1 11: formality
Violet, Allison and Lydia are seen on an escalator in the mall.
ALLISON: Nothing's wrong... I just, I have a lot on my mind.
LYDIA: You could smile, at least. Ever heard of the saying, "Never frown-- someone could be falling in love with your smile?"
"That's what Marlene told me a while ago" Lily said while Marlene nodded
Allison scoffs while Violet snorts and shakes her head.
LYDIA: Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress.
ALLISON: [shrugging] Have to admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected...
LYDIA: Excellent!
ALLISON: ...But not as much as I"m going to ask.
LYDIA: What? What's that supposed to mean?
ALLISON: It means you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, 'roided-up jock you said yes to and you're going to go with somebody else.
She says this as they come to a stop.
The camera then turns towards Stiles who is holding up a perfume. He then sprays the scent into his mouth and pulls a face and sneezes. Violet laughs at his actions at turns to see lydia frowning.
VIOLET: [smirking] Don't frown, Lydia! Someone could be falling in love with your smile.
"Bloody hell shes a mini prongs" Sirius laughs
Her and Allison laugh as Stiles turns towards them. He tees Violet and leans against the counter and waved which she returns.
Stiles is seen carrying a bunch of dresses as LYIDA is seen putting them into his arms.
STILES: Oh, okay, so are you just gonna try these on right now? All of them?
Lydia then walks away while Stiles follows her like a lost puppy.
STILES: Is this a twenty-four hour Macy's?
Allison and Violet are seen at a dress rack trying to pick out dresses. Violet is holding a yellow dress while Allison is holding a red one. Violet's eyes flash purple as she turns around but jumps as she sees a man standing behind her.
"She still hasn't noticed that" Harry says
PETER: That's not your color.
PETER: Sorry if that was intrusive. But considering your skin tone, I'd go lighter.
He directs this towards Allison.
ALLISON: Because I'm pale?
PETER: Fair. I mean, you can't call skin like yours "pale." Not skin that perfect.
Allison laughs nervously while Violet eyes him suspiciously.
ALLISON: Okay...
PETER: Trust me, I-I have a unique perspective on the subject. Do you mind?
He then grabs Allison's hand and hold it against a pale pink dress. Allison looks uncomfortable so Violet grabs her hand for comfort. Peter eyes the 2 before smirking.
"He's creepy" Ginny says
"Wait is he the dead uncle?" James asks confused but gets no reply
PETER: See? Much better.
Allison smile shyly while she plays with the rings on Violet's fingers.
"Awwww" lavender coos
PETER: You guys aren't here alone, are you? Shopping for dresses with friends? High school dance?
VIOLET: Formal.
PA SYSTEM: Attention shoppers... To the owner of a blue Mazda, license plate--
ALLISON: Did she just say a blue Mazda?
PA SYSTEM: --5768. Your car is being towed.
ALLISON: Oh! That's my car! I'll be 5 minutes V.
Violet nods and smiles while Peter turns to her and smirks.
PETER: girlfriend?
Violet's eyes widen in shook.
VIOLET: w-what. No, no just friends going shopping as friends.
She laughs nervously
PETER: don't worry I won't tell anyone. By the way. I wouldn't go for that colour, maybe something darker? It would clash with your hair.
"He ships it"
He grabs a piece of her hair and twirls it slightly.
VIOLET: oh Umm thanks, I'm sure you have great fashion sense.
She gestures to the outfit he's wearing while holding on a nervous smile.
VIOLET: I'm gonna go check on Allison, my friend and continue shopping. Thank again for the fashion tips.
She smiles and quickly walks away.
PETER: [muttering] I have to say, Scott, I continue to be impressed with your ingenuity. Just remember... you can't be everywhere all the time. And it seems like your a little too late, to get back your girl.
Scott is seen behind a rack with a schooled look on his face.
"He's everywhere" Ron says
Violet is seen standing informs of her mirror. She's wearing black pants and suit jacket with a corset top underneath.
Ginny whirled "she looks smoking" she says while Harry only rolls his eyes.
Lily and James smile at the sight of her.
VIOLET: do you think I made a stupid mistake of wearing a suit instead of a dress?
She turns around to face Lydia who is standing behind her slightly.
LYDIA: I think you made the best decision, you look beautiful and whoever your date is will think so to.
VIOLET: yeah about that-
She gets cut off by the doorbell as her eyes widen and Lydia claps her hands excitedly.
LYDIA: is that your date?
