Chapter 52
"The school year is almost over which means your last exams are around the corner. After talking with the headmaster we've come to the decision that you won't write a normal exam in this Music class. You're gonna do a replacement work. Your task is to write a song and perform it next Monday after Lunch Break in front of the school. Let's see what you all come up with".
Seven days later, one day before the performance and Louis still wasn't sure if his song Two of us about his Mom was good choice. It was such an emotional and personal song. Performing this in front of so many people might go wrong. Add to this his crazy going thoughts and you see he wasn't really ready for tomorrow. He was way too worried about Harry to even concentrate on rehearsing his song.
Harry who was out of town with his Mom for the whole week, because she decided to leave as soon as she got to know Jake was back. Harry, who he was constantly texting with and who he missed deeply. Harry, who was back today and met up with Jake because he wanted to talk and no one apart from the boys knew about that. Harry, who Louis was really worried about right now.
To Haz <3:
"Can't wait to see you tomorrow and hear your song. I know you're nervous about this but you don't have to be. You got this. Just trust your heart".
"Look who's talking... I'm freaking nervous myself. I don't know if I can handle to even sing that song on my own, which I haven't yet. How am I supposed to sing it tomorrow then?"
"Don't listen to me rambling about my doubts and enjoy your day. Be careful and text me later how it went".
"Of course you don't have to do this. I'm not telling you what to do. No, it's your decision. I'm just worried... a bit".
"I'm only worried because I know you were worried too, not because I don't trust you".
"It's just... You seemed so scared to even think about going and I know why. He left some scars behind and now you're scared. I'm scared too, Harry. I've got scars even though they can't always be seen and pain gets hard but now you're here and I don't feel a thing. You make me feel better and I really hope I can make you feel better too and forget about the pain he caused. Just think about me".
"That last one sounded conceited. It wasn't meant to sound so big-headed. I just... Nevermind. Stay safe, Hazza".
"I'm thinking about you".
"Stop texting him" snatched Zayn the phone out of Louis' hand as he came back into the room.
"No buts. He isn't responding anyway and that's why you should stop. It only drives you crazy and you worry even more. Have faith in him" cut Zayn him off.
"I do have faith in him" pouted Louis.
"Then stop texting him" sat Zayn down on the bed.
"But I don't trust Jake. He mistreated him before. What if this meeting goes wrong and no one is there?" pointed Louis out.
"Are you worried that Jake might hurt him or that Harry still has feelings for him?" got Zayn to the bottom of it.
"Both" mumbled Louis with his head low.
"Louis" sighed Zayn and patted the space on the bed next to him. With a hanging head, Louis walked over to him and sat down. "They're at a public and very crowded place right now. It's unlikely for Jake to hurt him there with an audience".
"And second, Harry loves you. There was a time where I didn't believe it anymore but now I can say for sure that he does. He's happy when he is with you and knows how lucky he is to have you. He would never give that up to go back to Jake" said Zayn to him in a calm voice.
"But what if he thinks that he isn't worth more than Jake? You know his psyche is as fucked up as mine. Different but still fucked up" noted Louis doubtfully.
"I know but you realised that you deserve to be happy, right?" checked Zayn.
"So why do you think Harry doesn't know that by now?" Zayn wanted to know.
"He does" answered Louis.
"And who makes him happy?" hooked Zayn.
"Me, I guess" mumbled Louis.
"See? No need to worry" was Zayn sure of it.
"Maybe but you haven't been there all the time. Yes, he's happy with me probably but he also still blames himself all the time. He said so many times that he doesn't deserve me because he hurt me so badly. His mind isn't over it" told Louis him sadly.
"But you told him it's okay, am I right? You told him you're good?".
"Every time" nodded Louis.
"Then there is no way he doesn't believe it. Louis, Harry trusts your words more than his own heart. He knows. Even if he still has his walls up sometimes he trusts you wholeheartedly and he depends on you. You're his everything and everyone can see it" said Zayn surely.
Louis had no words left to say so he just hugged Zayn thankfully and mumbled a quiet 'thanks' into his chest. Zayn just held him close and tried to wipe all the worries away that were eating Louis alive.
"Come on. Let's rehearse your song. We've only rehearsed 'Pillowtalk' yet and that's not how it works" stood Zayn up and walked over to the Keyboard in Louis' room.
Louis followed suit and traced his fingers over the keys. Zayn sat down in a chair while Louis got ready to sing that song for the first time. A bit shaking, he started to play but Zayn's presence calmed him down. Forming the words and singing them out loud hurt and healed his heart at the same time. Every key felt like a step in the right direction. He was okay.
"Louis, that was beautiful" sniffed Zayn tearfully.
"Thanks" smiled Louis at him with teary eyes.
