Chapter 7*
"Where have you guys been? I called you a thousand times but you never answered!!!" heard Louis Harry almost scream at Liam and Zayn. Unfortunately Harry's locker was way too close to his own.
"We were busy. Sorry that I have a life" rolled Zayn his eyes annoyed at him.
"I was with Niall. We practiced our song" said Liam awkwardly.
"Exactly" nodded Zayn his head.
"You too Zayn?" raised Harry an eyebrow at him suspiciously.
"No, I meant I was with Louis doing exactly the same" corrected Zayn his slip up.
"So you're telling me you spend your birthday with that worthless Nerd instead of me? And you did what? Read books? Studying? And you Liam, were busy at the same time but you were not together?" questioned Harry with suspicion.
"Hey, he isn't worthless. He's a really great person to just sit and admire what he's like" got Liam defensive of his new friend. Zayn just slapped his own forehead.
"You too, Liam? Really? What did that bitch do to make you say thos things? Am I getting this right? You spend the whole weekend with that failure instead of me? I'm your friend, Liam, not that nerdy bastard" exclaimed Harry angrily.
"A very shitty friend, if you ask me" commented Zayn.
"Nobody asked you. Was it necessary to drag Liam down with you too?" hissed Harry at Zayn.
"Calm down, Harry. Why are you so angry. I really like Louis, same goes for Zayn. But that doesn't mean we're not your friends any more. Just keep it low, please. We just preferred chilling over watching you pull your next Hook Up at the last party" tried Liam to calm Harry down.
"I see. You prefer him over me" said Harry childishly.
"That's not true and you know that. Don't be so stubborn".
"Then why didn't you just told me? I could have...".
"Could have what? Joined us? As if" cut Zayn Harry off.
"I mean... um..." was Harry at a loss for words.
"As if I would let you get close to Louis anywhere outside of school. You hate is guts and you want ME to ask YOU to join us? At his home? You're sick" got Zayn really angry.
"I never even wanted to join that pathetic gathering of yours. I don't need to see that loser more than necessary. Keep him. I don't need him" spat Harry and then left them standing there.
"Well, that went... not as bad as I thought it would" scratched Zayn his neck awkwardly.
"I really don't want to see you fight with him just because of me. Maybe we should stop seeing each other" appeared Louis behind them, who had watched everything.
"What? No, don't ever say that again" turned Zayn around to him.
"Exactly, Louis. It's okay. He will get over it" was Liam sure of it.
"I'm not so sure about it" mused Louis scared.
The whole school day went on pretty well and very boring. Literally nothing happened. Not one single comment from Harry to anything Louis said or did. He was just silent. Too silent. Either he was giving up or planning Louis' murder. He was sure it was the ladder.
Zayn stuck with Louis the whole day even during their little break wich he normally spend with Harry and Liam. Liam himself was with Harry except for the Lunch Break. It was all a bit much for Louis and he just knew something was about to come.
After Lunch Zayn had Arts. Today was the day. They had planned something and hoped it wouldn't go wrong completely. Most of the time of the courses Niall and Louis were in the library with Liam just doing their homework. Fifteen minutes before the end Liam left to do his part of everything. Louis also left just to go to his locker. Now he was waiting for Nick and Aidan to show up out of nowhere like they always do.
"Look who we have here?" slammed Aidan Louis' locker shut. "All alone, loser?".
"No, I have lots of invisible friends around me that you can't see. What does it look like?" groaned Louis already annoyed.
"Getting smart on us, huh? Big mistake" approached Nick him.
"Yes, but it's not mine" said Louis confidently.
Nick looked questioninlgy at him. The next second Niall stood next to them and pulled Nick away from Louis and hold him close so he couldn't escape. A flash of fear was seen in Aidan's eyes but he tried to cover it up.
"You're in for one too, Horan? It's been a while" tried Aidan to sound tough.
"And it will be even longer" replied Niall with Nick in stranglehold.
"You're trying to be tough now, huh? It's not working" spat Aidan and tried to hit Louis.
But Louis dodged the blow, causing Aidan's fist to collide loudly with the locker behind Louis. Before Aidan knew what was happening Louis punched him in the stomach. He groaned in pain and bend down a bit. Louis pushed him against the shoulders, Aidan stumbling back a little, and dodged another try of Aidan to hit Louis. Confidently Louis hit Aidan again, thinking of what Zayn teached him, and then punched him in the face. A crack was heard and Louis thought it might have been Aidan's nose because it was bleeding now. Well, oops, that wasn't planned. Louis kneed him in the stomach and then kicked him in the balls, causing Aidan to fall down to the floor. And that was the moment Harry showed up with Liam following behidn, who obvioulsy couldn't distract him any longer.
"So, you're next?" addressed Louis Nick, who just violently shook his head in fear. "Thought so".
