1 03: pack mentality
It's night time, and Scott and Allison are holding hands as the former leads the latter out of the main building of the school and into the parking lot. Overhead, the fluorescent lights flicker ominously. They slowly run over to a nearby bus, giggling all the way
SCOTT: Come on.
ALLISON: Where are you taking me?
Scott, still holding Allison's hand, turns back to look at her with a big smile on his face
SCOTT: Somewhere where we can be alone.
Allison laughs giddily
ALLISON: We are alone...
Scott turns so his back is resting on the door to the bus, and he gently pulls Allison toward him so that their faces are nearly touching
SCOTT: Somewhere where we can be more alone.
Scott elbows the folding door open and looks at Allison suggestively. The two stare at each other, both still smiling, before Scott finally turns to lead her inside
SCOTT: Come on!
Scott walks until he's about three rows from the back of the bus before sitting down in the seat on the right side, resting his back against the window. Allison, deciding to tease him, sits on the seat across from him on the left side and stares at him flirtatiously, interested to see which of them will concede first and move towards the other
Scott stares at Allison with a shy smile on his face, and Allison shrugs and smiles back as if to say, "Hmm, what are we going to do?" Scott bites his lip and waits for a beat before he finally moves toward her and joins her in the other seat, bracing himself on the back of the seat in front of them as he leans over and kisses her
"This is awkward" mutters Ginny as she watches everyone trying to avoid the screen
The two continue to make out for a few long moments before Scott starts to unbutton Allison's blouse, revealing a lacy bra underneath. Just as Scott starts kissing Allison's neck, the hand braced on the back of the seat grips harder, causing his claws to start to extend, darkening his nailbeds in the process. He grips even harder to try to control himself, slashing the leather seat with four of his claws
Realising that he's starting to transform, he pulls away from Allison, keeping his head down so his bangs cover his face and the shadows conceal any Werewolf features that may be emerging as he struggles to control himself. Allison, still somewhat dazed from the kiss, looks up at him with half-lidded eyes and whispers to him
ALLISON: What's wrong?
Scott steps back and turns 90 degrees so that he's facing the front of the bus, now bracing himself on the backs of two seats with each hand as his breaths become even harder, keeping his head down as he speaks in a low, urgent tone of voice
SCOTT: Get away!
Scott turns another 90 degrees so that he's now facing directly away from Allison, revealing that his eyes are glowing gold and his fangs have emerged as well
As he pants, his brow becomes ridged, his hair line develops a widow's peak, and his sideburns lengthen and grow into mutton-chops. Allison stands up and moves so she's standing behind him, looking at him with a concerned expression
Scott, barely hanging onto control at this point, begs her to stay away, his voice turning into a growl
SCOTT: Get away from me...
After a brief second, Scott's ears finally lengthen until the tips are pointed. Unable to hold himself back any longer, he turns to face Allison, who is predictably terrified as she backs away, now panting for breath herself as Scott watches her, his vision bleeding red around the edges
The camera angle changes so that the scene is being viewed through the windows from outside of the bus. Allison slowly backs down the aisle towards the door as Scott just as slowly skulks toward her like a predator chasing his prey. Moaning in fear, Allison turns around and runs toward the exit, but Scott is too quick, kneeling and grabbing her by the ankle before yanking her backwards toward him
ALLISON: [screaming] AHHHHHHH!
As Scott pulls her backwards toward the rear of the bus, Allison scrambles to find anything to hold onto in hopes of breaking his hold, including the metal bars bolting the seats to the floor of the bus and the back of the seats themselves
She finally manages to grab one of the bars bolted to the floor, giving her something to lean on as she kicks Scott in the gut with enough force that he flies backwards and smacks against the emergency exit at the back of the bus. Now that there is some distance between them, Allison is able to get back on her feet and run toward the front door once again, only to slip and fall down the short staircase leading there and falling right into the door itself. Since the door folds open from the inside, Allison can't get it to open without the bus being turned on, and she whimpers in fear as she turns her head to see that Scott has completely ripped one of the back seats of the bus off of the floor
The small amount of moonlight shining into the bus reveals that Allison is bleeding from a small wound near her hairline, along with another wound on the side of her mouth, two trails of blood making their way down her face as she frantically pounds against the door to no avail. Scott throws the seat down the aisle, and she's forced to smash her body against the door to avoid being hit by it. She has just barely managed to squeeze her bloody fingers through the crack between the door and the door frame when she sees Scott skulking back toward her and screams in terror
Scott's vision is now completely red as he makes his way to the front door, and Allison, who now has the fingers from both hands shoved through the crack in the door, has just barely managed to pull it open when Scott grabs her by the face with his hand, covering her mouth to muffle another scream, and pulls her back, causing the door to shut again. Allison is then slammed face-first into the window in the door as Scott presumably tears her apart
"He killer her?" Lily questions in worry as most people are frozen on the spot.
It's day time now, and Scott and Stiles have just opened the front doors to the school and entered as Scott explains the strange dream he had the previous night to his best friend
STILES: So, you killed her?
Scott shrugs exasperatedly
SCOTT: I don't know. I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before.
Stiles raises his eyebrows at Scott at this remark
Many sign in relief as it was a dream
STILES: Really? I have.
Stiles shrugs as he gestures with his hand to emphasize his words
STILES: Usually ends a little differently...
SCOTT: A) I mean I've never had a dream that felt that real, and B)--
Scott looks at Stiles with a disgusted expression
SCOTT: Never give me that much detail about you in bed again.
Stiles shrugs as though he gets it
STILES: Noted.
Stiles then takes a deep breath before speaking up about something he knows Scott won't want to hear
STILES: Let me take a guess here--
Scott cuts him off before he can continue
SCOTT: No, I know-- you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out.
Stiles gapes at him as though he's offended by what Scott's implying
STILES: No, of course not.
Scott gives Stiles a look that communicates that he knows Stiles too well to believe that, and Stiles finally concedes
STILES: ...Yeah, that's totally it.
When Stiles sees Scott sigh with a glum expression, he scoffs and tries to cheer him up
STILES: Hey, come on! It's gonna be fine, all right? Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a Lycanthropy for Beginners class you can take.
Scott raises his hands at Stiles as though to say, "Seriously?" before he frowns and thinks for a moment before getting an idea
SCOTT: [thoughtfully] Yeah... not a class, but maybe a teacher.
Stiles, already knowing who Scott is about to refer to, balks at this suggestion
STILES: Who, Derek?
When Scott continues to stare at Stiles, Stiles sputters incredulously before smacking him on the back of the head like a misbehaving puppy
STILES: You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?
Scott, fully aware of this fact, responds in the same exasperated tone of voice as Stiles
SCOTT: Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus... it felt so real.
Stiles rolls his eyes in disbelief and responds sarcastically
STILES: How real?
Scott shrugs
SCOTT: Like it actually happened.
Scott and Stiles simultaneously push the back doors open to walk toward another building before they're both stunned speechless and stop dead in their tracks
The camera pans to the bus bay, where Sheriff's deputies have taped-off a crime scene around one of the buses. The back of the bus is splattered with blood, and the emergency exit door has been almost completely ripped off and is hanging by a single hinge at the bottom. A crime scene investigator is snapping photos of the wreckage, including one of the back seats, which has been clawed open and is spilling its stuffing out onto the floor
This causes many to gasp, wondering is Scott actually killed Allison.
Stiles, mouth gaping open in shock, looks over at a similarly stunned Scott
STILES: ...I think it did.
Scott looks back at the bus in horror and looks like he's about to throw up from fear, guilt, and shame
Scott and Stiles are walking through the halls yet again as Stiles tries to reassure a panicked Scott, who is staring at his phone, that they need more information
STILES: She's probably fine--
SCOTT: She's not answering my texts, Stiles.
Scott starts to frantically looks around at all of the students in the hallways, trying to see if Allison is among the crowds milling in the halls, while Stiles continues to reassure him
STILES: It could just be a coincidence, all right?
Stiles, realizing that the evidence makes this somewhat unlikely, adds to his previous statement in a somewhat defeated voice
STILES: A seriously amazing coincidence...
Scott turns to look at Stiles with a panicked look on his face
SCOTT: Just help me find her, okay?
Scott is basically turning in circles as he walks as he tries to spot Allison in the crowd, and Stiles, more calm than his best friend, turns his head back and forth to visually scan through the students as well
SCOTT: Do you see her?
STILES: [sighing] No...
Scott continues to look, anxiously running his hand through his hair while he does, until he finally speeds up and turns around the corner, losing control. Stiles, now panicked as well, scrambles to follow him but gets lost in the crowd
Around the corner, Scott is struggling to control his breathing, his heartbeat loudly thumping in his ears, as he presses himself against one of the lockers, bracing against it with both hands. The camera angle changes so that it's looking at Scott from the floor, his head resting against the metal door of the locker, his eyes starting to flash gold
After a long moment, Scott yells as he punches the locker with so much force that it breaks the combination lock and warps the door to the point where it can no longer close properly
Surprisingly, this doesn't attract any attention from his fellow students, and the pain from his fist hitting the locker seems to ground him and allow his heartbeat to return to a normal rhythm and volume, and his eyes to go back to their usual brown colour
Having come back to himself, Scott realizes what he's just done to someone's locker and rushes away before anyone can notice what happened and connect the damaged door to him. He backs himself down the hallway until he reaches the junction between the two hallways and turns around, only to smack directly into Allison, who is completely fine and who has now just dropped all of her books and school supplies onto the floor. She sighs in exasperation at her perceived clumsiness and laughs when she sees that it's Scott
"Oh thank god" many say while relaxing
ALLISON: You scared the hell out of me!
Scott can't help but sigh and smile in relief at the sight of Allison standing there, alive and well
SCOTT: You're okay!
He kneels down at the same time as Allison, who assumes he's talking about the collision they just had, and helps her pick up her books and notepads as she nods and huffs another small laugh
ALLISON: Once my heart starts beating again, yeah.
