1 12: code breaker
Soooo I though I finished season 1 but turns out I have 1 more episode that I forgot about so here we are 👍
Italics - flashbacks
Violet is still between the 2 cars as she makes eye contact with Chris. He slams on the horn.
ARGENT: move!
Violet jumps up and flies up onto one of the buses and then jumps down and runs away her wings disappearing in her back.
"She's in trouble" Ginny mutters
Back on the field with, Lydia, Stiles and Peter
STILES: No. I'm not just letting you leave her here.
PETER: You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me.
STILES: [tearfully] Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore.
Peter then puts his claws under Stiles's chin and makes him stand up while looking him dead in the eye.
PETER: [sighing] Call your friend. Tell Violet where she is. That's all you get.
Stiles pulls out his phone to contact her.
Allison is now seen slowly coming out of the bus with tears streaming down her face and slowly falls to her knees just in time for Argent to catch her.
ARGENT: it's all right
ALLISON: (dazed) no
ARGENT: your ok, your ok, baby
ALLISON: did she know, she looked shocked
ARGEN; honestly I don't know
"I really hope Allison believes her" Remus says
He signs and lead her back to the car.
Violet is leaning against one of the school walls with her hand over her mouth to muffle her sobs. Her phone vibrates showing a text form Stiles 'Help Lydia on the pitch, shes hurt I'll explain later' as is all her worries are gone she focuses on running to the pitch to find Lydia as she pulls out her phone.
"Poor baby" Lily says as she still has a hold on James's hand
VIOLET: (on the phone) Jackson meet me on the Lacrosse pitch please it's Lydia.
Before gaining him a chance to say anything she hangs up and continuous running. As she gets to the field she sees Lydia on the floor covered in blood. She gasps
She quickly falls to her knees as she cradles Lydia's head on her lap.
VIOLET: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry
"Why is she apologising?" James wonders
Violet turns around to find Jackson running towards her.
JACKSON: what happened?
He says as he also slides down next to her. A worried look in his eyes.
VIOLET: I don't know I just got a text from Stiles and then I come her and find this!!
She looks at him pleadingly as he nods in understanding and picks Lydia up bridal style.
As they reach the front of the school Jackson starts yelling while Violet trails behind them trying to keep up.
JACKSON: [muttering] Come on, Lydia, stay with me... Come on...
JACKSON: [shouting] Help me! Somebody help! Help me! Get help, please!
People scream in fright of the girl covered in blood.
"I really hope she's ok" Alice says
Victoria is seen looking through Allison's wardrobe.
VICTORIA: I don't know how long you'll be. You want me to pick out anything specific?
VICTORIA: ...Sweetheart?
ALLISON: I just saw my g-friend turn into some sort of bird.
"Opp she messed up" Ginny says
VICTORIA: [chuckling] All right. I'll grab some things myself.
Her phone then rings as Victoria looks at it, hums and faces it the other way.
ALLISON: [eagerly] Who was that? Was that Violet?
VICTORIA: No. Somebody named Jackson.
ALLISON: [quietly] What are you going to do to her?
VICTORIA: That depends. We have a sort of moral code we follow, especially when they're that young.
ALLISON: Violet didn't kill anybody. She couldn't--
VICTORIA: [interrupting] This is all part of a longer conversation.
ALLISON: I wanna know now! Right now!
Victoria turns around and looks at her daughter with a pointed glare.
VICTORIA: [furiously] What you want right now doesn't matter. What you need is to stay quiet. You're catching a glimpse of something you are not quite ready to see, and there are others outside of this family who are not ready for you to see it. Staying quiet is the best protection. Do you understand?
Allison nods
VICTORIA: [sharply] Say it!
ALLISON: [nodding] I understand.
Victoria smiles
VICTORIA: [calmly] That's my girl. Now, grab a few warm coats. It'll probably be cold up there.
Allison turns back around with tears in her eyes.
"I really don't like her" James says with a glare at the screen
Chris walks up to the car where Allison is sat in the passengers seat while Kate is sat in the drivers seat.
KATE: You know you can't do this without me. You're not gonna find him on your own.
ARGENT: We're gonna talk about everything, I promise. Call me when you get there.
Allison nods as Chris strokes her check and they drive off. Victoria then turns to Chris.
VICTORIA: Is she right? Can you find the Alpha?