Niall let him go and immediately he run over to his brother and helped him stand up. Aidan was still holding his nose. "Well, sorry about that nose. Sometimes I underestimated my strength" picked Louis at his nails like a sassy Diva.
"That's what you get when you mess with the Tommo" cheered Niall proudly.
"So, we're done here, right? Or do you maybe want a dance battle next?" looked Louis smugly at Nick.
"You think you're a better dancer, too?" tried Nick to not show his fear and respect.
"I'm better than you in literally anything. It's not that hard" bragged Louis jokingly, making a cool dance move, ending it with a twirl and earning a dropping jaw from Nick.
"I think I need water" mumbled Aidan, still holding his bleeding nose. Louis felt kinda bad for that.
Without another word the two boys stumbled away from Louis torwards the end of the hallway, passing Harry on the way out who looked lost and pissed at the same time.
"We're out, Styles. Maybe we can still hook up sometime" croaked Aidan out in pain.
"Yeah, I really don't want to look like my brother anytime soon" agreed Nick.
Harry had no chance to answer them because they were gone before he could open his mouth. Louis and Niall high fived each other and Liam nodded approvingly at them. Harry had all kind of emotions in his face.
"Now, there's only one left" faced Louis Harry and had no idea where this just came from.
"You think you're so cool and tough, huh Tomlinson? But you're just a freaking pussy hiding behind cool sayings, nothing more" towered Harry in front of Louis with danger in his eyes.
"You mean like you? You're the proper pussy. Always letting your friends do the work but never having the balls to do it yourself. You're nothing more than a cheap showoff" shot Louis back bravely.
"You have to know that. You're nothing more than talk yourself" hissed Harry at him.
"Did you just saw what 'talking' did to Aidan?" stepped Louis closer to him.
"You can't scare me, you bitch. You should be afraid of me and what I could do to you" growled Harry darkly.
"Then show me, Styles. Right here, right now. Stop the fucking talking and do something for once. But you won't, right? Because you're a damn coward, you always chicken out. Just do it, God damn it, Styles" cursed Louis very pissed off.
"You know nothing about me. You don't own me, Jake" sceamed Harry in Louis' face but as soon as the name slipped out of his mouth his face paled and he froze visibly.
"What are you....? Who's Ja.." wanted Louis to ask as he saw that hurt in Harry's beautiful green eyes but he never got the chance.
"You motherfucking bastard". Harry pushed him hard against the shoulders and slammed him with his back against the locker.
Louis yelped in pain. Niall tried to pull Harry away from Louis but Harry just pushed him to the floor and he hit his head hard, blacking out for a few seconds. Liam begged Harry to stop but he didn't listen. He punched Louis over and over again. In the stomach, into his sides, in the face. Louis didn't feel anything, not even the pain. He just felt numb. This was the first time Harry ever laid a hand on him and got physical. He never crossed that line but those times were over now.
Louis sunk to the floor defenceless and let Harry have his way with him. Not even for a second did Louis considered defending himself or even hurting Harry. He knew he could do that easily but he just couldn't get himself to do it. Something in his heart didn't let him hurt Harry one bit. And this was his last thought before he fell into unconsciousness.
"You're just a little worthless piece of shit, you motherfucking bastard. You're useless and totally unimportant, you fat nerdy fag" shouted Harry insults at Louis while kicking him over and over again in the stochmach or against the head, not realising how he totally lost control.
"Harry, stop! He isn't even conscious any more. You're going to kill him" Liam tried desperately to stop Harry.
"He wouldn't deserve anything else" kicked Harry harder.
"He's not him. You want to see him suffer, not Louis" shook Liam Harry by his shoulders.
"Liam, shut up" screamed Harry into his face, pushing him away from himself. "They're both the same".
"Harry Styles! My office, right now" appeared their headmaster in the hallway with a very angry expression on his face.
Harry kicked Louis one more time, getting no response from the knocked out boy, and then walked over to Mr. Cowell, who looked very pissed off. Niall crawled over to Louis while Liam kneeled down to him. Niall had tears in his eyes and worry was clearly written in his face.
"What happened here? Was it Nick or Aidan or both?" came Zayn running over to them because his course was over.
"It was Harry" told Liam him without looking up.
"What?" was Zayn absolutely furious. "I'm going to kill him. Harry, you're done".
"I'll take care of this, Mr. Malik. Please bring Mr. Tomlinson to the nurse and call an ambulance while I'll talk to Mr. Styles" tried Mr. Cowell to keep the situation down low.
"We're not done yet" glared Zayn at Harry with pure hatred in his eyes.
He gently stroked a strand of hair out of Louis' face and then picked him up into his arms. He seemed so liveless in Zayn's arms that he really wanted to cry. He saw Harry still watching them with an unreadable look but Zayn only shot dagger's at him with his eyes.
"Louis, stay with me. I'm here now" said Zayn gently.