She finally sees the look of relief on Scott's face and makes a face
ALLISON: ...What?
SCOTT: I'm just happy to see you.
Just then, the sound of Principal Thomas' voice is heard over the PA system, and Allison, Scott, and the other students pause to listen
PRINCIPAL: [over PA system] Attention students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses...
Allison and Scott stand back up as Scott hands Allison the last book off of the floor while the announcement continues
PRINCIPAL: [over PA system] While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as usual.
The students in the hallway groan in unison out of disappointment that classes haven't been canceled. Allison, seemingly ignorant of what the principal is even talking about, simply smiles shyly at Scott before ruffling his hair affectionately with her right hand
ALLISON: Save me a seat at lunch?
Scott, still overwhelmed by relief that he didn't actually kill Allison, smiles in a slightly delayed reaction
SCOTT: Yeah.
He watches as Allison turns and heads to class as he slowly starts walking down the hall in a different direction toward his own. When he gets back to the junction between the two halls, he is distracted by the sound of Jackson groaning in annoyance and turns to see that it was Jackson's locker that he punched and broke moments earlier. Jackson, irritated, tries to get the locker to shut and is annoyed when he can't. He looks up and sees Scott watching him before immediately insulting him as per usual
JACKSON: [snidely] What are you looking at, asswipe?
Jackson's line of sight is blocked by several other students walking down the hall, so he doesn't see Scott's guilty-yet-amused expression as he turns to head to class
"I still don't like him" James says
Scott and Stiles are in chemistry class, where Stiles is seated at a two-person desk in the second row from the back, while Scott sits at the desk directly in front of him. Their teacher, Adrian Harris, is writing notes on the chalkboard at the front of the class while a beaker full of clear liquid bubbles in a stand, where it hangs over a bunsen burner. Scott and Stiles continue their discussion over what Scott could have possibly done the previous evening to cause all that carnage in low voices at the back of the classroom
SCOTT: Maybe it was my blood on the door...
STILES: Could have been animal blood.
Stiles shrugs and gestures with the pencil in his right hand
STILES: You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something?
Scott shoots him a look, clearly appalled by this theory
SCOTT: And did what?
Stiles shrugs again
STILES: Ate it.
Scott is even more horrified by this statement
Stiles scoffs and gives Scott a look before responding in a sarcastic tone of voice
STILES: No, you stopped to bake it in a little Werewolf oven! I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything.
Scott is still offended, and neither one of them has noticed that Mr. Harris has noticed their conversation and has turned to watch them talk with a stern look on his face and his hands on his hips. He finally speaks up in a snide voice to interrupt them
HARRIS: Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while.
Stiles, slightly embarrassed, huffs out a laugh
HARRIS: I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?
Stiles scoffs in irritation
Harris, not messing around, stares at Scott and gestures toward the front of the room, implying that this is where he wants Scott to move, before doing the same with Stiles and picking a seat in the back next to Violet and at the opposite side from where he's currently sitting. Scott and Stiles sigh in annoyance and reluctantly pick up their books and papers before moving to their respective desks
HARRIS: Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much.
Scott settles in at the desk with Harley, who does not seem at all surprised by Scott and Stiles' shenanigans. After a moment, Scott senses something off and turns back to find Jackson staring at him intently, clearly still trying to figure out Scott's secret
As Stiles sits next to Violet she smiles at him which he cautiously returns
STILES: did you get any of that, of what get said?
VIOET: yeah, you can copy my nots if you want, give hem back tomorrow?
STILES: y-yeah that would be great thanks.
Before wither of them can say anything else Harley looks over at the window and is distracted by what is going on outside. Suddenly, she stands to her feet and rushes over to the window to get a better look
HARLEY: Hey! I think they found something!
The rest of the class, eager for a distraction, jump to their feet and run over to the windows to join her. Outside in the parking lot, an ambulance is parked at a corner with their lights and sirens on, and two paramedics are quickly wheeling a stretcher with a middle-aged adult man on it towards the open doors in the back of the ambulance. Scott, horrified and certain that the man is dead, looks over at Stiles, who has joined him at his left side along with Violet who is on Stoles's other side.
SCOTT: That's not a rabbit...
VIOLET: (looking at them weirdly) well obviously
The paramedics are about to lift the stretcher into the back of the ambulance when suddenly, the man jumps into a seated position, grabs the shoulders of the paramedics on each side of him with his hands, and begins screaming in fear
The sudden movement and scream causes all of the students watching inside to flinch, visibly startled. As Violet nearly trips but Stiles catches her. Scott, unable to watch any more of this, backs away from the windows until he's in the middle of the room. Stiles, seeing his distress, comes over to try to comfort him
STILES: Okay. This is good. This is good! He got up, he's not dead. Dead guys can't do that.
Scott looks completely dismayed by the fact that they have confirmation that someone was seriously injured in whatever happened the previous evening. The camera zooms in on the pained expression on Scott's face
SCOTT: Stiles, I did that.
VIOLET: you killed him?!
The sudden appearance of the girl causes both boys to jump and turn around looking at the wide-eyed girl. They both turn and look at each other knowing that even though they might not be friends with her, there would be no better explanation then to explain exactly whats going on.
Lily looks fearful because she doesn't want Violet to know whats going on, but knowing that she would have to at some point.
*bold italics from here are flashbacks.*
VIOLET: so let me get this straight, you guys went to look for the half body the night before the first day of school, Scott here got bitten by a werewolf and is now one. And Derek Hale the hot but creepy guy is also a werewolf and is "training" Scott, and lastly last night Scott had a dream that he murdered Allison on the bus but really he murdered the guy that we saw from the classroom.
The scene shows Violet, Stiles and Scott in the library during their free period.
SCOTT: yeah pretty much.
He says and Stiles nods in agreement. Violet looks at both of them before she bursts out laughing gathering a few look from people near.
VIOLET: you guys are crazy
"She doesn't believe them?" Sirius asks confused while Lily relaxes a little.
STILES: what? No no wait you gotta believe us, Scott show her.
VIOLET: show me what?
Scott tries to concentrate but cant get his eyes to glow, while Violet looks at them as if their crazy.
VIOLET: ok stop please you look constipated, when you come up with a better explanation then come and find me.
No one else gets a chance to say anything as she walks away.
Scott and Stiles have just left the lunch line and are carrying their trays of food to one of the empty tables as Stiles whispers to Scott]
STILES: But dreams aren't memories.
SCOTT: Then it wasn't a dream...
Scott sets his tray on the table before taking off his backpack and sitting it on the chair next to him, Stiles repeating the gesture. They continue their conversation as they sit down across from each other at the table
SCOTT: Something happened last night, and I can't remember what.
STILES: [skeptically] What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?
Scott, overwhelmed, accidentally responds in a voice that is way too loud
SCOTT: Because--!
Stiles gives Scott a look, and Scott bashfully looks around before continuing his train of thought at a lower volume
SCOTT: During the full moon, he wasn't changed. He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night, attacking some totally innocent guy. And now Violet doesn't believe us we gotta watch out for her to incase she tells anyone that I'm a murderer.
Stiles sighs, not wanting to believe that is the truth
STILES: You don't know that. And she wouldn't tell anyone ok you don't know her.
Scott isn't convinced by his best friend's words
SCOTT: I don't not know it. And you don't know her either.
Scott pauses, biting his lip as he thinks for a moment before sighing in defeat
SCOTT: I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel.
STILES: No, you're not cancelling, okay? You can't just cancel your entire life! We'll figure it out.
Just then, Violet appears behind Scott, looking at him curiously before slamming her lunch tray down on the table to Scott's left to get their attention
VIOLET: Figure out what?
Stiles, startled by the appearance of his crush, especially considering she's choosing to sit next to them at lunch, stammers nervously
STILES: Ha... Uhh...
Seeing Stiles is unable to come up with a decent answer, Scott quickly lies to cover up the real topic of their conversation
SCOTT: Just, uh, homework...
Stiles nods in agreement, while Violet just gives them a knowing look.
While Violet is distracted by someone passing the table, Stiles leans forward to whisper to Scott
STILES: Why is she sitting with us?
Scott just gapes at Stiles and shrugs, as if to say, "I don't know!"
Suddenly, more people start to sit down at their table. An unknown boy sits at the head of the table, while Danny takes a seat on Stiles' right, and Lydia next to him. Scott turns to see that Allison is sitting down on his right and smiles before moving his backpack so she can sit down
ALLISON: Thanks!
Harley sits down on Stiles' left, and he chuckles at the sight of her, causing Harley to roll her eyes good-naturedly. After a moment, he rolls his eyes himself and looks at Scott, clearly annoyed that their Werewolf-related brainstorming session has been interrupted by all of these popular kids. He turns the other way and accidentally makes eye contact with Danny, causing him to flick his head in greeting, only for Danny to roll his eyes as though Stiles is the most tedious thing he's had to deal with all day
To make matters even more complicated for Scott and Stiles, Jackson approaches the table and stands next to the unknown kid, glaring at him intensely before ordering him away
JACKSON: Get up.
The unknown student groans in annoyance
STUDENT: How come you never ask Danny to get up?
Danny, who is in the middle of eating a green apple, smirks at him
DANNY: Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot.
The student gets up to move, and Jackson shoves him out of the way before taking his seat, causing Scott to scowl at Jackson's rude behavior. Before they can say anything to each other, Danny starts a conversation
DANNY: So, I hear they're saying its some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar.
JACKSON: I heard mountain lion.
Lydia, staring at her tray, and Violet speak up in an annoyed tone of voice
VIOLET/LYDIA: A cougar is a mountain lion.
They state at the same time while Jackson and Danny stare at them blankly, surprised by this answer. Lydia, realizing she's dangerously close to revealing just how smart she actually is, tries to backtrack
LYDIA: ...Isn't it?
Violet and Jackson raises their eyebrow while he scoffs and and she has a disappointed look on her face.
JACKSON: Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway.
