Allison and rips the last one off and passes it too her.
ALLISON: Thanks.
"Awwwwww" many say
A sudden scream cuts them off as Violets eyes widen.
VIOLET: Lydia!
They both run out back to the ice ring to see Lydia in hysterics as Stiles and Scott try to calm her down .. They both freeze and look at each other before running towards them as the screen cuts to black.
"What the hell is going on with her?" Dorcas asks
"We'll she clearly not a werewolf that's for sure" Remus says
The next day Violet. Being friends with Erica conforms her about Derek. She finds the blonde at her locker.
VIOLET: Two's not enough for Derek-- I know he needs at least three. So, who's next?
Erica smiles and shuts her looker as she walks closer.
ERICA: [flirtatiously] Why does there have to be a "next" when we've already got you?
VIOLET: please Erica I just need to know Who's next?
ERICA: You know, I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until someone took a video of me once and put it online...
VIOLET: look I'm sor-
ERICA: It happened during class. I started seizing in my desk, and everyone was saying how they should put something in my mouth... until some genius reads the card on my key ring which tells him not to 'cause it could break my teeth.
VIOLET: Erica...
ERICA: Do you know what happens next? I piss myself. And they start laughing. You know, the only good thing about seizures was that I never remembered them... until some brilliant jerk-off had to go and put cameras in everybody's phone.
She says the last bit while pushing Violet into the lockers. Erica then slowly tucks Violets hair behind her ears and puts her hands between her head, still against the lookers.
"That's hot"
ERICA: [seductively] Look at me now, Scott.
Violet clears her throat and looks to her right to find Allison at the end of the hall watching the two. Erica follows her gaze and scoffs.
ERICA: That's right-- you only have eyes for her.
Violet eyes widen and goes to open her mouth when she gets cut off.
ERICS: don't worry, I would never tell anyone.
Violet looks at Allison again only to find her gone. She looks back at Erica with a slight glare and tears threatening to spill as the other girl smirks and walks away.
Lily frowns slightly scared for her daughter knowing that not everyone is excepting.
At lunch time Allison and Violet sit back to back when the later opens her mouth.
VIOLET: I know how it looked, but she came up to me.
ALLISON: I'm not jealous.
VIOLET: [surprised] You're not?
ALLISON: She's with Derek, now, isn't she? Like Isaac.
A slight pause.
ALLISON: You can't get caught in the middle of this. Don't you feel what's happening? My grandfather coming here, Derek turning Erica and Isaac, it's... It's like battle lines are being drawn.
VIOLET: [sighing] I know.
ALLISON: There's always crossfire.
VIOLET: What am I supposed to do? I can't just stand by. I can't pretend to be normal.
ALLISON: I don't want you to be normal-- I want you to be alive.
Allison storms out while Violet signs slightly guilty.
"Hey being jealous is a good sign it shows that Allison actually likes Violet" Hermione says which others nod too.
Later that night Violet is laying on her bed when Lydia storms in.
VIOLET: Lydia? Privacy?
LYDIA: oh please it's not like you would have anyone else in here except for Allison.
Violet gulps and looks down.
LYDIA: I'm happy for you
VIOLET:(surprised) you are?
LYDIA: yeah I am
She grabs a jacket out of her sister closet and goes to walk out.
LYDIA: your ok right m? Your looking a little pale.
The screen shows Violet sweating slightly on her forehead.
VIOLET: yeah I'm fine just tired I think.
LYDIA: ok Goodnight
VIOLET: Goodnight
She sends her sister one last smile as she walks out of her room. She looks confused as she wipes her forehead, only to pause. The camera moves towards her bedsheets it looks like to be a burnt hand print on where her hand was laying seconds before, before the scene cuts to black.
Lily groans and smacks her head in the table as James awkwardly pats her head.
Sooo.... It's been a while.
I'm so incredibly sorry for how long this has took me. I just didn't have any motivation and didn't want to deliver a horribly written chapter for you guys. But I promise no more long breaks unless absolutely necessary.
Also this story is almost at a 100k with is crazy. I cant thank you guys enough for all the support and sticking with me. A liars chapter will be posted in a while please go check it out if you are as in love with Marlene McKinnon as I am. Also planning my James potter fict soon so prologue and cast should be out by tomorrow.
Thank you and love you all <3
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