Liam and Niall followed Zayn to the nurse office and told her what had happened. Zayn lay Louis down on a bed while Liam picked up his phone and called an ambulance. Those wounds and injuires were too much for a school nurse. He needed a doctor right now.
Only a few minutes later they heard the sirenes of the ambulance and emergency doctors came in. They lay Louis down on a strechter and carried him outside. He already had a band aid on his head from the school nurse but he still hadn't woken up yet.
"One of you can come with him" addressed a guy the three boys.
"Niall, you go. You're his brother and injured too" decided Zayn because it was the best.
"We see you there" added Liam with a sad smile.
Niall just nodded thankfully at them and climbed into the emergency car and sat down next to Louis. The doors closed and the car drove away quickly. Zayn and Liam went back in to get all their stuff and then ran over to Zayn's bike. They sat down on it, Liam behind Zayn, Zayn could see Harry in the headmaster's office from where he was but he tried to keep calm, and then they drove off to the hosptial.
When Louis woke up he found himself in a hospital bed. Dazed he slowly opened his eyes and looked around. Immediately he felt the pain strike everywhere in his whole body. His head hurt like shit and he felt smashed. He had a big black eye and a white bandage on his head.
"Oh My God, you're awake" exclaimed Niall relieved. He also had a bandage on his head but smaller.
"How are you feeling?" asked Liam worriedly.
"What a stupid question. How do you think he is feeling right now?" snorted Zayn at his friend.
"Give him a break, Z. He's just worried" chuckled Louis through his pain.
"Sorry" mumbled Zayn ashamed.
"No harm done, Zayn" pinched Liam his cheek.
"Okaaayy, do you need something, anything?" dragged Niall out the okay for obvious reason.
"No, I'm good. Well, not good but you know" grimaced Louis as he touched his stomach.
"I'm so sorry, Louis. I tried to stop him but he...".
"I know, Nialler. It's okay. It's not your fault" cut Louis him off.
"He just didn't listen at all. He was completely out of control" remembered Niall in horror.
"This reminds me of something. Who is Jake?" asked Louis into the room. Niall turned his head to a pale looking Liam.
"Liam?" lay Zayn a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I can't tell you. It's not my place to tell" shook Liam his head visibly disappointed with himself.
"But after he mentioned him Harry completely lost it. Don't you think we deserve an answer. Or at least Louis?" asked Niall upset.
"I - I - I just can't. I promised" stuttered Liam nervously.
"No Niall, it's okay. Harry is the one who should explain that but he won't so we can just drop it. Don't pressure Liam into telling us something he can't" interupted Louis his friend.
"Fine" grumbled Niall and sat down again.
"There is one thing I don't understand" pointed Zayn out hesitantly. Louis looked questioningly at him.
"Why didn't you fight back? You did it before so why not with Harry too? Was it too sudden?" asked Zayn confused.
Louis looked down at his hands and played with his fingers. "I just couldn't do it. Yes, it was sudden but I didn't even try. I couldn't hurt him. My heart didn't let me so I just let it happen" confessed Louis ashamed.
"But he hurt you. Why Louis?" tried Liam to understand.
"Something in his eyes held me back. He looked so vulnerable when he had his slip up. My heart couldn't hurt him" Louis still didn't look up.
"You don't have feelings for him, have ya?" checked Zayn unsurely.
"Pfft, that's ridiculous, Zayn" snorted Niall.
"No, I don't. I can't. That's not possible, isn't it?" searched Louis for answers in Zayn's eyes.
"The heart is never rational and does stupid things. Everything is possible" replied Zayn thruthfully.
"Wow, that would be great song lyrics" rolled Louis his eyes to end the topic.
"Oh Louis, I heard what happened. Are you okay?" bursted Eleanor into the room, startling the boys in the process.
"No need to worry. I'm still here" smiled Louis cheekily at her.
"Save me your jokes, Louis William Tomlinson. You're in the hospital. You know that Harry got suspended for three days?" said Eleanor sternly.
"No, I didn't knew that. I was busy elsewhere" replied Louis sassily.
"It's what he deserves" shrugged Niall unbothered. Zayn agreed with him on that.
"Harry free time is what we all need now" sighed Zayn.
"When are you allowed to go home?" Eleanor wanted to know.
"Tomorrow morning. Maria will pick me up. They just want to make sure everything is alright" Louis let her know.
"Let's make the most out of it" clapped Niall into his hands. All four of them sat down on Louis' bed and cheered him up as good as possbile.
Like this they stayed all with Louis until the visiting hour was over and they had to go home. They promised to check on Louis as soon as school was over tomorrow. After they left Louis tried to sleep. His bruises were still hurting like shit but what was hurting the most was his heart and his soul.
Well, did you see that coming? I didn't to be honest with you...
Question of the Chapter: Who is Jake?
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