ARGENT: No... But Scott McCall and Violet Martin can.
ARGENT: And I know how to find them.
Violet is seen sitting in a hospital chair outside Lydia's room staring at a blank space with tears in her eyes.
LYDIA: [voiceover] I never hated you for it
VIOLET: [voiceover] Thank you
Allison is now seen sitting in the car leaning against the window.
VIOLET: [voiceover] Who is he? Is he Scott?
VIOLET: [voiceover] who said they were a he?
Violet and Allison happily dancing at the formal.
Violet looking up at Violet on the 2 cars with glowing eyes and wings.
The camera then switches from Allison who has a small smile on her face to Violet to is still sitting in a hospital chair.
Jackson walks into the hospital to see Violet sitting on a chair.
JACKSON: Where is she?
He asks her while she points her head. Jackson looks into the room when Sherif Stilinski comes towards him.
STILINSKI: Hey. Hey! What the hell happened to that girl?
JACKSON: [stammering] I-I don't know. I went out looking for her--
STILINSKI: [skeptically] What, you just happened to wander into the middle of that field and you just found her there like that? Don't lie to me, son.
JACKSON: [anxiously] No, I--
The sherif then pushes him against the wall which causes Violet to flinch.
STILINSKI: Hey! What happened to her???
JACKSON: This isn't my fault!
STILINSKI: She's your girlfriend! That's your responsibility!
JACKSON: No, she's not, okay? She didn't go to the formal with me.
STILINSKI: Then who'd she go with?
JACKSON: Do you really wanna know?
The sherif stares at him for a few moment when Violet answers.
VIOLET: She went with Stiles.
Stilinski snaps his head towards the girl but softens slightly at her face.
VIOLET: Stiles took her.
Stilinski signs and nods at Violet and let's Jackson go.
"Aww he cares" Hermione says
STILINSKI: why don't you go home, alright? Get some rest you mom will be here soon.
Violet is about to answer saying that there wasn't anyone to take her when Scott walks through the door. His face relaxes when he sees Violet.
SCOTT: I'll take her
Violet and Stilinski look at him.
STILINSKI: that ok with you Violet?
VIOLET: yeah that's fine, thank you.
She sends him a nod and a tired smile and walks out with Scott. Once their out of the building he mutters.
STILINSKI: Somebody better find my son.
When Violet and Scott are outside she turns to him.
VIOLET: I though you didn't have a car?
Scott smiles slightly guilty and turns to her.
SCOTT: yeah so maybe I'm not taking you have just yet.
Violet signs and turns to him
VIOELT: you saw didn't you?
SCOTT: yeah....
VIOLET: and now you need my help
SCOTT: yeah....
VIOLET: you know I don't know how I did it right?
SCOTT: yeah?
But is comes out as more of a question as Violet laughs slightly and pushes his shoulder.
VIOLET: so where we going?
SCOTT: I don't know yet.
They suddenly both hear a howl in the distance.
VIOLET: did you hear that or am I going crazy?
SCOTT: no I heard it looks like we're visiting a werewolf with anger issues.
VIOLET: cool
They continue walking.
"I love their relationship" Marlene says
The 2 teens are currently running through the woods, Violet wearing an extra pair of tria sets that Scott brought abandoning her heels when they passed her house quickly.
SCOTT: can you do that thing you did earlier?
VIOLET: what?
She asks out of breath
SCOTT: you know fly?
Realisation comes across Violet's face as she takes a sudden leap into the air as wings pop out. She smiles down brightly at Scott who smiles back because he turns and runs as a werewolf.
"She's too cute" Dorcas says
The scene now shows Derek ties up in the cellar of the Hale house when a hunter shines a light on him.
HUNTER: Ready to have some more fun? To be honest, my knuckles are kind of hurting... So, I brought some help.
He pulls out a baseball bat.
HUNTER: But, I need to warn ya-- I used to play in college.
Just as he is about to his Derek he grabs it with the hand that he untied from the chains.
DEREK: ...I brought a little help, too.
The camera turns to Violet and Scott standing in the door way as Derek hits the Hunter in the face as Violet and Scott share a look.
DEREK: [urgently] Scott, help me with this.
DEREK: What?
SCOTT: Not until you tell me how to stop Peter.