Stiles, who had started to look up the case on his phone, suddenly speaks up when he gets more information
STILES: Actually, I just found out who it is. Check it out.
Stiles pulls up a video on his phone and turns it so the others can see it. It's from a news website, and a reporter can be heard narrating the story
REPORTER: [on video] The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Myers, did survive the attack. Myers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition.
Scott gasps when he recognizes the name of the man identified as the victim
SCOTT: Wait, I-I-I know this guy.
ALLISON: You do?
SCOTT: Yeah, when I used to take the bus, back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver.
Scott and Stiles share a pointed look before Lydia speaks up in a bored, annoyed tone of voice
LYDIA: Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like...
Lydia gasps when she gets an idea and turns to talk to Allison, talking right over Scott, who is seated between them
LYDIA: Oh, where are we going tomorrow night?
Allison and Scott's brows furrow, making it clear they have no idea what she's talking about, so Lydia clarifies
LYDIA: You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow, right?
Allison raises her eyebrows and gulps nervously, realizing exactly what Lydia's about to do and trying to keep it casual in hopes of Lydia staying out of it
ALLISON: Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do...
Allison looks at Scott apologetically, knowing Lydia is about to invite herself and Jackson into their plans, and Stiles' eyes widen when he has the same realization. Predictably, Lydia does just that
LYDIA: Well, I am not sitting home again, watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun.
Scott, completely stunned at this turn of events, gapes helplessly
SCOTT: H-H-Hanging out? Like, the four of us?
Scott turns to Allison, who has covered up her displeasure at their plans being crashed by drinking out of her water bottle
SCOTT: Do you wanna hang out?
Scott forces himself to spit out the rest of the sentence, clearly hating the idea, and Stiles, knowing this is about to be a disaster, covers his mouth with his hand to prevent himself from interjecting
SCOTT: ...Like, us... and them?
Allison looks about as excited by this prospect as Scott is but clearly doesn't want to be rude to her new friend, either, so she replies in a wary voice
ALLISON: Yeah! ...I guess... Sounds fun...
Jackson's annoyed expression makes it clear that the only person excited about this double date is Lydia, and he sounds extremely irritated as he raises his fork in the air to emphasize his point
JACKSON: You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork.
VIOLET: huh that doesn't seem to bad please do.
Lydia, annoyed by their rudeness, grabs the fork out of his hand and smacks Violet slightly on the arm while Danny laughs while Stiles, taking a drink from his own water bottle, rolls his eyes and gesticulates wildly with his hand, not liking his friend being disparaged like that. Lydia ignores Jackson and continues planning their date like he hasn't spoken
LYDIA: How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl.
Stiles shoves a french fry into his mouth and tries to get Scott's attention, shaking his head wildly as if to communicate that Scott needs to put the brakes on this plan as soon as possible. Jackson scoffs in annoyance
JACKSON: Yeah, with actual competition.
Allison, now offended on behalf of her and Scott, speaks up, trying to keep her tone of voice friendly
ALLISON: How do you know we're not "actual competition?"
Allison turns to Scott
ALLISON: You can bowl, right?
Scott shrugs and replies uneasily
SCOTT: Sort of...
Jackson gives Scott a pointed look and responds in a patronizing tone of voice
JACKSON: Is it-is it "sort of," or "yes?"
Scott clearly doesn't want to be shown up by Jackson or made to feel any more inferior than he already is, so he lies instead
Scott straightens his back to appear more confident
SCOTT: In fact, I'm a great bowler.
LYDIA: great Violet you wanna come?
VIOLET: no thanks don't wanna 5th wheel.
ALLISON: Stiles can come with you.
Stiles hearing his name perks up and look around wide-eyed.
VIOlET: well do you wanna come with me?
STILES: Y-yeah sure, sire that would be great I'm also an excellent bowler.
LYDIA: yay its a date.
This causes Stiles to choke on his water while everyone gives him confused glances.
The scene cuts to the hallway, where Scott and Stiles are walking down the stairs from their last class. Stiles, obviously appalled by what he just witnessed, is loudly berating Scott for what he is now planning to do
STILES: were terrible bowlers!
Scott groans, agreeing with Stiles' assessment
SCOTT: I know! Were such idiots, at least you got a date though.
Stiles continues ranting despite Scott's obvious discomfort
STILES: God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first, it turned into the whole group-date thing, and the out of nowhere I get a date with Violet can you believe that and then comes that phrase--
Scott rolls his eyes so hard he throws his head back
SCOTT: [nodding] "Hang out."
Stiles continues to gesticulate with his hands as he speaks
STILES: You don't "hang out" with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's "hanging out," you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out.
Scott groans again before he speaks
SCOTT: How is this happening? I either killed a guy, or I didn't.
Stiles is suddenly distracted by his mention of Danny and starts going off on a tangent, completely ignoring Scott's anxious train of thought
STILES: I don't think Danny likes me very much...
Scott, just like Stiles, ignores him in favor of continuing to worry about his own predicament
SCOTT: I ask Allison on a date, and now we're "hanging out..."
STILES: Am I not attractive to gay guys?
SCOTT: I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now...
Scott looks at his phone and sighs when he sees the time
SCOTT: Now I'm gonna be late for work.
Scott rushes out the door, eager to make it to work on time, while Stiles, annoyed at having been ignored, exasperatedly calls out after him
STILES: Wait, Scott you didn't-- am I attractive to gay guys--
Stiles raises his arms on either side of him as he sighs in annoyance and mutters under his breath
STILES: You didn't answer my question!
Stiles licks his lips before turning to head the other direction
"Yes, yes you are" says Seamus and Dean at the same time.
Scott has just arrived at the animal clinic on his bike, which he leans against the side of the brick building before rushing inside
Scott's boss, Alan Deaton, is in the exam room when Scott shuffles in and immediately starts to apologize for his tardiness
SCOTT: Sorry, sorry...
Deaton, who is unpacking boxes on one of the metal tables, rolls his eyes affectionately
DEATON: You're all of two minutes late.
Scott sets his bag down on the floor in the corner of the room
SCOTT: I just don't want you to think I'm slacking...
Deaton smiles and scoffs at him in amusement
DEATON: Scott, I guarantee you, you're one of the least slacking kids in this town.
Scott is getting everything situated on one of the back tables when he turns to see Sheriff Stilinski standing outside of the exam room door, looking stern and serious. Scott instantly starts to worry that Stilinski has figured out that Scott killed Garrison Myers and is there to arrest him and begins to panic, gulping nervously. However, Stilinski simply opens the door, smiling suddenly as he reveals that he has one of the K-9 unit dogs with him and is only there so the dog can get a check-up, which Deaton confirms
DEATON: Hey! I see somebody's ready to get their stitches out!
Deaton bends over at the waist and pats his knees to get the dog to sit for him while Stilinski takes off his sunglasses and walks over to greet Scott
STILINSKI: Hey there, Scott. You staying out of trouble?
Scott, still caught off guard by Stilinski's appearance, watches as Deaton picks up the German Shepherd dog (whose right "arm" has a bandage wrapped around the lower half) and sits him on the table before he realizes he was asked a question and answers with a nod
SCOTT: Yeah...
Fortunately, Stilinski is too distracted by Deaton's assessment of the dog to notice how uneasy Scott is acting. Stilinski then turns to talk to Deaton about work
STILINSKI: Hey, listen--
Stilinski opens up the zipper on his briefcase and starts to rifle through it
STILINSKI: While I'm here, you mind taking a look at those pictures I was telling you about?
Stilinski pulls a file labeled "EVIDENCE ENVELOPE" and holds it out to Deaton
STILINSKI: Sacramento still can't determine an animal.
Deaton's voice is hesitant as he takes the envelope and opens it to pull out the photos inside
DEATON: I'm not exactly an expert...
Deaton turns the photos so they're upright before beginning to rifle through them, intrigued by what he sees
DEATON: Oh, this is the guy who was attacked in the bus?
Deaton turns the photo so Stilinski can see it to confirm. Scott, unable to hide his curiosity, turns to look at it over Stilinski's shoulder. The photo is of what looks like Garrison Myers' upper arm, which has a clearly defined bite mark above the elbow that is smudged with blood. Stilinski nods in confirmation
STILINSKI: Yeah. And, we found wolf hairs on Laura Hale's body.
Scott, shocked, speaks up from behind the two men
SCOTT: A wolf?
Stilinski, surprised to hear Scott was paying attention, turns to look at him, and Scott, realizing he spoke out of turn and just drew attention to his possible involvement, tries to cover up his interest in what happened to Myers
SCOTT: [nervously] Um...
Deaton looks up at Scott, visibly intrigued by Scott's reaction, as though he knows something Scott doesn't
SCOTT: I mean, I think I read somewhere that wolves haven't been in California for, like, sixty years...
Deaton's attention returns to the photos in his hands as he nods in agreement
DEATON: True enough, but wolves are highly migratory. They could have wandered in from another state, driven by impulse or strong enough memory.
Scott's brow furrows as he frowns, surprised by this information
SCOTT: Wolves have memories?
DEATON: Longer-term memories, yes-- if associated with a primal drive. See this one here?
Deaton turns the photos again so Stilinski and Scott can see it. It's a photo of Myers-- he's laying on a hospital bed, and the photo is focused on his face, where there are vertical claw marks from his brow down the side of his face past his temple to his cheek, and another one in the same direction from under his eye down to his mouth. There is a third gash on the side of his neck that goes diagonally right to left from under his ear toward his Adam's apple. Stilinski nods to confirm that he gets what Deaton is saying
Deaton points at the various wounds on Myers' face in the photos
DEATON: Those are claw marks. A wolf would have gone for the throat or the spinal cord with its teeth.
Deaton gestures to his own throat for emphasis
STILINSKI: So, what do you think, it's a mountain lion?
DEATON: I don't know...
