Chapter 55
"Why the hell are you packing warm hoodies and beanies in your bag, Lou? It's freaking hot outside" wondered Harry, leaning in the doorframe of Louis' bedroom.
"That's only for me to know. You don't have to know everything" answered Louis mysteriously.
"You're not having a secret girlfriend somewhere cold that you're planning on visiting later, have ya?" Harry tried to find out.
"Gay, remember?" pointed Louis at himself and closed his bag safely.
"A secret boyfriend then" corrected Harry weirdly.
"That lives somewhere cold? Where? The North Pole?" stood Louis up from the floor with a smug look on his face.
"Maybe" grumbled Harry to himself.
"That's it. You caught me. I had a secret boyfriend at the North Pole the whole time and I'm gonna go visit him now to have cold sex in an igloo. See you in a month. Maybe I'll bring along a penguin for you" said Louis deadly serious.
"Are you going crazy now?" was Harry a bit taken back.
"I'm only crazy for you" approached Louis him now, making Harry blush.
"That was smooth" gulped Harry, backing up against the wall.
"I'm always smooth" winked Louis at him, placing his hands on each side of Harry's head against the wall. "So, now tell me, why would you say I have a secret boyfriend? That makes no sense. Does my little Princess not trust me?".
"Yes, I do!" exclaimed Harry, causing Louis to grin up at him. "I trust you blindly, Louis. It's just ... I'm a little insecure sometimes and not keen on losing you, knowing there are so many better people out there for you, that probably never had a problem with being faithful and appreciating you. People that'd deserve you m...".
"Don't ever say any of these things again, okay Hazza? You're lovely and there is no one better for me than you. You won't lose me. Ever. You never gonna get rid off me again, remember?" cupped Louis Harry's face into his hands.
Harry nodded his head with a tiny smile. "I remember".
Happily, Louis smiled at Harry before pecking his lips softly. Then he stepped away from Harry, grabbed his bag and Harry's hand and walked downstairs, where he was met with a delicious smell. Automatically he turned around to face Harry, who smiled shyly at him.
"You made breakfast?".
"I wanted to surprise you" flushed Harry's face.
"You being your lovely dorky self is my biggest surprise and the greatest gift. You don't have to give me anything else" told Louis him honestly. He was really extremely surprised to see what kind of character slept inside of Harry this whole time. What beautiful person Jake had destroyed but was now coming back out into the light. It was overwhelming.
"Stop" hid Harry his face in his hands, making Louis coo at him.
The breakfast consisted of simple pancakes, some fresh waffles and hot cocoa. Something Louis could never make himself without burning the kitchen down. Harry's food tasted heavenly and Louis definitely never wanted to eat anything else. His boyfriend's food was the best food in the world.
After doing the dishes the two boys got ready and left the house. Again Harry had no idea where they were heading and Louis was loving it. They walked through the city for a while until they reached the suburban. A big colourful building turned up in front of them and Harry let out a gasp that Louis couldn't quite place.
"We're going ice-skating?".
"Yeah, while the rest of the idiots are sweating out here we're gonna be inside where it's cold and have some fun. I mean only if you want to" said Louis a bit unsure. He really couldn't identify Harry's tone of voice and facial expression right now.
"You can't be real" shook Harry his head, causing Louis to blink at him. The next second Harry picked Louis up into his arms and twirled them around joyfully.
"Is that a yes?" asked Louis but his voice was muffled by Harry's neck.
Harry put him down on the floor, wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and pulled him closer, making Louis loop his arms around Harry's neck as if by the push of a button. "It's an 'I love you so much why did it take me so freaking long to accept that'".
"Better late than never" gave Louis him an Eskimo kiss, earning a cute giggle in return.
Inside after Louis had paid for them they fetched themselves some skates, put them on and made their way over to the rink. Harry was very wobbly on his legs and clung to Louis' arm. The feeling of Harry trusting him so much that he only relied on him was overwhelming. Even after all this time. Louis felt good about protecting Harry even if it was just from a rink.
With tiny baby steps, they started off. Harry's clumsiness got almost in the way a few times but Louis caught him every time. As time passed by Harry got a bit safer on his skates but still never let go of Louis' hand. Some people were watching them but this only caused Louis to have Harry even closer to him. Call him possessive but Harry was his and everybody should know this.
