1 10: co- captian
Violet is seen laying in Lydia's bed as she stokes her hair. Lydia's cries are muffled by her sweater as she grips onto it tightly.
"They're bonding" Ginny says with a smile
VIOLET: Lydia it's been 2 days
LYDIA: I know but it was so brutal
VIOLET: if it makes you feel any better he was a douche.
LYDIA: I'm so sorry!
Violet looks down at Lydia confused on why she's apologising
VIOLET: what for?
LYDIA: your right I am a bitch
Violet signs and lifts Lydia's head up and wipes her tears
VIOLET: listen that doesn't matter right now ok? You told Allison, she forgave you, everything's good.
LYDIA: no not about that about the thing you told me, just please explain it to me so I can understand, I hate fighting with you.
"What is it?" James asked as Lily smacks him.
"Shut up, you'll find out now"
Violet nods in understanding as they both sit up as she takes a deep breath. Lydia grabs her hands for comfort.
VIOLET: I like girls...in the way I'm suppose to feel about boys.
Tears gather in her eyes as she tries to push them back.
Many smile happily as she finally had the courage to say it out loud. While other like Lucius have a scowl on their face.
And finally there are people like Narcissa and Draco who are trying to hide their smiles happy for her but scared of judgment.
VIOLET: I still like boys but i like girls too and I want you to understand because I can't do this without you I-I can't live like this knowing that the person I love the most hates me for it.
"Awww" Marlene says
Lydia signs with sad look in her eyes.
LYDIA: I never hated you V.. I just got scared for you I think- I know what happened to people like you and I wanna protect you. I love you no matter what and just know that I'm always gonna be here for you it's just hard to concept.
"She's trying so hard" Hermione says
VIOLET: I understand
She says this as tears are running down her face. Lydia also sniffles but smiles and piles her into a hug.
LYDIA: you know you can tell me if you just like girls you know? Boys are ugly anyway
Many laugh as Lily and James and people close to the potters wipe their tears.
The 2 of them laugh at that
VIOLET: do you know what pansexuality is?
LYIDA: n-no I don't, can you explain it to me?
Violet smiles brightly at this and camera zooms out showing the girls having a conversation.
"Development people!!" Ginny shouts
The next day at school Allison and Violet are seen talking at the brunettes locker when Jackson walks up to the pair. He smiles at Violet before turning to Allison with a smirk.
JACKSON: so I was wondering
ALLISON: yeah?
JACKSON: would you like to go to the formal with me? As friends of course.
"NO!" James yells
Violet's face visibly drops at that but quickly turns around. Unluckily for her Allison notices and turns back towards Jackson.
ALLISON: I'm sorry, I already have a date.
Violet's head snaps towards Allison with a confused look, she definitely hadn't heard of her date. Jackson also deflates not used to getting rejected but quickly musters up a smile.
JACKSON: no worries I'll see you around.
The hallway is now quite as Violet then turns to Allison with a noticeable frown on her face.
VIOLET: you have a date?
Allison only laughs and shakes her head.
ALLISON: nope I just didn't wanna go with him, I'm actually waiting for someone else to ask me.
Many gasp as Lavender and Patrivi squeal excitedly
VIOLET: oh who is he? Is it Scott?
Allison only smiles slyly.
ALLISON: who said is was a "he?"
People are on the edge of their seats
Violet's eyes widen in shock as she stares at Allison blankly for a few seconds before clearing her throat. She wipes her sweaty palms on her skirt as her cheeks redden.
"Bless her she's so nervous" Alice says happily
VIOLET: well if you don't have a date and if they don't ask you would you maybe... like to go... with me, to the winter formal. Not that you have to of course I'm sure the person who you want to go with will ask you. I mean how could they not your beautiful and kind and smart I-I mean we can still go. As friends if you want we don't have to go as a couple-
ALLISON: I don't think that will be a problem
VIOLET: oh, oh god I'm sorry I just totally messed everything up didn't I.
She puts her hands on her face trying to cover up her embarrassment. Her hands do get pulled away as Allison interviews her fingers with her own.
