1 04: magic bullet
It's just past midnight. An SUV is seen driving down a more industrial area of town seemingly on the outskirts of Beacon Hills. It is being driven by a woman named Kate, who has light brown/dark blonde hair and who is listening to the radio as she drives through the city
"We need to visit because seriously, MILF' Ginny says and this time most agree.
RADIO ANNOUNCER: [on the radio] In other news, local authorities remain perplexed by the animal attacks plaguing Beacon Hills...
Kate scoffs and chuckles under her breath, clearly amused by the ignorance of the town's officials, before reaching out to turn the station to music instead of talk radio. As she drives, she looks into the rearview mirror and touches up her lip gloss, only half paying attention to the road. Behind her car, a dark figure leaps from just outside the frame to the other side of the frame and growls under its breath, making it clear it's the newly-revealed Alpha chasing after her
Oblivious, Kate continues on down the road in her SUV, patting her fingers against the steering wheel in time with the music. She then starts bobbing her head to the music as well, turning to look to the right and missing the sight of the Werewolf with glowing red eyes running alongside her on the right, which can be seen through the driver's side window. However, when Kate's line of sight returns to the road itself, the Alpha melts back into the shadows so it cannot be seen
Despite missing the sight of the Werewolf, it's clear that her senses are on high alert, and she visually scans the streets on which she is driving as she continues on down the road, her head swiveling back and forth to get a wider look at her surroundings. After a moment, she turns around to look behind her, but sees no cars or other people in her vicinity
She turns around the other way one last time to be certain, returning to face forward just in time to see she's about to run a stop sign. A truck turning onto the perpendicular street squeals its tires as the driver hits the brakes and honks loudly, and Kate comes to a screeching halt in her own vehicle as well. She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes as she recovers from the shock before finally opening them and muttering under her breath as she lightly thumps the back of her head against the headrest of her seat
KATE: Nice driving, Kate. Nice.
She takes one last breath and is about to start driving again when she hears something land on the roof of her SUV and looks up at the ceiling toward the source of the noise. Having just put the car in park, she's about to reach back with her right hand from the gear shift to the backseat when suddenly, the Alpha breaks the glass in the driver's door window and grabs her by the left arm, attempting to yank her outside. Kate immediately fights back and starts trying to break free of its grip as she screams
KATE: No! No! No!
She pulls away from the door so she can once again reach into the backseat and grab her shotgun, which she cocks with one hand before shooting up through the ceiling of the car, seemingly grazing the Alpha, whose body was braced on it while hanging over to yank her out of the car
This causes the Werewolf to let go, allowing her to release her seatbelt and somersault out of the car from the passenger door, landing in a roll on the ground outside of it. Kneeling outside of the SUV, she aims her gun at the roof of the car, but upon seeing that the Werewolf has since moved, she looks around to try to find out where it's lurking. She stands to her feet and immediately starts taunting the Alpha to lure it closer
KATE: Come on!
When this doesn't yield any action on the Werewolf's part, she fires off a warning shot before repeating herself in a louder yell
Kate cocks the gun again, allowing the empty shell to fall to the ground with a clinking noise as her eyes dart around, trying to find where the Alpha is hiding. She smiles a little, making it clear that she's getting a lot of enjoyment out of the hunt and the chase
"That just made her 10 times hotter"
Scott is once again asleep in bed in just his boxers and a tank top, covered up with his comforter, when he's suddenly awakened by the sound of a shotgun being fired nearby. He looks around in confusion for a moment, but when he doesn't hear anything else, he lays his head back down and tries to go back to sleep
Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of a wolf howling can be heard, which causes Scott to sit up in bed and fling his legs to the side. He grabs his jeans, which are still laying on the floor from where he had shed them the previous night, and gets up to go
Kate, guessing that the immediate danger has passed for now, drops her shotgun so that it's only in one arm as she makes her way to the trunk of her SUV. She opens the gate to reveal a professional-looking sniper rifle in a case in the back, which she grabs in one hand while using the other to open a hidden door on the floor of the trunk, revealing a compartment which holds several handguns, grenades, flashlights, and a box full of ammunition
She opens the box of ammo with her left hand, which contains several closed black plastic boxes on the left, and rows of loose rifle bullets on the right, separated by size. She grabs a wooden box from the middle of the compartment which has a purple flower stamped into it, opening it to reveal a row of ten brass bullets
Argent is on his way out the front door, a full and heavy-looking duffle bag in hand, when Allison, looking sleepy in her pajamas and messy bun on top of her head, walks to the balcony overlooking the foyer with a confused expression
ALLISON: What's going on?
Argent stops and turns to look at Allison with a fake smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes
ARGENT: Your aunt Kate just texted. I'm heading out to pick her up.
Allison crosses her arms over her chest, clearly cold, before frowning in concern
ALLISON: But it's two o'clock in the morning. Is everything okay?
Argent replies in a calm tone of voice, but it's obvious that he's lying
ARGENT: Yeah, yeah. She's just having a little car trouble.
ALLISON: Not serious, is it?
Argent smiles fakely again and gestures toward Allison's bedroom
ARGENT: No, just a flat tire. Go-go back to bed, sweetheart.