Scott looks back and forth from Deaton to Stilinski and back again as the men speak, starting to get overwhelmed by this new information
DEATON: A wolf could chase down its prey, hobbling it by tearing at the ankles--
Deaton's words launch Scott into a brief flashback to his dream
Scott, fully transformed into his Werewolf form, grabs Allison's ankle as she tries to run down the aisle toward the bus' exit and yanks her backward toward him as she screams
In the present, Scott looks at Deaton with a barely-concealed expression of alarm as Deaton continues
DEATON: --and then the throat...
"Oh god, he actually did it"
Night has fallen, and Scott is walking through the sliding doors of the hospital, a white plastic bag of Chinese take-out food in his hands. He smiles as he walks toward the nurse's station in the ER, where his mother is standing at work. She laughs cheerfully when she sees him
MELISSA: Is my beautiful, talented, and wonderful son actually bringing me dinner?
Scott smiles as he leans against the desk on his elbows
SCOTT: Thought you wouldn't mind skipping the cafeteria tonight...
MELISSA: You are the most thoughtful, loving...
Scott smiles bashfully as Melissa continues
MELISSA: ...Most conniving little con-artist ever.
Scott's smile falls as he gasps in mock offence
MELISSA: You are so not getting the car tomorrow night.
Scott gasps again in disbelief, this time for real
Melissa scoffs incredulously
MELISSA: What? There's a curfew-- no car.
Melissa clicks her tongue
MELISSA: But, I will take this.
Melissa plucks the bag of take-out food out of Scott's hands before turning and walking away, calling out her goodbye over her shoulder as she does so
MELISSA: Love you!
Scott sighs in disappointment but reluctantly returns the sentiment
Lily wishes she could have a relationship like that with violet
SCOTT: Love you, too...
Scott is about to leave the same way he came when he stops in his tracks, visibly catching a familiar scent that causes him to turn around again. He follows the scent past the nurse's station and down the hallway to the end, where he finds the room where Garrison Myers has been admitted and quietly slips inside before anyone can see him
Scott pulls away the curtain separating the two halves of the room to find Myers laying in bed on his back, his eyes closed, clearly asleep. Scott is obviously overwhelmed with shame and horror as he takes in the sight of his former bus driver-- Myers' head is wrapped in gauze, and he's covered in nicks and cuts from the attack, an IV inserted into his right arm and a nasal cannula administering oxygen through his nose. Scott speaks up in a quiet voice
SCOTT: Mr. Myers...?
Scott takes a step towards him, and Myers slowly wakes up, turning his head to look at him
SCOTT: Are you okay?
After a short moment, he seems to recognize Scott and begins to panic. He opens his mouth to speak but just gasps as he tries to back himself up into a seated position. As he tries to speak, he grabs Scott by the sleeve and pulls him toward him, groaning as his panic becomes even stronger. Scott tries to pull out of his grip as Myers starts screaming, causing Melissa to run into the room
MELISSA: What the hell are you doing in here?
Melissa runs toward them and grabs Myers by the wrist so that she can get him to let go of Scott's sleeve before she orders him out of the room
MELISSA: Get out! Now!
Scott looks torn, and Melissa shoves him towards the door before turning to try to calm Myers down
MELISSA: Go! Go, go!
Suddenly, Myers' muscles tense up and he goes into a seizure
Many watch with worried eyes
A Sheriff's deputy has just pulled up to the Hale House ruins in his cruiser, where he gets out of the car and walks around it as he visually scans the area before picking up his radio and calling into dispatch
UNIT 16: [over radio] It looks pretty deserted, dispatch. Did you want me to take a look inside?
DISPATCHER: [over radio] Unit Sixteen, it's county property. Orders are to make sure it's vacant.
The deputy, clearly uneasy to be at the abandoned ruins of the Hale House, especially after it was revealed that Derek, who was still a suspect in the murder case, has been squatting there, continues to stand outside
UNIT 16: [over radio] I don't... I don't think anyone's home.
The dispatcher sounds exasperated as he replies to the deputy
DISPATCHER: [over radio] For the love of God, Sixteen, go inside and see if anyone's there!
UNIT 16: [over radio] Copy that.
The deputy sighs in annoyance before slowly stepping closer to the house. However, the K-9 unit dog in the backseat starts barking almost immediately after he starts moving, causing the deputy to become even more nervous. He turns to scold the dog, having been startled by its barking
UNIT 16: Don't do that!
The deputy keeps walking toward the house. However, at the angle at which he is turned to face the porch, he can't see Derek standing slightly behind the door, where he's peering outside through the broken window on the second story. He flashes his blue Werewolf eyes at the dog, which only makes it bark even louder and more frantically, clearly intimidated by Derek, who is above him on the canine food-chain. When the dog starts freaking out so badly that its saliva begins splattering all over the half-opened window, the deputy, now completely unnerved, starts looking for the source of what is spooking it. The dog gets even more freaked out and is now sticking its head out of the back window, causing the deputy to ultimately decide he's checked it well enough and turn to get back into the car as he reassures the dog
UNIT 16: Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming...
The dog continues to bark as the deputy gets into the driver's seat and begins driving away. Derek watches the man drive away and smirks in satisfaction at not getting caught squatting in the house. Once the car is out of sight, Derek hears the sounds of footsteps approaching and turns to see Scott walking out of the edge of the woods that border the Hale property
Scott pauses for a moment, shifting nervously back and forth on each foot as Derek stares at him out of sight. After a moment, when he realizes that Derek isn't coming, Scott decides to make the first move and speaks up
SCOTT: I know you can hear me.
Inside, Derek continues to stare at Scott, who looks at the house with a pleading expression
SCOTT: I need your help.
After the break, rain has started to fall, and Scott has moved onto the porch, where Derek has finally opened the door and come out to join him. However, when Derek remains silent and stares at him blankly, Scott realizes he's going to have to work a little harder to get Derek's assistance and continues with a sigh
SCOTT: Okay, I know I was part of you getting arrested... and that we basically announced you being here to the Hunters... I also don't know what happened to your sister...
Derek continues to stare at Scott blankly, not giving anything away as Scott keeps rambling
SCOTT: But, I think I did something last night. I had a dream about...
Scott hesitates for a moment, not wanting to advertise his continued relationship with Allison, before deciding to keep his tone evasive
SCOTT: Someone... but someone else got hurt. And, it turns out that part of the dream might have actually happened...
Derek's expression doesn't change, making it clear that he has some idea of what has been going on
DEREK: You think you attacked the driver?
Scott's tone and expression become incredulous, and he assumes Derek knows more than he's letting on
SCOTT: Did you see what I did last night?
Derek's facial expression remains impassive
SCOTT: Can you at least tell me the truth? Am I gonna hurt someone?
DEREK: [bluntly] Yes.
SCOTT: Could I kill someone?
DEREK: [bluntly] Yes.
SCOTT: Am I gonna kill someone?
DEREK: Probably.
Scott looks as though he's about to cry at the prospect of being a killer as he turns and walks toward the end of the porch, keeping his back turned to Derek. After a moment of watching him, Derek sighs before taking pity on him
"Poor boy" Alice frowns
DEREK: Look, I can show you how to remember. I can show you how to control the shift, even on a full moon. But it's not gonna come for free.
Scott is so despondent he not only doesn't have it in him to argue, but he can't even look Derek in the eyes
SCOTT: What do you want?
DEREK: You'll find out.
Derek pauses for a moment, and Scott continues to stare at the front of the house
DEREK: But, for now, I'm gonna give you what you want.
Scott doesn't turn to face Derek, but his eyes shift so that he can look at Derek out of the corner of his eye
DEREK: Go back to the bus. Go inside. See it. Feel it. Let your senses-- your sight, smell, touch-- let them remember for you.
Scott's brow furrows in confusion and incredulity
SCOTT: That's it? Just-just go back?
Derek looks at Scott curiously
DEREK: Do you want to know what happened?
Scott finally turns to look Derek in the eye with a vulnerable expression
SCOTT: I just want to know if I hurt him.
Derek senses exactly what Scott is afraid of and gives him a pointed look before calling him out on it
DEREK: No, you don't-- you want to know if you'll hurt her.
Scott sighs and looks down at the floor, knowing that Derek is at least partially correct
Night has fallen, and Scott and Stiles are driving up to the school in Stiles' Jeep, though they take the back way that is closest to the woods. Scott gets out of the car, only for Stiles to follow after him, leading Scott to instruct Stiles to stay back
SCOTT: Hey, no-- just me. Someone needs to keep watch.
Stiles stops in his tracks and scoffs, clearly offended at being left out
STILES: How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?
Stiles, ignoring him, starts climbing up the chain-link fence between where they parked and the school bus bay, but Scott grabs him by the shoulder and pulls him down
SCOTT: Because there's only two of us!
Stiles steps back down to the ground level before pointing at Scott in an accusatory tone of voice
STILES: Okay, why's it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin?
When Scott just looks at him exasperatedly, Stiles scoffs again
STILES: I don't want to be Robin all the time!
Scott, equally exasperated now, argues back in response
SCOTT: [exasperatedly] Nobody's Batman and Robin any of the time!
Stiles is now both offended and disappointed by the resolution of this argument
STILES: Not even some of the time?
Scott sighs before giving his final order in a stern tone of voice
SCOTT: Just stay here.
Stiles groans in annoyance, as though Scott is his dad who is telling him what to do
STILES: [groaning] Oh, my God! Fine.
Stiles returns to the Jeep while Scott climbs up and over the chain-link fence. As he walks toward the buses, he starts to get visibly anxious, obviously afraid of what he's about to learn but knowing that he needs to see the truth
"Who's Batman and Robin? Draco gasps while muggle-borns and some half- bloods gasp in offence.
"Its a muggle film, Stiles is basically saying that he doesn't want to be Robin all the time because Robin is Batmans sidekick" Hermione explains as many nod in understanding.