DEREK: [exasperatedly] You really wanna talk about this right now?
SCOTT: He's going after Allison and her family. He's going to kill them.
VIOLET: what?!
DEREK: [scoffing] So what?
SCOTT: So, tell me how to stop him.
DEREK: You can't!
DEREK: All right? Now, I don't know when Kate's coming back, so just get me out of this right now! Get me out right now!
VIOLET: No, no, no not until you promise you'll help us.
DEREK: [furiously] You want me to risk my life for your girlfriend? For your stupid little teenage crush that means absolutely nothing?
VIOLET: s-she's not my girlfriend!
DEREK: could've fooled me I can smell the attraction on you. You're not in love, Violet ! You're sixteen years old! You're a child!
"Kinda harsh but kinda true" Sirius says which many nod in agreement.
SCOTT: Maybe you're right... But, I know something you don't. Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister, right? He lied. Remember this?
Scott holds up a report on a dead deer to his face.
Back in the hospital Stiles has realised that Scott is no where to be seen since according to his dad and Jackson when he took Violet home.
JACKSON: Hey, where are you going?
STILES: To find Scott.
JACKSON: You don't have a car.
STILES: [irritably] I'm aware of that, thank you.
JACKSON: Here, I'll drive. Come on--
STILES: [annoyed] Look, just because you feel guilty all of a sudden doesn't make it okay, all right? Half of this is still your fault.
JACKSON: Look, I have a car. You don't. Do you want my help, or not?
STILES: All right. Did you bring the Porsche?
JACKSON: Yeah...
Stiles snatches the keys out of his hands.
STILES: Good. I'll drive.
ARGENT: Boys... I was wondering if you can tell me where Violet Martin and Scott McCall are.
STILES: [nervously] Scott and Violet? Umm, I haven't seen them since the dance. Jackson, you?
STILES: Oh, for the love of God.
Many face palm at the boy
The hunters then push them into an empty room and look the door.
ARGENT: Let's try this again-- where are Scott McCall and Violet Martin?
He points the flashlight in their face.
Back in the Hale house
SCOTT: This is what brought your sister back to Beacon Hills, right?
DEREK: Where did you get that?
SCOTT: My boss told me three months ago, someone came into the clinic asking for a copy of this picture. Do you wanna know who it was? Peter's nurse. They brought your sister here so that Peter could kill her and become the Alpha, and that's why you're going to help me.
Derek stares at him angrily
Scott turns around and slowly pulls Violet with him.
SCOTT: [sighing] Just say you'll help me, and I'll help you unlock your other--
A sudden crash causes them to turn around to see Derek free out of the chains.
DEREK: [angrily] I'll help you.
VIOLET: thank you
She gives Derek a bright smile and turns to Scott excitedly.
"She would most definitely be a Hufflepuff" Ron says
This causes Hufflepuffs to smile proudly
Derek, Violet and Scott are walking through the woods the 3 of them out of breath when Derek stops.
DEREK: Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on. Something doesn't feel right.
VIOLET: What do you mean?
DEREK: I don't know, it's- it's kind of like it's--
SCOTT: [interjecting] No, don't say "too easy." People say "too easy" and bad things happen.
Derek gives him a look that says are you and idiot.
VIOLET: no he's right
Derek now turns to her. Violet backs away a little kind of intimidated.
VIOLET: What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy!
DEREK: Fine. You're right.
SCOTT/VIOLET: Thank you.
"I would be intimidated too" Marlene says
An arrow comes out of no where and shoots Derek in the shoulder.
Many flinch and gasp
Allison is seen aiming a bow at the 3 while Kate is stood next to her.
KATE: Now the leg.
Allison shoots another arrow as Violet and Scott look at her in shook.
KATE: Flash-bolt.
As Allison aims another arrow Derek shouts.
DEREK: guys, your eyes!
KATE: Now.
Scott and Violet duck just in time for the arrow to land on a tree behind them and causes a small explosion to go off.
The mist from the arrow however causes Scott's eyes to become blurry. Violet appears fine however as she tries to help Derek get the arrows from his shoulder and thigh. Once they are out they both run to Scott and help him up.
DEREK: Get up! Let's go!
The camera shows the 2 girls again
KATE: [smirking] Natural talent.
Allison is seen with a slightly guilty loom on her face as she and Kate follow after the 3.