Allison, oblivious to the fact that he just lied to her, does as she's told and goes back to her room, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes on her way. Argent watches her for a moment, clearly feeling guilty about lying to her, before he turns to leave
"Wait so she doesn't know about her family being hunters" Daphne asks curiously
Derek, also up and about at this late hour, has joined the hunt going on in town. He's just stumbled upon a small puddle of blood on the ground and dips his fingers into it, rubbing the red liquid between his index and middle fingers and his thumb as he tries to discern to whom it belongs
He pauses to focus his senses on anything that could possibly help him track the Alpha and ultimately hears a noise above him. Looking up toward the source of the noise, Derek is shocked to see the Alpha on the roof of a nearby building, but when the Alpha sees him looking, he rushes away out of sight before climbing up the side of the upper stories of the building, growling under its breath. Derek leaps up onto the upper sidewalk and runs quickly in the direction of the Alpha
Back on the street, Kate has just closed the gate to the trunk of her SUV and is walking back around the car with her sniper rifle in hand, closing the passenger door as she passes it to jog toward the sound of the Alpha climbing up the side of the building, a flashlight in her free hand lighting the way
Meanwhile, Derek is continuing to run down the length of a row of warehouses, leaping and hurdling over boxes and generators before making it to some scaffolding on the side of another building. He leaps up onto it and uses it to grab onto the gutter by the roof before hoisting himself on the roof itself. He runs alongside it as he tries to catch up with the Alpha
He leaps onto the corner of the roof of the building next door and gets in a tripod stance as he visually tracks the Alpha, leaping across a roof several buildings away. Derek then gets to his feet and sets off into a run to get a head start to leap across a gap between two buildings when Kate, who has been visually tracking him as well with her rifle sights, takes aim and shoots. Derek is hit mid-jump, and the shock of getting shot causes him to lose the momentum he needs to make it across the next roof. He falls, rolling down the side of the roof and landing hard on the cement ground between the buildings
DEREK: [groaning] UGHHHHH!
Kate smirks in satisfaction at having taken one of the Werewolves down. She grabs her flashlight, which she had set on the side of a nearby shed while she was tracking Derek, and turns just in time to see Argent arriving in front of her in his own SUV, illuminating her face with his headlights. She turns off her flashlight and walks toward Argent's vehicle, her expression impassive
Back on the ground several yards away, Derek is still recovering from his fall and gunshot wound and tries to catch his breath
DEREK: Ughh... Oh...
Derek grunts as he painfully pushes himself into a seated position, though the pain in his left arm causes him to fall back with a wince
"Men in pain are awesome" Astoria grins which causes Ginny to stand up and give her a high five.
Argent has just gotten out of the SUV as Kate approaches him, and it's clear by the look on his face that he's not at all pleased by what he's just walked into as he grabs her roughly by the arm and pulls her toward his car
ARGENT: [sternly] Get in.
Kate scoffs in mock offense before retorting in a sarcastic tone of voice
KATE: Not even, "Hello?" "Nice to see you?"
Argent looks around for a moment to make sure no one is watching them before turning back to look at her with a stern, impatient expression
ARGENT: All I've got at the moment is, "Please put the assault rifle away before someone notices."
Kate rolls her eyes, not taking any of this seriously
KATE: That's the brother I love.
The camera pans over to a shed several yards behind where the two are talking, and a very curious Scott peers his head around the corner as he eavesdrops on their conversation. Kate's tone of voice becomes more serious as she tries to defend her actions
KATE: Chris, there were two of 'em.
ARGENT: The Alpha?
KATE: I don't know, but one of them tried to kill me--
Argent, once again voicing his displeasure with her actions, cuts her off, knowing exactly what Kate has just shot the Werewolf with (though not knowing for sure who exactly was shot) without even having to ask her. Scott cocks his head in confusion as he tries to put together what it is they're talking about, not having all of the pieces of the night's events yet
ARGENT: One of them is gonna lead us to the other. He can't do that if he's dead.
Kate once again scoffs, only this time she's actually slightly offended
KATE: Well, I can't help kill either of them if one of them kills me first.
Argent, knowing that she's right, sighs before asking his next question
ARGENT: How long will it take?
Kate shrugs nonchalantly, not really caring either way
KATE: Give him forty-eight hours...
Scott, not knowing that it was Derek specifically who got shot, raises his eyebrows when he realizes that whoever she shot could potentially die, and quickly
KATE: ...If that.
Kate walks past Argent to get into his SUV, and Argent sighs before walking over to get back into the driver's seat. Scott, still confused, processes the new information he just overheard
Derek, still laying on the ground, pulls himself back with his right arm until he's right in front of the wall of the nearby shed, allowing him to lean against it as he cradles his injured left arm against his chest. Once he's in a stable position, he pulls up the sleeve to his injured arm and is shocked to find that, not only is the bullet wound through his inner forearm—barely an inch below the crook of his elbow-- not healing, but it's smoking with a mysterious purple-blue vapor. Derek winces once again and tries to figure out how he can possibly treat this wound, looking understandably panicked as he does so
"I love how Scott is worried even though he doesn't know who got shot" Hermione says
It's now morning, and the sun is out as Kate, standing beside the bed in the guest room, unpacks her bags. Suddenly, a squeal is heard as Allison, still in her pajamas, rushes into the room, leading Kate to gasp in surprise as the two hug each other. Kate ends up squealing as well before pulling back to get a good look at Allison and gasping again incredulously
KATE: I don't see you for a year, and you turn into a frickin' runway model???
Allison groans bashfully and rolls her eyes before turning away from Kate briefly
"I mean shes not lying, shes very pretty" says Luna
KATE: Look at you!
Kate groans sarcastically as she continues to tease Allison, who sits down at the head of the bed and props her elbows on her knees
KATE: Oh, I hate you!
Allison groans herself, this time arguing against Kate's words
ALLISON: I haven't even showered yet...
Kate gives Allison a look that says she needs to stop that line of thinking right this second
KATE: Sweetie, you're a knockout. In fact, I hope you have the boys knocking each other's teeth out for your attention.
Allison blushes shyly as Kate continues to unpack her bags, stacking her folded clothing on the foot of the bed
ALLISON: I kind of have one...
Kate lowers her voice to a conspiratorial whisper
KATE: You kind of have one? You should kind of have a million.
The women both start to laugh, and Allison reaches for a bag laying in front of her that Kate hasn't gotten to yet
ALLISON: Need some help unpacking?
Kate, realizing Allison is about to discover something she shoulder, grabs her by the wrist to stop her, her tone of voice sharp
KATE: No, not that one.