He stops for a moment, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath before focusing on his senses, hoping his body will help him remember what his mind won't. Suddenly, he's overwhelmed by flashbacks to the previous night
Scott is laying in bed on his side, clad in only his boxers, when he suddenly hears a wolf howling from a distance. He clutches the blankets tightly in his hand before flipping over to the other side
Scott is still standing in the parking lot with his eyes closed, his eyelids twitching as the memories start to come back to him
Scott continues to flop back and forth in bed, a thick sheen of sweat developing all over his face and chest as the howling outside continues. After a moment, the internal pressure becomes too much, and Scott finally jolts awake in bed, his eyes flashing gold and his fangs extended
Scott opens his eyes, visibly startled by this flashback, and inhales deeply to try to catch his breath. He realizes he was clenching his hands into fists and slowly extends his fingers, steeling himself before he starts to walk again toward the bus, fearful but eager to learn more. Scott steps over the crime scene tape and approaches the door to the bus that was attacked, once again pausing to brace himself for what is to come. When he reaches out to touch the door with his outstretched hand, he's overcome by a flash from his dream the previous night
Scott, in full Werewolf form, has shoved Allison face-first into the door, and she screams in terror, her bloodied forehead and cheek visible through the glass
Scott, now completely overwhelmed, pants for breath, hesitating for another moment before reaching out to open the folding door to the bus. He slowly walks up the steps, and when he reaches the top, he turns to he can look down the entire length of the aisle toward the back of the bus. Scott grabs onto the back of a nearby seat and gasps when he's hit with a flashback from his dream
The fully-transformed Scott has just grabbed Allison by the ankle and is yanking her toward the back of the bus while she screams
Scott gasps in horror as he continues to flash back and forth between the present and his dream, which then starts to flash back and forth between his dream and what really happened
Scott continues to pull Allison down the aisle by her ankle down the aisle as she screams
As Allison screams, a male voice is heard screaming as well. The scene flips to the same action, only it's Garrison Myers being dragged by his ankle, not Allison
ALLISON & MYERS: [simultaneously] AHHHHHHHH!
Scott looks completely shocked as the true sequence of events from the previous night become more clear in his mind. Horrified at the prospect that he killed Garrison Myers in such a brutal manner, Scott slowly continues to walk down the aisle, letting go of the back of the seat in the process as he takes in the sight of the blood-splattered seats ahead of him
Scott flashes back to his dream, where he is fully transformed and rips out an entire seat from the back of the bus and throws it toward where Allison is trying to escape through the door at the front
Scott, experiencing the flashback so vividly that he feels like the seat is actually being thrown at him, flinches and holds up his hands to protect his face as he gasps loudly. Panting and struggling to catch his breath, Scott realizes that it was just a flashback and slowly lowers his arms before slowly making his way down the aisle, his head jerking back and forth as he takes in all of the visual details he can, such as the condensation forming on the windows and the blood splattered on the seats. Scott looks down at the floor in front of him and is yanked back into another flashback, this time of the real turn of events
Garrison Myers is laying on his back in the aisle, his head toward the front of the bus and his feet toward the back, as he holds on to the bar bolting the nearby seat to the floor with his left hand and reaching out to Scott for help with his right as he cries out
Scott, horrified, reaches out as though he's trying to help Myers up
In flashback to the true sequence of events, Scott reaches out to grab Myers' outstretched hand in hopes of helping him as he continues to cry out
Though Scott is obviously not making contact with anything, he looks up as he attempts to help Garrison to his feet and is horrified by something in front of him
Scott looks up to see the monstrous Werewolf who bit him around a week ago, who raises his clawed hand up in the air before swiping at Scott, slicing his chest
Scott gasps in pain and looks down at his chest, grabbing at it as though he's trying to stop blood flow before he realizes that he's not actually injured-- that injury actually happened the previous evening
Meanwhile, outside the chain-link fence, Stiles is sitting in the driver's seat of his Jeep, anxiously rubbing the side of his head with his fingertips as he leans on his left hand, his elbow propped up on the base of the window. He suddenly sees what looks like headlights flashing on the other side of the parking lot and wastes no time honking his horn loudly to get Scott's attention, knowing that they need to get out of there as soon as possible before they're caught
Scott, still overwhelmed by the revelation he just had-- that he wasn't actually the attacker, but someone trying to help protect Garrison Myers from the real attacker-- looks down at his chest again to reconfirm that he isn't actually injured before the sound of the honking horn makes him jump, visibly startled
He frantically turns and runs down the aisle of the bus, hopping out the front door of the bus, barely hurdling over the crime scene tape before he leaps up onto a red SUV, which he uses as a vault to flip over the chain-link fence like a gymnast. He somersaults lightly as he makes contact with the ground before rushing towards Stiles' Jeep, as his human friend anxiously drums on the steering wheel with his hands as he mutters to himself
STILES: Come on! Come on!
Stiles has just turned on the ignition with his key when Scott opens the passenger door and jumps inside, urgently instructing him to get out of there
SCOTT: Go! Go! Go! Go!
Stiles hits the gas pedal hard and the car flies in reverse down the road they took to get there, hitting the brakes just as hard a moment later and practically doing a doughnut at the junction between two roads
Many stare at the screen frozen now knowing the true events of that night.
As Stiles speeds away from the school, he looks over to Scott, whose right arm is out the window, his hand gripping the top of the Jeep to keep himself in his seat due to not having time to buckle his seatbelt
STILES: Did it work? Did you remember?
Scott looks backwards through the rear windshield before he replies
SCOTT: Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood? A lot of it was mine.
Stiles' eyes widen in alarm
STILES: So, you did attack him?
SCOTT: No. I-I-I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine--
Scott's eyes narrow, and he frowns when he tries to put the pieces together of what he just saw
SCOTT: It was Derek.
STILES: What about the driver?
SCOTT: I think I was actually trying to protect him.
Stiles thinks about this for a split second before finding a hole in Scott's logic and frowning
STILES: Wait-- why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?
Scott shakes his head, not knowing the answer either
SCOTT: That's what I don't get.
Scott frowns in confusion, his voice getting calmer now that he knows he's not actually the killer
STILES: It's gotta be a pack thing.
SCOTT: What do you mean?
STILES: Like an initiation. You do the kill together.
SCOTT: [sarcastically] Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?
Stiles' tone of voice lightens reassuringly
STILES: Yeah, but you didn't do it! Which means you're not a killer! And it also means that--
SCOTT: [excitedly] I can go out with Allison!
Stiles shoots him an offended look
STILES: I was gonna say it means you won't kill me...
Scott, realizing he hadn't even thought of that part yet, looks at Stiles sheepishly
SCOTT: Oh, yeah. That, too.
"He's so in love" Ginny says
Allison has just opened up her bedroom closet to find an outfit to wear to their double date, flipping on the light so she can get a better look and parting the clothing on hangers down the middle. She picks out a business-casual-esque brown and black tie-dyed top and turns to show it to Lydia and Violet who are sitting behind her on the bed. Lydia's face screws up in obvious judgment at her fashion sense
LYDIA: Mmm, pass.
VIOLET: i think its cute
Allison smiles at Violet then turns, rolling her eyes once Lydia can no longer see her face, and starts rifling through her hung-up clothing before picking out a hippie-style, empire-waist shirt-dress that is gold, red, teal, green, and blue in a paisley pattern, at which Lydia also turns up her nose
LYDIA: Pass.
Allison sighs and scratches the back of her head as she turns back to the closet, and Violet sighs before getting to her feet and forcing her way into the space as well to find something for Allison to wear herself
VIOLET:Let me see...
Violet starts looking through the hangers, one by one, immediately moving the one she just vetoed to the side
VIOLEY: Lydia will say pass
Violet looks at a blue and white, floral, short-sleeved dress and moves it to the side
VIOLET: she wont like that
Lydia takes one look at a thin, grayish-green hoodie and scoffs before pushing it to the side as well
VIOTEY: Uh, pass on all of it.
Lydia then turns to Allison and starts patronisingly fluffing her curled hair with a sigh
LYDIA: God, Allison, respect for your taste is, uh...
Lydia looks at Allison and lets out a breath between her teeth that almost sounds like a hiss
LYDIA: Dwindling by the second...
Lydia smiles fakely at Allison before turning back to the contents of the closet, ultimately stumbling upon a short-sleeved black top covered in black sequins that could be a very long shirt or a very short dress, depending on how it is worn. She clucks in satisfaction before walking back to the bed so she can hold it up in front of the mirror, gesturing to Allison to come so she can hold it up and see how she looks in it
LYDIA: This.
Allison does as she's instructed and walks to the full-length mirror so she can hold the shirt, still on its hanger, up against her body as a makeshift "try-on." Before she can remark on it further, her father, Argent, walks in the door, looking at a green jacket in his hands. Allison smiles fakely at him and greets him in a pointed fashion in an effort to indicate to him that he kind of just barged into her room
ALLISON: Dad! Hello...
Argent smiles at Allison, oblivious at first to her implied hint as he puts on his jacket. After a moment, he looks up to see her pointed expression and realizes that he forgot something, giving Allison, Violet and Lydia a sheepish and apologetic look
ARGENT: Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock.
Lydia flops onto Allison's bed, landing on her right side and propping her head up on her hand with her elbow leaning against the bed itself. She looks at him with a suggestive smile on her face
LYDIA: Hi, Mr. Argent...
Argent completely misses the flirtatious tone of voice Lydia is using, and Allison turns the topic of conversation to why he is currently there, while Violet turns to look at Lydia disgusted but secretly doesn't blame her.
"DILF" shouts Ginny while many girls (and some guys) nod in agreement.
ALLISON: Dad? Do you need something?
Argent finishes putting on his jacket and looks up at Allison with a calm expression
ARGENT: I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight.
Behind Allison, Lydia rolls her eyes, and Allison immediately scoffs and starts to protest
ALLISON: What? I'm going out with my friends tonight.
Argent doesn't budge on his position
ARGENT: Not when some animal out there is attacking people.