Violet is seen holding up Scott as Derek is limping besides them.
DEREK: Scott, Violet, go!
Derek lies down
SCOTT: Allison, I can explain.
ALLISON: Stop lying. For once, stop lying.
SCOTT: I was gonna tell you the truth at the formal. I was gonna tell you everything... Violet doesn't even know the whole story trust me because everything that I said, everything that I did--
ALLISON: [interrupting] Was to protect me.
Allison then turns to Violet who looks at her with tears in her eyes.
VIOLET: it's true Allison I didn't know anything I swear. I didn't know that I could do that. The only thing I knew is that Scott and Derek are werewolf's and the alphas name is Peter. I didn't know if you knew which your family and everything i swear. And the only reason I didn't tell you is because it isn't my place to say anything.
Allison looks at her for a moment until she shakes her head.
ALLISON: I don't believe you.
"NOOO!" Many groan
KATE: [groaning] Thank God. Now, shoot him before I have to shoot myself!
ALLISON: [nervously] You... you said we were just gonna catch them...
KATE: We did that. Now we're gonna kill them.
Kate then shoots Derek which causes Violet to gasp.
KATE: See? Not that hard.
KATE: Oh, no... I know that look. That's the "You're gonna have to do it yourself" look.
Kate then turns to aim a gun at Violet which causes her eyes to widen.
Lily gasps worriedly and hides her face in her hands while James rubs her back.
ALLISON: Kate... Kate, what are you doing?
KATE: [cooing] I love those green eyes...
He comes out from the woods as Kate is still holding a gun to Violet.
ARGENT: I know what you did. Put the gun down.
KATE: I did what I was told to do.
ARGENT: No one asked you to murder innocent people! There were children in that house, ones who were human. Look what you're doing now! You're holding a gun at a sixteen-year-old girl with no proofs she's spilled human blood!
"At least someone's being reasonable" Harry mutters angrily
ARGENT: We go by the Code-- "Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent."
ALLISON: [muttering] "We hunt those who hunt us."
Kate makes no love of putting the gun down so Argent aims a gun at her.
ARGENT: Put the gun down...
Argent shoots the gun right next to Kate's head, Berry missing her.
ARGENT: before I put you down.
Kate puts the gun down as Violet breaths out in relief. The door of the Hale house then opens as Argent and Kate aim their guns at it.
ARGENT: Allison, get back.
ALLISON: What is it?
VIOLET: It's the Alpha.
Her eyes are seen glowing purple as Kate looks at her curiously.
The Alpha speeds out of the house as he starts knocking people down. Starting with Chris, then Allison and then Scott. Violet looks at Allison before she is also knocked down.
KATE: Come on! Come on!
Peter then grabs her gun and shoots twice as her arm is lifted into the air. He then punches her arm which causes it to snap as Kate screams out in pain. He then grabs ahold of her throat and throws her by the door, he then grabs her arm and drags her inside.
"That's gotta hurt"
VIOLET: Allison!
Allison runs into the house and comes to a stop as she sees Peter with his claws around her aunts neck.
PETER: She is beautiful, Kate. She looks like you. Probably not as damaged. So, I'm going to give you a chance to save her. Apologize. Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years. Say it... and I'll let her live.
Kate then looks at Allison.
KATE: [stammering] I'm sorry...
Allison looks at her aunt with tears in her eyes and betrayal a written on her face. Peter suddenly tightens ahold of Kates neck and rips it open. As she falls to the ground flashes of the Hale fire are shown. Children screaming and crying. Allison sobs as she look at Kate. Peter signs in fake sympathy.
Younger kids turn away from the screen as many adults and teens flinch
PETER: I don't know about you, Allison, but that apology... didn't sound very sincere.
A growl is heard as Scott's face is shown transformed and so is Derek.
He says to Allison as she runs outside. She sees Violet tiredly kneeling against her dad as she drops down next to her.
ALLISON: Dad! Dad. Dad.
Violet looks at Allison.
VIOLET: I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you I did but I-
Allison grabs ahold of her hand and smiles.
"Thank god for that" Ginny signs
They flinch as Scott is thrown through the door as they turn to look in shook. Peter now as an alpha follow behind as he growls and picks Scoot up. Scott kicks his leg up against the alphas chest and flips backwards as the alpha stumbles backwards.