Allison frowns and jerks backwards, not understanding her aunt's weird mood swing, and Kate, realizing she just drew more attention to the contents of the bag, tries to backpedal with an awkward, apologetic smile
KATE: Oh. See? You turn out beautiful, and I end up with this kung-fu death-grip. Sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean to be so rough.
Allison tries to shrug this off, but it's clear by her demeanor that she's still a little wary of her aunt now
ALLISON: No worries.
Kate moves the bag to the floor to avoid any future near-misses, and after a moment of awkward silence, Allison changes the subject
ALLISON: Hey, is everything okay with your car?
Kate, in the bathroom attached to the guest room, calls to Allison in the main room in an unsure voice, telling a lie that isn't fooling anyone and making it obvious that she has no idea what Argent told her to excuse his departure early this morning
KATE: Oh, yeah. I just needed a jump-start, that's all.
Allison frowns in confusion, since her dad had told her Kate had a flat tire, and mutters under her breath
ALLISON: A jump-start...?
"She know"
Scott and Stiles are in class, with Scott seated in front of Stiles. Scott is watching curiously as the teacher starts passing out graded tests, but Stiles is more distracted by the updates to the Werewolf situation that Scott has just given him. He thinks for a moment before finally tapping Scott on the shoulder and beginning his questions
STILES: If Derek isn't the Alpha... if he's not the one who bit you... then who did?
Scott bites his lip for a long moment before he answers in a quiet voice, shaking his head and shrugging
SCOTT: I don't know.
Stiles sighs and sits back in his seat for the briefest moment before thinking of another question and leaning forward, gently smacking Scott in the back with the back of his right hand
STILES: Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?
Scott thinks again for a long moment before whispering his reply quietly
SCOTT: I don't know.
Not satisfied by these answers, Stiles sits back in his seat, gnawing on his lower lip as he thinks. He finally sighs and leans forward one last time to ask another question
STILES: Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?
Scott, not knowing any of the answers to Stiles' questions and feeling helpless about the entire situation, finally loses his temper a little and replies in a loud tone of voice
SCOTT: I don't know!
The other students turn around to look at Scott, and Scott tries to play it off by looking out the window as Stiles sits back in his seat. Scott mutters defensively under his breath as he taps his pencil against the desk
SCOTT: Jeez...
Stiles is handed back his test and is satisfied by the "A" grade he received. However, Scott sighs loudly when he's handed his, which has a D- written on it, along with a message that says "Not like you! See me after class." Stiles leans forward to look at it and mutters sarcastically over Scott's shoulder
STILES: Dude, you need to study more!
Scott slams his test down on his desk and shoots Stiles a look, causing Stiles to scoff defensively
STILES: That was a joke. Scott, it's one test! You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?
Scott sighs and looks straight at his desk
SCOTT: No, I'm studying with Allison after school today.
Stiles, knowing exactly what this means, smiles suggestively and pats him on the back with a proud expression
STILES: That's my boy!
SCOTT: [pointedly] We're just studying.
STILES: [scoffing] Uh, no, you're not.
Scott frowns in confusion
SCOTT: No, I'm not?
Stiles scoffs in exasperation, as though it's obvious as to what he's referring—Scott and Allison hooking up—before replying
STILES: Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you! If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God, I'll have you de-balled.
Scott sighs and nods his head, clearly too exhausted to argue with him
SCOTT: Okay. Just... stop with the questions, man.
STILES: [nodding] Done. No more questions. No more talk about the Alpha, or Derek...
Stiles trails off, his eyes going unfocused as he remembers his last interaction with the latter
STILES: Especially Derek... who still scares me...
"Studying is never just studying" says Ginny
"But you and Hermione study all the time" says Harry, which Ginny smirks at. This causes Hermione to whack her ok the arm while rolling her wyes.
The camera is aimed at the ground, where a pair of legs clad in black jeans and black leather sneakers are staggering sluggishly down the hallway. As the camera pans up, it's revealed that the legs belong to Derek, who is looking pale and sweaty in his black leather jacket, clearly feeling the effects of the poisoned bullet he was shot with the previous evening. A student shoulder-checks him as he passes him in the hallway, and he grimaces in pain but continues to make his way
Derek stops when he catches a somewhat familiar scent and lifts his head to identify the source. It's Jackson, who Derek is already somewhat familiar with after having watched him on the lacrosse field after the game in Second Chance at First Line, when Jackson found Scott's lacrosse glove
Jackson is standing at his locker when approaches him, looking tired and weak
DEREK: Where's Scott McCall?
Jackson, who has just grabbed his materials for class, closes his locker door and looks at Derek suspiciously
JACKSON: Why should I tell you?
Derek stares Jackson in the eyes, emphasizing the dark circles that have appeared under them as a result of the poison
DEREK: Because I asked you politely, and I only do that once.
Jackson remains unimpressed, but, seeing an opportunity to learn more about what is going on with Scott, he decides to humor him
JACKSON: Hmm. Okay, tough guy. You know, how about I help you find him? ...If you tell me what you're selling him?
Derek stares at him blankly, not knowing what he's talking about, and Jackson gets closer into Derek's face
JACKSON: What is it? Is it, uh, dianabol? Hmm? HGH?
Derek frowns impatiently when he realizes what Jackson is implying
DEREK: Steroids?
Derek turns to walk away, but now Jackson is the one who is impatient for answers, and grabs Derek by the arm to stop him as he scoffs before retorting in a sarcastic tone of voice
JACKSON: No, Girl Scout cookies. What the hell do you think I'm talking about?
Jackson finally takes in Derek's appearance-- pale skin, sweaty brow, dark undereye circles, and such weakness that Derek is struggling to remain standing-- and smirks
JACKSON: Oh, and, uh, by the way, whatever it is you're out selling, I'd probably stop sampling the merchandise-- you look wrecked.
Derek looks down, and the camera pans to his left hand, where blood is dripping in thick rivulets down his arm and over his fingers before landing in droplets on the ground below it. He clenches his blood-covered hand into a fist before looking back up at Jackson. Realizing that he's running out of time and that this conversation is getting him nowhere, he huffs an annoyed laugh and decides to find another way
DEREK: I'll find him myself.
