1 07: night school pt.1
(Just gonna say Allison really annoyed me this episode)
Violet was seen lying on her bed her phone reading 9:03pm when a message came through. 'Meet me at the school' from Scott.
VIOLET: how'd he even get my number?
She muttered under her breath then remembering that Stiles probably gave him it. She texted back a quick 'ok' and went out to her car.
When she got to the school she saw Stiles's jeep parked outside. Just as she turned a corner she saw Derek laying on the ground with claw mark in his chest. Her breath caught in her throat as she heart a silent growl.
"Oh my god" Lily cried out while burying her head into James's shoulder.
She wiped her head around and was about to let out a scream when she saw the Alpha come near her when a hand covered her mouth and pulled her inside. Still frightened she turned around to see that it was Scott who pulled her while he and Stiles closed the school doors.
VIOLET: what the hell is going on?
STILES: what the hell are you doing here?
He asked obviously worried for her safety.
VIOLET: Scott texted me asking me to meet him here.
SCOTT: what? That's impossible I don't even have your number.
Violet looked between the 2 like they were crazy before pulling out her phone.
VIOLET: then what's this?
She asked while she pointed to the text that Scott sent her just half an hour ago.
VIOLET: look if this is some kind of sick prank to scare me or get me killed please tell me so I can kill you guys first.
SCOTT: listen Violet I don't think I sent you that text. I think the Alpha somehow got ahold of your phone and put my number in but I don't know how. Right now we need to get out of here because that thing isn't gonna hold.
He pointed to the pilers that they used to lock the door.
"How the hell did the alpha get her phone?" Hermione asked but got no answer, everyone being just as confused.
The three signed as they looked around Stiles pointing his torch. Suddenly a loud howl ran through the building making them run to the nearest classroom.
STILES: The desk!
They started to move the desk towards the door but it made too much noise.
VIOLET: Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out.
SCOTT: [sighing] I know.
STILES: It's your boss.
Asked at the same time.
STILES: Deaton? The Alpha? Your boss.
STILES: Yes! Murdering psycho-Werewolf.
SCOTT: That can't be--
STILES: [interjecting] Oh, come on! He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?
SCOTT: [determinedly] It's not him.
STILES: He killed Derek.
SCOTT: No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead.
"Scott's boss!" Many shouted.
VIOLET: wait so he's actually dead?
But Stiles didn't hear her.
STILES: [scoffing] Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next.
SCOTT: [sighing] Okay, just... What do we do?
STILES: We get to my Jeep. We get out of here. You seriously think about quitting your job.
VIOLET: I second that.
The three then move towards the window which Scott tries to open.
STILES: No, they don't open. The school's climate-controlled.
SCOTT: Then we break it.
STILES: Which will make a lot of noise.
SCOTT: Then, uh... Then we run really fast. Really fast.
VIOLET: yeah I can't really run so.
STILES: seriously V even if your life was in danger?
VIOLET: I would rather die than run
Stiles just signed in aspiration.
"Merlin James, shes just like you" Lily signed.
James gasped in offence "I can run"
"Remember when we where trying to run from McGonagall and you tripped and fell so then she caught us and gave us detention for 2 weeks? Remus asked with a raised brow.
"Ok fine I can't run" James said in defeat
SCOTT: ...Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?
STILES: [defensively] What do you mean? Nothing's wrong...
SCOTT: It's bent.
STILES: What, like, dented?
SCOTT: No, I mean bent.
STILES: [gasping] What the hell...?
Violet then perks up and drags the boys down as something comes smashing through the window.
Many look in suspicion on how she knew before Scott.
VIOLET: is that your battery?
STILES: ...That's my battery.
SCOTT: Don't.
STILES: We have to move.
SCOTT: He could be right outside!
STILES: [exasperatedly] He is right outside!
SCOTT: [sighing] Just let me take a look.
Scott then peaked through the window to see if the Alpha was still there.
STILES: Nothing?
STILES: Move now?
SCOTT: Move now!
They continues to move through the halls.
SCOTT: This way...
STILES: No, no, no, no...
SCOTT: What?
STILES: Somewhere without windows.
VIOLET: Every single room in this building has windows.
STILES: Or somewhere with less windows.
SCOTT: The locker room...
SCOTT: Okay.
Once they got to the looker room and closed the doors Scott turned to Stiles.
SCOTT: Call your dad.
STILES: And tell him what?
SCOTT: I don't know! Anything! Gas leak. A fire. Whatever! If that thing seeks the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off.
STILES: What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?
SCOTT: They have guns!
STILES: Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?
SCOTT: Then we-we have to-we have to find a way out and just run for it.
VIOLET: again here can't run remember?
SCOTT: I though you where on the cross country team?
VIOLET: yeah thats just because I'm competitive.
Lily only signs while Marlene gives her god- daughter a proud nod.
STILES: ok moving on. There's nothing near the school for at least a mile.
SCOTT: What about Derek's car?
STILES: That could work... We go outside, we get the keys off his body, and then we take his car.
SCOTT: And him.
STILES: [sighing] Fine. Whatever.
Stiles was about to reach for the door handle when Scott stopped his hand.
STILES: ...What?
SCOTT: I think I heard something...
STILES: Like what?
SCOTT: [whispering] Quiet!
Distance footsteps could be heard as they backed away from the door.
VIOLET: [whispering] we have to hide!
Stiles then opened up a looker to hide in which caused Violet to instantly do the same to the one besides him.
SCOTT: No, no, Stiles, Violet! No--
Scott then gave up and went to hide in his own looker as the door started opening. Violet covered her mouth to hide a gasp when she heard Scott's locker being opened. She and Stiles then opened up their lockers only to see the janitor.
Many scream in fright.
JANITOR: Son of a bitch!
STILES: [sharply] Quiet!
JANITOR: Quiet my ass! What the hell are you trying to do, kill me?
JANITOR: Both of you, get out!
STILES: Will you just listen for half a second, okay--
JANITOR: Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now.
He then started to push them out of the door as Stiles tried to get him to listen.
STILES: God, just one second to explain--
JANITOR: Just shut up and go!
All of a sudden he got dragged back and slammed into the door. The teenagers looked in horror as blood dripped down the window showing them that the Alpha was murdering the janitor.
He shouters as he pushed Violet and Scott down the corridor.
"Bloody hell!" Said Ron
They continued to run down the corridor and got to a side exit to try and push open the door. Only for something to block it.
STILES: What the hell?
VIOLET: oh come on
Scott peaked his head outside and saw a dumpster in front of the doors.
SCOTT: It's a dumpster.
STILES: He pushed it in front of the door to block us in.
Stiles then started to repeatedly bang the door.
STILES: Come on, help me.
Scott eventually pulled him away.
SCOTT: Stop!
They started to walk through the corridors while Stiles shined his torch trying to find another way out.
STILES: [anxiously] I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school.
VIOLET: yeah me neither. I wanna die in a cool way you know like...saving the day.
Stiles pointed to her and nodded in agreement.
SCOTT: We're not going to die.
STILES: God, what is he doing? What does he want?
SCOTT: [sighing] Me. Derek says its stronger with a pack.
STILES: [sarcastically] Oh, great! A psychotic Werewolf who's into teamwork. That's-that's beautiful.
Then Scott turned towards the window which caused Stiles and Violet to follow his gaze to land right on the Alpha. Staring right back at them.
"Oh no" James and Harry mumbled
Had to split this episode into 2 parts because honestly almost all the episode is them in the school and I don't wanna over due the chapter.
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