Allison, appalled by this short-notice change of plans, changes tactics and starts to beg instead
ALLISON: Dad. Dad, I'm, uh--
Argent quickly cuts her off in favor of giving his reasoning in a defensive tone of voice
ARGENT: Hey, hey, hey! It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30PM.
Allison rolls her eyes petulantly and throws her sequinned top onto her bed, and Argent calls her out on her attitude
ARGENT: Hey, no more arguing.
Allison sighs and crosses her arms over her chest, and Argent smiles weakly at the girls before turning and walking out the door, closing it on his way out. Lydia stands and makes a "hmph" noise as she watches Argent leave before making a snarky comment
LYDIA: Someone's Daddy's little girl...
Lydia makes a teasing face, and Allison nervously bites her fingernail for a moment before coming to a decision, a rebellious glint evident in her eyes
ALLISON: Sometimes... But not tonight.
Allison walks over to her vanity and puts on her purple knit cap before heading to the window, parting the curtains when she gets there. She looks back at Lydia and Violet to make sure they're understanding the plan, then turns to open the window before slinking out of it and onto the roof. Lydia and Violet rush over to the window and watches as Allison walks to the edge of the roof, right in front of the small porch
VIOLEY: What are you doing???
Instead of responding, Allison simply leaps off of the roof, doing a front flip and landing lightly on her feet in the grass next to the garage. She looks up at the girls who are gaping at her as lydia though she's lost her mind,and Violet as she had just fallen in love but she just shrugs nonchalantly, as though what she did is no big deal, and whispering
ALLISON: Eight years gymnastics.
They continues to gape at her, their eyes wide in shock, before Allison snaps her back to reality in an impatient-sounding whisper
ALLISON: Are you coming?
Lydia rolls her eyes in exasperation
LYDIA: ...We'll take the stairs.
She drags Violet still in her state of dopiness down the stairs to meet Allison.
Allison, Scott, Jackson, Lydia, Violet and Stiles are at the bowling alley, where Allison is studying a shelf of bowling balls as she tests out the weight of a blue one, trying to find the best one. Scott is clearly intimidated by Allison's perceived expertise when it comes to this sport and nervously comments on it
SCOTT: You look like you know what you're doing...
Allison once again shrugs as though it's not a big deal and sets the bowling ball down in favor of picking up another one that is the same color
ALLISON: Used to bowl with my dad.
Allison sets this ball down as well and picks up another one, this one a pale lilac color, as she turns to look at Scott
ALLISON: When was the last time you bowled?
Scott, overwhelmed with nerves and wanting to impress Allison and spite Jackson, anxiously stammers his reply as he looks through the bowling balls on the top row
SCOTT: Uh, at a birthday party...
Allison decides the lilac ball is the best one for her and turns to walk away, joining Lydia and Jackson at their lane, as Scott quietly finishes his sentence where no one else can hear
SCOTT: ...When I was eight.
At their lane, Lydia, holding a bright pink bowling ball, is about to play her first frame when Jackson comes up behind her and grabs her on the hips, nuzzling his face into Lydia's shoulder, which she visibly enjoys. She giggles as he presses a small kiss to her check and runs his hands up and down her waist and hips as he helps her aim her ball toward the pins. He does his best to guide her, but Lydia doesn't really try that hard, and the ball ends up going straight into the gutter. Lydia fake-pouts toward Jackson and the others
For Lydia's second attempt at the frame, Jackson helps guide Lydia's aim again, and though she does better this time, she still only knocks over the three back pins on the left hand side. She continues to fake-pout as she returns to the seats, where Allison and Scott are watching
LYDIA: I'm so bad at this.
It's now Allison's turn, and she picks up her lilac ball and prepares to make her shot while Scott, anxiously bouncing his leg on the ball of his foot, watches her with interest. Allison throws her ball with a competent form and manages to get a strike, which pleases her; she tosses her hair over her shoulder as she walks back to the others, with all three of them clearly impressed by her skill. Lydia claps supportively, and Scott smiles widely at her
LYDIA: Somebody brought their A-game.
Scott holds out his hand for a low-five, and Allison giggles as she lightly smacks his hand with her own
SCOTT: Good job.
When Allison turns to watch Jackson bowl his frame, Scott's smile falls, and his anxiety about how he will perform only gets worse, his leg jiggling even harder from how nervous he is
Jackson, playing with a sapphire blue bowling ball, gets a strike on his first try, rolling the ball without putting his fingers in the holes and with a nearly perfect posture. Lydia claps excitedly, and Allison gives him a look that says, "Wow, I'm impressed" as Scott bites his lip nervously. Jackson returns to their seating area, sitting down and putting his arm around Lydia before he calls Scott up to bowl his frame
JACKSON: You're up, McCall.
Jackson turns to stare at Scott intensely with a blank expression, and Scott sighs as he gets up, with Allison, Stiles and Violet encouraging him with a gentle smiles as he walks up.
ALLISON: You can do it, Scott.
Scott picks up a green bowling ball and heads to make his first shot. However, his nerves cause him to get a little clumsy, leading him to trip as he makes his throw. The ball rolls into the gutter almost immediately, and Jackson bursts into hysterical laughter just as quickly as Violet shoots him a glare
VIOLET:(irritably) Jackson? Mind shutting up?
Jackson tries to stop laughing long enough to speak and wheezes as he does so
JACKSON: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just flashing back to the words, "I'm a great bowler..."
Jackson continues to laugh a little longer while Allison continues to defend her date
ALLISON: Maybe he just needs a little warm-up.
JACKSON: [scoffing] Yeah. Maybe he just needs the kiddy bumpers.
Allison, irritated by how rude Jackson is being, tries to encourage Scott again
ALLISON: Just... just aim for the middle.
JACKSON: [snidely] How about you aim for anything except for the gutter?
Lydia, who has been silent this entire time, makes a face as though she agrees with Jackson, though she didn't perform the best either, seemingly on purpose, and Jackson looks at Scott with a skeptical expression
ALLISON: Let him concentrate.
Scott self-consciously makes his way up to make his next shot and practically prays for a better outcome
SCOTT: [muttering] Come on, just one pin, please...
Allison leans forward, paying close attention to Scott, as Scott makes his next play. It's a little less clumsy than the first, and the ball stays in the middle of the lane for most of the length until it finally rolls into the gutter again. Jackson once again dissolves into raucous laughter
JACKSON: Great job, McCall! Man, you are a pro.
Defeated, Scott returns to his seat next to Allison, who continues to be totally supportive
ALLISON: Don't worry. We only just started.
Scott nervously rubs his arm and looks down at the floor
It is now Violets turn as she walks up and Stiles watches her go with a lovingly expression, she picks up a pink ball and lines it up with the pins. She rolls the ball and nocks all the pins down and turns around with an exited smile and jump as everyone except Jackson smile at her. When she goes to sit back down Stiles turns to her.
STILES: you're really good
VIOLET: thanks, your turn.
Stiles gulps nervously and goes to stand up and pick a ball from the row.
JACKSON: lets hope he's better than McCall here.
VIOLET: shut up Jackass
Violet the. Gets an idea as she sees how nervous Stiles is and walks up to him and leans her chin on his shoulder.
VIOLET: don't worry about him just think about something you like or someone. Or act like those pins are Jacksons face and you really wanna break every part of him.
Stiles relaxes a bit as Violet goes to sit back down and watches as Stoles takes a perfect shot and knocks all the pins down. This causes him to throw his arms up in excitement whole everyone again except Jackson is smiling at him.
LYDIA: what dis you say so him
VIOLET: just gave him something to think about.
She says this while smirking at jackson.
"I know that smirk" Lily says while she looks over at James who has an identical one on his face, proud of his daughter.
Derek has just pulled up to a seemingly empty gas station in his Camaro, stopping at one of the first pumps he comes upon. After he's started filling up his tank with gas, a red SUV pulls in to the pump right beside him. Behind Derek, a silver SUV pulls up and parks perpendicularly to his car, essentially boxing him in. Derek, sensing them before they appeared, looks up and frowns when he sees Argent get out of the red SUV
It's Scott's turn once again, and he's standing at the lane, visibly wishing he was doing anything else, when looks around to see if any of the other lanes of players are watching. Allison, seeing his discomfort, has a brief internal debate and just like Violet getting up to talk to him before he makes his shot
ALLISON: Scott, you're thinking too much.
Scott sighs and looks at her sheepishly
SCOTT: I know. I'm sorry. I'm ruining this.
ALLISON: [reassuringly] No, no, not at all!
Allison stands behind him, leaning forward so her chin is over his right shoulder and continues in a wry tone of voice
ALLISON: But, I wouldn't mind shutting Lydia and Jackson up...
Scott huffs a laugh, making it clear that he would love nothing more than to do the same thing
ALLISON: So, just clear your head, and think about something else.
Scott sighs deeply
SCOTT: Like what?
ALLISON: Anything.
Allison leans forward, linking her right arm through his right arm before speaking in a more seductive voice
ALLISON: Think about me...
She turns as though she's about to leave, and then gets a better idea, whispering into his ear directly with a smirk
ALLISON: ...Naked.
She scampers back to the seats, with Violet being the only one that heard her widens her eyes.
VIOLET: maybe I should try that
She mumbles
STILES: try what?
VIOLET: w-what nothing
This causes James to gape at the screen, realising his daughters feelings, while Lily just smiles happily.
Scott's eyes widen at the thought she just suggested. He gulps and blinks anxiously for a moment before the right side of his mouth quirks up into a smile. Allison, now seated, smiles, feeling much better about his odds. Scott gets into position and stares intently at the pins, his vision switching for a moment into his red-tinted Werewolf vision before making his shot. The ball flies down the lane and hits the middle pin, which knocks them all down in a strike
Allison laughs, delighted by this improvement in his performance now that he's lost his nerves. Jackson looks horrified now that he's been shown up, and Lydia looks surprised as she turns to Allison, while Violet and Stiles smile.
LYDIA: What did you say to him?