Derek walks past Jackson and heads further down the hallway, but Jackson, not willing to lose his chance to find out what Scott's secret is, turns to stop him
JACKSON: [eagerly] No, we're not done here--
Jackson grabs Derek on the left shoulder to try to turn him around, only for Derek to spin out of his grip, grab Jackson by his own left arm, and pin him face-first into the locker, his bloody hand holding him down by the back of the neck. Jackson groans when he makes contact with the metal door
When the camera angle changes, it is obvious that Derek's claws, also covered in his blood, have extended, and they're currently making a vertical row of puncture wounds into the back of Jackson's neck. Derek suddenly realizes what he's just done and removes his hand, revealing the deep cuts he left in his wake before walking away quickly before anyone notices what just happened, leaving a wincing Jackson at his locker
Derek flings himself into a corner to catch his breath, having wasted a lot of his limited energy on the tussle with Jackson, and focuses his hearing to try to get any hint as to where Scott is or could be
First, Derek hears the sound of a teacher writing on the chalkboard, which then is overshadowed by the sound of rock music coming from the headphones of a student who is passing him. Then, it moves to the sound of a student in the middle of a phone call in one of the adjacent hallways
STUDENT: [on the phone] I'm finished with lacrosse practice at five o'clock. I'll be over after that.
The flurry of sounds continues as though Derek's hearing sense is literally traveling around the school: the clicking noise of a student turning their combination lock to their locker, another student texting on a Blackberry, and other environmental noises before Derek finally overhears a conversation Allison, Violet and Lydia are having in the nearby staircase
LYDIA: Scott's coming over? Tonight?
ALLISON: We're just studying together.
The camera pans back to Derek, who is listening to their conversation intently
LYDIA: "Just studying" never ends with just studying.
The camera pans back to Allison, Violet and Lydia, the latter of whom shrugs suggestively
LYDIA: It's like getting into a hot tub-- somebody eventually cops a feel.
Allison, now feeling insecure, looks at her
VIOLET: you don't have to do anything if you don't want to, but its up to you.
This causes Derek to look at the girl with suspicious eyes catching a scent which he cant recognise.
ALLISON: Well, so what are you saying?
LYDIA: I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up...
Allison looks down in confusion, and Lydia huffs a laugh at her lack of experience
LYDIA: Hello, Snow White! I'm talking about a condom!
She slaps Allison playfully on the arm as she walks up the steps, and Allison follows after her eagerly to get more information, her voice incredulous
ALLISON: Are you kidding? After one date?
LYDIA: [shrugging] Don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste.
She pats Allison on the arm once again, but Allison is still unsure
VIOLET: Lydia! Shes not a prude if she doesn't want sex.
This causes Allison to smile gratefully at her and Lydia to roll her eyes.
LYDIA: just because you haven't done it yet doesn't mean everyone else has to wait.
This causes Violet to gasp in fake offence as Allison and Lydia laugh.
"She definitely has Prong's humour" Remus says which causes James to grin.
ALLISON: Well, I-I mean... how much is "a little taste?"
The camera pans back to Derek, who seems shocked to learn that Allison really does care for Scott, as he continues to listen in, their voices echoing through his ears
LYDIA: [groaning] Oh, God! you really like him, don't you?
ALLISON: Well...
Derek hears Allison sigh
ALLISON: He's just different. When I first moved here, I had a plan-- no boyfriends 'til college. I just move too much.
The camera pans back to the girls one of them frowning while they are now hovering in the staircase
ALLISON: But... then, I met him, and... he was different. I-I don't know. I can't explain it.
Lydia looks unmoved by Allison's emotional confession and shrugs while Violet looks conflicted trying to show Allison an obviously fake smile.
"Why does she look upset?" Questions Sirius while Remus rolls his eyes at his oblivious mind and whisper something in his ear. This causes Sirius's eyes to widen and form an 'O' shape with his mouth.
LYDIA: I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine.
Allison wrinkles her nose in confusion and laughs
Lydia sighs in defeat
LYDIA: I'll tell you what to do.
The camera pans back to Derek, who continues to listen to them talk
LYDIA: When's he coming over?
ALLISON: Right after school.
LYDIA: Hmm...
Suddenly, the bell for class rings right over Derek's head, startling him and hurting his sensitive ears so much that he is forced to crouch down and cover his ears. Once the bell stops, Derek realizes that he has to catch Scott before he gets to Allison's house and sets off to track him down.
Violet has just pushed through the front doors to the school with a large crowd of students and heads to where she parked her car in the lot. She gets into her vehicle, taking off her backpack and throwing it in the backseat before she pulls out of her spot and gets ready to head home for the day. Suddenly, Derek appears right in front of her, weakly holding up his uninjured arm to get Violet's attention, and Violet barely hits the brakes in time to avoid hitting him, causing her to jump in surprise
"She can drive?" Lily asks surprised noticing that she has missed so much of her daughter's life.
VIOLEY: Oh, my God!
Derek sways on his feet, his arm still raised
Back near the school, Scott is in the process of unlocking the chain attaching his bike to the bike rack when he hears a ton of honking from other cars in the lot. He looks over and is horrified to see Derek still swaying in front of Violet's stopped car, causing a long line of cars to build up behind him in their own attempts to get home. Scott groans and mutters under his breath as well
SCOTT: Oh, no, no, no! No, not here!
He runs toward Violet's car just as Derek's legs give out from under him and cause him to collapse onto the pavement in front of it. Violet climbs out the car worriedly while Stiles also notices the commotion throws is arms up in aspiration.
STILES: You've gotta be kidding me. This guy's everywhere!
