Chapter 51
Monday afternoon the boys found themselves in a hotel lobby of a Spanish Hotel, obviously in Spain. Their Spanish teacher was getting their room keys for them so they could finally settle in and enjoy those few days here. Two days only to be exact. But better than nothing.
"Here are your keys. Always two of you together. I didn't split you up because you're old enough to do it yourself but keep in mind: No girls and boys together" announced the teacher.
"That's pretty unfair, you know? At least half the class is gay anyway. What about them?" asked one student jokingly.
"They can't get pregnant" snickered Reggie.
"Good point. Do whatever you want but no funny business" gave the teacher them their keys.
"Didn't expect that" said Zayn surprised.
"Me neither but they had a point. Here" handed Niall them a key.
"See you later, guys," said Zayn and Liam goodbye to them and went for their room.
"I gonna go find El" was Niall gone within a second.
"You and me?" asked Harry unsurely.
"Always" smiled Louis at him.
Together they walked upstairs and found their room after a while. It was simple. Pretty small with two single beds, a wardrobe and a small bathroom. Wasn't anything special but it would work for a few days.
After settling in, the class met up for dinner in the hotel itself. Something typical Spanish to get into the mood of the trip. What made them groan was their teachers telling them they should write something while they were here. It didn't matter what but it was supposed to be completely in Spanish. What the fuck?
They went to bed early because they had to stand up even earlier. The day was spent with sight-seeing. Madrid was beautiful and some amazing places to visit. Their teachers luckily gave them enough time to enjoy the places and not rush through everything. Plazza Major, Palacio de Real, Retiro-Park or the Museo del Padro. Madrid was a special place.
But in the end, they were out for so long that they all felt like they were dead at the end of the day. That's why they all went to bed without a protest, which made them question if their teachers did that on purpose so they wouldn't trash the rooms or get someone pregnant.
The next day the class visited 'Gran Via', one of the biggest Hotspots in Madrid. They took a lot of time to look at everything and afterwards they were free to go wherever they wanted as long as they stayed at least in pairs of three and would be back at the Hotel later.
The five boys and Eleanor walked through the city together, chatting about random nonsense most of the time. They passed a small river and decided to sit down for a while. At one point most of them wanted some ice-cream which lead to Louis and Niall waiting at this place for their friends to come back with their ice-cream.
Just sitting there Niall grabbed his guitar, that he had with him the whole time just in case he had an idea, and started to play a joyful tune. After a few seconds, he started to sing in Spanish, Louis grooving with him. Niall shot him a funny look and Louis started to sing next. The words they sang were about their long-lasting friendship and how special it was. Smilingly they sang together as random people passed them, not even caring about them. The sun was shining into their faces as the song was fading out. Louis let out a cute chuckle and they hugged each other closely.
"Naww Nouis" cooed Zayn from behind them.
"You just ruined the moment" huffed Louis fakely offended.
"He's just jealous because we're cuter" laughed Niall.
"No one is cuter than Zouis" snorted Zayn.
"Yes, Larry is" pointed Harry out.
"Damn it, that was an unbeatable point" grinned Niall.
"If you're still in the mood for music we could go over to that Music Bar we just passed on the way" suggested Zayn.
"Sounds like fun. Let's go" stood Niall up.
The Music Bar was really not that far away. It was a cute and comfy looking bar or cafe with a stage. They ordered something non-alcoholic to drink and sat down at a table, facing the stage where a band was rehearsing a song. Or part of a band. It was just two dudes. One at the drums and one at the bass but it still sounded good.
Suddenly Zayn stood up and walked over to those guys. The rest of them had no idea what he was up to. Mysteriously Zayn whispered to them. With a glance over his shoulder, he waved Niall over to him. Confused Niall complied. What were they up to?
"Hi sorry. My name is Zayn and I'm filling in the place of their lead-singer for right now. Just ignore my presence but this song is about my best friend and how brave he always is" spoke Zayn into the microphone.
The two dudes and Niall started playing a tune and soon Zayn was singing flawlessly in Spanish. The words made Louis smile shyly to himself. Zayn was such a weird guy sometimes but he was always there for Louis. This song was just too cute. So cute that Louis thought he maybe had seen Harry sulk a bit.
After the refrain Zayn made a hand-gesture at Louis, signalling him to come on the stage. A bit hesitant Louis walked on stage and took the microphone Zayn was handing him. Together they continued to sing the song. The people were actually loving it and Louis was just absolutely happy.
When the clapping and cheering died down and Zayn started to walk off the stage Louis had an 'in the heat of the moment' idea. He whispered into Niall's ear, who just nodded at him. Then Louis talked to the two dudes to ask for permission which he gladly got. Without saying anything Louis nodded at Niall which was the sign for him to start playing the guitar.
Immediately the attention was on him but Louis only cared about Harry right now. He knew Harry had seen the lyrics he was starting to sing and hopefully he knew they were about him. When they locked eyes as Louis timidly sang to Harry, he could see in his eyes that Harry knew it was for him. Everyone else had caught up on that fact too but Louis only saw Harry.