VIOLET: Lydia no.
Lydia runs to the door and answers it only for her smile to fall slight as she spots Allison on the other side.
LYDIA: oh it's just Allison
She turns to her her Violet standing there with red checks and a dreamy smile as she looks at the brunette. Lydia's eyes widen in realisation as she slowly backs away.
LYDIA: oh- I get it now. You know what you too go have fun and I'll meet you there ok?
VIOLET: yeah ok.
Violet gives her sister a thankful smile as Lydia goes to whisper in Allison ear.
LYDIA: you may be my best friend but she's my sister hurt her and I will come for you.
She pulls back with a sweet smile as Allison laughs.
ALLISON: don't worry Lydia.
"Protective sister mode" Regulus mutters
Lydia then rushed back upstairs as Violet walks towards Allison.
VIOLET: you look beautiful.
Allison's cheeks redden as she smiles
ALLISON: thank you, so do you. I love your outfit.
VIOLET: thanks, do you wanna go?
They grab hold of each other's hand as they walk to Allison's car.
As they get out the car they see Stiles holding his hand out or Lydia. He sees Violet and admires her from afar but is snapped out of it when he hears Lydia speak.
LYDIA: Jackson... You look handsome.
JACKSON: [smugly] Obviously. It's Hugo Boss.
He walks past her.
LYDIA: [muttering] I don't care. I don't want compliments. I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotional, insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark...
Stiles feeling bad for the girl speaks up.
STILES: Well, I think you look beautiful.
LYDIA: ...Really?
Stiles nods as he loops his arm with Lydia, wishing it was Violet but musters up a smile and leads her inside.
"He's so cute"
Once inside Allison turns to Violet
ALLISON: wanna dance?
VIOLET: what if somebody sees us? Not that I'm embarrassed of you it's-
ALLISON: it's ok I know, we'll go to that corner over there and everyone will be too distracted with themselves.
Still seeing her uncomfortable look she suggests another idea.
ALLISON: Or we can go for a walk?
Violet looks at Allison with a wide smile but shakes her head.
Many smile at the sight of how understanding Allison is.
VIOLET: no. I'm in the mood to dance.
Allison smiles as they walk towards a quote corner.
ALLISON: you look really pretty tonight.
VIOLET: you do to.
Just as Allison opens her mouth they get interrupted by a shout.
COACH: McCall! I see you!
Coach is seen running after Scott who quickly tries to run away from him.
COACH: Come here, buddy. Come here!
COACH: McCall! Get outta my way!
COACH: McCall! It's a small gym, buddy! I'm gonna find you!
COACH: I gotcha, McCall! Come here, come here! Get outta my way! McCall!
Scott then runs up to Danny.
SCOTT: [urgently] Danny! Danny, dance with me.
DANNY: What?
SCOTT: Dance with me.
SCOTT: Please! Right now. Right now!
COACH: McCall! You're not supposed to--
COACH: [flabbergasted] What the hell are you do-- What the hell are you doing?
Scott has pulled Danny to the dance floor with his arms around his shoulders.
SCOTT: [innocently] Yes, Coach?
COACH: [stammering] Okay, ho-ho-ho, ha-ha. Hold on, you-- I was just saying he's not supposed to-- I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't-- You guys don't think-- You don't-- I-I was--
Allison and Violet try to hold on their laughs as they see Scott sending them a smile and a thumbs up.
COACH: Just dance, everybody! Just dance! Dance! It's a party!
SCOTT: Thanks, dude. I owe you!
COACH: What are you looking at, Greenberg?
Many laugh at the boy and the coach
Stiles is seen dancing with Lydia as she starts looking around.
STILES: You okay?
LYDIA: Just... need to take a little break.
STILES: You mean you need to go find Jackson.
Lydia looks at him with a guilty look but Stiles only smiles.
STILES: I get it.
Allison and Violet are still dancing when Violet speaks up.
VIOLET: I need to tell you something, in case you didn't know already I like you... as more than a friends. Well you probably do know because I asked you to the formal and what not but I get it if you don't feel the same way and if you just wanna be friends I'm fine with that I just don't want loose you-
She gets but off as Allison places her lips on hers. Violet's eyes widen as she slowly melts into the kiss pulling Allison closer by the waist as Allison's hands cup her cheeks.