Horns continue to honk loudly, and Violet turns around and notices the long line of cars that is now bottlenecked behind her stopped car. To make matters worse, other students who are milling around outside of the school are starting to watch the scene unfold in front of them as well. Scott finally makes it to Violet's car and throws up his own arms as he speaks to Stiles through his open window
SCOTT: What the hell?
Instead of waiting for his answer, Scott rushes over to where Derek has collapsed and kneels down next to him, and Stiles gets out of his car to follow after him
SCOTT: What are you doing here?
DEREK: I was shot.
STILES: He's not looking so good, dude...
Scott frowns in confusion
VIOLET: is he ok?
She asks while kneeling down looking at the blood coming through his shirt.
SCOTT: Why aren't you healing?
Derek groans in pain, his eyes squeezing shut for a moment
DEREK: I can't. It was-it was a different kind of bullet.
Stiles suddenly gets excited at this news
STILES: What, a silver bullet?
Derek is able to fight through the pain long enough to shoot Stiles an irritated, bitchy expression
DEREK: No, you idiot--
Scott suddenly puts together what he's seeing in front of him with what he overheard Kate talking about the previous night and realizes what's going on
VIOLET: healing? Silver bullet? What the hell are you guys talking about?
STILES: we told you the other day remember that their werewolves.
Stiles tries to explain softly but looking at her panicked expression puts his hand on her shoulder.
STILES: why don't you go home ok? Get some rest let us handle this and i'll call you when were done.
VIOLET: are you sure, you don't want me to come with you?
STILES: no well be fine.
He says sending her a soft smile which she nods to and hesitatingly getting in her car and driving off.
"Even though she hates Derek shes still concerned"
SCOTT: Wait, wait-- that's what she meant when she said you had forty-eight hours...
He says when Stiles tunes back into the conversation. Derek's eyes widen in alarm
DEREK: What? Who-who said forty-eight hours?
SCOTT: The one who shot you.
Suddenly, Derek is hit with a powerful wave of pain that causes his eyes to flash bright blue, and he grimaces in agony. When he opens his eyes again, they're continuing to flash back and forth between his Werewolf blue eyes and his human green eyes. Scott looks horrified, his eyes darting around to make sure no one is watching before he mutters at Derek forcefully
SCOTT: What are you doing? Stop that!
Derek shakes his head as his voice takes on an impatient tone. Behind them, cars are starting to honk even more urgently at how long this is taking
DEREK: I'm trying to tell you-- I can't.
Scott puts his hands on Derek's shoulders and looks him intently in the eyes
A lot of people look at the screen in worry for Derek.
SCOTT: Derek, get up!
After the break, the line of cars, which include a very irritable Jackson and Lydia, are honking their horns impatiently, and even Allison, who is behind them, is frowning at the hold-up before getting out of her car to see what is going on. Jackson follows suit, so Scott, seeing this, pulls Derek to his feet, calling out to Stiles for assistance
SCOTT: Help me get him in your car.
They get Derek in the passenger seat, and once Scott shuts the door, Derek turns toward him
DEREK: I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used.
Scott scoffs incredulously
SCOTT: How the hell am I supposed to do that?
DEREK: 'Cause she's an Argent. She's with them.
Scott gives Derek a look
"Do you think that Allison is actually with them?" Hermione asks
"I don't know, she still doesn't know about Scott being a werewolf." Ginny replies.
SCOTT: Why should I help you?
Derek, genuinely looking scared at his chances of survival, tries to reason with him in a weak voice
DEREK: Because you need me.
Scott looks over and sees a confused Allison walking toward them and decides to wrap up this scene as quickly as possible
SCOTT: [sighing] Fine. I'll try.
Scott turns to look at Stiles, who has just climbed into the driver's seat and who's expression makes it clear that he's feeling very put-out at the moment
SCOTT: Hey, get him out of here.
Stiles shoots Scott a death-glare
STILES: I hate you for this so much.
Stiles puts the car into drive and sets off just as Allison comes up, frowning in confusion and concern
ALLISON: Hey, what was he doing here?
SCOTT: Stiles was just, um, giving him a ride.
Allison seems even more confused, and Scott, not wanting to give details due to the amount of lying it would entail, tries to shrug it off
SCOTT: Uh, long story.
ALLISON: But I thought you said you weren't friends with him...
SCOTT: [anxiously] No, not really.
Scott deftly changes the subject in hopes of distracting her from what has just happened
SCOTT: Um, we're still studying together, right? So, I'll meet you back at your place?
Scott smiles and leans forward to give her a kiss on the cheek
SCOTT: Okay, bye.
Scott rushes off to grab his bike before Allison has even gotten her goodbye out of her mouth
"They're so cute together" Mary says
ALLISON: See you later...
Still standing in the parking lot, Jackson, looking even more suspicious than usual, watches Scott as he heads toward his bike at rapid speed, eager to get to Allison's. He's in the middle of grabbing his helmet when he senses Jackson's gaze and turns back to Jackson, their eyes meeting for a long moment. Finally, Jackson breaks the stare and goes back to his car, sliding into the front seat of the Porsche
"Still don't like him" Marlene says which causes mummers of agreement to come from the hall.
The scene then shows Scott biking fast towards Allison's house. As he gets there Allison's car appears which causes Scott to swerve his bike to a stop. Hi lifts his hand into a small wave as Allison steps out from the drivers side.
ALLISON: [confused] How did you...? You got here at the same time I did.
SCOTT: [anxiously] Oh, yeah, I-I-I just took a shortcut. Really short shortcut.
ALLISON: What's going on with you today? You're acting all kinds of bizarre.
SCOTT: I'm just... stressing about classes. I'm not doing as good this year.
ALLISON: [amused] Not doing as well.
SCOTT: See? Exactly.
ALLISON: Maybe we should start with English?
She says this as she opens the front door and laughs. Seeing Scott's hesitation she reassures
ALLISON: Don't worry! Nobody's gonna be home for hours. Come on!
SCOTT: Okay.
He says that as he steps inside and Allison closes the door.