Harry, who stood up shyly and walked up to him on stage, grabbed a second mic and started to sing with Louis. In Spanish. They were standing face to face, blocking out the world around them completely. With every word they sang, the love in their eyes grew. Yes, Harry was living in Louis and Louis was living in Harry. In each other's hearts.
"Guess you're the only one that hasn't sung today" smirked Niall at Liam.
"Yeah Lima Bean, we're waiting" grinned Louis.
"Maybe I could sing something" mumbled Liam unsure.
"But in Spanish" noted Harry.
"I actually wrote something for that stupid task. I could try this" thought Liam out loud.
"Sounds like a plan. You're in, mates?" turned Niall around to those two boys, Nico and Pedro.
"Whenever you're ready".
Shakily Liam stood up, grabbed the mic and got ready on stage. As soon as the music started he quietly started to sing. His nerves were written on his face and no one knew why he was so nervous until they listened to the lyrics. This song was obviously about Zayn. That was so cute and adorable. He even called him a prince. Zayn was blushing deeply while the other four just jokingly laughed at him but were honestly simply enjoying it.
"Wow, like this we all finished that task without even trying" realised Niall.
"Well, apart from me" pointed Eleanor out.
"I help you with that" offered Niall her.
"We should head back to the hotel. It's our last night" said Liam.
"And the first night I don't feel totally knackered" laughed Zayn.
Chatting happily they went back to the hotel where they were met with their class. For the last time, they all ate dinner together before separating for the rest of the night. Harry and Louis had no idea where their friends were but right now they didn't care. They were cuddling on Louis' bed, simply enjoying the peaceful time together.
"Did I mention that I love you?" broke Harry the silence between them.
Louis let go of Harry and hovered over him a bit just to lean closer to his face. "I love you too".
Their lips touched and they started to kiss each other. The position they were in kinda gave the kiss they were sharing a different feel to it. It got more heated in no time and they were heavily making out on the bed. When their dicks rubbed against each other through their pants Harry broke away from the kiss, looking up at Louis with an unreadable look on his face.
"What's wrong, Baby? Are you okay? You look pale" worried Louis immediately.
"Nothing, it's just..." trailed Harry off kinda ashamed.
Louis studied his facial expressions and knew what was up. He pressed a short kiss to Harry's lips, taking him by surprise, and then climbed down from Harry to sit down next to him. "I understand, Haz".
"What? How can you...? Not even I knew for sure what I wanted to say" was Harry at a loss for words.
"I know but your thoughts are written clearly on your face, love. It's okay. I'm thinking the same, to be honest, but I wasn't sure if you did. Now I know" admitted Louis to him.
"Oh Louis, of course, I did. I want to make this right. I want us to work out but I know I have some mental encumbrances I have to work through at the same time" sat Harry up straight and faced Louis.
"I have those too, Haz, and you know that" stated Louis.
"I know. We both have and that's why I want us to do everything step by step. Slow and different. Special. Like you. Like our Dates. Our kisses. It's all wonderful and I don't wanna ruin it by being the same idiot as before. I want us to wait" opened Harry up to him.
"You have no idea how much those words just meant to me, Harry. This is all I ever wanted for us. I wanted us to be special" beamed Louis at him tearfully.
"This is special. I promise you. I know I hurt you and I know you're vulnerable and it's my fault but I wanna make up for everything" caressed Harry Louis' cheek and before Louis could talk he moved on. "But I'm scared too. I don't wanna lose you by rushing into this. You're not the only one who feels vulnerable".
"Did you just quote Magnus from before they had their first time?" couldn't Louis stop himself.
"Impossible. You're such a Shadowhunters Freak" laughed Harry amused.
"I'd call myself a Shadowhunter Nerd" corrected Louis, causing Harry to press a kiss to his lips.
"My Nerd".
That night they fell asleep cuddled up together. Louis with his head on Harry's chest and Harry's arms wrapped around Louis' back. Their friends noticed the way they were acting around each other had changed immediately. The whole flight back home they kept making comments at them but the two of them just ignored them and kept cuddling on the plane. They were thinking about the same thing. Everything was perfect now.
But as it always happens nothing stays perfect for a long time. As soon as they landed back in England and arrived in Doncaster Liam's phone beeped. Unaware he took it out and read the message, paling right on the spot.
"Babe, what's wrong?" asked Zayn worriedly.
"I don't know if I should tell you, guys" was Liam obviously torn.
"It's okay. We got this" assured Louis him but oh boy, was he wrong.
Liam looked at them and then glanced sadly and worriedly at Harry before he breathed out a defeated sigh. "Jake is back in town".
This made no sense at all and was kind of a filler to waste some time and get somewhere. But also to make their Spanish course on the timetable and Louis' Spanish dream make sense and I wanted that little convo Larry had.
Question of the Chapter: What happens next?
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