Allison stammers for a moment looking at Violet as Scott comes to sit down next to her with a smile on his face
ALLISON: I, uh... I just gave him something to think about...
This causes Violet to smile at Allison which she returns
Derek is continuing to fill up his tank, trying to act as though he's unbothered, but it's obvious that he's on guard with the Hunters who have just surrounded him. He has Argent in front of him, and two other Hunters leaning against the silver SUV behind him as well. After a moment, he removes the pump from his gas tank and returns it to the holder, closing the lid on his gas tank, which is when Argent decides to strike up his conversation
ARGENT: Nice ride!
Argent walks toward him, trailing his fingertips across the hood of Derek's Camaro
ARGENT: Black cars, though...
Argent reaches out and rubs a non-existent smudge off of the hood with his thumb, clearly trying to intimidate Derek
ARGENT: Very hard to keep clean.
ARGENT: I would definitely suggest a little more maintenance.
Derek watches Argent with a blank expression as he goes to the side of the gas pump and grabs the complimentary windshield wiper cleaner and squeegee, flicking it to get the excess cleaning fluid off of it
ARGENT: If you have something this nice, you want to take care of it, right?
Argent starts to clean off Derek's windshield as he continues talking in a light-hearted but unmistakably threatening voice
ARGENT: Personally... I'm very protective of the things I love. But that's something I learned from my family.
Derek continues to watch Argent warily as he cleans his windshield
ARGENT: ...And you don't have much of that these days...
Argent finishes his work and looks at Derek with a pointed, barely-concealed smug expression
ARGENT: Do you?
Derek's left hand clenches into a fist under the long sleeve of his black leather jacket, which doesn't escape Argent's notice. The Hunter watches Derek, seemingly expecting a fight, but after a moment, Derek releases his fist, his fingernails still blunt and human. Argent nods, pleased that this conversation didn't escalate, and returns the squeegee to its holder
ARGENT: There we go. You can actually look through your windshield now.
Argent gestures toward the windshield for emphasis
ARGENT: See how that makes everything so much clearer?
Argent's fake smile finally falls into a threatening sneer, and he stares at Derek for a long moment before he determines that his message has been successfully delivered. He then turns and walks back to his car, the other Hunters following suit. However, Derek, unable to help himself, finally speaks up in a sarcastic tone of voice
DEREK: You forgot to check the oil.
Argent stops walking, his back still turned to Derek, and he smiles, pleased that he clearly seems to have gotten to Derek. He then turns back and nods toward one of his Hunter companions
ARGENT: [nodding] Check the man's oil.
The shorter of the two Hunters reluctantly walks over to Derek's car, with Derek watching intently the entire time. However, instead of walking around the front of the car to pop the hood, the Hunter stops at the driver's side door and grabs a semi-automatic gun that was concealed on his side, hidden from Derek. He uses the butt of the gun to smash the driver's side window before looking over at Argent
HUNTER: Looks good to me.
The camera pans toward Argent, who smiles fakely at Derek
ARGENT: Drive safely.
Argent turns to get into his SUV, and he and his Hunters leave in their respective SUVs. Derek grits his teeth angrily
"He definitely knows"
The groups bowling game is still underway, and Scott has just scored another strike, with Allison clapping proudly
ALLISON: That is seriously amazing!
Allison makes it a point of looking over at Jackson, who is visibly seething, and smugly pointing out Scott's performance
ALLISON: Jackson, uh, how many strikes is that?
Jackson's tone is jealous as he speaks through his clenched teeth
JACKSON: It's six... in a row...
This causes Violet and Stiles to quietly chuckle while Scott shrugs modestly as he joins Allison at their seat
SCOTT: Something just clicked, I guess.
ALLISON: Maybe it's natural talent.
Lydia, seeing that Scott is now the top bowler of their group, turns her attention away from her boyfriend and toward Scott, her demeanour becoming more flirtatious
LYDIA: I could use some natural talent. You mind helping me out this time, Scott?
Scott is so smitten by Allison that he doesn't even notice Lydia is coming on to him and just smiles at her earnestly
SCOTT: No, you're good. Go for it.
Lydia, disappointed by the lack of attention, frowns irritably, Violet just grins
"Shes enjoying this way to much" says Harry with a fond smile
LYDIA: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Lydia heads toward the lane, and Jackson, not wanting to be left out, gets up to follow her
JACKSON: Hey, I'll help.
LYDIA: [snidely] How about I just try this on my own?
With both Lydia and Jackson now in foul moods, Jackson gestures to the lane to imply that Lydia has the floor as she picks up her bright pink bowling ball and expertly makes her shot, getting a strike on the first try. She does a little arm pump in victory before turning and trying to play it off
LYDIA: ...I think I'm getting the hang of it.
She sits back down next to Jackson, who once again looks horrified by the fact that Lydia can actually bowl. Violet having figured out exactly what is going on here, gives Lydia a pointed look
VIOLEY: That was sort of perfect form.
Lydia bats her eyelashes and plays dumb
LYDIA: Was it?
Violet continues to give Lydia the same look as she speaks to her in a quiet voice so Jackson can't overhear
VIOLET: Maybe you should stop pretending to suck just for his benefit.
Lydia rolls her eyes and retorts in a sarcastic tone of voice
LYDIA: Trust me-- I do plenty of sucking just for his benefit.
"Ewwwww" many say as some laugh
Despite Violet's attempts to keep the conversation quiet, Jackson seems to have heard them. His expression turns stormy before he gets up and walks away
The scene cuts to the arcade, where Jackson, still looking furious, is playing pinball. Scott, seeing an opportunity to try to mend fences with Jackson, comes up behind him and compliments him on his score
SCOTT: Nice shot, man.
Jackson clenches his jaw and remains silent, continuing to play, so Scott sighs and continues to try to find some common ground with him
SCOTT: Listen... I know we both didn't want to be here. But the thing is, we don't have to hate each other.
Jackson finally looks up at him and speaks bluntly
JACKSON: I don't hate you. I just don't believe you.
Scott frowns in confusion, and Jackson can't help but let it all out now that he's talking
JACKSON: You know, you've got everyone thinking everything's fine and normal about you, but I know something's off. You cheated tonight.
Although Scott knows that Jackson is right that something is off, he still continues to frown in confusion
SCOTT: How do you cheat in bowling?
Jackson shrugs, not really caring either way
JACKSON: I don't know. But you did. And I don't know if it's steroids, or something weirder...
Jackson gives Scott a scathing look
JACKSON: I'm guessing something weirder, since it's pretty obvious that you're a freak.
Scott looks hurt by this insult, but Jackson isn't finished yet
JACKSON: So, don't think for a second I've given up on finding out what your little secret is.
Scott, visibly nervous, tries to smile through it
SCOTT: I don't have any secrets.
JACKSON: [scoffing] Yeah, you do. And here's the other thing-- I don't know why, but I think whatever it is you're hiding, you don't want her to find out about it, either.
Jackson points toward the lanes, where Allison is talking to Lydia and Violet in the seating area. He then pulls the lever in the game he's playing, not even looking at the pinball machine, and scores so high that the lights on the top start to flash
Garrison Myers is laying on his back, resting soundly with his eyes closed in his hospital bed, while a shadowy figure stands next to him
DEREK: Open your eyes.
When these words do nothing to rouse him, the voice becomes more insistent
DEREK: Open your eyes.
Myers' eyes flutter open, and he looks over at the man. The camera angle turns to reveal that it's Derek standing at his bedside, and he looks angry
DEREK: Look at me.
Myers seems to weigh his options before slowly turning his head toward Derek
DEREK: What do you remember?
Myers seems to recognize him and starts weakly calling out his name
MYERS: [weakly] Hale...
Derek, surprised by his recognition of him, starts questioning him even harder
DEREK: How do you know my name?
MYERS: I'm sorry...
DEREK: [urgently] How do you know me?
Myers becomes teary-eyed as he continues to apologize.
MYERS: I'm sorry.
Myers lays his head back onto his pillow as Derek tries to process this conversation
Outside at the nurse's station, Melissa is gathering up her belongings as she prepares to leave for the night. Overhead, a voice is heard on the PA calling for a doctor
WOMAN: [on PA system] Dr. Damon, telephone, please.
Melissa pats a fellow nurse on the shoulder as she passes her
MELISSA: Girl, I am outta here. There's a DVR at home full of unwatched TV waiting to remind me how ridiculously single I really am...
Suddenly, an alarm goes off on the telemetry monitoring system, and Melissa goes to look at it before calling out to the nurse
MELISSA: Rose, call a code! Room one-thirty-seven!
Melissa rushes into the room and gasps in shock when she sees that Myers is laying dead in bed, his telemetry flatlining. Derek is nowhere to be seen
The date having ended, Scott is walking Allison to the door of her house. They stop just before they reach the doorstep as Scott looks at her nervously
SCOTT: So, uh, do you think we could hang out again soon?
Allison smiles, and Scott nervously puts his hands in his coat pockets
ALLISON: Definitely.
She takes a step closer to him
ALLISON: But, I have to admit something...
Allison, now the one who is nervous, looks down at the ground before bringing her eyes up to meet his
ALLISON: Um, I'm not big on group dates...
Scott smiles, clearly relieved to learn she feels the same as he does
ALLISON: So, next time, just the two of us.
Scott smiles and huffs a laugh
SCOTT: I could totally handle more of that.
Allison looks Scott in the eyes, and her voice is low when she speaks again
She leans in to kiss Scott, stopping briefly to make sure he's into it, before pressing her lips to his. It's just a brief kiss, and she pulls away with a smile before turning to walk toward the door. Before she can open it, Scott grabs her by the wrist and pulls her back
SCOTT: Allison?
Now it's Scott who leans forward and kisses her, and they stay like that for several moments before they break away again, with both Allison and Scott smiling widely
ALLISON: And I could handle more of that.