They skated for hours until their stomachs growled hungrily. Hand in hand they brought their skates back and made their way home. Harry suggested a few places where they could have eaten something but Louis declined all of them, confusing Harry completely. When they had reached Louis' house and stepped inside Harry let out an annoying whine.
"Why are we home? I'm hungry. Are you letting me starve? Why didn't we eat somewhere?" wailed Harry like a child.
"Because I'm gonna cook you something," said Louis like it was obvious.
Harry just blinked at him. "No, seriously?!".
"Oh, you don't think I'm serious?" walked Louis over to him.
"I love you but babe, you can't cook" tried Harry to sound unfazed but Louis was making him nervous.
"Then you better watch out," told Louis him in a deep voice. "Go, watch a cartoon or something while I'm cooking" walked Louis into the kitchen.
"I'm not a child" claimed Harry childishly.
"You're sure acting like one" called Louis back.
"Fine but you're not my father" huffed Harry.
"Sure I'm not your Daddy?" asked Louis in a seductive voice out of the kitchen, earning a quiet whimper from Harry. "Knew that. Now do what I've told you" demanded Louis jokingly. He would never tell Harry seriously what to do or act like his Daddy if it wasn't for fun.
While Harry turned on the TV in the living room Louis started to cook. He had never really cooked before but he wanted to do something special for him. So why not give him his first-ever cooking experience? Sounded like a good idea to Louis. Maybe wasn't the best when he felt overstrained after a short while. He glanced over at Harry, who was really watching some cartoon and felt his strength to go through with it coming back. With a lot of effort, Louis was able to finish his meal and it didn't look too bad. Hopefully, it would taste good.
"Honey, dinner is ready" called Louis out while he set the table, ignoring how domestic that sounded.
"It smells amazing, Lou" sniffed Harry the air after he had turned off the TV and walked into the kitchen.
"Thanks, Darling" kissed Louis his cheek.
They both sat down at the table and took some food. Harry eyed it curiously before he faced Louis. "What exactly did you make?".
"Well, I cooked" started Louis and made some funny hand gestures. "Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in Parma Ham with some homemade mash".
"Sounds lovely" smiled Harry fondly at him.
"I hope it tastes lovely too" mumbled Louis doubtfully.
"I'm sure it does" cheered Harry him up and took his first bite. Louis anxiously watched him until Harry had swallowed all of it and just looked blankly at him.
"Say something" pleaded Louis afraid.
"This... " pointed Harry at the food. "Tastes amazing".
Louis breathed out a sigh of relief and started eating too. Harry just shook his head with a chuckle. They talked about the upcoming final exams next week and promised each other to make it through this week together and then finally give in to Anne's pleads for them coming over for dinner. They were horrible people ;) Despite Louis' protest, Harry insisted on doing the dishes alone because Louis had cooked. That's how Louis ended up on the kitchen counter watching Harry and annoying him. Well, his fault.
"This is taking forever" groaned Harry impatiently.
"Well, I offered my help but you wanted to do it alone" clicked Louis his tongue sassily.
"You already cooked" pointed Harry out.
"You're not doing it. End of discussion. You're good at protecting me while I'm good at taking care of you" said Harry determined but then fell silent.
"What did you just say?" tried Louis to suppress his grin.
"Nothing" answered Harry was too fast.
"But I heard you. That sounded so freaking domestic like we're married for at least ten years" continued Louis.
"No, it didn't" replied Harry, still not facing Louis.
"Aww, do you want that, Hazza? You wanna be a cute little housewife someday?" cooed Louis at him.
"No" mumbled Harry but Louis could tell he was blushing.
"Yes, you do. I knew it!" exclaimed Louis, but actually he didn't know that.
"Fine, maybe I like that idea. There, happy now?" turned Harry around to him now.
"Very. I mean not to sound conceited but I'd be one hell of a hot husband" joked Louis, his feet dangling from the kitchen counter, looking all cutely hot.
"Yes, you would" approached Harry him now, voice deep and raspy, making Louis shut up. He was obsessed with that voice.
"You'd the hottest wife, Great Lady of Tea" was Louis not able to hold it back. His brain wasn't working anymore with Harry standing in between his legs, hands on the counter.