Ginny is holding Hermione's hand tightly the same with Lily and James
ALLISON: I mean that getting the person I want to go with won't be a problem because they just asked me.
VIOLET: Jackson?! But you said you didn't want to got with him
"Oblivious just like her father" Sirius says
"I am not oblivious" James says
"Yeah right" Sirius scoffs
Allison laughs again
ALLISON: no you idiot I mean you.
"YESSS!" Lily yells as many jump, startled never seen the woman so energetic
Violet's eyes go wide and her mouth turns agape as she breaths a sign of relief.
VIOLET: oh thank god, GOD I mean yeah that's cool that fine we can totally go together. As a couple or friends?
ALLISON: well they're wouldn't be no point going to a dance as friends now would there? Otherwise I would have said yes to Jackson.
VIOELT: yeah ok I'll Umm see you after science?
Allison smiles and pecks her check as she walk away.
ALLISON: after science
"THEY ARE SO CUTE" Dorcas gushes
This leaves Violet standing there with a bright smile and cheeks nearly as red as her hair. Danny is then seen coming around the corner and sees Violet standing there staring at a blank space like a lost puppy.
DANNY: you ok there V?
Violet turns to him and nods dreamily
VIOLET: yeah great. You coming to science?
DANNY: yeah let's go
Violet walks first with a slight skip in her step making Danny chuckle and go after her.
"Their friendship though"
After school that day Violet, Lydia and Allison are seen in the woods Allison is seen carrying a duffel bag when Lydia speaks up.
LYDIA: [impatiently] Allison... when you said you needed to stop for an errand before we went shopping... a five-mile hike in the woods was not what I was expecting.
ALLISON: [innocently] Before I forget, I need to tell you something. Jackson invited me to the winter formal.
LYDIA: [fake-calmly] Did he?
ALLISON: Uh-huh. Just as friends. But I'm not going with him I'm going with someone else but I just wanted to tell you to see if you're ok.
Violet smiles a bit at that.
LYDIA: [hesitantly] I'm fine I mean it's not like your going with him right?
ALLISON: Well, yeah. I mean, it's not like I would take him to the coach's office during lacrosse practice to make out with him or anything...
Violet's eyes widen as she looks around trying to avoid eye contact.
LYDIA: [anxiously] Uh, about that...
Many laugh still tears in Lily's eyes from the previous conversation.
A little later they came to a stop as Allison is seen screwing an arrow together.
LYDIA: What does that do?
ALLISON: We're about to find out...
She then aims to arrow to a tree and shots but as soon as it lands is explodes which causes the 3 girls to stumble back.
VIOLEY: (gasping) What the hell was that?
ALLISON: I don't know...
Many flinch as some have exited smiles on their faces "wicked" Fred and George say
LYDIA: [sarcastically] Well, that was fun! Any more lethal weapons you wanna try out?
A sudden snap of twigs is heard as Violet is seen suddenly on edge as her eyes turn purple for a second. Not that anyone notices. She steps forward.
"Is it from the bite?" Marlene asks Lily in a whisper
"I think so" Lily replies
VIOLET: stay here for a second
LYDIA: What? Why?
VIOLET: Because I thought I heard something.
LYDIA: So... what if you heard something?
VIOKEY: So, I want to find out what that something is.
VIOLET: Don't worry-- it's probably nothing.
LYDIA: Well, what if that nothing is something, and that something is dangerous?
VIOLEY: Allison will shoot her bow
ALLISON: copy that, here take this.
She hands her a little electric gun.
VIOLET: thanks
She then walks further into the woods to look for the sound. Something is seen watching her in the trees. She hears another twig snap right behind her so she pulls out the gun that Allison gave her and shots the person which shows to be Scott and electrifies him.
VIOLET: Scott?
"That was hot" Ginny says
She walks nearer
SCOTT: [groaning] Trigger finger!
Violet then notices her finger is still on the trigger and quickly pulls it off. She then knolls down next to him.
VIOLET: Oh! Oh, God. Oh, God. I'm so, so, so, so sorry...
SCOTT: Oh, no, it's my fault. Totally my fault.
