2 02: shape shifted
I'm back, sorry for not updating I've just had no motivation or creativity at all but I've finally got round to writing this and I hope you enjoy and stick around. Updates will now be regular.
Allison is seen closing her house door and getting into her car. Once she closes the drivers seat door she breaths out on the window to reveal writing saying "midnight" she smiles happily.
Many aww
She is now seen walking in the woods using her torch as a light. She looks around when a figure is seen informs of her, seeing as its Violet she relaxes.
Violet walks towards her.
VIOLET: [anxiously] What are you doing?
ALLISON: [confused] Just trying to find you...
VIOLET: Did anyone see you leave?
ALLISON: No, no one. I was careful.
She notices something wrong with Violet.
"It's sad that they can't even be seen with each other" Ginny says
ALLISON: [frowning] What's wrong? Is it the full moon tomorrow night?
VIOLET: No. No, it's not that. Um... I just wanted to ask you some things... about your-- um, your family. Actually, your grandfather.
ALLISON: Okay. But, I don't really know him. I mean, he's kind of just a guy who sends a check in the mail every year for my birthday.
VIOLET: Does he know about me? About us?
ALLISON: No, my dad hasn't said a thing.
ALLISON: What is it? Did something else happen?
VIOLET: We just need to be a lot more careful now...
ALLISON: They're not gonna split us apart.
VIOLET: Not us.
Lily smiles widely
She then pulls Allison into a kiss and pulls away.
VIOLET: ...Sure no one followed you?
ALLISON: [smiling] Totally, absolutely, one hundred million percent sure. My parents are out, anyways.
ALLISON: Yeah. It's date night
They smile at each other.
The next day Allison, Violet and Lydia are seen walking up the steps outside the school doors. Lydia in the middle of the 2 girls looking nervous.
ALLISON: You really don't remember anything?
LYDIA: They called it a "fugue state," which is basically a way of saying, "We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days."
LYDIA: But, personally, I don't care.
They come to a stop and Lydia shrugs.
LYDIA: [shrugging] I lost nine pounds.
The other 2 laugh as Violet turns to her sister.
VIOLET: Are you ready for this?
LYDIA: [scoffing] Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer.
Many wince
"That was harsh" Sirius mutters
Lydia proceeds to walking into the building while Violet turns to Allison with an apologetic look. Allison shakes her head and grabs Violet's hand and follows Lydia inside. Once inside everyone stops and stars as Violet lets go of Allison's hand to stand on the other side of Lydia. Allison, sensing Lydia's nervousness leans towards and whispers.
ALLISON: ...Maybe it's the nine pounds?
Lydia clearly becomes more confident and takes a deep breath. She flukes her hair and struts through the crowd. The remaining 2 girls look at each other and laugh as they follow behind.
"Shes back" Marlene says
Later that night Violet got a phone call to meet Stiles outside of the school. Stiles explains the whole situation with Allison's grandfather. Stiles takes out his phone and dials Allison's number.
STILES: Hey, sorry, Harris literally just let me out of detention-- literally-- and he had my phone the whole frickin' time.
ALLISON: is Violet with you?
STILES: yeah she's here, wait hold on let me put you on loud speaker.
As Stiles does that Violet leans in closer to listen.
ALLISON: Okay well, we need to do something right now. They were asking me all these questions about Lydia and how she was bitten by Peter, and then they sent this guy out...
VIOLET: Wait, what guy?
ALLISON: He was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy.
Stiles signs and and looks at Violet.
STILES: ...They're sending him to the station for Isaac.
ALLISON:He was also carrying this box with something on it. Like, um, like, a carving or something...
STILES: What was it?
ALLISON: Hold on, hold on... It's in one of these books...
She looks through the books and takes her phone off her ear to take a picture.
ALLISON: I'm taking a picture.
Stiles taps on the message and shows the picture. Violet's eyes widen as she looks at the boy.
VIOLET: is that?
Stiles nods
ALLISON: Did you get it?
STILES: Yeah. Wolfsbane.
ALLISON: What does that mean?
STILES: It means they're gonna kill him
Silence is in the hall, no one knowing what to say.
A little while later Violet is in the passenger seat of Stiles's car holding the phone on speaker to speak to Allison while Stiles is driving.
VIOLET: Hey, did you slow him down?
ALLISON: You could say that...
VIOLET: God you are so badass. All right. Well, uh, were headed to the station right now.
ALLISON: With Scott?
VIOLET: No he's at Isaac's.
ALLISON: Does he have a plan?