For a while, they just sat there and talked about everything. When it got late Zayn had to go home. They said their goodbyes and then Louis was alone. He walked back upstairs and thought about the things Zayn had said. Probably he was right and Louis worried too much but he couldn't help it. Deep in thoughts, he turned on his keyboard again and started to play. The words were floating through him as he was thinking about Harry. He recorded every word, every tune and later pressed send without thinking about it. Harry could know that he was defenceless.
To Haz <3:
"Remember I love you".
Backstage Louis was getting sweaty palms at the moment. Zayn was on stage performing his song. Louis was next and he wasn't ready. He felt sick and the nerves were bubbling in his stomach just looking at the stage. Yep, definitely not ready.
"You're gonna be amazing" put Harry his hands on Louis' shoulders to calm him down.
"If you say so" breathed Louis out a bit more calmly now.
"I know so" kissed Harry his neck lightly.
"How did it go?" asked Louis and Harry knew what he was talking about. Harry had called Louis shortly yesterday when he got home but they haven't talked about it. In school, there was no time so Louis still had no idea what had happened between Harry and Jake.
"It was good. Are you ready now?" answered Harry shortly before changing the topic, signalling that he didn't want to talk about it.
"Harry" turned Louis around to him with a sigh.
"Mr Tomlinson, you're next" called a teacher out, making Louis groan.
"We talk after my song, I promise. Now, only think about your Mom. She's with you right now. And I'm here too, watching you. I'm not going anywhere" cupped Harry Louis' face into his hands, chastely kissed him and then Louis had to go on stage.
The lights were blinding him but at least he couldn't see anyone like this. When the music started he closed his eyes and thought about his Mom. Her laugh, her voice, her smile, her eyes, her warm hugs and encouraging words. He knew she was looking down at him now and was proud. This performance was for her and for her only. All of this was all for her.
The clapping brought him back into the here and now. He opened his eyes and offered the crowd a small smile before leaving the stage. While Niall went on stage Louis was looking for Harry but he couldn't find him so he decided to watch Niall sing 'Slow Hands'. After a few seconds of watching Niall, Louis heard footsteps approaching him and felt a presence coming closer. He turned around and froze on the spot. That was not someone he was expecting to see today.
"Hello son" greeted Mark his son hesitantly.
"What are you doing here?" croaked Louis out. He was in shock.
"Simon told me about this performance and that you wrote a very personal song for it. I thought it was best to be here for you today and support you. That song was amazing, Louis. It made me cry" told Mark him awkwardly.
"It was for Mom" stated Louis, tears forming in his eyes again.
"I know. That's why I thought it was best to support you today. I guess this was really hard".
"Nice you think about this now out of the sudden after you left me alone the whole year. I was completely alone on her birthday and her deathday. You even celebrated Easter without me, without even calling me. And now you think you can just show up, support me for three minutes and act like everything is okay between us? As if" exploded Louis emotionally. Everything that was bottled up inside of him for so long was coming out now triggered by his Dad's presence.
"I'm so sorry for acting like this. I'm a horrible father. I shouldn't have abandoned you like this. I hurt you and I will never forgive myself for doing so" apologised Mark ashamed.
"But you did. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm over it. I know you never wanted me. I'm not your son after all" tried Louis to sound indifferent.
"You are my son, Louis. My only son and I love you with all my heart" stated Mark.
"Then why did you leave me alone? Tell me, please" was Louis starting to cry now.
"Because I'm a selfish idiot, that can't handle emotions. Or more, loss" sighed Mark. Louis just looked confusedly at him. "Since Jay passed away I felt so empty and lost. I just wanted to forget it and tried to suppress the memory. But you handled it differently. More mature than I could. You talked about her and tried to keep her memory alive. You tried to talk to me about her but I wasn't ready for it. I never told you this. I just pushed you away and moved to London for my job. I acted like nothing ever happened because I was emotionally damaged. I loved Jay more than my own life but she was gone. I couldn't cope with it. I was selfish for letting you alone with your loss. You remind me so much of her that it hurt to see you but I was in the wrong again. Seeing you with that same sparkling eyes your mother had, makes me happy and I should have realised that earlier".
"You could have told me" whispered Louis tearfully.
"Yes, but I didn't and I'm sorry. I wish I could turn back time to make things right between us" hung Mark his head low.
"You can still do this. It's never too late to change" cleared Louis his throat.
"You'd give me a chance for that?" asked Mark perplexed.
"I learned to forgive and leave the past behind. It won't be easy but I'm willing to try" answered Louis bravely.
"Me too, Louis. Thank you so much" was relief and happiness written on Mark's face. Louis just stood there, not knowing what to do. "Can I hug you?".
"Sure". Hesitantly Mark and Louis hugged for the first time in a while. As soon as Louis felt the arms of this Dad around him he relaxed and felt at ease. It was weird but he was happy to have is Dad back... in a way.