As he stands up the horn of a car is heard as Jackson and Stiles rush out. Stiles throws a bottle of something at the alpha only for him to catch it.
STILES: oh damn!
Violet then spots Allison's bow and arrow and picks it up.
VIOLET: Allison!
She throws them to her as Allison shoots the bottle which causes the alphas arm to go up in flames. Jackson then throws the second bottle which then puts the rest of the alphas body in flames.
Many cheer for Stiles and Allison as James shouts
"That's the first thingy hat boy has done that is useful" (referring to Jackson)
As Violet notices the alpha about to pound on Allison she shouts.
Violet's wings then come back out as she flies to the ground and flaps them hard as she lands. This causes Peter to transform back as he stumbles to the ground. Stiles and Jackson watch in amazement the former with lovesick expression.
"GIRLBOSS" Ginny shouts as many people now watch Violet in amazement
Allison then walks up to Violet and tilts her chin to the side to face her. Violet's eyes are still purple when Allison leans in and kisses her which causes her wings to slowly return. Jackson seeing this for the first time smiles slightly but covers it up with a cough and turns away. As they pull away Violet looks at Allison is shook.
VIOLET: ...Why did you do that?
ALLISON: Because I wanna be your girlfriend.
Violet smiles widely as Allison smiles back.
Argent then gets up from the ground and looks at the 2 girls as him and Violet make eye contact. He smile slightly and sends her a nod.
"This is so cute" Alice says
Scott then sees Derek walk towards Peter and stand over him he gets up and runs towards them as Allison and Violet get up. Argent pulling the 2 of them close.
SCOTT: Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek, if you do this, Violet's dead. Allison's father, her family-- what am she supposed to do?
Tears gather in Violet's eyes as people look between her, Scott and Derek. Argent squeezes her shoulder reassuringly.
PETER: [weakly] You've... already... decided... I can smell it on you...!
His eyes turn red as Derek lifts his claws
SCOTT: Wait! No, no! Don't!
But it's too late, Derek swipe his claws which cut Peters throat. Violet sucks in a breath and grabs Allison's hand. As Peter takes his last breath Derek turns around and look Scott dead in the eye as his own eyes now turn red.
DEREK: [distorted] I'm the Alpha now.
The camera then zooms put towards the full moon.
The next day Violet is sitting besides Lydia's bed holding her hand with slight tears in her eyes when she hears a whisper.
SCOTT: Shut the door.
She turns around to see Scott and Stiles who haven't noticed her yet. Stiles tries to close the door but it just squeaks.
SCOTT: Oh, God...
Many laugh at the boys
Violet signs and gets up and shit the door quickly which causes both boys to jump and Stiles to fall. She looks at them blankly.
Violet shakes her head when Stiles asks her
STILES: Is it completely healed?
STILES: I don't get it. The doctor said she'd be fine.
Scott then buts in after taking a look at the bite.
SCOTT: Yeah, but the bite's not healing like it did with me or Violet. Which means... she's not a Werewolf. Or whatever you are.
He says the last part referring to Violet as she signs grabbing Lydia's hand.
STILES: Then what the hell is she?
In the Argent house Chris is seen holding up the paper which holds Kates death.
VICTORIA: They'll be here in two days.
She says holding the phone trying to grab her husbands hand as he pulls away.
ARGENT: We shouldn't have done it. That stupid necklace.
Victoria snatches the poster off of him
VICTORIA: The police would've put it together eventually. Don't think for one second she's taking the fall for something she didn't do.
ARGENT: We're gonna be pariahs in this town.
VICTORIA: We can handle it.
ARGENT: And Allison?
VICTORIA: She'll learn.
VICTORIA: What about Violet?
ARGENT: I'm not the only one she has to worry about now...
The camera fades through the argent house up to the roof to show Allison and Violet leaning against it cuddled to each other as they watch the moon. And finally the screen fades to black.
"Right we'll continue with the 2nd part tomorrow, please be here by 9am so we can finish and start on the 3rd the day after" says Professor McGonagall as everyone nods in agreement and heads back to their homes for the night.
What a long ass chapter that was. But Violet having a girlboss moment in protecting Allison ^^^
Finally done with season 2 and this story has over 40k reads which is crazy. Thank you so much. First chapter of season 2 will be up tomorrow <33
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