VIOLET: Yeah, but not a very good one, and unfortunately, we don't really have time to come up with anything better...
Allison, now at the Lahey's house walks into the basement holding a torch.
She sees him crouched down as she sets the bag on the ground near him. She opens the bag revealing chains. She stars to take them out.
ALLISON: Are you sure we have to do this?
Scott looks up at her while his eyes flash yellow.
SCOTT: [quietly] Yes.
Scott turns his head to the side. To reveal the freezer. As Allison helps him get in she signs and looks back at Scott.
SCOTT: Please-- I don't want to hurt you. Violet will kill me.
Allison weakly chuckles and nods. She closes the door slowly.
"She would" James nods proudly
As Stiles parks his car next to the police station, Derek now in the passengers seat and Violet in the back. Stiles turns to Derek.
STILES: Okay. Now, the keys to every cell are in a password-protected lock-box in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk.
DEREK: I'll distract her.
Just as Derek is about to open the door Stiles stops him. Violet signs and shakes her head.
STILES: [interrupting] Whoa, whoa, whoa! You? You're not going in there.
Derek glares at him.
STILES: ...I'm taking my hand off.
DEREK: I was exonerated.
STILES: You're still a person of interest.
DEREK: An innocent person.
STILES: [appalled] An--
STILES: [exasperatedly] You? Yeah, right!
STILES: [sighing] Okay, fine. What's your plan?
DEREK: [impatiently] To distract her.
STILES: [nodding] Uh-huh. How? By punching her in the face?
DEREK: [sarcastically] Heh. By talking to her.
STILES: [skeptically] Okay. All right. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?
VIOLET: Stiles I think he can distract her just fine.
Derek nods to her in appreciation but Stiles ignores her.
"They're gonna be a great duo" Dorcas says as many nod in agreement
STILES: [sarcastically] Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?
DEREK: [snidely] I'm thinking about punching you in the face...
VIOLET: please do
Stiles looks at the 2 in disbelief.
Laughter spreads around the hall
Derek walks into the station towards the front desk.
DEPUTY: Good evening, how can I help...
She looks up at Derek in surprise.
DEPUTY: ...You?
DEREK: [smiling awkwardly] Hi.
DEREK: Um, I had a question...
DEREK: Um, sorry, I'm a little-a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone--
Violet and Stiles are seen peaking their heads out of the door.
DEPUTY: --like me?
DEREK: [sheepishly] Oh, I was gonna say "so incredibly beautiful," but, yeah... I guess that'd be the same thing...
Stiles rolls his eyes and pulls Violet along while she laughs.
VIOLET: told you he could do it.
STILES: shut up
"I'm glad they're still friends" Alice says
Now in another room Stiles tries to open a padlock while Violet stands by. He realises that someone already got it and panicle. He runs out the room as Violet follows. They run into a deputy.
STILES: Oh, uh, I was just looking, um...
Violet notices the arrow stuck in his leg and urgently taps Stiles as he also notices.
STILES: Oh, sh--
The deputy then grabs ahold of Stiles as Violet's eyes flash purple. She goes to lunge at him but he quickly grabs her hair and smashes it against a wall as she falls to the ground. Violet groans as Stiles is dragged away. He quickly drags Stiles into a cell room where he notices one of the doors broken down.
Many begin to protest especially Lily, James and Harry.
Out of nowhere Issac comes and punches him against a table and then into a wall. He grabs his arm and twisted it until he drops the needle and then head-buts him unconscious. Derek then enters the room with Violet. He sets Violet down as her vision is still blurry and turns to Issac.
"Protective Derek!"
Issac lets out a growl but Derek roars as Issac backs away into a corner. As Violet is also ok now the 2 teens turn to Derek who has red eyes.
STILES: how's you do that?
DEREK: I'm the alpha.
Derek had then left leaving Stiles and Violet in the room. The Sheriff then walks in and looks at the 2 teens standing over the unconscious deputy's body. Violet nudges Stiles who turns to look at his dad. Violet gives him and innocent smile as Stiles points to the deputy on the floor.
STILES: ... uh he did it.
Violet nods.
Many laugh at them.
Creds to vecnaszn for the gif if you didn't see it on my first chapter and new book covers by q0lden_shr00ms go check both their accounts out!!!
Derek and Violet this chapter >>>
Also go follow my TikTok. It has the same user at my Wattpad. I'm posting an editing competition on there if anyone wants to join please do. Also you get more Vallison content on there.
Thank you so much for sticking with me and I
promise to update more now. I love you all <33
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