"Louis!" sounded Harry's voice from behind him as he had let go of his father. The moment he had turned around Harry fell into his arms. "You were fantastic. Your Mom would be so proud of you".
"Thanks, Haz" breathed Louis in Harry's scent.
"Sorry, I wasn't there directly at the stage exit. Those two lovestruck idiots.... well, it's their fault" pointed Harry at Liam and Zayn being all loved-up near the stage.
"It's okay, Haz. I was busy anyway" pointed Louis with his head behind him at his Dad.
"Haz, this is my father. Dad, this is Harry" introduced Louis the two to each other.
"I'm Mark, nice to meet you, Harry. Are you a good friend of Louis?" shook Mark Harry's hand.
"Um...". Harry and Louis exchanged a short glance. Louis could immediately see the realisation in Harry's eyes. Louis knew he remembered. He remembered that Louis never had the chance to tell his family about his sexuality. "You could say so".
"Dad" spoke Louis up and turned back around to his father, his heart beating out of his chest. "Harry is my boyfriend".
"Lou, you didn't have...".
"I'm not denying you or hiding myself, Haz. I'm proud of who I am" cut Louis him off, offering him a smile.
"So, you're my son's boyfriend?" hooked Mark. Harry just nodded intimidated. "Then I'm even happier to meet you and get to know the person that makes my son happy".
"Mr Styles, your turn" called the teacher out.
"Oh God".
"Look at me, Hazza" cupped Louis Harry's face into his tiny hands. "You're gonna be amazing. You have an amazing voice and everyone needs to hear the new Harry. I'm standing right here by your side".
"I'm just thinking about you" breathed Harry out.
"If it helps to calm you down" smiled Louis at him.
"It does" confirmed Harry fondly.
"Blow them away" poked Louis Harry's nose.
"I love you" kissed Harry his cheek.
"I love you more" blushed Louis crimson.
With a skip in his step, Harry walked on stage. Louis just dopey watched him go and didn't notice his father standing next to him with a smile. "You look happy".
"I am happy" said Louis.
"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Mark.
"This isn't really something I wanted to discuss over the phone. Wasn't quite sure if me being gay would be a problem" shrugged Louis.
"You're no different than before. You are still my Louis. It doesn't matter who you love as long as they make you happy. We love genderless. The heart decides if two people belong together and I can see that you do" said Mark in a serious but loving voice.
"Thank you, Dad" wiped Louis a single tear away.
"I'd love to get to know him better. What do you say about dinner with him when I'm back next time?" suggested Mark.
"I'd love to. You could meet his Mom. She's begging us for forever to have dinner again" smiled Louis at his father.
"Great, but now pay attention to your boyfriend. He's looking at you like he's waiting for you" told Mark him.
Immediately Louis faced the stage again. And really, Harry was looking over to him and as soon as they locked eyes he started his song. The words brought tears to Louis' eyes. It was like an answer to the song he had sent him yesterday and definitely wasn't the song he originally had planned for this task. Louis couldn't stop his tears from falling. Towards the end, Harry looked over to him again and smiled that typical fond Louis smile at him. It melted Louis' heart. His whole world was standing on this stage in that very moment.
As soon as Harry was off that damn stage Louis was in his arms, legs wrapped around Harry's waist. He didn't care about anyone else around them. Their friends, his father, the teachers. Only Harry was important right now.
"Harry, I...".
"You don't have to say anything. It's my turn now" cut Harry him off. He put Louis back down on the floor and wrapped his arms around him.
"I wrote this song for you. I wrote it yesterday night as an answer to your song. Your words had touched me deeply and I felt the need to tell you how I'm feeling deep inside. I decided to let my walls down completely. I trust you with my life" revealed Harry to him.
"I thought you didn't listen to it" sniffled Louis.
"Of course I did. It made me cry. I read every message you sent me while I was with Jake. They made me smile so big and kept me calm and relaxed and helped me to stop worrying because I knew you were there with me. Jake only talked about himself and old times and was as mean as before and I felt myself reacting to it. You stopped me from doing something stupid because you cared. You cared like no one ever did for me. You are the cutest, most adorable and kind-hearted person on this planet and this song was my gift for you, handing you my whole heart" opened Harry up to him.
"You already had my whole heart. You're my world, Hazza" caressed Louis Harry's cheek.
"And you're mine" leaned Harry in and sealed their lips in a love-filled kiss. Everyone around them was just absolutely speechless.
When they broke away they put their foreheads together and just smiled happily. "Oh, and Louis?" spoke Harry up, thinking back about that last text message. Louis just hummed in response. "I could never forget it. I love you too".
That got longer and longer and damn.... it was emotional... Hope it was okay.
Question of the Chapter: Is Mark's apology worth Louis' forgiveness?
Please vote and comment on what you think. I love you all <3<3<3
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