"Shut up, you beautiful idiot" growled Harry before he attacked Louis' lips.
Immediately Louis kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and his legs around Harry's waist while Harry held him by the waist. Their tongues battled for dominance and for what felt like the first time in his whole life Louis gave in and let someone take control but it was Harry so he felt safe.
Their make-out session got more heated by the second and Louis felt himself getting painfully hard. Apparently Harry felt the same way. He grabbed Louis by his thighs which only caused Louis to wrap his legs tighter around Harry and carried him upstairs into his room. They fell onto the bed, not once breaking the kiss. Their hands were roaming every body part they could reach. Breaking away from the kiss they got rid of their clothes fast. Harry was struggling a bit to take off his jeans. Louis watched him amused but with lust in his eyes. In concentration Harry's tongue was sticking out cutely and Louis felt that was what he wanted tonight.
When Harry turned back around to the bed his eyes grew big. He was met with a breathtaking sight. Louis was lying on his bed with his stomach, giving Harry a perfect view of his ass. Something Harry hasn't seen like that yet.
"Louis, I... Wow" was Harry lost for words. That made Louis actually blush. Thankfully Harry couldn't see that.
"Hazza, I need you" breathed Louis out way too turned on.
Harry stumbled closer to the bed and almost fell on top of Louis because he was way too unfocused right now. "What do you want?" asked Harry, expecting Louis to finally turn around to him now. He wanted to see those piercing blue eyes.
Louis swallowed heavily before taking all of his courage to speak up. "I want your tongue, Haz".
Completely overwhelmed Harry stared at Louis' naked figure and leaned a bit above him. "You sure, Lou?".
Louis turned his head around to face Harry with a confident smile. "Yes, I wanna feel you. I need you".
Softly Harry pecked Louis' lips before he placed one between Louis' shoulder blades and started to leave millions of kisses down Louis' spine until he had reached the bum. Carefully and in awe, Harry placed both of his hands on Louis' bum and grabbed it slightly before massaging it. That feeling alone was enough to make Louis moan. Harry's hands felt like magic.
Hesitantly Harry spread Louis' ass cheeks a bit apart and placed a feathery kiss on the entrance, making Louis shiver all over. Slowly Harry started to kitten lick over Louis' hole, earning a moan in return. To give Harry better access Louis got on his hands and knees. Harry steadied him by the hips and started eating him out.
The moment Louis felt Harry's tongue inside his bum he was gone. It was a strange and new feeling but it felt absolutely amazing. Louis had no idea why he wanted it so out of the sudden. He had never let anyone that close to his bum before. If then he would eat someone out... at least that was what he had thought until today. But right now with Harry pleasuring him with his tongue Louis regretted nothing. He knew it was the right thing. He knew he was safe with Harry to give up his control for once and he enjoyed it so much that he knew they would share a lot of things in the future.
A few times Louis almost fell down because his legs were shaking from all the pleasure but Harry always steadied his waist and kept him from falling due to his knees giving in. Louis was so close to his High without his dick being touched. He couldn't see it but he could hear Harry jerking himself off while eating Louis out. That image in his head was what pushed Louis over the edge and he came with a cry of Harry's name onto the sheets, his knees giving in this time. Harry soon followed and came into his hand, a bit of the cum ending up on Louis' bum. Dazed Harry licked it away before collapsing next to Louis on the bed.
Tiredly Louis kicked the cum stained sheets of the bed and was happy he actually had two. God bless Maria. They crawled underneath the clean sheets and cuddled up to each other with Louis spooning Harry as he loved it. This was perfect.
"Never thought I'd do this to someone, especially a guy. I'm so used to guys using me and dominating me for fun" thought Harry out loud.
"Never again" kissed Louis Harry's curls. "This is different. We are different".
"You're different. Thank you for trusting me" smiled Harry lovingly.
"I'll always trust you. I love you, Haz" nuzzled Louis his nose into Harry's neck.
Harry sighed happily and grabbed both of Louis' hands that were wrapped around his waist. "I love you more".
A few more cute chapters and hot moments before it's over. Are you sad about it or happy you're getting rid of me?
Question of the Chapter: Did you expect Louis to... want that?
Please vote and comment on what you think. Love you all <3 <3 <3
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