"I don't blame him her father is scarier than my mother, and that says something" says Sirius.
The two then proceed to go up the stair up into Allison's room where there are empty boxes all over the place.
ALLISON: I'm still unpacking...
SCOTT: Uh... haven't you been here for, like, over a month?
ALLISON: [smiling] I'm taking my time.
SCOTT: [nervously] Hey, um... so, uh, I figure that we... start with, um, history...
While he says this he takes off his jacket and puts his bag on the bed as Allison comes up behind him turning him around to face him.
She suddenly starts kissing him moving so Scott is now laying on the bed while she grins at him. His hand slowly slides down her back and then up again as they both smile into the kiss. Scott can hear Allison's heart beat causing his senses to go haywire as his claws appear. His eyes widen as he pulls his hand away and puts it under his back.
Most of the room try to direct eye contact with the screen while looking around awkwardly (mostly the boys and men)
ALLISON: [frowning] What's wrong?
SCOTT: [stammering] Nothing. I just, I-I don't wanna make you feel like you have to do something you don't wanna do...
This causes many girls to swoon.
ALLISON: [flirtatiously] I'm not doing anything I don't wanna do.
ALLISON: Are you?
SCOTT: You're seriously asking me that question?
Just as they go in for another kiss Scott's phone rings.
ALLISON: ...Are you gonna answer that?
SCOTT: Um, uh... it's probably just Stiles... It'll go to voicemail... Eventually.
This causes Allison to grin going to tuen his phone off when Scott panics. Checking his hand seeing as there are no longer claws there.
SCOTT: [alarmed] Wait! Um-uh- yeah, I should answer it now.
We see a message that Stiles has sent him asking 'did you find it yet?'
The scene then switches back to Stiles and Derek in his jeep. Derek takes his jacket off looking rather sickly and grey. Stiles then checks his phone to see a message from Scott reading 'need more time.' Stiles signs in frustration slamming his phone besides him whispering a tired 'come on' under his breath.
STILES: Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, okay? We're almost there.
DEREK: Almost where?
STILES: Your house.
DEREK: [alarmed] What? No, you can't take me there.
STILES: [scoffing] I can't take you to your own house?
DEREK: Not when I can't protect myself!
Stoles then pulls over his jeep before turning to Derek.
STILES: [sighing] All right. What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hmm? Are you dying?
DEREK: Not yet. I have a last resort.
STILES: What do you mean? What last resort?
Derek then lifts up his sleeve to show his wounded arm which causes Stiles to turn away in disgust.
Many gag and turn away while others just scrunch their noses up in disgust.
STILES: [gagging] Oh, my God. What is that?
STILES: [groaning] Oh, is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out.
DEREK: [growling] Start the car. Now.
STILES: I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look, okay? In fact, I think, if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little Werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead.
DEREK: [growling] Start the car... or I'm gonna rip your throat out... with my teeth.
After staring at each other intensly for a few seconds Stiles starts the car.
Thai causes many to chuckle in amusement.
The screen now shows Scott turning off his phone.
SCOTT: It's off. Sorry about that.
Scott then looks into a box and sees a picture of Allison's dad, Chris argent and another women who looks very familiar. He picks up the photo and point to the blonde woman.
SCOTT: Who's this?
ALLISON: That's my dad's sister Kate. Except, she's more like my sister. She got here last night.
SCOTT: [nervously] Uh, last night?
ALLISON: Yup. She had some car trouble, I guess...
SCOTT: She looks familiar.
ALLISON: Mmm. She actually used to live in Beacon Hills. Maybe you saw her once.
"Oh no"
Scott then sees a bunch of pictures of different places.
SCOTT: Did you take these?
ALLISON: Back when I thought I was a photographer...
SCOTT: They're good!
He says while smiling and looking through them. Allison takes the pictures off Scott and looks through them herself.
ALLISON: No, they're not. I stopped when I realized I was terrible at it. Framing's off, bad lighting... Believe me-- not good.
Scott then laughs and pics up another picture that she drew of fruit.
ALLISON: That's when I thought I was good at painting. Uh, terrible, too.
ALLISON: That's when I tried poetry-- "terrible" doesn't even come close to describing that.
SCOTT: [curiously] What are you good at?
ALLISON: I'm gonna show you if you promise not to laugh.
The scene changes to the two teens walking into the garage.
ALLISON: So, I was nationally-ranked as a kid, and my dad really wanted me to go on, but... I don't know, I just didn't really like it.
ALLISON: Promise you won't laugh?
SCOTT: I promise.
He then surned around and flinches when some sort of bow and arrow is pointed directly at him.
SCOTT: [alarmed] What the hell is that?
ALLISON: It's a compound bow... and I'm pretty sure it requires an arrow to be harmful.
SCOTT: [nervously] So, that's what you're good at? Archery?
Many look at the screen suspiciously.
ALLISON: You said you wouldn't laugh!
SCOTT: [nervously] Trust me, I'm not laughing...
He then turns around to see all sorts of guns and weapons while he curiously and nervously walks forward.
ALLISON: [awkwardly] So, I guess I should explain... We're not some sort of separatist gun-nut family. My dad sells firearms to law enforcement.
She explains while walking towards them and gesturing towards the guns.
SCOTT: [anxiously] Oh, that's good. So, um, are you planning on joining the family business?
ALLISON: [flirtatiously] I don't know. You tell me-- would I look hot with a gun?
She says while pulling him closer and wrapping her arms around his neck.
SCOTT: [chuckling anxiously] Hotter without.
Just as they start kissing the garage door opens. Allison pulls Scott to hide behind a car while we hear voices.
KATE: Hey, Chris! Get your ass out of the fifties and come help with the groceries!
ARGENT: Be right there.
He sets a box down and walks forward while leaning on the front of the car. He then turns towards Allison and Scott showing that he knows exactly what they were up to.
ARGENT: ...Kids, you mind helping?
ALLISON: [awkwardly] Sure!