Allison gives him one last peck on the lips before she heads inside, leaving a very happy Scott on the front step. Scott turns to leave, not noticing that Argent has been watching them through the window, surreptitiously peeking through the blinds
Melissa is home and changed into her pajamas. She looks exhausted as she slowly clogs down the hallway towards Scott's bedroom, calling out to him before she even reaches the door
MELISSA: Hey, Scott? I'm gonna go to...
She walks into the doorway and trails off when she sees that Scott's room is dark and empty, his bedroom window half-open
MELISSA: ...Sleep...
Melissa sighs at the fact that Scott missed the town-wide curfew but simply shakes her head and walks back toward her bedroom, muttering under her breath while she does so
MELISSA: Seriously?
Before she reaches her bedroom door, she hears a thud coming from Scott's room and stops in her tracks. As she turns her head back toward the source of the noise, she's unnerved by the sounds of the window rattling as it's opened and closed. She slowly slinks back into the room, grabbing the baseball bat leaning just inside the door as she sees a figure roll onto Scott's bed from the window. Melissa is just about to swing the bat at them when the figure stands and immediately calls out
It's Stiles, and the two scream and yell at each other until they finally figure out what's wrong
After a moment, they finally stop. Melissa, exasperated and irritated, puts down the bat and half-screams at him
MELISSA: Stiles, what are you doing here?
Stiles' voice is just as exasperated, as though Melissa is the one in the wrong here, especially when he remembers that Scott almost did the exact same thing to him with the bat in Wolf Moon
STILES: What am I doing? God, do either of you even play baseball?
MELISSA: [overwhelmed] What?
Suddenly, the light flicks on, revealing that Scott has returned home. Melissa wastes no time turning towards him and exasperatedly scolding him
MELISSA: Can you please tell your friend to use the front door?
SCOTT: [obliviously] But we lock the front door. He wouldn't be able to get in.
Melissa gives him a look
"Why is that something Sirius and James would do" Marlene says while her friends nod in agreement.
MELISSA: Yeah, exactly.
She suddenly realizes what time it is and changes the subject
MELISSA: And, by the way, do either of you care that there's a police-enforced curfew?
Scott and Stiles both shrug and reply simultaneously, completely in sync
SCOTT & STILES: [simultaneously] No.
Melissa rolls her eyes to the ceiling and mutters under her breath
Melissa finally sighs and throws up her hands
MELISSA: All right, then. Well, you know what? That's about enough parenting for me for one night, so...
Melissa throws the bat onto Scott's bed next to where Stiles is sitting and turns to walk out the door
MELISSA: Goodnight.
Scott smiles sweetly at her
SCOTT: Goodnight.
When Scott turns back to Stiles, he takes notice of the serious look on his face and immediately asks him about it, frowning in concern in the process and dragging his desk chair over so he can sit in front of him
SCOTT: What?
Stiles hesitates for a moment before informing him of what he just learned
STILES: My dad left for the hospital fifteen minutes ago... It's the bus driver.
Scott looks at Stiles questioningly, and the latter continues
STILES: They said he "succumbed to his wounds."
SCOTT: [confused] "Succumbed?"
Stiles' frown gets even deeper
STILES: Scott, he's dead.
Scott's eyes widen as he gasps in shock, and he starts to put together a picture based on the little information he has to go on
"Why did he say Hale though, didn't Dereks family die in the fire?" Hermione stated which causes a lot of curious looks to pass through.
Scott, assuming that Derek was the one who attacked and killed Garrison Myers, rushes into the Hale House and immediately starts yelling for Derek
SCOTT: Derek! I know you're here! I know what you did!
Derek is out of sight, but his calm voice can be heard echoing through the ruins
DEREK: I didn't do anything.
Scott, not believing him, walks up to the bottom step of the burned staircase as he tries to get a read on where Derek is hiding
SCOTT: You killed him!
Derek, still out of sight, continues to respond to him, but his tone is getting more impatient
DEREK: He died.
Scott, still listening for any hint as to where Derek is, keeps him talking as he walks up the steps, covered in sweat from the exertion it took to bike all the way to the house
SCOTT: Like your sister died?
DEREK: My sister was missing. I came here looking for her.
SCOTT: You found her.
Scott is almost at the top of the steps, listening carefully for any movement on Derek's part, as Derek loses his temper entirely and yells, clearly pained by the topic of conversation
DEREK: I found her in pieces! Being used as bait to catch me.
Now Scott is the one who is talking calmly
SCOTT: I think you killed them both. I'm gonna tell everyone, starting with the Sheriff.
Scott reaches the top of the staircase and turns to the left, not noticing until the last minute that Derek has been on the right side the whole time. Derek appears behind him, grabbing him by the shoulders and tossing him down the staircase. He stands at the top of the staircase as Scott finally lands on the ground floor in a heap
Scott's fury has finally caused him to transform, and he turns to roar at Derek
This causes the older Werewolf to leap down to the bottom of the staircase to join him. Before Derek can react, Scott grabs him by the front of the jacket and shoves him clear through the burned remains of the wall beside them, causing him to crash through it and land in a pile of broken wood and drywall
Once Derek gets his bearings, he spits the drywall dust (and probably regular dust) out of his mouth as he clears the debris that landed on him and stands to his feet. He dusts himself off, shaking out his jacket, before hmphing, slightly impressed by Scott's boldness
Derek shakes out his leather jacket one last time before deciding to shrug it off entirely, muttering under his breath
DEREK: That was cute.
Derek tosses aside his jacket, revealing a plain gray tshirt. He walks back toward what used to be the foyer of the house, passing a door with a mottled glass window through which we see Derek roll his head and neck from side to side as he transforms for the first time that the audience has seen. The sound of bones crunching can be heard as he finally makes it past the door, in his full Werewolf form, ready to fight Scott properly
Derek's eyes flash blue as he growls at Scott menacingly through his fangs
Scott leaps through the hole Derek made when he flew through the wall, and the two circle each other for a long moment as they wait for one of them to make the first move, Derek continuing to growl lowly at Scott
Scott finally roars at Derek and lunges for him, but Derek is too quick this time, grabbing Scott by the front of the shirt and pushing him backwards against the wall before yanking him the other way and tossing him aside. Scott rolls over the coffee table and lands in a crouching position, growling softly as Derek leaps toward him, but managing to roll to the side before Derek can land on his back
The two stand up, and they each manage to get a couple hits against the other before Derek shoves him across the room, where he lands flat on his back on the floor. Derek stands in a hunched over position as Scott gets to his feet and stumbles over to the coffee table, using it as leverage to stand up to his full height. Derek growls loudly
Derek runs over and uses the coffee table as a vault, kicking out so that his feet make contact with Scott's chest so hard that he flies backwards once again. Scott quickly gets back up to his feet, and Derek kicks out at the nearby wall and flips as Scott picks up a nearby wooden beam to use as a weapon
He hits Derek with it hard, and he falls onto the ground and rolls backwards several times, landing on his back as Scott rushes toward him, the beam raised like a baseball bat. Derek rolls to the side before Scott can hit him in the face with it and then gets onto his knees so he can use his arm to hit the back of Scott's knees, causing him to flip backwards and land hard onto the ground
Derek takes advantage of how disoriented Scott is to grab him by the throat and pick up his entire body before slamming him down on the ground twice in a row. Scott groans and he rolls to his knees, but before he can grab the beam he was using as a weapon, Derek kicks him in the gut and causes him to roll over a nearby wooden chest before landing on the floor behind it. Scott quickly recovers and leaps onto the chest, perching on it, but when he lunges toward Derek, the latter hits him in the chest so hard the sound of bones crunching can be heard
This seems to be the final blow in the fight, as Scott, moaning in pain with a human voice, staggers toward the nearby couch and braces his hands on it, the pain seemingly causing him to turn back. Behind him, Derek stands with his back to Scott and rolls his neck again, bones cracking as he shifts back into his human form as well. Scott looks back at Derek, a look of betrayal evident on his face, and Derek, exhausted from the fight and tired of arguing with Scott, finally sets the record straight with a sigh
DEREK: I didn't kill him. Neither of us did. It's not your fault, and it's not mine.
These words only make Scott more furious, and he manages to stand to his feet to turn to face him with an incredulous and loud tone of voice
SCOTT: This? This is all your fault! You ruined my life!
Derek and Scott are now in each others' faces
DEREK: No, I didn't.
Scott scoffs in disbelief, but his voice is no longer a half-scream as he talks more calmly
SCOTT: You're the one that bit me!
DEREK: [irritably] No, I'm not.
Scott's eyes widen in shock at this revelation
SCOTT: What?
DEREK: I'm not the one that bit you.
Scott's eyes are frantic as he processes this information. He looks down at his chest, where there is a set of shallow claw gashes, and touches them gently, the sight of the blood on his fingertips triggering a memory from the previous night
Scott is approaching the bus, his vision red around the edges as he uses his Werewolf sight. On the bus, he finds the monstrous, large, wolf-man creature attacking Garrison Myers, who is screaming in fear
Myers reaches out for Scott, hoping Scott will save him, and when Scott tries, the large Werewolf claws Scott across the chest, just like he's hurt now, only deeper
Scott looks down at his bloody fingertips once again, the wounds on his chest already mostly healed, when he realizes the truth of the matter. This shocks him to the point where he has to sit back on the couch to catch his breath
SCOTT: ...There's another.
DEREK: It's called an Alpha. It's the most dangerous of our kind. You and I? We're Betas. This thing is more powerful, more animal than either of us. My sister came here looking for him. Now I'm trying to find him. But, I don't think I can do it without you.
Scott, completely overwhelmed by this information, continues to pant for breath
"Another one?"
SCOTT: Why me?
DEREK: Because he's the one that bit you. You're part of his pack.
Scott looks up at Derek with a devastated expression, and Derek's own expression is grim as well
DEREK: It's you, Scott. You're the one he wants.
Derek stares down at Scott, who gulps anxiously as the camera pulls back so the shot gets wider and wider
"He's just a boy" Narcissa says not being able to imagine her own son going through this.
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