VIOLET: Are you okay?
SCOTT: Yeah, I'm fine.
VIOLET: I didn't know it was you. If I'd known it was you, I--
SCOTT: [interjecting] Still would have pulled the trigger?
VIOLET: Maybe....
Sirius snorts
Scott gives her a small playful glare
VIOLET: I'm kidding geez are you ok?
SCOTT: Yeah, I think so.
VIOLET: What were you doing here anyway? Were you... following us?
SCOTT: No. Not at all!
VIOLET: [amused] ...Really
SCOTT: [sheepishly] no?
VIOLEY: What for?
SCOTT: I found this at school.
He then holds up Allison's necklace
VIOLET: Thank God! Allison was beginning to think it was stolen.
SCOTT: [awkwardly] No! No, just lost. Definitely not stolen by anyone...
VIOLET: Well, thank you for finding it. And for bringing it. I'll make sure to tell her.
SCOTT: You don't think I'm a total stalker now, do you?
VIOLET: Hmm... No. I'll see you at school
SCOTT: yep
As she walks away Scott is seen with a disappointed look on his face hoping that it would have been Allison to come after him.
"I feel bad for him but so happy that Vallison is officially sailed" Ginny says
"Vallison?" Harry asks confused
"Yeah a ship name, Violet and Allison make Vallison" she explains in a duh tone as Harry pulls a face.
"Ohh I love that" Lavender says
"Thank you Lav at least someone appreciates my hard thinking" she says while glaring at Harry cause oh his eyes to go wide as he looks away.
Violet is seen laying on her bed head in her hands wincing as if she has a head ache. A sudden nock at her door snaps her out of her trans.
VIOLET: not now mom I'm busy
The nock happened again as Violet groans and stands up.
VIOLET: Lydia if it's you I told you I'm bu-
She stops her sentence as she sees Allison standing there with a sheepish smile.
ALLISON: sorry your mom let me in
VIOLET: oh it's ok, come in
She gestures for her to come in side as they both sit down on her bed.
"Bipolar much"
VIOLET: [nervously] Do you want me to say something first?
VIOLET: Okay... Do you want me to leave you alone for a few minutes?
ALLISON: [frowning] Why would I want that?
VIOLEY: I don't know. It's just that, um... you came in here and you said you wanted to talk, and we've been sitting here for like ten minutes, and you haven't said anything yet, and it's starting to freak me out.
ALLISON: [sheepishly] Sorry. It's a little hard to start. This is going to sound really ridiculous. Like, I-I guess I just-- I don't want you to laugh at me.
VIOLET: I would never laugh at you.
ALLISON: It's about my family...
ALLISON: A little while ago, I caught them in a lie. A small one. When my aunt first arrived, she had car trouble, and... my dad said it was a flat tire, but she said she needed a jump start.
VIOLET: Maybe it was just a little miscommunication?
ALLISON: Yeah, that was what I thought, too. And then, I found glass on her car, like her window had been smashed in. I've been overhearing some really strange conversations. I think some of it has to do with Derek.
VIOLEY: Are you sure?
ALLISON: Yeah. I think that he's not--
She gets interrupted by her phone going off seeing a message from Kate saying 'we need to talk' she signs and turns back to Violet.
ALLISON: speaking of family, I'm sorry I gotta go it's my aunt Kate.
VIOLET: it's fine, call me later?
ALLISON: I will, bye
She then walks out the door. Just as Violet is about to close it Lydia pops her head through.
LYDIA: what was that about?
VIOLET: Jesus Christ Lydia nothing
Lydia has a teasing smile on here face as she walks closer.
LYDIA: are you sure because it's a bit weir her coming here just to hang out with you and not the both of us-
She gets cut off my a pillow thrown of her face.
VIOLET: go away!
Violet says with a laugh. Lydia wipes her hair out of her face and glares but a smile is still present on her face.
LYDIA: fine, I will figure it out though I know everything.
She then walks out the door as Violet collapses on her bed exhausted.
"She definitely knows"
You guys aren't ready for the next chapter!!!!
Vallison 🛥
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