SCOTT: [nervously] No problem.
ARGENT: [fakely] Great.
"He's in for it alright"
Scott takes out a grocery bag out of the cars trunk and hands it to Chris.
ARGET: (falsely) thank you
Scott then receives a message on his phone showing Stiles's contact 'Derek not looking good.' Allison then walks outside while Scott looks at her almost pleadingly.
SCOTT: So, do you still wanna study?
ARGENT: [pointedly] I think she'll concentrate better on her own.
SCOTT: [awkwardly] Guess I'll see you later, then?
ARGENT: [firmly] At school.
While Allison looks at her father annoyed.
SCOTT: Right...
Allison goes to greet Scott goodbye but is once again stopped by her father.
ARGENT: Uh, uh-- you, on your bike.
ARGENT: You, inside.
KATE: Oh, come on, Chris! Really? They were making out in the garage, not shooting amateur porn!
She says this while walking up to the group. This causes Scott to look away hiding a smile as Kate puts a hand ok his shoulder.
KATE: You, with the adorable brown eyes-- you're staying for dinner.
Allison raises her eyebrows in amusement as Kate passes her with a smile which she follows.
"I would be her best friend if she wasn't so scary" Marlene says
ARGENT: [defeatedly] Do you eat meat?
Scott nods fast almost as he wants to get inside to escape Chris. He then walks up to him.
SCOTT: You don't mind?
ARGENT: Actually, no. Gives us a chance to get to know each other.
He puts a hand on Scott's shoulder while smiling which looks like he almost enjoys this while Scott tenses as they head inside.
VICTORIA: Would you like something to drink besides water, Scott?
This snaps Scott out of his trans of pounding heart beats in his ears.
SCOTT: [nervously] Oh, no. I'm good. Thanks.
ARGENT: We can get you some beer?
Which causes Allison and Scott to look at him while he just raises an eyebrow.
SCOTT: [nervously] N-no, thanks.
ARGENT: Shot of tequila?
ALLISON: [groaning] Dad, really?
Many people laugh.
ARGENT: You don't drink, Scott?
SCOTT: I'm not old enough to...
VICTORIA: That doesn't seem to stop many teenagers.
SCOTT: No, but it should.
KATE: [chuckling] Good answer. Total lie, but well played, Scott. You may yet survive the night.
ARGENT: ...You ever smoke pot?
Scott chokes on his drink a little.
KATE: [sighing] Okay, changing the channel to something a little less conservative. So, Scott, uh, Allison tells us you're on the lacrosse team.
Scott nods
KATE:I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that. How do you play?
SCOTT: Um, well, you know hockey? It's a lot like that, only, um, played on grass instead of ice.
ARGENT: Hockey on grass is called field hockey.
SCOTT: [awkwardly] Oh. Yeah.
ALLISON: So, it's a lot like field hockey, except the sticks have nets.
Allison says trying to change the subject.
SCOTT: [relieved] Exactly.
Scott's phone then vibrates shoeing another text from Stiles reading 'call me'
KATE: And can you slap-check like in hockey?
SCOTT: Um, yeah. But it's only the, uh, gloves and the sticks.
KATE: [smirking] Sounds violent. I like it.
ALLISON: Scott's amazing, too. Dad came with me to the first game.
ALLISON: Wasn't he good?
ARGENT: [irritably] He was fine.
ALLISON: He scored the last shot-- the winning shot.
ARGENT: True, but he didn't score at all until the last few minutes.
ALLISON: His last shot ripped a hole through the goalie's net. It was incredible.
ARGENT: Well, I think the goalie was probably playing with a defective stick, so...
The screen shows Allison pitting her drink down as she is obviously getting fed up with her father's attitude.
Scott can hear Allisons heart beat increase so he tries to defuse the tension. He grabs her hand under the table.
SCOTT: [nervously] You know, on second thought, um... I think I'll take that shot of tequila.
Allison smiles at him in amusement while Kate and Victoria laugh.
ARGENT: ...You were kidding, right?
SCOTT: [awkwardly] Yeah.
"He looks like a puppy."
STILES: What am I supposed to do with him?
Stiles asks Scott on the phone while still sitting in his jeep with a very pale Derek.
SCOTT: Take him somewhere. Anywhere.
STILES: And, by the way, he's starting to smell.
SCOTT: Like-like what?
STILES: [on the phone] Like death.
SCOTT: Okay. Take him to the animal clinic.
STILES: What about your boss?
SCOTT: He's gone by now. There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster.
Stiles then turns to Derek and hands the phone to him.
STILES: You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take you.
DEREK: Did you find it?
SCOTT: How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million! This house is like the frickin' Walmart of guns!
DEREK: Look, if you don't find it, then I'm dead, all right?
SCOTT: I'm starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing...
DEREK: Then think about this-- the Alpha called you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time, either you kill with him, or you get killed. So, if you wanna stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet.
He then hangs up and hands the phone back to Stiles.
Many take glances towards each other.
Stiles and Derek arrive at the animal clinic while Derek sits down in exhaustion while Stiles reads out a text just sent from Scott.
STILES: Does Northern Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?
DEREK: It's a rare form of wolfsbane.
DEREK: He has to bring me the bullet.
DEREK: [weakly] 'Cause I'm gonna die without it.
Stiles turns the lights ok while Derek takes off his top showing his now bad wound which has black veins going up to his elbow.
Many turn away from the screen in disgust.
STILES: [gagging] Okay, you know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night's sleep couldn't take care of...
DEREK: [panting] When the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me.
STILES: [exasperatedly] "Positivity" just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?
DEREK: If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time-- last resort.
He says while going through drawers.
STILES: Which is...?
Derek then hold up a small chainsaw and shows it to Stiles.
DEREK: You're gonna cut off my arm.
"I think i would rather die" Sirius says being dramatic as always which causes Remus to roll his eyes and hit him on the head.
Derek passes Stiles the handsaw and Stiles then turns it on and immediately drops it back on the metal table. Derek is seen adjusting a strap on his bicep.