"YESSSS!" Lily shouts
"FINALLY" Marlene says while the marauders and some of the young kids cheer
Scott who was watching the couple smiles. Happy that Allison is happy. Stiles also has the same reaction as Scott. A sad smile on his face as he's happy for Violet. Danny smirks and shrugs like he knew all along. And finally Lydia who was in the middle of walking out the gym has happy tears in her eyes, proud of Violet.
"Even Scott and Stiles are understanding" Alice says with happy tears in her eyes
The girls finally pull away and laugh as they continue dancing. Finally happy that they where brave enough to admit their feelings.
Lydia is seen walking on the lacrosse field trying to find Jackson.
LYDIA: Jackson?
Stiles is shown walking into Jackson.
STILES: Where the hell have you been? Did Lydia ever find you?
STILES: What? What's wrong?
JACKSON: [stammering] I-I was out behind the school, and I-I was out--
STILES: What happened?
STILES: [frustrated] Jackson, what did you do?
"And mood ruined" Ginny says
Lydia is seen still on the friend when we see someone walking out of the shadows towards her.
LYDIA: Jackson? Jackson? Jackson!
LYDIA: Jackson? Is that you?
LYDIA: Jackson, is that you?
Stiles is seen running out the building.
STILES: [terrified] LYDIA! RUN!
Lydia turns around only to find large teeth in her face. The person bites her on the shoulder as she collapses to the ground.
Stiles screams as he drops to his knees in front of her. Turning up to the figure we now know at Peter Hale with begging eyes.
STILES: [pleadingly] Don't kill her... Please...
PETER: [fake kindly] Of course not! Just tell me how to find Derek.
STILES: W-what?
PETER: Tell me how to find Derek Hale.
STILES: I don't know that. How would I know that? I've never spoken to him.
PETER: Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles.
PETER: Tell me the truth... or I will rip her apart.
STILES: [anxiously] Look-look, I don't know, okay? I sw-swear to God, I have no idea.
PETER: [angrily] TELL ME!
Stiles flinches and this causes him to snap.
STILES: Okay, okay, okay, look... I-I think he knew--
PETER: [impatiently] Knew what?
STILES: Derek, I think he... I think he knew he was gonna be caught.
PETER: By the Argents?
STILES: Yeah...
STILES: When they were shot, he and Scott-- I think he took Scott's phone.
STILES: They all have GPS now. So, if he still has it, and if it's still on... you can find him.
"Oh shit" Dorcas and Sirius say while everyone has anxious looks on their faces.
Violet and Allison are seen giggling as they run and hold hands occasionally stopping for a kiss.
VIOLET: where are we going?
ALLISON: somewhere we can be alone
They both laugh
VIOLET: alone where?
They come at a stop near the buses
VIOLET: alone where?
ALLISON: over here
VIOLET: are you sure this is a good idea?
Allison smiles slyly
ALLISON: I'm a minute your going to think it's a great idea
Harry gags jokingly as some laugh on the look on Violet's face.
Allison then kisses her again as Violet smiles. She then lets go of Violet and runs into the bus while smiling through the window.
VIOLET: I really hate it when you say things like that.
ALLISON: come on
VIOLET: we really should get back to the dance.
Allison only laughs and blows her a kiss
VIOLET: screw it
She shakes her head and is about to head inside when when a car engine is heard in front of her. Allison looks through the window curiously as another engine is heard behind her she turns to the side so that the cars are on either side of her.
"Huh" Ginny asks confused
In the first car there is a random guy smiling slightly while gripping the steering wheel tightly. In the second car it reveals to be Chris Argent with a glare fixed on his face. Violet has a shocked look on her face as both cars start their engines. She makes eye contact with Allison when both cars start to race toward.
"OH MY GOD" Lily says panicked as she hides her face in James shoulder
Many gasp and cover their mouths
Allison covers her mouth with her hand worried with tears in her eyes. Just as both cars are about to hit the camera zooms in on Violet as her eyes shine purple. She then jumps up as a sudden force creates wings black coming from her back as she lands on the two car safely. Allison is seen horrified as Violet slowly looks up at her just as shocked.
"HOLY SHIT SHE CAN FLY" Marlene, Sirius and Ginny shout
She then turns around to face her wings while taking panicked deep breaths.
VIOLET: holy shit
"Holy shit indeed" James says as everyone is stunned into silence.
I'm sorry if it's rushed I'll probably re-write it tomorrow just haven't had much time today.
And hello Allison finding out about supernatural????
Thank you guys so much for 40k reads I'm honestly so happy. I love you guys <33
Violet's suit
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