STILES: [groaning] Oh, my God. What if you bleed to death?
DEREK: It'll heal... If it works...
STILES: Ugh. Look, I don't know if I can do this.
DEREK: [impatiently] Why not?
STILES: [exasperatedly] Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!
Derek drops his arm on the table with now a strap tied around it and gives Stiles an 'are you serious' look.
DEREK: [incredulously] You faint at the sight of blood?
STILES: No, but I might at the sight of a chopped-off arm!
"Thats fair"
DEREK: All right, fine. How about this-- either you cut off my arm, or I'm gonna cut off your head.
STILES: [scoffing] Okay, you know what? I'm so not buying your threats any--
Derek grabs the collar pf Stiles's shirt and pulls him towards himself.
STILES: [gasping] Oh, my God! Okay. All right. Bought. Sold. Totally. I'll do it. I'll do it.
STILES: What are you doing?
Derek leans over the table and throws up some sort of black goo.
STILES: [gagging] Holy God, what the hell is that?
A lot of people gag in disgust.
DEREK: [groaning] It's my body... trying to heal itself...
STILES: Well, it's not doing a very good job of it.
DEREK: [urgently] Now. You gotta do it now.
STILES: [panicking] Look, honestly, I don't think I can--
DEREK: [impatiently] Just do it!
Ye yells.
STILES: [panicking] Oh, my God. Okay, okay...
STILES: Oh, my God.... All right, here we go...
He says this as he places the handsaw right underneath the band.
Many turn away from the screen not wanting to look further.
STILES: Scott?
SCOTT: What the hell are you doing?
He says when he sees the position the boys are in.
Many sign in relief.
STILES: [relieved] Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares!
DEREK: [eagerly] Did you get it?
Scott feels around his pockets and gives the bullet to Derek.
STILES: What are you gonna do with it?
DEREK: [weakly] I'm gonna...
DEREK: [weakly] I'm gonna...
Derek then falls to the floor while the bullet rolls over the floor stright into a drain.
"They were so close" Lily says worriedly.
"He could use his claws to get it out" Regulus states out of the blue while some people turn to him wondering how he figured that out.
Scott chases after the bullet while Stiles turns to Derek.
SCOTT: No! No, no, no, no...
STILES: Derek! Derek, come on, wake up!
STILES: Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?
SCOTT: [anxiously] I don't know! I can't reach it!
STILES: He's not waking up...
SCOTT: Come on...
STILES: I think he's dying... I think he's dead!
SCOTT: Just hold on! Come on...
Scott closes his eyes in concentration while we see his claws come out. He carefully grabs each end of the bullet and pulls it out into his other hand.
People look at Regulus again while his mother and Sirius look proud of him.
SCOTT: Oh! I got it! I got it!
STILES: [muttering] Please don't kill me for this.
Stiles then pulls his hand up and punches Derek hard across the face which almost immediately wakes him up. Stiles then shakes his hand while groaning in pain.
STILES: Ugh! Ow! God!
DEREK: Give me--
The boys help Derek up as he walks towards the table. He bites the end of the bullet and turns it upside down as powder comes out of it. He then grabs a lighter and lights the powder on fire, once the fire has gone out in a matter of seconds he gathers the powder in his non-injured hand and presses the powder right into the bullet we see blue smoke coming out of the wound while he yells out and falls in pain.
STILES: Ow! God!
The camera then does an up close of his wound and we see that the veins travel back in and the wound completely closes.
STILES: That. Was. Awesome!!! Yes!!!
SCOTT: Are you okay?
Some stare at the screen in amazement like stoles (aka the marauders and Ron and Harry) while others watch in concern like Scott (Hermione and most of the girls)
Derek slowly stands up.
DEREK: [sarcastically] Well, except for the agonizing pain...
STILES: I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health...
This causes Derek yo glare at him while Stiles's smile drops.
(Sorry to lazy to write this bit, Scott snd Derek find peter Hale with burn marks and the witches and wizards are now highly suspicious of the argents.)
KATE: The one that attacked me was big-- it had width and power. But, the one I shot was lean and fast.
She says this as she paces around the Argent home living room with Chris sag on the couch.
ARGENT: Well, that would be Derek Hale.
KATE: Are we sure?
ARGENT: [shrugging] Mostly.
KATE: Well, how do we know it's just two of 'em?
She kneels down and tightens something on the door.
ARGENT: We don't yet. But, if Derek's still alive, he will lead us to the Alpha.
KATE: [smirking] Take the pack leader, and take the pack.
ARGENT: And we do it according to the Code.
KATE: [sighing] You and the Code.
ARGENT: It's there for a reason, Kate.
KATE: [fakely] Of course...
She light a big match on fire and throws it into the fire place.
KATE: I always play by the rules.
"Shes so hot" Ginny says
"Shes a murderer" Harry looks at her in bewilderment
"But shes a hot murderer" Ginny and the twins say in union.
The screen now shows Violet lying down on her bed reading 'Little Women' when her phone rings. She puts the bookmark on the page she is currently on and reaches over and answering without seeing who it is.
VIOLET: hello?
STILES: hey umm just letting you know that Derek is fine and everything me and Scott kinda saves him.
VIOLET: oh hi yeah umm thats great- are you and Scott ok?
STILES: yeah were fine i mean i almost had to chop his arm off but its no bug deal.
This causes her eyes to widen.
VIOLET: no big deal Stiles he could've died.
STILES: oh trust me he wouldn't have.
VIOLET: what do you mean by-
LYDIA: Violet come on i wanna watch the notebook!
She shouts from downstairs which causes Violet to sign .
VIOLET: listen i have to go bit ill see you tomorrow at school?
STILES: yeah thats fine goodnight.
VIOLET: goodnight Stoles
She then hangs up and as the screen fades to black we see her smiling yo herself.
"No boys!" James and Sirius mutter while Lily smiles.
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